I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1493 The Great Merciful and Compassionate Green Girl Bodhisattva

Harry couldn't say he was angry at Qingnv for being wary of him.

It was she who offered to be the guardian of the green lantern that day, not Qingnu who asked her to go.

The reputation of Witch Harley is known to the people of the multiverse.

If Qingnv really bows to her and regards her as an absolutely trustworthy guardian based on Harley's words, then there must be something wrong with Qingnv's mind.

Well, Harley did feel that she was not smart at the time, and her will and thinking were distorted by pity, so she was easily deceived by herself.

Vaguely, she still looked down on Qingnv, even though she guessed that Qingnv might be wary of her.

Well, it's not like Harley didn't know Qingnv's caution.

For example, Qingnv only told her the location of Nokia, but never actively invited her to the Qingdeng headquarters to guide the tribe's ideological construction and daily work.

For example, Qingnv never revealed the information about her conversion to Christianity.

After deliberately selecting the host who converted to Octopus, he went to see her.

Obviously he was wary of her taking action against the green lantern beast.

Today, Harley learned that even the central energy battery has a secret.

Instead, she admired Qingnv.

At that time, Qingnv had not yet mastered the emotion of compassion, but was controlled by it, but she still showed the wisdom and vigilance that a tribal leader should have.

In particular, Qingnv used her old guardian Natoma, whom she did not trust, to be wary of Harley, and then used Harley, the new guardian, to check and balance Natoma.

Qingnv was at least half successful.

Now that something happened to Natuomo, isn't it the novice guardian Harley who will save the Green Lantern tribe?

Harley now had to admit that she had put the young girl on the same level as Atrocitus and Sinestro.

Before today, the status of the Seven Lantern Masters in Harley's heart was very different.

Atrocitus and Sinestro were tied for the first level. Their minds, courage, and leadership qualities were very comparable.

With the strength of "Incarnation of Will", Hal was one step ahead of them and ranked first.

Saint Walker, Lord of the Blue Lantern, is ranked fourth.

Although Harley felt that his behavior of taking his family to the top of the mountain to search for the "Messiah" was crazy, she had to admire his belief in making stars return to their youth based on hope alone.

Carol, the Lord of the Purple Lantern, ranked fifth.

She was able to transform from an urban resentful woman into the "Sailor Moon" of the universe in her thirties without any embarrassment, which is very inspiring.

And her deep love for the scumbag Hal Jordan for decades also moved Harley to the point where she wanted to send her to Arkham Asylum.

Lafleeze, the Lord of Orange Lanterns, ranked sixth, and Harriet looked down on him.

The seventh in the Green Women's Volleyball Team, a mere Green Lantern puppet, a slave of the Lantern Ring, and even more unworthy of Harley's respect than La Freeze.

Now the young girl has suddenly risen to the first level, perhaps a little behind Sinestro and Atrocitas.

Qingnu is not a slave to the lamp ring, she was simply tricked by Abin Su.

If she had taken off the light ring earlier, she might have gained control of her compassion.

It's a pity that Abinsu is a scammer. When designing the lantern ring, he only prepared a "tightening curse" and only thought of using Qingdeng as a slave and locking him tightly.

There is no upgrade to the curse-removing settings.

There is no program to help them understand compassion.

Only one person pollutes the Lantern's mind with feelings of pity.

If Qingnu hadn't been destined by fate, her life would have been ruined.

But except for Qingnu, no one among the thousands of people in the Qingdeng tribe understood the emotion of compassion.

After chatting with Qingnu for a while, Harley led her to gather together all the more than 700 "Green Lantern Slaves" left on the planet.

This is Qingnv's request.

"No matter what they think now, it doesn't change the fact that they are members of the tribe, and we can't abandon our teammates."

"It won't be too late to summon them after the central energy battery is repaired and the green lantern ring is recast." Harley was not willing to look for those monsters.

