I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1484 News about Captain Atom

"Wait a minute, Harley, I have something to tell you."

After telling Bateman to leave in a depressed manner, Harley still could not leave the Hall of Justice immediately.

As soon as he reached the corridor, he was stopped by Louise who was carrying a small camera.

She ran over panting, looked around, and whispered: "You exposed a lot of shocking secrets at the meeting today, and I recorded them all.

But those news are related to the reputation of Heavenly Father and the Genesis Star, so they shouldn’t be broadcast, right? "

"As you wish." Harley said.

"Whatever?" Louise raised her voice and shouted, "When the news is released, it will inevitably cause a storm of public opinion, and Heavenly Father's reputation will become the same as Darkseid's."

"Do you think Heavenly Father cares? Or do you pay attention to the ants' TV shows?"

"It will definitely affect Heavenly Father's perception, and Orion is a hero of the main alliance, what will he think?" Louise said excitedly.

"Since you have many concerns, then don't send the news out." Harley said calmly.

Louise opened her mouth and said helplessly: "Ayu Yin's accident and the Seven Lantern Corps' lantern ring being snatched away cannot be hidden from anyone who cares. People in the universe will soon know what Heavenly Father has done.

It's just that the interests of us people on Earth are firmly bound to the Creation Star. They can say it, but we can't.

This news footage cannot be released until the crisis is finally over. "

Harley smiled weirdly, "In the end, the crisis is over, and there are only two outcomes, either Heavenly Father wins or Darkseid wins.

Heavenly Father has even defeated Darkseid, who possesses the Anti-Life Equation. How dare you challenge His authority?

Darkseid won and sacrificed his life for the final battle on behalf of the Heavenly Father. You want to 'slander' the embodiment of justice who sacrificed his life for the multiverse? Open your eyes to the evil Darkseid? "

"Uh" Louise was stunned.

Harley shook her head and walked out.

"Hey, Harley, don't worry." Louise chased after her again and said, "The Daily Planet building collapsed, did you know?"

"Oh, it was blown up by the green light puppet? What do you want from me?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"You are the majority shareholder of the newspaper." Louise reminded.

"This kind of thing will be handled by the insurance company. When the compensation is paid, the board of directors will discuss whether to build a new building or buy one. I don't need to intervene." Harley said.

"The insurance company in which our newspaper is insured has gone bankrupt!" cried Louise.

"Well, no one told me that Metropolis is so miserable?"

"The destroyed buildings alone will cause losses as high as 800 billion U.S. dollars! No insurance company can withstand this," Louise sighed.

"What does the government say? We can't let ourselves feel unlucky, right?" Harley said.

"They are busy with the election recently. There will be no results in a short time. But our newspaper office cannot stop working. There are big news to report every day." Louise said.

"You, a part-time worker, seem to be more anxious than me, the boss." Harley said strangely.

Louise smiled proudly, "In addition to the urgent matter and the need to send a message to Perry, there is another reason why I came to talk to you about this matter. I am also the boss of the company and have 0.8% of the equity."

Harley was stunned for a while before she remembered that after this guy became famous in the universe, he had been approached by many large media organizations. In order to retain her, Daily Planet gave her a portion of the equity when signing a new professional contract with her.

0.8% may not seem like much, but Harley herself is only in the early 20%.

20% is already the largest individual shareholder.

However, Harley is not alone. She is the boss of the "Quinn Consortium". There are dozens of capitalist younger brothers who were whitewashed from the "Quinn Family" back then.

The total shares of the "Quinn Consortium" exceed 50%.

"Perry has called Quinn Manor several times. You seem to be very busy these days and haven't come home. When he came over for the meeting today, he specifically asked me to talk to you." Louise added.

"Where do you work now?" Harley asked.

"A printing factory in the suburbs. I cleaned up the factory building there a little and moved in, but it is very inconvenient to commute to and from get off work. There is also a lack of equipment and space when doing news programs." Louise said.

Harley pondered for a moment and said: "Since we want to rebuild, we must take one step at a time and build the top news building in the universe."

While talking, she took Louise to find Adam Strange, who was bragging and spanking with Green Arrow in the duty room.

After becoming Lan En's consort, this guy didn't give up his identity as a superhero, and would return to Earth every now and then to hang out.

The nuclear defense agents and nuclear defense suits previously provided to the people of Earth were donated by him to the Earth after he encouraged the Lann government.

