Universe sector 0908, Ayushin star.

This planet is the same size as the earth, but it supports more than 70 billion people.

It's not that the Ayuins are smaller and have fewer material needs, they are the same shape and height as humans.

They are very similar to humans except for their heads that resemble oxen.

The reason why these yellow-faced tauren are able to reproduce a population that far exceeds the capacity of the planet is because they are not picky eaters like cattle.

Well, relative to people on Earth.

People on earth do not eat grass, rotten vegetable leaves, or chaff. Many of the coarse grains that people on earth give to animals are delicacies to the Ayuin people.

Of course, just because they have skinny ox heads doesn't mean they only eat vegetarian food.

Their technological level is roughly equivalent to that of Earth at the beginning of the 20th century. It is not advanced, but it is not primitive either.

Because they have not left the planet, they, like the early Earthlings, only fantasize about the existence of intelligent civilizations similar to theirs in the vast sea of ​​​​stars when they look up at the stars.

Today, they actually see aliens for the first time.

Not only do they come from an alien planet, they are also the most civilized race of gods on the alien planet.

Not only is he the most civilized, he is also the most powerful and powerful "god king" among the gods.


The sound of a sonic boom exploded over the most prosperous city of Ayuyin. The mother box directly transmitted Heavenly Father, Harley and the eight generals from the Creation Star to the planet Ayuyin in the material universe.

The tallest among them is only 2.5 meters tall, so they should be very inconspicuous in the sky dozens of kilometers high.

But the divine brilliance emanating from them is like nine little suns gathered in one place.

Harley is just mediocre.

With them as the center, circles of transparent ripples rippled in the surrounding space, and the yellow-faced tauren below were stunned.

"This is it, Ayuin Star. It represents the worst aspects of this universe, poverty, greed, famine, plague, overpopulation, and resource depletion."

Heavenly Father looked down at the human world below, with an expression of compassion, pity and sarcasm on his face, "This small planet has actually produced more than 70 billion people.

Without the intervention of outside forces, they would be completely destroyed within a few generations, dying in a nuclear war fighting for the last rations.

This is the planet selected by the Mother Box that is most in need of salvation by the gods. "

At first, Harley didn't understand why. When she saw Him activating the Scepter of Life and slowly pointing the head of the Scepter towards the ground, she was shocked and asked quickly: "Brother Heavenly Father, what are you planning to do? Light of Life." It cannot solve the dilemma in the development of civilization."


Endless white light spurted out from the top of the scepter of life, like a sharp sword chopped down by the gods.

The gray sky filled with smoke and haze split open and fell on the earth, white light spreading in all directions like waves.


The speed of the white light wave is also as fast as the light wave, covering the entire planet in an instant.

After doing all this, Heavenly Father replied: “The light of life is omnipotent, it can help me recast the life below according to my vision.

The people of Ayuyin receive my best blessings, they will all become gods and become a new race of gods - eh~~"

His expression froze, he closed his mouth, and stared at the city below.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... snap’s skin swelled, and their muscles were distorted and swollen, their bones were deformed, and bone spurs had grown.

Without exception, they turned into hideous monsters visibly to the naked eye.

It seems that what Heavenly Father just unleashed was not the white light, but the T-virus from Resident Evil, which twisted the Ayuins into lickers.

Just by looking at their turbid and cruel eyes and their crazy and violent roars, you can tell that at least intellectually, not to mention the new protoss, they are even inferior to the original yellow-faced tauren.

"No!" Heavenly Father roared unwillingly.

Orion added fuel to the fire, "Father, they don't look like gods."

The Heavenly Father did not lose his temper with Him, but only glared at the Craftsman God.

"The Scepter of Life failed. The white light it emitted was not the true light of life."

The God Craftsman took the scepter of life from Heavenly Father, carefully checked it inside and out, and said with certainty: "I don't know what went wrong, but I swear to you, it was built exactly according to the design drawings you provided. of."

Heavenly Father turned his sharp eyes to Metron again.

Metron said slowly: "The Scepter of Life has the power of seven lights and lacks emotional elements, so the white light it generates is just the incomplete light of life.

It wasn't a total failure, though.

Although the Ayuin people have not been transformed into the gods, we can all see that their bodies are more powerful than before.

