I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1488 Green Light Change

The United States has just passed the general election this year, and there are currently two leaders.

The next commander-in-chief, Zetas, was humiliated and came back early.

The current commander-in-chief, Apollo Tesla, has more than one month left in his term, and he must stay on the Algae Star to continue serving the American people.

He wasn't shitting, not that he was as proud as Harvey Dent.

He was not there at the time.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country. The key is that there is only one exclusive leader's seat provided by Algae Core Star, and two people cannot be crowded together.

They are fair, you sit for one day, I sit for another day, and we take turns.

When the accident happened, it was Zetas' turn, and Tesla got lucky. It's not certain. Maybe Tesla wouldn't pull it off, but would instead be as high-spirited as Harvey Dent, showing his peerless style in front of the people of the universe?

Well, at least that’s what Tesla thinks.

In Louise's subsequent interview, he spoke frankly and shouted regrets.

It was also because of his Gonghuo that the reputation of the Zetas Commander was even worse and he was ridiculed by more media people.

"Harley, please listen to my explanation. I'm not that unbearable." After seeing Harley, the commander was very excited and aggrieved. "I ate too much seaweed seafood that day. I had a bad stomach. I wanted to go to the toilet, that’s why”

The commander and Hal Jordan traveled the same way and were sent back together by John Stewart.

Harley was notified in advance and rushed over immediately.

However, she was going to meet Hal Jordan, and being in command was not her purpose.

But after all, the two of them had some friendship, and she couldn't completely ignore the commander-in-chief of "Li" who had gone through many hardships.

"Actually, it's not your fault. You happened to be sitting behind Harvey Dent at the time, and Carona's psychic shock was mainly directed towards Harvey.

You suffered the most terrible psychological shock, second only to Harvey Dent, and far more than any other alien. " Harley comforted him.

Commander Zetas' eyes lit up and he nodded quickly: "That's the truth. Harley, you are smart and captured the key point in one sentence."

Harley looked at Hal Jordan, who looked sluggish.

But the commander-in-chief was very expressionless, and still held her tight, looking at her eagerly, and begged: "Harry, please help me explain to the people.

They didn't listen to what I said, didn't believe it, and even laughed at me online and sprayed feces from my mouth. "

Harley said: "You should ask Louise, the famous reporter of the universe who was present at the time! As long as she said something casually, people in the whole universe would hear it.

Because she was at the scene, people believed her words.

We can even interview several live audience members, proving that the closer you get to Harvey Dent, the stronger the psychological impact you receive.

With such evidence and witnesses, everyone will suddenly realize. "

Datong took the lead and clapped his hands regretfully, "Oh, why didn't I think of that at the time! Alas, the think tanks around me are useless!"

After lamenting for a few times, he looked at Harry and said, "I actually asked Louise, and she had already explained to the public that I had a bad stomach after eating seafood, and it didn't seem to be very effective."

"That's because everyone knows you're lying."

Louise did indeed help the Commander-in-Chief complete his lie in the follow-up program with an unnatural expression.

But netizens quickly picked up a key piece of information from her previous program: Algae Star is a cosmic tourism and health resort. The environment and food there have unique treatments for carbon-based life, especially humanoid life. With nourishing effects, especially seafood products, it can be called the living ginseng of the universe.

This was what Louise said personally when introducing the customs and customs of Algae Core Planet before the trial officially started.

There is a special kind of radiation energy in the ocean of the algae star, which makes some marine organisms become extremely precious food supplements with no side effects.

Just because of this program, many people on earth are yearning for the Algae Star. Even Dick wants to take advantage of Christmas to go there for a few days of vacation.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief may have eaten seafood, but this is by no means a reason why he should be forgiven.

On the contrary, the commander-in-chief actually ate seafood on the Algae Core Planet. Where did he get the money? Traveling at official expense? Or, using the identity of the representative of the earth, cheating and drinking at the alien host's house?

Public dissatisfaction boiled and the curse became even louder.

"What's wrong with me eating seafood?" The Commander-in-Chief was also aggrieved. "Harvey Dent eats seafood every day. The Algae Stars provide him with all kinds of high-end seafood for free. I'm sitting at the same table with him. Do I have to spend extra money to order another one?" A dish?

