I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1486 What is supposed to come has come.

Harvey Dent only has about ten days to prepare, but the trial process will last several months, or even more than half a year.

There are as many as four and a half million civilizations affected. It would take a long time just to count the victims and find the orphans of civilizations. During this period, Harvey could communicate with the alien inquisitor while continuing to study the information forwarded to him by Harley.

The place of trial is located on a beautiful planet called "Algal Core Civilization" in Sector 0.

The technological level of the algal core star is above average, and the main environment is beautiful. It is a famous health resort in the universe.

Commander Tesla was eager to attend the Grand Trial with Harvey.

The Green Lantern Corps only limited the number of Inquisitors, but did not say that only one Inquisitor could go.

The commander-in-chief can follow.

However, this year is an election year, and the election is about to begin. Tesla’s campaign is still not optimistic. Many scandals since he took office have been continuously exposed in the media. Those things about him have been known to the public for a long time, but now they are just Just cold rice and hot stir-fry.

It is likely that he will lose re-election.

If he really loses the election, he will no longer be the commander-in-chief. How can he continue to participate in the Carona Trial?

Accompanying Harvey Dent to the Algae Core Civilization were not only his family, but also 12 other famous international justices on Earth, as well as two American congressmen and a general.

The 12 justices were Harvey's assistants, and the others were spectators.

Of course, it is impossible for "Daily Planet" and the Justice League to miss such a grand event in the universe and on earth.

Zhenglian has arranged several S-class heroes to protect the safety of our fellow citizens on Earth.

"Daily Planet" sent Louise, the famous star of the universe, to do a series of special programs.

Now the new Planet Daily Building has been "constructed" completed.

The TV station building is not only safe and secure, it is also equipped with the most advanced broadcasting equipment.

Even if Louise is countless light years away, she can still send the live signal back. Well, she has to pay a big price to borrow the Lann people's broadcast satellite to transmit the live signal back to the earth.

Basically, people on earth can see the "live broadcast" delayed for 20 hours.

Louise is worthy of being a famous star in the universe. As soon as she arrived at the Algae Core Planet, she firmly grabbed the attention of the earth's audience from the perspective of the scenery, customs and customs of the Algae Core Planet, and the introduction of the judges of other civilizations.

Anyway, at Quinn Manor, everyone from Fat Head to Duo Duo, the Madonna dog, from adults to children, watch Louise's "The Grand Trial Series" in front of the TV every day.

Although Harley still insisted on her training plan, when she got home and saw them sitting together watching TV, she couldn't help but take a look.

Then she found herself compelled to join in.

There is no way, almost everyone is discussing this topic on the Internet and in reality.

If she didn't want to be stuck on the sidelines and be an embarrassment, she would have no choice but to blend in.

"Ms. Quinn, great news! A company famous in the universe from an advanced alien civilization will also place advertisements on our TV station!"

Within two days, the black editor-in-chief of Daily Planet came to visit him again and said excitedly: "Because the program was also well received in Lann, in just one day, we received three consecutive advertising applications from alien civilizations.

All of them are well-known large companies in the galaxy, and their advertising fees are not low.

An advertisement is inserted in the middle of the "Grand Judgment Series Special Topic", which costs 30,000 Lann coins per second, which is equivalent to 30 million U.S. dollars!

And this is not the final price. If the ratings continue to rise on other planets, advertising fees can continue to increase. "

Without thinking, Harry waved his hand and said: "Reject them all."

"What?" Perry was dumbfounded.

——It’s depressing enough to be forced to watch Louise’s sensational and contrived TV show. Why the hell do you want me to watch commercials? !

Although she was complaining like this in her heart, Harry was very serious on her face, "The Grand Trial is a very serious subject and must not be interrupted by advertisements."

Perry was stunned, "But, 30,000 Lann coins per second. I also plan to divide the live broadcast into two parts and create at least ten minutes of advertising time."

--ten minutes? ! You beast, are you crazy about money?

Harley seemed to have forgotten that she was the big boss, and most of the money she earned fell into her pocket. She said firmly: "My philosophy is that when doing news, I only seek the truth, and I am not afraid of the powerful and not greedy for money."

Perry's body shook, and he immediately stood in awe of her: he was simply crazy, obsessed with money. Compared with him, Miss Quinn is the real news person!

"Boss, I understand." He let out a long sigh and reflected on himself: "I was worried about paying off the mortgage of the new building before, but I also planned to provide advance on-demand and super VIP advertising skipping on the newspaper's website.

Compared with short-term interests, it is more important to stick to the style of Planet Daily! "

——In fact, your idea is very good and very profitable.

Harley opened her mouth, but swallowed the words.

"BOSS, I'm here to come to you this time. In addition to the alien advertising matter, there is also the recent public opinion trend related to Tesla." Perry straightened his expression and said: "The election is about to begin, and almost all media Playing the scandal of Tesla's commander-in-chief.

For example, during the Rann-Senagon War, he went to the Rann system to participate in a tripartite meeting as a representative of the Earth. As a result, he secretly went to an alien nightclub to hang out, causing the government's plan to take advantage of both ends to completely fail.

