Munke's nose was indeed very powerful. Qingnv couldn't detect any vital signs with the Qingnv ring, but he had an unimpeded journey and took Harley and Qingnv directly to Natoma.

The result was somewhat beyond Harry's expectation. There was no ambush, no trap, or even an obvious enemy.

Natoma was like a helpless child, sitting in a grove and crying.

After seeing Natoma, Harley immediately remembered Qingnv's words before: When you see Natoma, you will understand why I can't trust him.

"Little blue man?!" Harley shouted in surprise.

Natoma is about the same height as the little blue man, less than one meter, with a rather large head and a slight deformity compared to his small body.

But his skin is not blue, but slate-grey.

Compared with the apparently immortal appearance of the little blue man, he looked extremely old, lifeless, and spiritless, as if he was about to fall to the ground and die in the next moment.

The bags under his eyes hung almost to his cheeks.

The cheek muscles are loose and the skin is drooping in layers, almost hanging down to the chin.

The chin also has droopy skin folds.

Like a female star who failed to undergo plastic surgery, her face completely collapsed.

In addition to his skin and age, his face shape is also different from that of Little Blue Man. Little Blue Man has thin lips and a chin so small that it is almost non-existent. Natomo has a big nose, fat and wide lips, and a very fleshy chin.

It's like the difference in facial shapes between Asians and black people.

When Natoma saw them coming, he ignored them and just kept wiping his tears on the few stone mounds in front of him.

Until Qingnv landed in front of him, the blue light from Qingnv's body shone on him.

He slowly raised his head and said in surprise: "You can still use the Green Lantern Ring? How did you do it? I have obviously completely destroyed the central energy battery and also issued a self-destruct command to the Lantern Ring."

This guy didn't bring it upon himself.

Or maybe he had no intention of hiding it at all.

"Sure enough, it was you who did it. Why?" Qingnu glared at her.

"Abinsu is dead," Natoma cried sadly.

Harry was confused, "He died many years ago, and you only found out today?"

"You are..." Natoma opened his wrinkled old eyes and looked at Harley, "Are you a yellow lantern? What are you doing here on Nox?"

Harley can stand in the air without the need for yellow light energy.

By moving short distances, you can also continuously trigger quantum displacement to run in the air.

But if you are traveling long distances, or need to open a micro wormhole and jump in time and space, the yellow light is the best.

Harley uses the yellow light just as smoothly and efficiently as the green girl uses the green light and Howl uses the green light.

So at this moment, although Harley is not wearing the yellow light uniform, she is indeed flying using the power of the yellow light.

"I am actually a green lantern, the guardian of the green lantern tribe. The yellow lantern is just my hobby. Well, it is normal for a guardian to have a personal hobby, right?"

Harley withdrew the yellow light and stood in the air a hand high above the ground and said.

"Are you really the guardian of the green lantern?" Natoma looked puzzled and suspicious.

Harley frowned and looked at Qingnv, "The relationship between you and him is indeed very problematic."

The dignified guardian of the Green Lantern, the caretaker of the central battery, did not know that Abinsu had passed away ten years ago, nor did he know that the Green Lantern tribe had a new guardian.

"I told you earlier, we have no communication with him." Qingnv said.

"This is the first time I've seen him." Muenke said with a complicated expression.

Harry turned to Natoma and asked, "Did you destroy the central battery and the light ring because you just learned that Abinsu died?"

The eyes of the little green-skinned old man began to fill with tears again, and he nodded slightly and said: "With Abin Su dead, the Qingdeng tribe will lose the need to exist. The world will soon be destroyed, and everything will be meaningless."

Although she wanted to curse "crazy" in her heart, Harley still asked patiently: "Why do you say that?"

"The Green Lantern Tribe was established by Abinsu and I to deal with the Great Demon and the Legion of Doom. Now that the greatest Green Lantern in history is dead, the world has completely lost hope." Natoma said desperately.