"You don't know about Planet Nox. This is not a harmless paradise. Many poisonous insects and beasts can kill them. After losing the lamp ring, most of them are ordinary people." Qingnv said.

Harley spent half a day catching the Green Lantern slaves and stuffing them into cells at the Green Lantern headquarters.

Although the Qingdeng tribe "hikes" every day, they have also established a general base.

The headquarters is located in a natural cave and is difficult to detect from the outside.

After Harley finished all this, Qingnu led Muenko and her to the "Forbidden Forest of Green Lanterns".

Moonco is a burly white man with the same coconut shoe chin as Thanos.

Compared with other green lanterns, he is more rational.

Even if he still doesn't want to become a Green Lantern slave, he is still willing to contribute to repairing the central energy battery: serving as a guide for Harley and Green Girl.

Well, he is a person with superpowers, and his superpower is "dog nose".

You can smell the scent of living people hundreds of miles away in a complex jungle environment.

This power is useless in outer space, but if it is inside the planet, it is an absolute killer.

Harry didn't want to torment Yebi, who was comprehending the "Way of the Holy Son", so she had no choice but to torment him.

"Qing Deng, our central energy battery has indeed been destroyed!" Qing Nu said in shock.

With Qingnv leading the way, Harley used the energy of the yellow light to teleport the two of them through space.

Less than three minutes after leaving Qingdeng headquarters, they arrived at the "Whipwood Forest" 5,000 kilometers away.

On weekdays, this forest is a forbidden area for the Qingdeng tribe.

Not to mention entering this forbidden forest, even searching the map using the green lantern ring could not find any information about this rain forest.

Green Lantern cannot use the Lantern Ring to search for information related to the Central Power Cell.

Although it is a forbidden forest, there are no seals or other obstacles here. They can pass through without any hindrance, not even a wooden fence or a living person.

Finally, in the heart of a primitive mountain, the three of them saw the fragments of the central energy battery that had been torn apart.

The style of the lamp stove is very similar to the green lamp.

In other words, except for the different colors, the appearance and body shape are almost identical, and they are both two-story-high portable lamps.

At this moment, the huge lamp furnace seemed to explode from the inside, and the shell shot out evenly in all directions.

"What's going on? The fragments of the battery in the center are evaporating and melting?!" Muenke asked confused.

The fragments of the lamp furnace were like cyan dry ice, evaporating thick cyan mist, and slowly shrinking in size.

If they had come half a day late, they might not have seen anything.

Harley bent down and picked up a palm-sized fragment, used her mental power to sense it for a moment, and said in surprise: "It seems that the lamp furnace was not destroyed by the enemy. The lamp furnace fragments are decomposing themselves according to the program settings."

Qingnv looked over in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever seen self-healing materials? If it is a lamp furnace destroyed by the enemy, not only will the fragments not melt and evaporate like ice cubes, but they will heal themselves, just like scratches on ordinary people.

When the Green Lantern Corps was destroyed by Hal, the lamp furnace was also broken into pieces. As a result, Gunther rebuilt the complete lamp furnace with only one fragment.

When Kyle gets the power of Hal Jordan, he instantly enlarges the small lamp furnace hundreds of times and becomes a complete giant central energy battery.

The Green Lantern Furnace uses the same technology and materials as the Green Lantern Corps.

As a result, the fragments did not repair themselves, but actively degraded. "

Muenko said blankly: "Why is this happening?"

Harley said: “Self-healing nanomaterials are very common on alien battleships.

It is easier for advanced civilizations to dispose of abandoned warships than it is for people on earth to recycle scrapped aircraft carriers.

As long as the captain uses the highest authority and activates the self-destruction program of the nanoparticles, the huge star battleship will decompose itself into ordinary metal residues that have lost their self-healing activity. "

"Azure light of mercy!" Muenko exclaimed: "Guardian, do you mean that the lamp furnace was destroyed by one of our own people?"

"Natoma may not be one of our own." Qingnv said with an ugly expression.