"The most advanced news building." Hearing Harley's request, Prince Consort Lan frowned and said, "What is the standard for advanced? Advanced theory, advanced equipment, or comfortable living?"

"The main thing is that the leather is durable and can withstand the 'strong winds and heavy rains' that happen in the metropolis." Harley said.

The prince-in-law looked troubled, "Even the Lan En people can't withstand the strong wind and rain you talk about."

Harry's heart moved and he said: "If you can't resist, run away. When in danger, the whole building will immediately shrink into the ground, or it will fly into the sky and turn into a spaceship."

"This is good." Louise's eyes lit up and she said happily.

"Technically there is no problem, but is this necessary? A rough estimate, I feel the price is no less than 2 billion Rann coins, equivalent to two trillion U.S. dollars." The Prince Consort said.

"I bought it, two trillion! It's too expensive." Louise covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Prince Consort Lan said: "The previous Planet Daily Building had more than 500 employees, right?

A 500-passenger spacecraft costs more than 1 billion US dollars to replenish its energy just once. The maintenance cost every five years is even higher, which is equivalent to one-seventh of the value of the spacecraft. "

"The space battleship is too high-end and we can't afford it." Louise said dejectedly.

"Two billion Rann coins, right? Bought it! We mainly use it to house people. We don't need to fly frequently, so there is no need to maintain it every five years."

Harley waved her hand proudly, "Adam, please contact us and send the New Planet Daily Building over as soon as possible."

"We have no money." Louise said anxiously.

"I know there is no money, but we can get a loan." Harley looked at Adam Qixia and said: "Mortgage the Daily Planet to Lane National Bank and get a loan of 2 billion to buy a new building.

It shouldn’t be difficult to use Daily Planet’s annual profits to repay the interest and debt, right? "

"How much is Planet Daily's annual profit? Is it enough to repay the interest?" Adam Qixia asked doubtfully.

Harley chuckled and said: "The overseas distribution rights of Daily Planet are the biggest source of profit. They can be handed over to Lann Bank to repay the 'mortgage'."

"Are you a white wolf with nothing?" Adam Qixia frowned.

Harley shook her head, "Daily Planet borrowed money, and Lann Bank provided a loan. Daily Planet used the borrowed money to find Lann Starship Technology Company to purchase the building, and the bank sold Daily Planet's overseas distribution rights to Lann News Group. At least. There are four companies involved in this financial transaction.

Everyone is willing and honest.

There is profit for everyone, too.

The Daily Planet gets a new building and expands its business to the entire universe through Lane News Group.

Lann Starship Technology sold a custom-made spaceship to make a small fortune.

Lane Bank is operating normally and earning a considerable amount of interest.

Lane News Group is not at a loss either.

Two billion U.S. dollars is nothing to the Daily Planet, and two billion Lann coins is nothing to the Lann News Group.

As long as it works a little, the Daily Planet's news program will definitely make a lot of money for Lan News Group.

Just like the "Open Your Eyes to See the Galaxy" program run by Planet Daily, it only translates and forwards extraterrestrial gossip news, and its annual advertising costs exceed 1 billion US dollars.

If you look at the major events that have happened in the universe in recent years, almost all of them are related to the Earth, or the Earth is heavily involved.

Every major event can be turned into a series of special topics that last for several months. Louise, the famous star of the universe, is personally responsible for it. Aliens will definitely like to watch it. "

"Why don't you go directly to Lann News Group to sell overseas distribution rights?" Adam Qixia asked doubtfully.

"I don't know anyone, and I don't want to bother. If you are kind enough to help sell the overseas news rights, that would be even better," Harley said.

The Green Arrow on the side said: "Harley's method is better. After paying off the interest, you can take back the copyright at any time. The initiative is in your own hands.

Of course, the premise is that Daily Planet’s news program can really sell well in the galaxy. "

"You can try it." Adam Qixia said.

On the afternoon of the third day, Perry, Louise, Lana Lang and other backbones of Daily Planet came to Quinn Manor collectively.

They happily informed Harley of the good news: the "Lan Loan" had been settled.

"Your guess is very accurate. To us, 2 billion Rann coins is an astronomical figure. To the Rann Consortium, it is not even a drop in the bucket. They are not worried about losing money at all.

The new ‘Daily Planet Building’ will arrive on Earth within a week.

By then, our newspaper will be in place in one step and technically reach the most advanced level in the Galaxy. I feel like I'm dreaming! " Louise said excitedly.

They were excited and so was Harley.