Harley watched every detail of his expression carefully, and released her mental power to sense his mental fluctuations.

She was 100% sure that this guy was not acting, he was really desperate and emotional.

"Since you don't even know about Abinsu's death, you definitely don't know that the 'greatest Green Lantern in history' is still alive and well, and that the 'three heroes of the same generation' are better than before," Harley said.

"Abinsu is still alive? No, you said Abinsu is dead." Natoma said blankly.

“Abinsu is dead and the greatest Green Lantern in history is alive, which is not inconsistent.

Because someone surpassed Abinsu and became the greatest Green Lantern of the new generation, and there was more than one.

In just ten years, three of the greatest lanterns appeared, and they were all greater than Abinsu. "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Abinsu is an unparalleled hero who only appeared in millions of years. No one can surpass him." Natoma shook his head repeatedly, very excited.

"There seems to be something wrong with his brain and he can't communicate normally." Muenke whispered.

"I just talked to him so much, do you think I'm abnormal?" Harley glanced at him and continued to talk to Natomo: "You didn't find out that Abinsu was dead in the past ten years, how come you suddenly found out today? ?”

"When I was meditating, my consciousness entered a state of emptiness, and I accidentally connected to the Book of Mercy, from which I saw the death of Abinsu." Nadoma said.

Harley felt that this guy might have very different views and ways of thinking, but he was actually very easy to communicate with. He said what he asked without hiding anything.

Well, maybe it's because he feels that the unparalleled hero Abinsu is dead and the unparalleled demon is about to come. Everything in the world is meaningless, including the secrets in his heart, so he has no scruples in his words?

"Where is the Book of Mercy?" Harley turned to Qingnv and asked.

"It's also in his hands. When I need it, I can check the contents of the Book of Mercy through the lamp ring, just like you." Qingnv said.

Although he was a little wary of Harley, he did not compromise on giving her guardian powers.

It's just that Harley's emotional connection with mercy is too shallow, and she can see less content in "The Book of Mercy".

The historical content in the "Book of Emotions" can be recorded manually. This information can be viewed at will. There are only permission thresholds and no ability requirements.

But the main purpose of creating the "Book of Emotions" is to connect with the origin of the universe and gain enlightenment on the fate of the Legion from the depths of the origin.

To put it bluntly, it is a prophecy related to the Legion of Color and Light.

To understand the prophecy, it will test the talent of the person concerned.

"Can you still check the Book of Mercy? You can search for 'The Greatest Green Lantern in History'." Harley said.

"It's gone, it's all gone. The Book of Mercy has been stored inside the central lamp furnace, so you can contact it through the lamp ring. Now it, the lamp furnace and the lamp ring are all destroyed." Natoma said.

Now Harley also thinks he is crazy.

Although he clearly has the "Book of Mercy", this guy never checks the information about the Colorful Light Legion and Abinsu.

But if you want to say that he doesn't care about Abinsu and the Legion of Color, just look at the way his nose and tears are flowing together, you can tell how emotional he is at this time.

Harley sighed: "The unparalleled evil in your mouth should be the Black Death, and the Legion of Doom is the Black Lantern Corps, right?

You stayed on Nox for too long, and you kept your ears closed to what was going on outside the window. You didn't even know that the Blackest Night was already over.

Abinsu's goal of establishing the Qingdeng tribe has been achieved.

Now that the world is at peace, there is no need to fear the Great Demon and the Legion of Doom! "

"No, the Great Demon is not the Black Death Emperor. I know that the Blackest Night is over. The purpose of establishing the Qingdeng Tribe is not only to deal with the Blackest Night."

Natoma shook his head repeatedly, tears welling up in his eyes, "In fact, just because I knew the Darkest Night was over, I became even more desperate because there was no time."

"Hey, wasn't the Green Lantern Tribe secretly established by Abinsu to deal with the Black Night?" Harley looked at Qingnv in surprise.