"Why don't you trust him so much?" Harley asked curiously.

Logically speaking, those who sell flour cannot even see those who sell lime.

She, the new guardian, should be the one who dislikes Natoma the most.

As a result, before she could say anything, Qingnv got excited before her.

"You'll understand when you see him." Qingnv turned to Muenke, "Natoma often appears here, so there should be a lot of his aura. You try and see if you can find him."

The man with the coconut shoe chin stretched out his nose and sniffed around, then like Tarzan, he grabbed a vine and jumped into the jungle.

"Guardian, Qingnu, I have found traces of him, please come with me."

"We have to follow. Muenke has lost his lamp ring and is no match for Natoma." Qingnv also said.

"Not urgent."

Harley looked around, opened her mouth and sucked lightly.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The fragments of the lamp that fell on the ground and were inserted into the surrounding stone walls were thrown towards Harley like darts and were sucked into her mouth.

She did not swallow all the fragments into her stomach, but chewed the fragments into a lump in her mouth like chewing gum in front of Qingnu.

"What is this?" Qingnv asked strangely.

Harley raised her chin slightly, with an arrogant look on her face, and said vaguely: "What Gunther can do, I can do too."

"do what?"

"You'll understand later."

All Harley has to do is imitate Gunther and build a complete light ring from the central power battery fragment.

She didn't have the skills to forge lamp rings or make lamp furnaces, but she had her own methods.

First, let the fragments that are decomposing themselves stop the process of destruction.

Don't talk about her, even if you call the little blue man over, you still can't do it.

The degradation program has been communicated to each nanoparticle, they have begun to decompose, there is no "burning" part cut off the edges, and the "burning" stops in the middle.

Although some fragments still remain, the entire material has completely decayed.

Harley was very direct, using her own stomach acid to digest the fragments into pure "furnace wall energy".

The material of the central energy battery is very special.

It is a "technological artifact" that combines the standardized origin of Qinglan with the special materials of Little Blue Man technology.

Now that the battery material is completely useless, Harley can extract the origin of the regular blue lantern.

Then incorporate it into her own green lantern ring.

Now that the lamp furnace has self-destructed, the Green Lantern Ring and Green Lantern Cane have been reduced to ashes. There is only one left in the world. It should be two. There is also an Elder Ring that belongs to Harley and was given to Heavenly Father. With the technology of the Genesis Star, it should be possible to Keep it.

The forging material of the lamp ring is actually the same as the furnace wall. The only difference is the authority and driving energy.

At this moment, Harley integrated the extracted "regularized green lantern origin" into the green lantern ring, which was equivalent to replicating a small lamp furnace the size of a lantern ring.

In order to increase the power of the lantern ring, she also added green lanterns and white light sources in it at a ratio of 99 to 1.

One portion of white light, ninety-nine portions of conversion to the original octopus.

The "magic marks" on the white light and blue light are still there, but the spiritual marks have been completely erased. They are very pure.


Harry used the "iron chewing technique" to chew about one-tenth of the lamp furnace fragments, and then "filled up" the lamp ring.

The source of regularized emotions is saturated and no more can be added.

Then she spit out a ring with a brilliant blue light.

That lantern ring looks more beautiful than an ordinary green lantern ring.

The green light is clearer and more energetic, suspended in mid-air, emitting a radiance that intoxicates the young girl's soul and warms her body.

"So beautiful," she murmured.

"It belongs to you, now use your compassion to activate it." Harley put her hands behind her back, with a kind smile like a worldly expert. Well, Qingnu didn't feel that she was kind. After listening to her words, she just felt that she was kind. Is the most beautiful angel.

"Really? Give it to me?" Qingnv couldn't believe it, her face was full of desire and joy, but her movements were hesitant.

"Take it, this is the guardian's reward for your understanding of compassion." Harley said with a faint smile.

There is no doubt that this lantern ring has great potential and can be called the ring of blue lantern domination.

