I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1487 Strong smell

There is a delay in the propagation of TV signals because no matter how the signal travels, it cannot be done instantly.

Inside the planet, live signals propagate at the speed of light, with very short delay times. TV viewers and live viewers watch almost simultaneously.

If the scope is expanded beyond the planets, even outside the solar system and the Milky Way, the distance is millions of light years, and even light takes millions of years to fly.

If we use light waves and electromagnetic waves as signal carriers, there will be no way to communicate across galaxies.

The discovery of super-light space provides ideas for solving this problem.

Nowadays, several advanced civilizations with the most advanced science and technology in the universe are able to transmit information over long distances.

Planet Daily's live broadcast of the Kalona Trial used the "Zeta Signal Base Station System" of the Lann Civilization.

Even so, from sector 0 to sector 2814, the signal has more than 20 hours of propagation time.

The so-called live broadcast of TV programs is just watching what happened 20 hours ago.

Of course, the DC universe is not a purely scientific world, there are gods here.

Lann, Senagan and their ilk are the top advanced civilizations in the universe.

The Martus people established a "super civilization" that ruled the universe for billions of years.

In the new god worlds of Genesis Star and Apokolips Star, even ordinary soldiers are gods and belong to a god-level civilization.

God transcends the category of gods, but the heaven He created and the angels in heaven also belong to a divine civilization.

The communication technology of god-level civilization breaks the limitations of space and time, allowing instant communication over almost endless distances.

For example, the mother box technology of Apokolips and Genesis Star.

For example, Heaven’s “Sound of Heaven System”.

In the heaven where the old gods live, the gods can also complete instant communication across time and space through prayer and belief in divine power.

The live broadcast of the "Carona Trial" currently seen by people on earth comes from the information technology of advanced civilizations. It is billions of light-years away and only has a delay of 20 hours. The efficiency is already very high.

But at the scene of the Carona trial, Dinah used the Paradise Mountain mobile phone. Although the Paradise Mountain mobile phone came from a lower earth civilization, the watchdog system in the mobile phone used the technology of a "god-level civilization".

Well, the foundation of the Guardian Dog is quantum magic communication, which is different from the Voice of Heaven, but the Guardian Dog uses the "network cable" of the Voice of Heaven - human beings have faith in heaven and God, and the power of faith enters along the channel of faith. In heaven, the channel of faith is the information channel of the voice of heaven, and it is the "network cable" borrowed by the watchdog.

Therefore, Harley knew about the events at the Kalona Trial on Algae Core 20 hours earlier than the people on Earth who were watching the live TV broadcast.

Even if she knew in advance, she had no way or in other words, she didn't take the initiative to change the outcome.

"Harley, you can use the voice of heaven to teleport and come here immediately." Dinah's voice was a little urgent.

Harley asked: "Carona went on a killing spree and killed our people?"

"That's not true. He just threatened Harvey Dent and a group of Earth representatives before he had time to commit murder." Dinah said.

"Is anyone scared out of their mind?"

"The Commander-in-Chief was so scared! He did it on the spot. When Carona saw it, he laughed and taunted him, and then everyone in the universe knew about it." Dinah said in a weird tone.

"Is he okay?"

"Other than shame and anger, it's nothing serious," Dinah said.

"Since you still know how to be ashamed and angry, then it's really okay."

"But Carona escaped." Dinah said anxiously.

"There are no Green Lanterns and Little Blue Men in today's trial?" Harley asked.

"They are all here, Hal took the lead and went after Kalona." Dinah said.

"Since the Green Lantern Corps and Hal are both here, what else do you want me to do? In terms of hard power, the greatest scientist in Kalona can't even defeat the warrior-type Guardian. Do you believe that Hal can crush him? "Hallie was in no rush.

Dinah calmed down a little after hearing this, but still said: "I have an ominous feeling that Carona suddenly escaped from prison, which is very abnormal."

"Do you suspect someone is causing trouble?"