The strength of a single life form is comparable to that of Apokolips demons. "

"But they have no mind and are like wild beasts." Beka, the God of Love, said.

"We will continue our research after we go back. One failure is not terrible." Metron said calmly.

Hercules asked: "How to deal with the monsters below? The glorious characteristics of the Creation Star are not reflected in them at all.

Seeing them reminds me of Darkseid instead, which is disgusting. "

Harley glanced at him and cursed in her heart: They are the creations of Heavenly Father. When you see them, you think of Darkseid. What is your intention?

Beka had a look of pity on her face, "Heavenly Father, have mercy on them."

Heavenly Father looked at the earth and muttered: "These lives have been distorted, and the rest of their lives will only be full of pain, and even bring bloodshed to other planets.

Ugo, gather your troops, be merciful, and give them a good time. "

“As you wish, Father.”

Harley remained calm and only used the corner of her eyes to observe the expressions of the new gods.

Orion, the foreign hero of the Justice League, looked around with a dull expression.

Beka, the God of Love, who had asked for mercy from Heavenly Father before, still had mercy on her face. When she heard Heavenly Father's arrangement, she only felt a little more satisfied.

The others either had expressionless faces or looked as disgusted as their Heavenly Father.

Just like the disgusting garbage below, it has nothing to do with them.

Harley couldn't help but remember that a few hours ago, in the politics class at Genesis Elementary School, the students listened carefully to Heavenly Father's teachings: The Dark Lord will enslave all life, and under his rule, no life can freely choose its own destiny. The nobility of life must not be tarnished, and the beauty of freedom must not be desecrated. For the safety and freedom of billions of lives in the multiverse, every new god must be prepared to resist the evil god of Apokolips.

She wanted to taunt her Heavenly Father: Is the life of the Ayush people considered life? Is their life noble? When you used the White Light of Evolution on them, did you let them choose freely?

"Harry, what do you think?" Heavenly Father suddenly turned his head and stared at her and asked.

Without thinking, Harry immediately praised: "Heavenly Father is wise! Ending their distorted and polluted lives is the last mercy for them and a kind of respect for life."

Even if she mocked Heavenly Father ten thousand times in her heart, she would not scold Him in front of the more than 70 billion Ayuins at the critical moment when the final crisis was approaching.

But if Heavenly Father dares to use the same methods and attitudes on Earth, even if it is only used on a small group of ordinary people on Earth whom she does not know, she will let Him understand why Darkseid howled miserably.

Heavenly Father looked at her for a while and said, "I never thought you would care about them."

Harry was stunned when he heard this, not understanding what he meant.

The Heavenly Father smiled and said, “I am asking about the white light of the scepter of life.”

Harry understood that in the heart of Heavenly Father, the 70 billion people in Ayu are like dust. The dust can be brushed away without giving him a second more attention.

She felt a little chilled. Heavenly Father did not pretend to be indifferent. He truly did not care about the lives of 70 billion people.

But Heavenly Father is also the embodiment of light and justice in the multiverse, this stupid world!

"Back then, Kalona also used incomplete white light to help four lanterns accelerate their evolution." She said slowly with a thoughtful look on her face: "I didn't know that white light could help people evolve at the time, and I didn't understand his behavior.

For a long time, I thought white light was only related to resurrection.

At most, it can enhance the Lantern's life essence and make it transcend time.

I saw the power of the Scepter of Life today. Although the evolution effect was not very successful, it still shocked me. "

Heavenly Father said: "Resurrection is just a trail, and breaking out of the constraints of time is just a by-product of the evolution of life.

White light is the light of life, and its main function is to allow life to evolve infinitely. "

"Oh, I see, I was really ignorant before." Harley looked honest and educated.

"You know the 'Seven Emotions Cultivation Method' very well, and I would like to know more about your views on it." Heavenly Father said.

"I have said everything I know without reservation. If you want to know more relevant information, I suggest you go to Ganser. The little blue man must have hidden a lot of secrets." Harley said.

"Ganser." Heavenly Father frowned.


The sound of sonic boom exploded in the sea near Metropolis, and Harley's figure stepped out of the white air waves.

A moment later, she landed in the Hall of Justice.

Before leaving Planet Ayuyin, she had already sent a message to the heroes to hold a "Heroes' Meeting" through the guardian dog.