Qingnv immediately said: "I didn't lie to you, that's what Abinsu told us at the beginning."

Then, she pointed at Natomo, "Abinsu must have concealed something and just handed all the secrets to him. Or maybe he has a bad mind and has random thoughts and whims. All the unparalleled demons are nonsense."

Natomo said: "Abinsu did not tell you the truth, because you are not the ones performing the mission at all.

From beginning to end, the Qingdeng Tribe was just an experiment, an experiment used by Abinsu to test his compassion.

If even you cosmic villains can be influenced, then he can use his compassion to deal with the big devil. "

"We are just the product of experiments?" Qingnv was shocked at first, and then found it difficult to accept, shaking her head repeatedly, "No, I don't believe it. Abinsu said that we shoulder the mission of saving the world."

Muenko clenched his fists with an angry look on his face.

Harry sighed inwardly, the root of the communication barrier between Natoma and the Qingdeng tribe was here.

They are all wary of each other.

This is almost the worst way for Lanterns and Guardians to get along, with no basis for trust at all.

"You gain the ability and freedom to pity the world. You are no longer a slave of the Green Lantern. You don't have to live for Abinsu, and you don't have to be disappointed or excited by his plans.

His plan is just an experience in your long life, nothing more. " Harley said.

Qingnv took a few deep breaths and gradually calmed down, "Thank you, Guardian!"

Harley turned to Natomo again, "Since the Great Demon is not the Black Death Emperor, then who is it?"

"Guardian of the Universe."

Harley was surprised: "Even though I hate the little blue men, I have never given them such a radical title. Why call them big devils?"

"They want to lead the Legion of Doom to destroy the universe and annihilate all sentient life." Natoma grabbed his cheeks with both hands, his body trembling, and his muddy old eyes were filled with fear.

Harley walked up to him, activated the source of fear in her body, forced down his fear, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I'll help you sort out your thoughts.

You and Abin Su formed the Qingdeng Tribe in order to prevent the unparalleled demon from destroying the world one day in the future, that is, ten years from now, right? "

Natoma nodded.

"The reason why you agreed to Abinsu's plan was because you believed in his strength. He was the 'greatest Green Lantern' at the time and had the power to challenge the Guardians."

Natoma nodded again.

"Now you feel desperate because Abinsu is dead and there are no heroes in the world anymore. The remaining wine bags and rice bags can only wait to die. Why not disband the Qingdeng tribe and surrender early?"

Natoma nodded again.

Qingnv and Muenke looked at him with anger and contempt.

Even if this guy is not a madman, he must be the most cowardly guardian in history and a disgrace to Qingdeng!

“If I tell you, Abinsu was the ‘greatest Green Lantern in history’ ten years ago, and it didn’t take long for his brother-in-law Sinestro to surpass him and become the second greatest Green Lantern in history in this generation.

Soon Hal Jordan came out of the blue and surpassed Sinestro again.

Soon after, Kyle Rayner was a gifted talent and a destiny, almost on par with Hal Jordan.

The three heroes are of the same generation, and each generation is stronger than the last.

Not to mention replacing Abinsu's position as the 'unparalleled hero', they can even surpass him, do you believe it? "

Natoma immediately said: "I don't believe that no one can surpass Abin Su!

I personally read the message in the Book of Mercy that he is the greatest Green Lantern of all time.

Only Abinsu has the courage to challenge the entire Guardian Group on his own. "

Harley was stunned for a moment. This guy didn't seem to be a completely brainless fan, Abin Su.

Before Abin Sue, there may have been Green Lanterns who questioned the Guardians in their hearts, but in the past 3 billion years, no one had ever planned the Guardians.

Just look at the virtues of the current green lanterns and you will know that Chun Chun is the guardian's licking dog. No matter how hard Hal Jordan tried, he couldn't win their hearts.