This matter has become known to everyone, and people in the universe are watching the jokes of the people on earth.

During the Blackest Night, after Commander Tesla put on the green lantern ring, he faced the camera and made a "sinful confession that shocked the world."

Recently, the subordination virus has swept across the United States, causing the metropolis to become a zombie city that shocked the world. This is also the reason why Tesla’s commander-in-chief failed to prevent the epidemic.

Criticizing Tesla’s leadership from all angles seems to have become a bellwether of public opinion and political correctness. "

Harley raised a brow, "What does this have to do with the Daily Planet? It's during the big trial now, so we can just focus on Louise's special program, and don't worry about the domestic topic traffic.

Moreover, now that there are live broadcasts across the country, who cares about the U.S. elections? "

Perry said: "I didn't pay much attention to this election originally, but recently the Daily Planet not only changed its building, but also reached a partnership with the Lan News giant, becoming the most eye-catching media on the earth. Someone hinted to me, As a leader in the media industry, "Daily Planet" cannot do nothing or forget its responsibilities.

I understand his subtext. Now the people are paying attention to the Carona trial and are no longer interested in the election, let alone election-related news.

Public opinion is raging and attacks on Tesla continue, but with no obvious effect.

If "Daily Planet" joins in at this time and lets Louise or Lana Lang do a special feature for aliens to see, the effect will be very sensational and even determine the final result in November. "

"What do you think?" Harley asked.

"The bad things about Tesla are all true, but they are in the past and there is no need to focus on reporting anymore. The Daily Planet should stick to its neutral and objective stance and remain unwavering," Perry said.

"Well, that's it, you continue to insist, I trust you. As for the hints of some people in Metropolis, you don't need to pay attention. As the editor-in-chief of "Daily Planet", you are not a small person who can be manipulated at will." Harley said.

Perry's heart was hot, he was touched and excited, and his big black face was also warm.

However, he still reminded: "BOSS, you are also a member of the parliament."

Harley was stunned for a moment before she realized that she was also a political figure and had her own faction. She was a "donkey", but Tesla was an "elephant." The person who was looking for Perry must also be a donkey.

"Although I have a position, I will never use my position to distort the position of the Daily Planet. In my heart, the Daily Planet belongs to the people on earth and the galaxy, and should not be limited to the small country of the United States." She He said with emotion.


Perry was shaking with excitement.

With a boss like this, what else could I ask for?

After Perry left, the Daily Planet continued to go its own way, and even went so far as to criticize the current trend of public opinion on the midnight news.

As Harley said, the editor-in-chief of "Daily Planet" is no small player now.

No one dared to trouble Perry directly.

However, General Lane ran to Quinn Manor again and mentioned it to Harry in a vague way.

"Mr. Zetas is an old friend of yours. In the past few years, you have had many things to do and rarely go to the metropolis for meetings. It is Mr. Zetas who helps you maintain your influence in the parliament."

Harley had known the Zetas for four or five years before Tesla became commander-in-chief.

We all belong to the same political party and have a good relationship. He helped Harley win over many congressmen and helped her expand her influence in the metropolitan political circle.

"Alas, I am not against the old Zetas, nor am I supporting Tesla. I am just a shareholder of the Daily Planet, not the spiritual leader of the employees.

You still don’t understand your own daughter?

If the "Daily Planet" goes through the same troubles as other media, can noble and upright galactic celebrities like Louise, Lana Long, and Perry White be retained? " Harley sighed.

Talking to people and talking to ghosts is just one of her most basic abilities.

General Lane was stunned when he heard this. It seems to make sense.

He knew his daughter very well and even he couldn't control her.

If she finds out that the Daily Planet is involved in dirty politics, there will definitely be trouble.

After General Lane, no one bothered Harley again.

However, even without her help, the old Zetas defeated Tesla.

After winning, the old Zetas immediately called Harley, not to announce the good news, but to ask to represent the earth and participate in the "Carona Trial".

At this time, the "Carona" trial had lasted for a month.

People around the world have also been waiting for Louise's "Special Series on the Grand Trial" for a month.

Not only did everyone's attention to the show not decrease, but with the appearance of Harvey Dent, the judge of the earth, and seeing Harvey's wonderful performance of being neither humble nor overbearing, free and easy, and knowledgeable, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic and the mood became higher.

"Wow Harvey, Harvey I love you!"

In the living room of Quinn Manor, firewood was burning in the fireplace. The flames drove away the dampness and coldness of winter, but it was still not as enthusiastic as everyone's hearts.

On the TV screen, Harvey Dent was dressed in a classic red robe and his thick, half-long hair reflected wavy golden light in the sunlight. He pointed at Carona (PS) in the high-tech prison with sharp eyes, quoting classics and talking nonsense. Talk, and the other alien judges nodded repeatedly.

The huge trial hall was filled with victims’ representatives, victims’ families, and ordinary spectators from all civilizations in the universe.