After that, we stayed in Ayuyin for two hours and witnessed with our own eyes the projection of Hercules Ugo, leading millions of gods to bloodbath 70 billion mutants.

By the time she entered the conference room, they were already waiting impatiently.

"Obviously you asked us to come over for the meeting, why didn't you show up for a long time?" Dachao complained.

Harley attended the Blüdhaven mourning meeting yesterday afternoon, met Kyle in the evening, and rushed to the Genesis Star overnight.

After struggling all night, it is now time to go to work in the morning.

Chao was supposed to attend the mass memorial service in Metropolis as Clark Kent's reporter.

Harley glanced at him lightly, "What do you think I did? Drinking coffee in a certain coffee shop, sitting in the park?"

"Cyborg detected the signal from the sonic boom channel. Did you go to the Genesis Star?" Baxter's eyes flashed, "For Kyle Rayner? The Life Equation?"

Harley looked around, and finally her eyes fell on John Stewart, "What's the situation with the Green Lantern Corps now?"

The black lantern rubbed his temples, shook his head and said, "The atmosphere within the legion is very bad. I can clearly feel the rejection of our Earth lanterns by the semi-newcomers."

"What half-new guy?"

John explained: "He is the Lantern who joined the Legion before the Green Lantern War and stayed with the Legion for less than three months.

Compared with the Lanterns who were chosen as cannon fodder by Kalona during the War of Green Lantern, they are old men.

Compared with the Lanterns, who have experienced major crises in the past few years, they are newbies.

This kind of person is the most troublesome.

Old Green Lantern has experienced a lot, and he understands the character of Zhenglian heroes very well, and he also cherishes his friendship with the earth.

A pure newcomer has not yet developed a sense of belonging to the Green Lantern Corps and has no Green Lantern friends.

They are like college students who have just entered school, adapting to the new environment silently.

The semi-newcomers don’t know much about the regular heroes, but they understand the great history of the Green Lantern Corps and are proud of this identity.

They have also become life-and-death friends with many like-minded teammates.

In this war, they felt the greatest pain and the most resentment. "

"One day, novices and semi-novices will become old people, and then they will understand our helplessness." Dachao comforted everyone optimistically.

"Did you notice that the Legion lost a light ring?" Harley asked.

"The legion has lost a lot of light rings and is currently searching for them everywhere." John said.

“The Father created a scepter with the power of seven lamps”

Harley briefly recounted her experience on the Genesis Star last night.

"Is the final crisis finally coming?" The heroes looked solemn.

"This hero's meeting is a mobilization meeting. I plan to select a group of good players to form the 'Earth Volunteer Army' to join the battle to defend the Genesis Star." Harley said.

"That's what it should be. My lips are dead and my teeth are cold! Count me in." Dachao nodded.

"Don't worry yet." Harley smiled strangely and told Ayu Yin's changes again.

Not only did she describe it in words, she also played a specially recorded video of "a happy death with mercy."

"I bought it!!"

The superheroes looked pale and looked shocked.

General Lane and other military and political representatives were sweating profusely, and some almost peed their pants.

Yinhe Mingji and the people's representative. Mingji could still hold on, but the mass representative fainted when faced with "real rivers of blood and mountains of corpses."

"How could this be possible?!" Dachao said angrily.

"Heavenly Father didn't know it would be like this."

There were many people talking at the scene, and anything she said could spread out and be known by Heavenly Father, so she had to be careful with her words and deeds, and even say good things to Heavenly Father.

"Even if you want to test the Life Scepter, you can do the experiment with a single non-intelligent life, such as a white mouse. Even if you want to use a living person for the experiment, one is enough. Why look for a planet with a population of 70 billion?" Louise said excitedly.

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "The Heavenly Father was misled by the God of Craftsman and the God of Knowledge, thinking that the Scepter of Life would definitely succeed. He found the planet Ayuin to bestow blessings and save the civilization that was about to collapse.

If He succeeds, Ayu will ascend to heaven with 70 billion people and become a race of gods.

All miracles have a price.

With such great benefits, of course, there are corresponding risks. "

"You really think so? You were there at the time, why didn't you dissuade me?"

Louise looked at her reproachfully and questioned her in an angry tone.

Harry said calmly: "If you dare to speak to Heavenly Father in this tone, there will only be one result: you will be burned to ashes with a look from Him, and all living people will think that He did the right thing."