Even among the Seven Lantern Corps, compared with the lamp rings of several lamp owners, it is still a "Supreme Ring".

Except for Kyle Rayner's lamp ring, the lamp rings of other lamp owners are very ordinary. What makes the lamp ring extraordinary is the person who uses it.

Harley's light ring is extraordinary from its material to its power.

However, Harley herself cannot use it, and only Qingnu can realize its potential.

College Entrance Examination candidates have a score on their transcripts, but not all scores will allow them to enter Tsinghua and Peking University.

Living people in this world are more or less compassionate, but to use the Green Lantern Ring, compassion needs to reach a very high standard.

The standards for admission to Tsinghua and Peking University are hundreds of millions of times higher than those for ordinary candidates.

The total score is 750, and 670 is almost enough to enter Tsinghua University. To be selected by the Lantern Ring, at least 751 is required.

The total score of 750 does not count as extra points. How can I get a score of 751?

There is an error in the marking system.

What are the chances that there will be a bug in the system and no one will find it?

The chance of being selected by the Lantern Ring is even lower.

Harley, the guardian of the green lantern, cannot exert the power of an ordinary lantern ring.

Now when she came to the Green Lantern headquarters, she actually used the yellow lantern energy in front of Qing Nu and others. The Green Lantern Guardian was ashamed.

To say that Harley has no compassion would be wrong.

Her compassion is even greater than that of ordinary people, but it is incomparable to the "Lord of the Green Lantern".

Just like Da Chao represents hope and is qualified to become a blue lantern, but like the Holy Walker, when the end of the world comes, he still firmly believes that there is a Messiah on "Mount Everest", even if his whole family is searching for the Messiah. Even if you die, you still have faith in hope?

Not to mention killing the whole family, if Louise dies in front of him, Dachao will collapse on the spot, and all hope will be gone.

If the mental state is different from that of ordinary people, it is considered a mental illness, then all the Lords of the Seven Lanterns should enter Arkham.

Ordinary green lantern rings are difficult to use. This lantern ring has no central battery to provide energy and needs to draw the green light of mercy from the origin wall. Harley cannot even activate it.

Gunther is so awesome and can easily control the lamp, but why didn't he resurrect the Green Lantern Corps himself? Why did he entrust his hope to "Torchbearer" Kyle Rayner?

It's all the same reason.

There is no destiny.


As expected, as Harley expected, when Qingnu put on the "Harley's Lantern Ring", she immediately activated it.

Brilliant green light poured down like water, and her body was once again covered with a layer of green lantern uniform. Her left hand also appeared from scratch, with a long-handled pipe-like cane.

"How?" Harley asked.

"This light ring seems to be a little different." Qingnv said doubtfully.

"Is the 'Force' stronger?" Harley asked.

"What Force?"

"that is."

Harley opened her mouth, not knowing how to describe the feeling she didn't understand.

"How do you feel?"

"Feeling." Qingnv guided the green light into the sea of ​​consciousness, and her eyes immediately became azure.

"Compared with the previous light ring, this light ring feels like wielding an epee whose weight and volume have increased tens of thousands of times. It is a bit difficult to use, but as long as you swing it, it seems to be able to exert stronger power.

Moreover, the difficulty of use is not static.

I have a feeling that as the number of times I use it increases, it will become more and more comfortable for me. It will eventually be "lighter" than the previous light ring, but it will only be stronger.

In addition, the biggest feeling it brings me is freedom.

It feels great that it belongs to me rather than me belonging to it. "

"Guardian, thank you!" She looked at Harry with eyes filled with gratitude and respect.

Harley nodded slightly, "You find it difficult to use because it incorporates too much of the green light source of the central battery.

Using it is like fighting with a huge lamp on your back, and you will definitely feel tired.

But the spiritual traces of those origins have been washed away by me, and they are just waiting for you to imprint your own spiritual power into them.