And not only did I eat it, but Louise, Louise’s mother and son also ate it, and they were not civil servants. "

"Is the seafood from Algae Nucleus Star delicious?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

The Commander-in-Chief smacked his lips with a look of endless aftertaste, "It seems that every cell has turned into a seed, sprouting new shoots, full of vitality and vitality, and happier than being a god.

My legs, which had been cold for decades, were gone all of a sudden. It truly is a cosmic physiotherapy resort, it’s amazing. "


The Zhenglian hero on the other side shouted impatiently: "You need to know about Hal's situation immediately."

"Zetas, you go back first, and I will explain it to you on the Minion Forum later."

"Thanks, Harley."

John Stewart sent back many people on this trip.

In addition to Hal and the commander-in-chief, there were also important military and political officials brought by the commander-in-chief that day.

So when he landed, he landed directly on the lawn in front of the White House.

After parting with the Commander, Harley returned to the Hall of Justice with several heroes before starting to talk about Hal.

"I was dismissed due to dereliction of duty and violation of the green light ban. I was solely responsible for the Carona trial. As a result, such a big accident occurred and the trial could not be completed satisfactorily. I am responsible.

The removal of my position is the Green Lantern Corps' statement to the civilizations participating in the Grand Trial, and it is also part of the Green Lantern Corps' internal discipline.

In addition, I used the green light ring illegally and killed Carona, which was also one of the crimes. " Hal said dejectedly.

Wonder Woman said angrily: "How can I blame you for Carona's escape from prison? You didn't design the Green Lantern Corps' high-tech prison. And you reacted very quickly at the time, preventing Carona from hurting anyone and killing the fugitive in time. It’s right to have merit without fault.”

Hal shook his head, "Although the Guardian's trial against me was conducted within the Legion, it was not hidden from the Legion members. Many Legion representatives were present at the time, and they all recognized the Guardian's punishment of me."

Bateman frowned and said: "I heard from Harley's analysis that Carona used the green light energy in the high-tech prison, so he was able to escape in court. Is this normal?"

Hal sighed: "It's not normal. Theoretically, if a super-powered person is locked up in it, he cannot break free with his own energy. Well, the last time the person who took the initiative to break through the high-tech prison was Atrocitus.

But he is in a special situation, and the red light ring is his heart.

We didn't take out the light ring at that time, which gave him an opportunity.

The subsequent investigation showed that Carona's escape was not completed overnight.

From the moment he was put into the cell, he tried to use his own will to communicate with the high-tech prison.

After quietly planning for more than a month, I gathered enough energy to explode in one fell swoop.

I failed to notice anything unusual, and I do have to bear some responsibility. "

"Do you really think so?" Harley asked, staring into his eyes.

Hal shook his head and said bitterly: "Does it matter what I think? The Green Lantern Corps recognized the Guardian's sentence against me."

Indeed, this is the key.

Being supported by the courtiers, he is still the emperor even if he does not sit on the dragon throne. If he is ostracized and hostile by the courtiers, it is useless to hold the imperial seal.

Harley sighed, "This is the aftermath of the Green Lantern War."

"Hal is the greatest Green Lantern. Even he is ostracized. What about the others?" Aquaman turned his attention to John Stewart.

"The atmosphere within the Legion is indeed very unfriendly to us Earth Lanterns." John said helplessly.

Harley asked again: "What's wrong with using the light ring illegally?"

Hal lowered his eyes and said: "First of all, during non-legion wars, the green light ring turns off the killing mode by default, which means it cannot kill the enemy.

This is the most important and basic law of the Green Lantern Corps before the Sinestro War.

As the War of Sex and Light breaks out, restrictions against killing people are relaxed.

On weekdays, when the Lantern encounters vicious enemies, he can also apply to the headquarters for the use of lethal force through the Lantern Ring.

Secondly, no matter when or where, the Green Lantern Ring cannot kill the Guardians - the Maltus who possess the Guardian genes and psychic fluctuations.

This is the Green Lantern Guardian's protection of his own race, and it is a dead rule.

Until Kalona completes his trial, he still has the status of 'Guardian'.