In any case, this is a good thing. There is really a lack of happy events recently.

At night, another 60-minute piece of good news came to her.

"Miss Quinn, it's me, Midnight."

When Harry was practicing his natal curse in the meditation room, he received a call from the foot of the mountain.

"Which midnight?" She asked in confusion, and suddenly said: "Oh, it's you, you're not dead?"

It was a bit rude to say this, but her surprise was genuine.

Midnight on the other end of the phone is Father Midnight, the earthly emperor of Bludhaven's underground world.

He has been in downtown Manhattan for hundreds of years.

When Harley rose up and became the Emperor of Gotham, he couldn't afford to offend her, and he didn't want to be her little brother under her high heels, so he transferred his property to Bludhaven next door.

In the early years, Harley had dealt with him several times.

Later, as her strength improved, she gradually looked down on mere "ruffians".

"Oh, I almost died. I can only say that I didn't die completely." Midnight's father lamented.

"Come up here." Harley said.

The call came from the guard room at the foot of the mountain. Only with her permission would the housekeeper Angela take the visiting guests up the mountain.

"Miss Quinn, I came to you this time mainly to report to you a piece of news related to Captain Atom."

Probably understanding Harley's temper, after entering the living room, Midnight Dad directly took out his biggest bargaining chip.

"Is it possible that he's not completely dead?" Harley asked in surprise.

Father Midnight was startled and nodded: "Yes, I suspect he is not dead. His battle with Green Lantern was fierce and attracted the attention of many extraordinary beings.

Well, they were all customers in my bar, and I was watching from the side.

Some people even bet on how many moves Green Lantern can last, and when Captain Atom will be killed——"

"I'm not involved in gambling." He quickly added.

"Then what?"

Father Midnight laughed at himself: “Then we heartless bastards who watched the excitement and gambled all suffered retribution.

Captain Atom obviously has scruples and doesn't want to hurt anyone, but there are more than one Green Lantern, all of them are crazy and ruthless.

In order to save ordinary people on the street, Captain Atom exposed his back to the green light.

Green Lantern is ruthless and almost cuts Captain Atom in half with his green energy sword.

Captain Atom screamed in agony, and endless dark purple energy erupted from the wound. A big explosion occurred after two breaths.

Not only was Blüdhaven destroyed, but the midnight bar diners were also completely devastated. "

"If we had known that Captain Atom would self-destruct, we would have helped him kill those Green Lanterns, right? We shouldn't have let the Green Lanterns into the city to kill them one by one and directly prevent a war from breaking out in the city." He regretted.

"When Captain Atom's energy leaked, you didn't realize the crisis and didn't run away immediately?" Harley asked strangely.

“Alas, most of us mages are illiterate and don’t know much about atomic science, and we don’t know that Captain Atom is a walking nuclear bomb.

And everyone is watching the fun, and many people are betting that the indecisive Captain Atom will die.

Since he had foreseen that he would be mercilessly killed by Green Lantern sooner or later, how could he be afraid now that he saw him being split into two pieces?

Many people applauded at that time. "Daddy Midnight lamented.

——You deserve this disaster!

Harley directly revealed her inner thoughts with a look of disdain, and asked: "How are you sure Captain Atom is still alive?"

Father Midnight said: "Captain Atom probably knew that he would explode. When the atomic energy was leaking out crazily, he screamed and struggled to open the dimensions - it should be the passage of the quantum space, trying to put the energy and corpses into it. Quantum space.”

Harley nodded slightly. Bateman also said that with Captain Atom's size, a complete explosion would definitely destroy more than one Bludhaven. He probably intentionally controlled the direction of energy release before dying.

"Seeing Captain Atom struggling to his death, didn't your spiritual senses feel a sense of crisis?" Ivy said in disbelief.

Father Midnight said awkwardly: "We and they were still gambling at that time, betting on the life and death of Captain Atom.

The stakes are a bit high. Without seeing the body, it’s hard to determine the winner or loser.

Many powerful supernatural beings and I released a ray of spiritual power to wrap around Captain Atom, intending to see his final outcome.

Even if there is a big explosion in the next moment, my thoughts have followed him into the quantum space.

I could 'see' Captain Atom struggling before the quantum energy annihilated my thoughts.

He was not dead, and his body that was broken into two parts showed signs of merging with each other. "

Captain Atom was an important figure in Final Crisis, and it was only in subsequent events that he showed his true strength - killing a dozen supermen.

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