By then, it will be a part of your soul, and you can use it like an arm, easier and more powerful than before.

In addition, it also has a function that helps you continue to improve your Qingdeng attainments. "

"I already understand compassion, how can I improve it?" Qingnv asked curiously.

"Do you know the ending of the Green Lantern War?" Harley asked.

Qingnv immediately thought of the ridiculous scenes in "The Collection of Qingnv's Stories", her expression became a little distorted, her eyes flickered and said: "The "Book of Darkness" is full of absurdities, it is unbelievable."

Harley looked confused, "I mean Kalona used the emotional elements of the Four Lanterns to practice white light. As a result, Kyle Rayner's seven emotions merged into one, and white light was generated by himself."

Qingnv breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "I've probably heard about it."

"Although Kyle Rayner gave birth to seven emotions, his will is still the main one. He uses his will to control the other six emotions and merge them into one to produce white light."

Harley pointed to the unusually colored cyan light ring on her finger, "I added a part of the unowned white light source inside, and used the cyan light source to seal the white light.

Once you fully control the blue light source of the light ring, you will be able to touch the white light at its core.

The characteristic of cyan light is that it absorbs the other six colors of light. Well, there are more than six.

In the last Green Light battle, John Stewart actually used cyan light to control black light. There were no side effects at all afterwards. He just made perfect use of cyan light's ability to absorb and accommodate other colors of light.

Compassion embraces all emotions.

You can try to use cyan light to control the other six colors of light, which can at least simulate the fake white light.

If you can generate the element of compassion and accept other emotions with compassion, you may not be able to become the second Kyle Rayna in the future. "

Qingnv nodded heavily and said seriously: "I will work hard and live up to the expectations of the guardian."

"There's no need to force it, just do it casually," Harley said.

If Qingnv can really control the seven emotions and six desires with compassion, Harry will invite her to join the "Fortune God System" and become a "Qingnv Bodhisattva".

As the saying goes, appearance comes from the heart.

The young girl who has just realized the heart of compassion has already shown the temperament of great compassion.

Even Harley had to admit that she was somewhat affected, and her affection for her was much stronger than when she was a "Green Lantern Slave".

Now that Qing Deng has been destroyed, Qing Deng must be rebuilt next.

When rebuilding Qingdeng, perhaps she can instill her own way of compassion into the Qingdeng tribe, making Qingnv look more like the "Great Merciful and Compassionate Qingnv Bodhisattva".

Thinking of Green Girl Bodhisattva, she quickly thought of "Atrocitas Angry Eyes Vajra".

Perhaps, she should accept the Seven Lamp Masters and be her "Seven Heavenly Dragons"?

When she appears on the stage in the future, she will sit cross-legged on the nine-pin lotus platform, with golden light shining behind her.

Seven tribesmen with exaggerated expressions were suspended in the bright golden light, each showing expressions of anger, greed, fear, etc., and each emitting seven rays of colored light, forming a rainbow of light around her.

Perhaps, the Seven Heavenly Dragons can collect the seven emotional elements of the believer and help her condense Zhangba's "Real Body of the Great Sun Hari"?

Harley looked at Qingnv, her thoughts flying further and further away.

"Guardian? Are there any questions? Should we set off?" Muenko called cautiously.

Harley wiped away the non-existent saliva from the corner of her mouth and said with high spirits: "Let's set off! Muenke will lead the way, Qingnv will follow closely behind, and I will hide my whereabouts and capture the formation for you."

"You won't come with me?" Qingnv asked doubtfully.

"The enemy is never unprepared. If you fall into a trap, you are the only one. I still have a chance to rescue you." Harley said matter-of-factly.

——Are you using me as bait?

The green girl was dumbfounded.

——If Qingnv is the bait, then who am I who is walking at the front and looking for traces of the enemy with my nose? Moreover, the guardian didn't even give me an explanation, nor did he say he would plunder the formation for me.

Muenke was also troubled.

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