Even if the guardian has done a lot of bad things, they are still loyal and will lick the guardian's little blue feet to the death!

Even heroes like Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner were often tossed around by the Guardians and never thought of going it alone.

Sinestro did establish the Yellow Lantern Corps, but that was purely accidental.

He didn't want to leave the green light either.

He committed a crime and was deprived of his lamp ring, and then exiled to the planet Kovad in the antimatter universe, where he eventually accidentally became a yellow lamp.

And Abinsu not only dared to think, he also dared to do it.

Not only did it happen, but it also successfully established a new one.

You must know that Hal and Kyle have never lacked friends and helpers, but Abinsu is always alone, walking alone and plotting secretly, even though there are thousands of people there!

It is said that heroes emerge in troubled times, and in times of peace, heroes also become wise ministers.

As a result, Abinsu rebelled in the peaceful and prosperous times ten years ago. Hal and Kyle are still conscientious and good ministers in today's troubled times.

Not to mention Abinsu's strength, his courage to break 3 billion years of stereotypes alone fully deserves the title of "the greatest Green Lantern in history".

"Even if you live in seclusion on a wild planet at the edge of the universe, you must have experienced zero-time crises and multi-restart crises, right?" Harley asked.

There have been constant crises, big and small, in the past few years, but to shake up the universe and make even the hermits in remote rural areas unable to avoid it, it must be a zero-time and multi-dimensional restart.

Of course, if you were a mortal, you might not feel anything at all.

But Natoma is not a mortal, he is the guardian of the green lantern, and he is also suspected of being a Martus.

Sure enough, Natoma nodded again when he heard this.

"Zero Hour is the result of Hal Jordan's obsession. In the multi-dimensional reboot, Kyle Rayner combines seven emotional elements into one, fuses his own white light, and finally turns the tide. In one thought, he created A whole new multiverse.

One of them created a new mother river of time, and the other created a multiverse. Are they awesome?

Can he replace Abinsu and shoulder the mission of the ‘demon-killing hero’? asked Harley.

The eyes of Qingnv and Muenke were strange. When the new guardian lied, he didn't even blink or pause in his tone.

Natomo was stunned for a while and said: "I know about Zero Hour, and I also know about the multi-restart. If it was really Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner who created it, their talents will definitely surpass Abinsu.

However, they still cannot replace Abinsu. "

"Why?" Harry asked.

Natoma said: “I said before that the Qingdeng Tribe was just an experiment by Abinsu.

He wants to test the effect of compassion through the members of Qingdeng.

The reason the Guardians of the Universe want to destroy all sentient beings in the Universe is because they have no mercy.

If we can use the compassion of blue light to influence them and awaken their compassion, the crisis will naturally be resolved.

Your Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner may be powerful Green Lanterns, but they can't master mercy like Abinsu. "

"Oh, Abinsu can use the green lantern ring perfectly?" Harley thought thoughtfully.

The reason why Abinsu's greatest Green Lantern died was aggrieved - he was accidentally attacked by Atrocitus without a Lantern Ring, and Atrocitus was still unable to move at the time and was Abinsu's prisoner - because Because his will was wavering, he was almost abandoned by the Green Lantern Ring.

Now she understands that Abinsu gave up his will and chose mercy. Maybe he didn't completely give up his will, but he at least felt hesitant. Hesitation and fear are the biggest enemies of his will.

"Qingnv has also awakened her heart of compassion." Harley pointed at Qingnv and said: "Look at her light ring, even if the central battery is destroyed, it can still connect to the compassion emotional energy pool behind the origin wall."

"Where did you get your lamp ring?" Natoma asked, looking at Qingnv.

Qingnv stretched out her right hand and showed the light ring openly, with a proud and grateful expression, "This is the 'Ring of Freedom and Mercy' made for me by the new guardian.

Driven entirely by compassion, free and free from any constraints or restrictions. "

Muenko's face was filled with envy and his eyes were longing.