Dinah hesitated and said: "I don't know. Kalona has been personally guarded by Hal, Kilowog, John and other experienced lanterns."

"Don't worry about it. God, Carona has escaped again. Are there not many super villains who have escaped from prison on Earth in the past few years? Villains on Earth can escape from prison, why should villains from the universe have to be tried honestly?"

Harley is really calm.

She had anticipated what would happen today when Hal and Kyle stopped her from sacrificing Kalona on the spot.

Less than ten minutes after hanging up the phone, Dinah contacted her again.

This time it's not a phone call.

Even if the superhero uses a watchdog, he only saves the monthly fee of 199 US dollars, and still needs to pay for the call.

Just a few words with Harley, Dinah has already spent millions of dollars on the phone.

She was heartbroken.

Even if her boyfriend is a billionaire, he can't stand such trouble.

What Harley received was a text message: Carona had been killed by Hal.

Seeing this, the weak and undetectable worries in her heart completely disappeared.

The next day, she watched "The Trial of Carona" with everyone at Quinn Manor as usual.

It was not until this time today that the live broadcast signal was transmitted back to Earth.

In order not to affect everyone's viewing experience, Harley did not spoil the movie in advance.

However, Perry is spoiled by Louise.

Knowing in advance that the new commander was scared to death in public, he became hesitant about the content of the live broadcast.

"BOSS, do you want to stop broadcasting? Or cut out the following content?"

"Why?" Harley asked.

"After all, he is our commander-in-chief. It is for his face and the face of the United States." Perry said.

"If you can convince the alien media to stop broadcasting together and silence the 100,000 viewers, then go ahead." Harley said.

"Uh," Peri said nonchalantly, "Obviously I can't do it."

"Then what you mean is that our commander-in-chief has been disgraced, and now you don't want the people on earth to know that he has been disgraced? The entire universe knows about it, but we are the only ones hiding it from our own people?"

Perry said helplessly: "Boss, you are right, you can't hide it."

"Harvey, Harvey, I love you!"

"Wow, Harvey is so handsome!"

"Oh my god, look at it, Carona's scarred blue face is so angry that he is starting to get angry, hahaha!"

The last episode of "The Trial of Carona" was still exciting, and it still made the audience of Quinn Manor immersed in it, applauding Harvey's magnanimity and wisdom.

During the more than one month of the trial, Harvey Dent grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he may be two-faced in nature, when he is not corrupted, he has a very charming temperament of justice and fearlessness.

If not, Batman, who is best at understanding human nature, would not regard him as the light of justice that illuminates the darkness of Gotham.

When he first appeared on the scene, he was still a little raw and a little unable to let go.

By now, he is becoming more and more familiar with the legal systems of major civilizations in the universe, and his knowledge is becoming wider and wider, and the more he is able to reveal his "light of justice" temperament.

Temperament is like a sword, the more you sharpen it, the sharper it becomes.

At this time, Harvey Dent on TV was holding a peerless sword.


A sudden change occurred in the live broadcast. Carona, who was speechless by Harvey's sharp words, his face turned blue and his whole body was trembling, suddenly burst out with powerful spiritual energy.

Pure spiritual power is colorless and formless, but at this time Kalona's spiritual power appears emerald green, obviously integrated into the green light of will.

The high-tech prison used to imprison and display him is made of the same material as the lamp furnace, and is integrated with the energy of the green light. It has the function of suppressing the will of the prisoner and disabling the abilities of superpowers.

It seems that Carona's emotional fluctuations were too intense and triggered the green light energy of the high-tech prison. Not only did his strength surge, but the effect of the high-tech prison to suppress and bind the prisoners also disappeared.

With a loud noise, the telephone booth-style high-tech prison fell apart. Carona looked up to the sky and smiled, "Hahaha, just trying to trap me in the high-tech prison? Don't you know that I also invented the building materials of the high-tech prison?"

"I'm sorry!" At this moment, countless families around the world and countless people watching the live broadcast looked shocked and exclaimed, "It's going to happen, Carona breaks free!"