As a result, I used lethal force, killed the guardian, and broke two bans in a row. "

"How did you overcome the restrictions of the light ring? The green light ban must not only be a verbal ban, but your light rings are also programmed accordingly." Wonder Woman asked curiously.

"I used my willpower to crush the restrictive program set by the Guardian."

"Why not arrest Carona instead of killing him directly?" Bateman asked.

Hal said helplessly: "Carona is very strong, and there are so many tourists near the Algae Core Star. It's a fluke that I can win without any damage. How can I still be able to do so with ease? I can kill and catch whatever I want without hurting an innocent person." Tourist?"

"What are your plans next?" Harley asked.

"Let's take some rest first. Crises have come one after another in the past few years. I haven't enjoyed a leisurely private life for a long time."

Looking at his decadent face, like an old cadre who has been nourished by power for decades and becomes senile as soon as he retires, Harley said: "How about I recommend you to join the Green Lantern Tribe and become the 'greatest Green Lantern'.

You can still go to the universe to maintain order, punish evil and promote good, or you can just be a superhero on earth. "

Hal's dim eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'd better go back to Beach City and be an ordinary person."

Harry understood that on the surface, this guy was "retiring from old age and returning to his hometown", but in fact, he planned to sit in the courtyard and watch the flowers bloom and fall, listen to the movements in the court with his ears raised, wait for things to change, and the stars would change, and he would make a comeback immediately!

Hal's return has caused far greater turmoil on Earth than the return of the Commander-in-Chief.

In terms of status, the Commander-in-Chief is actually far inferior to Hal.

Hal is the "General Commander of the Green Lantern Corps" who makes all mankind proud.

The Green Lantern Corps manages 3,600 sectors of the universe. The power and strength of any ordinary Lantern exceeds that of most leaders of advanced civilizations.

What's more, Zetas is only the commander-in-chief of the United States, while Hal is the commander-in-chief of the Legion.

At first, Hal wanted to keep a low profile, and Zhenglian Heroes did not spread the word about it.

But his resignation was big news in the entire universe.

The news is more popular than the trial.

When the news finally spread on the earth, the people on earth were shocked.

"Is there any mistake? Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern, but he was dismissed just because of a trivial matter like Carona's escape from prison?"

"This is ****, the little blue man is deliberately targeting people on Earth."

"Without the Four Lanterns of Earth, the Green Lantern Corps would have been finished countless times."

"We're going to build a 'new Green Lantern Corps'! Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner can build a lamp anyway."

Public opinion was boiling, and even Harley's "technical analysis" of the commander's shitting behavior didn't stir up much controversy.

But within a few days, public opinion fell silent due to a new piece of news from the Green Lantern Corps.

John Stewart was promoted.

He was just an ordinary lantern before, but now he has risen to the top and become the deputy leader of the legion.

The new legion commander who succeeded Hal Jordan was Salak, the old-fashioned and strict former guardian of the Book of Oa.

A few days later, Guy Gardner also packed his bags and returned to his hometown.

"Alas, Guy already has a bad temper, and Hal was expelled from the Green Lantern Corps, which made him even more angry. The day before yesterday, he was drunk. He not only insulted the Guardians in public, but also contradicted Sarlacc and refused to carry out orders." Kyle sighed.

The person who sent the failed Lantern back this time was Kyle Rayner.

John Stewart has now been promoted to a title and is busy with official duties.

"What about you? You don't seem to be in a good state."

"You are right, I am very unhappy in the Green Lantern Corps now. When Kalona's remains are returned, I will temporarily leave the Green Lantern Corps and stay on Earth permanently."

Kyle laughed at himself, "Speaking of which, I am still the guardian hero of Los Angeles. The total time I have spent in the city in the past few years seems to be less than a month."

Harley looked at him deeply and said, "You are a smart man."

Although Kyle Rayner is an artist, has a naive temperament, and his political IQ is not as good as Hal Jordan's, he has a keen mind and is smarter than Hal in everything he does.

The Green Lantern Corps was also rebuilt. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Hal Jordan placed the new Green Lantern headquarters in Beach City on Earth and considered himself the leader of the Corps.