——No one who dares to take responsibility for His actions will be able to live anymore.

Louise was stunned, her face looked ugly, and she glanced at Da Chao.

Just as Da Chao was about to speak, Ha Li said again: "I am not showing you this video and telling you about Ayu Yin's changes to listen to your doubts and to show my justice.

I have only one purpose, to clear your heads full of unrealistic fantasies.

This is the most authentic way of getting along among civilizations.

Heavenly Father is also the embodiment of justice and light, while Darkseid is the embodiment of evil and darkness.

Now that you have seen the justice and light of the multiverse, you can imagine the true evil and darkness. "

Louise fell silent with a pale face.

Everyone also looked shocked and remained silent.

Harley continued: "Our agreement with Darkseid is that he will only take action on the earth after the creation star is destroyed.

Heavenly Father's plan is to use the material universe as the battlefield, use white light to transform the armies of advanced civilizations into new gods, and together protect the light and justice of the multiverse.

My plan is that the earth must support the creation star.

I will personally lead the team, either to defeat Darkseid, or to accompany the new Protoss on the Genesis Star in a fierce battle until I am the only one left.

After signing up as a volunteer, I will regularly take you to the Genesis Star to adapt to the environment of the fifth dimension and the way to fight with the new gods.

No decision needs to be made immediately, we still have at least a year. "

"After listening to your experience on the Creation Planet, I feel that it is not an accident that Heavenly Father came to Planet Ayuyin."

The hero meeting ended in a dull and depressing atmosphere, and Bateman went to find Harley alone.

"Oh, why do you think He took action against Ayuyin?" Harley asked.

Bateman said: "The Ayuyin civilization may not be developed, but they can reproduce such a huge population, and their society and culture should be full of vitality.

Scarce material conditions and a vibrant society full of desires.

The people there must be full of expectations for life.

With rich emotions and a large population base, it is easier for people to have extreme emotions and desires, that is, emotional factors.

If the Heavenly Father succeeds in transforming them into the new Gods. Even if he fails, as long as some of the characteristics of the New Gods are retained, the Heavenly Father can learn from Kalona and extract the emotional elements from their bodies and integrate them into his own body. "

Harley remained calm, "So?"

What he said now, she thought of it then.

Those who think that Heavenly Father is stupid and do not know how to do experiments and can take a sample first are really stupid.

But as long as you understand this kind of thing in your heart, there is no need to say it out loud.

Saying it won't change the reality, it will only anger the Father.

As long as the final crisis does not end, the Earthlings will have to support the Heavenly Father.

Bateman frowned and said: "You seem to have guessed it a long time ago, but you don't care at all? I dare say that the world where Heavenly Father really wants to distort evolution must be the earth!

Perhaps because it became the center of the universe, rich emotional elements were born on the earth.

Even a pair of ordinary old people can feel love.

The emotion of love is one of the seven emotions.

Kyle Rayner is even more emotional.

Anyone who is full of desire for emotional elements will discover the anomalies of the earth and then develop a desire to covet it. "

Harley finally no longer looked calm.

She looked at him in surprise and said, "It's amazing that you, a mere Muggle, can have such insights."

"Muggles are most ignorant. When faced with the same information, ordinary people's judgment is no worse than that of mages and gods." Bateman's expression was dull, but there was a faint flash of pride in his eyes.

"So, based on your wise judgment, what should I do? What should the Earth do?" Harley asked.

"If I had a perfect plan, I would have said it at the meeting just now." Bateman sighed.

"If there is no answer to the problem, there is no need for you to ask the question. It is useless to say it now." Harley said.

"At least, we should be wary of the New Gods, all the New Gods." Bateman said.

"Don't you like to formulate the 'xxx defense plan'? You will probably stay up for days and nights to come up with the 'New God Defense Plan'." Harley smiled.

"I'm serious." Bateman said seriously.

Harley said: "Instead of being wary of this and that, it's better to work hard to improve your strength.

If you are strong enough, even Darkseid will abide by the order and sign a peace contract with you.

Without strength, just like the Ayuyin man.

When the fate of the family was decided, the merciful and righteous Heavenly Father did not even say a word to any of them.

Destroying you, or blessing you and making you a god, are all the will of the strong, what does it have to do with you?

Although cruel, this is reality. "

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