"Harley, hurry up, hurry up, Carona escapes from prison in front of the court, hurry up -"

Angela was too immersed in it, staring at the TV nervously and grabbing Harley's clothes with her hands.

She wasn't the only one panicked.

Several heroic girls who had always been calm were now shouting with excitement.

"Don't panic, what should have happened has already happened. Although it is a live broadcast, the signal is delayed for more than 20 hours." Harley shouted in a deep voice with her mental power.

His mind was stunned for a moment, and he immediately returned to his senses.

It was because of her calm and calm attitude that she was able to control the worries in her heart even though her brain was not flexible and she did not understand.

"Did you already know this? Did Carona catch him?" Selina asked quickly.

"See for yourself."

The live TV broadcast was not interrupted because of Carona's escape. The camera shook a little, but it was still focused on the trial stand.

"You, an ant of low civilization, are you worthy of judging me?!" Carona roared angrily at Harvey Dent.

Because I knew in advance that he would be killed by Hal within ten minutes, watching him with such majesty on TV always made Hallie act out, which reminded me of the iron-legged floating on water in "Domestic Lingling Paint" that he had practiced for 30 years. .


As Kalona's voice came out, a circle of light green psychic shock waves also spread in all directions.

Harvey Dent bore the brunt.

His face turned pale, and there was still a look of pain on his face, but his eyes were sharp and he did not dodge. Even if his body was knocked back a few steps by the psychic shock wave, and he staggered and almost fell, he did not make any dodge movement. .

When all the judges around him were pale and speechless, his voice was loud and clear, without any fear, "The justice of ants is also justice, and the sins of gods are also sins. You can kill me at will, but you can't change it." Sin is destined to be judged by justice!”

"Oh, Harvey is really hot now." Harley whistled.

Dinah didn't tell her about this "Easter egg".

It’s a surprise to see it now.

"Oh, our commander-in-chief peed!" Ivy suddenly shouted.

Harvey's indomitable will is eye-catching, drawing the camera lens firmly to himself.

But behind him is the audience seat represented by the earth - 19 judges, sitting in a circle, and behind the judgment table is the audience seat.

The commander-in-chief and the other 18 civilization leaders all sit in the front row, which is the most conspicuous and photogenic position.

The commander-in-chief was behind Harvey.

After the camera focused on Harvey, he was immediately included.

This is also the throne chosen by the commander himself, so it is easier for the audience to see.

At this time, his body slid off the seat like mud, and thick yellow-brown liquid flowed from his trousers.

"It's not urine, it seems like poop," Kassandra said in surprise.

"There must be urine, feces and urine flowing out together." Fatty said.

Carona also noticed it and sneered: "Say such beautiful words to your compatriots, they will be scared out of their wits, hahaha!"

The whole audience was watching.

The viewers in front of the TV sets across the universe also subconsciously turned their attention to Mr. Zetas.

"Oh my god, our commander is scared shitless."

The next moment, wailing sounds of unknown joy could be heard from families all over the United States.

They should have laughed at the commander's joke.

But if the commander makes such a joke in public, it will definitely stink for tens of billions of light years - the stench of shit and urine can be smelled throughout the material universe.

Harley comforted several wailing American heroes and said, "It doesn't matter. Harvey performed well and added a lot of points to the earth."

"No matter how many points we add, the commander will poop him out." Dick lamented: "Before, I was thinking that the Algae Planet has beautiful scenery, and maybe we can let Bruce take us on a trip there during Christmas.

I don't dare to go now.

When someone asked me where I came from, I said it was from the earth, and the other person immediately looked surprised and said, "It turns out that he is a compatriot of the leader of Diarrhea." I was so embarrassed. "

Damian said with a cold face: "You are overthinking, we are of the same race as the Grand Commander, and aliens will know that we are Earthlings at a glance.

Even if they are not earthlings, aliens who look like us will be implicated and considered to be earthlings.