"You also have Maltus blood? Only Maltus blood can touch the emotional rules in the origin of the universe." Natoma looked at Harry curiously and said doubtfully: "You are fair and pure, and your spiritual power is single and inferior. It doesn’t quite look like it.”

"Are you from Maltus? Why do you live on Nox and not with the little blue man?" Harley asked.

Natoma nodded, then shook his head, "I am a lowly mixed race, not worthy of becoming a noble citizen of Maltus, and I have been exiled here since I was a boy."

He turned his eyes to a few small moss-covered stones in the clearing and said in a vicissitudes of tone: "Countless billions of years have passed, and the civilization on Planet Nok was born and destroyed, and my lover and descendants also died one after another. Alas. , I’m finally going to accompany them.”

"Don't despair yet. I just said that young girls also have a compassionate heart." Harley said.

"She can't." Natoma shook his head and said: "The guardian's spiritual power is extremely powerful, and she cannot break through their defenses and inject compassion into the depths of their hearts.

Only the greatest Green Lantern can, they all have a naturally strong will. "

"Why inject emotions into the guardians' hearts? Why not kill them directly? I mean, if the doomsday prophecy is true." Muenko couldn't help but said.

Natomo glared and scolded: "Do you dare to doubt the guardian's prophecy? The unparalleled demon and the legion of doom are the future that Abinsu and I have seen together, and it will definitely not be wrong."

"Can you describe in detail the crisis of world destruction and what the guardians did?" Qingnv asked.

"No, I didn't see clearly." Natoma said confidently.

Qingnv wanted to break his head with the green lantern cane in her hand.

"Why not summon the seven legions and kill the guardians directly?" Muenko asked again.

"Idiot, the Guardians are invincible. Even the greatest Green Lantern in history, Abinsu, can't match them. Who can kill them?" Natoma said with disdain.

Muenko wanted to argue, but Harley waved his hand to suppress him.

——He obviously has a problem in his mind. Why are you arguing with him?

She also quietly turned on the force field, wrapped her mental power, and transmitted messages to Muenke's mind.

Harry followed the tunnel in Natomo's mind, "If Hal and Kyle join the Green Lantern Tribe, follow Abinsu's old path, and practice the way of compassion, will they be able to turn the tide?"

Natoma looked hesitant, "Aren't they Green Lanterns?"

"Alas, Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern, has been expelled from the Green Lantern Corps for disobeying the Guardians. He is currently sending his resume around, hoping to find another job in another Color Corps.

And for such a big thing as saving the universe, even Kyle Rayner is absolutely willing to give up his Green Lantern status and become a glorious 'Abinsu Second'.

After all, if he didn't do this, he would die in the Great Demon's purge. "

"It makes sense." Natoma hesitated even more.

"Since you agree with what I said, what are you waiting for? Let's quickly rebuild the central energy battery and welcome the second generation Abinsu!" Harley said excitedly.

"Okay, I'm going to rebuild the central battery - oops~~~"

As soon as Natoma stood up tremblingly, his legs suddenly went weak and he fell to the ground covered with rotten leaves.

Not only that, his body also became visibly transparent.

Harley asked anxiously: "What's wrong with you?"

It took a lot of effort to trick him into being lame, but we can't have an accident at this time!

"Save me, Guardian, please save me quickly." Natoma grabbed her sleeve, with a face full of fear and panic, "I, when I destroyed the central energy lamp furnace just now, I also ignited my own heart. My soul. The light is about to burn out.

But I don’t want to die now. You are right, we still have hope!

We are going to welcome the second generation of Abinsu. The will of Abinsu and me is waiting for Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner to inherit it. Save me~~~"

Harley's expression twisted and changed.

"Fuck, you're wasting my saliva!" She raised her right palm and slapped it away.

"Paji~~~" Natoma, whose body had begun to partially disappear, was beaten into a pulp by her palm.

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