The reason why the headquarters was placed on Earth is that the Earth is in a state of prosperity and strength, while the Green Lantern Corps has three or two big cats and kittens, but there are many foreign enemies, and they come to Earth to seek shelter.

He considered himself the commander of the army simply because there were not many "old green lights" left at that time.

He was the one who rebuilt the central battery, and he was the one who gathered the remnants to reorganize the legion. He was the strongest and had the ability to protect the legion. If he didn't become the legion commander, who would?

When the little blue man returned, he gave up the great foundation he had built with little effort.

So he is not greedy for power, he is just too responsible and likes to take the initiative to take responsibility.

Kyle also single-handedly rebuilt the Green Lantern Corps, but the first thing he did was to erect a huge statue of Hal Jordan at the new Green Lantern headquarters to confirm Hal's status as "the greatest Green Lantern in history."

Then, he asked Gunther to be the guardian and Hal to lead the legion. He only became a member of the honor guard with no real power.

To this day, even the rising star John Stewart has more power in the Legion than he does.

Kyle also has a sense of responsibility, but compared with Hal's sharp edge, he knows how to protect himself wisely and retreat bravely.

Guy Gardner isn't the only one around Kyle.

There was also a body bag containing Carona's unyielding remains.

"Where should Kalona's remains be sent?" Harley asked doubtfully.

If it were sent to Oa, there would be no need for Kyle to take action.

There were several other Lanterns who had guarded Kalona High Tech Prison with Hal.

And Kyle wasn't there at the time.

"Leave it to Atrocitus, the Lord of the Orange Lantern. He is also one of the victims. When the machine hunter massacred sector 666, it was Carona who did it."

"Is this an order from the Guardian, or Hal's previous decision?" Harley asked in surprise.

"It's the Guardians. They hope to resolve the grievances between the two parties through this move. From now on, the red lights and the green lights will live in peace." Kyle said with some relief.

Harley frowned and said, "I feel something is wrong. The Guardian probably has a conspiracy."

"What conspiracy? This was negotiated before the start of the trial." Kyle said.

"This is not like the Guardians' style"

Even if she had to give a reason, Harry couldn't tell.

"Oh, forget it. Anyway, Guy and Hal are fired, and you have to return to the earth. Let the little blue man do whatever you want. As for John, he has a military background and is strict with himself. He is the type that the Guardians like the most and are easiest to control. There probably won’t be any problems.”

Guy Gardner didn't have Hal's castle.

It was difficult for him to accept the gap from a space policeman to an ordinary unemployed poor man, so he drank to relieve his sorrows all day long.

As a result, he was imprisoned for being drunk and causing trouble within a few days of his return.

However, his reputation was not as good as Hal's, and the public did not pay much attention to him.

Even if the media reports this, they will say that he "deserves it, no wonder he was removed from the Green Lantern Corps."

He was expelled from the army because he was drunk, causing trouble and disobeying his superiors while drunk!

True to his word, Kyle shifted his focus from Oa to Earth.

Almost every day you can see new videos of him punishing criminals, eradicating evil, and providing disaster relief on the Puppy Hero Forum.

Other than that, nothing much happens on Earth.

People on earth have resumed their leisurely days of watching the "Great Judgment Live" and criticizing alien laws and culture.

At least Quinn Manor was peaceful and peaceful, and the days were going happily until an unexpected Lantern suddenly came to visit.

"Oh my God, Sinestro?!" Angela, the housekeeper, looked at the red-skinned man outside the door with surprise and wariness on her face.

Sinestro greeted politely, "Hello, Miss Angela, I would like to see Harley Quinn immediately.

I have something very important to tell her. Well, you tell her, I'm here to pay a visit to Elder Qingdeng. "

"You-" Angela rubbed her eyes and said in shock: "You are wearing a Green Lantern uniform? Are you really Sinestro?"

"I have rejoined the Green Lantern Corps and become a glorious Green Lantern."

Sinestro raised his right hand and shook the light ring on his finger, "This light ring once belonged to Hal Jordan. After he was expelled from the Green Lantern Corps, the light ring lost its owner and he had to choose a new Lantern."

The expression on his face was sometimes confused and sometimes gloomy, "I was also surprised that it chose me."

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