Anyway, the people on earth have become famous in the universe this time. "

"No, look around the Commander-in-Chief. There are many people who are paralyzed and seem to have peed their pants - well, they are so cunning. They all wear tightly packed nano space suits."

Everyone was about to open their eyes to take a closer look, but saw the camera flicker, and a mosaic appeared, blocking the scene around Harvey.

"This mosaic is very good." Selina said sarcastically.

"This is a live broadcast, and the TV station was caught off guard." Harley said.

At this point, the live broadcast was still uninterrupted.

Just when Carona sneered, showing murderous intent and preparing to be ruthless to Harvey, a green light fell from the sky and turned into chains, binding his hands and feet.

Several green light guards make their debut.

They cooperate very well.

John and Kilowog opened the defensive shield to isolate the audience, the inquisitor and Kalona, ​​and Hal singled out Kalona.

But Carona was not stupid and did not stay to challenge Hal.

Then the camera loses sight of them.

Even so, the live broadcast has not stopped.

The photographer carried the camera and turned the lens to Louise, the program supporter.

Ten minutes later, the famous reporter Louise announced the good news to the audience with a smile on her face: the fugitive Kalona had been killed on the spot by the cosmic police and the greatest Green Lantern in history.

"This" Selina was stunned, "The twists and turns of the plot of the trial are comparable to those in a Hollywood movie."

When the fat man heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately said: "What a great idea. I have plans for my next movie, and it will be called "The Trial of the Algae Star"."

"Everyone in the universe knows the details, so who will go see your movie?" Ivy said.

"Hey, Ivy, don't underestimate me. Of course I will not repeat the plot you have seen. The main plot of "The Trial of the Nucleus" will be Harvey Dent's gradual growth from a Gotham lawyer to a cosmic prosecutor. the process of.

The film will focus on the unknown setbacks and tribulations behind his brilliance, as well as the spiritual strength and mental journey that helped him overcome difficulties and setbacks. "

Harley glanced at it, "Sounds like an Oscar-winning movie."

Fat Tou chuckled, not hiding his ambition, "This kind of biographical film that describes the struggle and fighting spirit of human nature is the easiest to win awards. I have been nominated twice, and I will take home the statuette this time!"

Although Carona was dead, the trial did not end hastily.

The purpose of the Grand Trial is to appease the civilization harmed by the Green Lantern Puppet and commemorate the destroyed civilization through the process of "trial, conviction, and execution".

Just like if a person wants to take revenge freely, he must speak out his grievances loudly, denounce the other party's crimes in public, gain recognition from the public and public order, and finally let the enemy get the punishment he deserves, and his painful heart can gain comfort and satisfaction.

Carona's death can only be regarded as one part of completing the trial ahead of schedule.

Who are the hundreds of thousands of destroyed civilizations, what are their greatness, and what they experienced during the Green Lantern War. How to commemorate, compensate or rescue those disaster-stricken civilizations will all be completed in the trial.

Personal revenge, beating the enemy to death, the fun is over, and everyone goes back to their homes; a formal court trial must go through the process, even if the suspect has already burped.

This is a very complex job.

Therefore, in the coming days, Earth Guys will still have live broadcasts to watch.

It's just that without Carona as the background, Harvey Dent's narration, "the pride of the earth", has become increasingly professional, and it is gradually difficult to understand, and the taste is not as "strong" as before.

Of course, as the camera pans and the commander-in-chief is brought into the audience's field of vision, the smell will suddenly be so strong that it makes everyone wrinkle their noses.

"The commander-in-chief must be brought back. Carona is dead. There is no need for him to stay there and embarrass himself." This is not the speech of a few extreme netizens on the Internet, but a storm of public opinion triggered by regular news media.

Within two days, the commander-in-chief really came back.

Returning with him is Hal Jordan.

Hal, who had his light ring taken away and was expelled from the Green Lantern Corps, was now just a middle-aged man wearing a brown bomber jacket and looking depressed.

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