The number exceeds one hundred thousand.

They all looked at Harvey, listening to him with serious expressions.

At this moment, Harvey seems to have become the protagonist of the entire universe, and the entire universe is his stage.

In front of the TV, the housekeeper Angela was shouting, and Starfire was also shouting. Even Duoduo, who was lying on the blanket, stood up and cheered for Harvey, "Harvey, you are so handsome, I love you!"

"Harry, you still have vision." The new commander looked at Harvey on the screen with an expression of envy and admiration, "Harvey Dent is indeed more suitable for this occasion than other old judges."

Watching "The Trial of Carona" around the TV has become a fixed program in most American families.

Harvey's effective performance made them proud and satisfied.

Everyone also especially likes to get together to discuss and watch.

It's like watching the Spring Festival Gala, it's fun to get together.

Anyway, every time the live broadcast starts, the living room of Quinn Manor is filled with people.

There are Angela and her son at the foot of the mountain, and the Gordon family at the back of the mountain.

The teenage girls from the Teen Titans come over sometimes.

When Commander Zetas came to see Harley today, he happened to see everyone watching the "Harvey Show", so he also joined in.

When he was at home, he watched this program with his family every day.

"Harvey Dent is absolutely amazing!" General Lane praised without hesitation, "There are obviously 19 inquisitors, but he seems to have become the chief inquisitor, overshadowing all the other 18 inquisitors.

The key is that what he says is meaningful and can be recognized by the audience and the media in the universe.

Even the little blue man admitted in an interview that Harvey's professional ability is impeccable. "

"Harley, look -" the commander suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the screen, "these people the camera scanned are all the leaders of the civilization where the inquisitor lives.

They all went to participate in the Great Judgment, except Earth. "

After saying that, he looked at Harley eagerly, not even looking at the handsome Judge Harvey on TV.

"If you want to go, just go." Harley said.

"Tesla doesn't allow me to go. He said that I won't officially take office until next year. Now he is still the commander-in-chief, and he also said that he wants to go." Commander Zetas said a little aggrievedly.

"Then you two go together." Harley said casually.

Zetas was stunned, "What should we do if our alien allies are surprised?"

"To tell the truth, it's unfortunate to tell them that the leadership team is changing. Maybe we can also promote our electoral system and let them applaud American democracy, freedom and equality." Harley smiled.

"It seems you can try it."

Her teasing words were taken seriously by them, and each of them began to think seriously.

That night, Zetas and Tesla made an agreement: no more arguing, they would go together, and go quickly, while the heat was rising.

But they soon encountered a big problem: no money to pay for the trip.

"Harley, Green Lantern and the Justice League refused to send us to the Algae Planet. They said that the official delegation has already gone. If anyone else wants to go again, they have to take the spaceship by themselves." Zetas said excitedly.

"I will help you ask."

After hearing Harley's inquiry, Zheng Lian also had something to say: "It's not a big problem to send them there, but I'm afraid that after them, other heads of state and even important military and political officials from the metropolis will also have their thoughts, what should I do?

And arriving at the Algae Nucleus Star is not the end. You have to eat, sleep, and buy tickets to enter, right?

The algae star is now the focus of the universe. Countless tourists rushed to watch the trial. Hotels and B\u0026Bs took the opportunity to increase their prices. Who will pay the bill?

Anyway, the Green Lantern Corps has already said that it will only reimburse the food and accommodation expenses of Harvey's group. "

Then Ha Li relayed Zheng Lian's reply to the commander-in-chief and others.

"I heard that Judge Harvey lives in a big villa. Can't we go there and squeeze in? As for the admission tickets, the congressman and judge who went with Harvey at the time can be exchanged for two, which is enough for Tes and I to have sex. .”

After several twists and turns, the two commanders finally got what they wanted, and successfully arrived at the Algae Core Star with a large group of military and political officials.

Even General Lane went with his second daughter, wife and grandson.

Algae Core Planet is a tourist attraction, even just taking a vacation is good.

He doesn't have to squeeze into the living room or build the floor with them.

His daughter was a celebrity in the universe, famous and wealthy. At that time, she rented a thousand-square-foot mansion, which was enough for their family to live in.

Finally, Americans can also see their commander-in-chief on live broadcasts.

Although there are very few shots, and they often only glance at the "commander's seat", the commander-in-chief and the others are really happy and smiling happily.

As for whether the people are happy or not, they don't care.

Happy days are always short-lived.

On the third day after the Commander-in-Chief arrived, Harley suddenly received urgent news from Dinah: Carona escaped from prison in front of the court, the scene was chaotic, and our Commander-in-Chief was scared to death.

Ps: The Green Lantern Corps' high-tech prison, the high-tech prison cell, is a small single room with an extra-dimensional space inside, about four or five square meters. The green-shelled box looks like a huge lamp stove. You can see directly through the floor-to-ceiling windows. to the criminals inside.

Each villain has a single cell. The cells can be flexibly moved and dragged around the universe by Green Lantern. They can also be stacked together to form a cell.

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