I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1482: Diverting trouble to the east

"There are two main difficulties in the practice of integrating seven emotions into one. Maybe there are three difficulties."

Harley doesn't intend to deal with Heavenly Father. Any lie can only deceive the Supreme Being for a short time, and her purpose is only to protect Kyle and Hal from being used by Heavenly Father as a furnace for practicing the "Seven Emotions Magic Art".

As for whether Heavenly Father can get the light of life, open the wall of origin, and control the equation of life

She had hoped that he would succeed before, but now that she learned that he planned to use the main universe as the main battlefield and use the life equation to enlighten the "idiots" who refused to join the Creation Star camp, she gradually became indifferent.

But as long as she still expects her Heavenly Father to lead the creation star to have sex with Darkseid, who has mastered the "Anti-Life Equation Magic", she will not stand against him.

No matter how hypocritical and domineering the Heavenly Father is, he is still easier to deal with than Darkseid, who has no room for peace talks.

Even when Darkseid was at his lowest, he never denied his ambition for the earth.

He will attack the earth sooner or later, the difference is only before or after the "final battle".

The peace agreement between Harley and Him was not an agreement that Apokolips and the Earth would be peaceful forever - Harley thought, but Darkseid disagreed. He must be angry with the Earth - but the war between the Earth and Apokolips was placed in the Behind "The Final Battle between Good and Evil".

To put it simply, after everyone on Heavenly Father’s side has received their lunch boxes, it’s Earth’s turn.

It was impossible for Harry not to understand this obvious result.

Therefore, she was really talking about her understanding of "Seven Emotions Magic" at this moment.

“The first difficulty is to find the elements of the seven emotions, entities that condense seven extreme emotions such as anger and greed.

The second difficulty is the integration of the seven emotions.

If you create the seven emotional elements by yourself, the second and third difficulties can almost be ignored.

Your own emotional elements are easy to control.

The other six emotions can be subdued with willpower, and it should not be difficult to integrate them.

At least Kyle Rayner did it easily, and with your talent Father, it’s only going to be faster.

If you are unable to produce the Seven Emotional Elements, you can only learn Kalona's 'furnace method'.

Then the third difficulty arises, which is to find people of the same race to extract the power of soul and emotion.

The same bloodline, the same spiritual frequency, the same source of divine power.

For you, Heavenly Father, you can only find the furnace in the new gods, that is, those who possess the seven emotional elements.

During the Green Lantern War, Kalona found four Lanterns to make the Cauldron, which was extremely stupid. "

"Oh, why? Kalona can use the evolutionary bandage to transform them into their own kind." Heavenly Father wondered.

To be honest, after hearing the second difficulty, He immediately had the same thoughts as Carona.

As the Lord of the Creation Star, he has been searching for the equation of life for many years. He deeply understands the fact that there is no emotional element on the Creation Star.

If there were, they would have been collected by Him long ago.

"Those four Lanterns were selected only because they were extremely determined and could resist the emotional poison that Kalona poured into the central energy battery.

A paradox arises here.

Using Maltus Bandage to force them to evolve is twisting their will.

If their will can be distorted, it means that their willpower is unqualified and they are unable to extract the emotional elements of their will.

The result can only be failure.

If they can become the cauldron to extract the emotional elements of will, it means that they must be unyielding and can persist until the end. Even evolutionary bandages cannot change their hearts.

The evolutionary bandage failed, and the final result was failure. "

Harley's purpose was to persuade Heavenly Father not to take advantage of Hal and the others, but her words were also completely sincere.

At the time dock in Kalona, ​​it seemed that Kyle suddenly broke out and saved everyone.

In fact, if he doesn't break out, Hal will break out next.

Harley had already seen Hal's evolutionary bandage bulging and about to break in the next moment.

The reason is just as she said at this time, if they are qualified furnaces, they will definitely be able to break free from the distortion of the evolutionary bandage with their will.

It can be said that the outbreak of the foursome of Hal, Kyle, John and Gai Luding is inevitable, it just depends on who breaks out first.

Heavenly Father was stunned, and then looked at Metron thoughtfully, asking with his eyes.

The God of Knowledge frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "What if it is other emotional elements besides will?"

Harley smiled sarcastically at him, "What do you think is the most important and powerful talent of a Green Lantern?

If they don't even have will and emotion, the chance of birthing the other six emotions can only be even slimmer.

Otherwise it wouldn’t have been the green light ring that selected them in the first place. "

Metron's expression froze and he fell silent.

——Witch Harley’s analysis is very reasonable. We thought differently before. Kyle Rayner’s outbreak was not an accident, and Kalona’s failure was inevitable.

Silently, He sent a message to His Heavenly Father.

Transmitting sounds with spiritual power may attract Harley's attention, but they are all new gods of the Genesis Star and have mother boxes.

Harley does have a "master box".

But that Mother Box was given to her by Heavenly Father. How could it be possible to detect the information exchange between Heavenly Father and Mother Box?

——Our divine power assimilation can also transform mortals into new gods. Is it more powerful than evolutionary bandages?

The Heavenly Father remained calm, still deep in thought on the surface, but he quietly asked a question in his heart.

——No, the evolutionary bandage of the Martus people is more advanced and advanced than the assimilation of divine power.

Metron replied.

——Is it possible that the path of "unity of seven emotions" is completely unavailable to me? Darkseid has been trying to control the power of the Anti-Life Equation. If I just use the artifact to borrow the power of the Life Equation, not only will it look bad, but my strength will definitely be much weaker.

Heavenly Father asked reluctantly.

——You also heard that it is very difficult to find the elements of the seven emotions, but it is only one of the three major problems. Even if you find the elements of the seven emotions, are you confident that you can integrate them into one?

Metron said helplessly.

Heavenly Father gave Harry a gentle and kind smile, "You know so much about the 'Unity of Seven Emotions' method, do you have any good ideas to help me complete my practice?"

——If I could help you cultivate white light, why would I still be here fooling around with you? I have already gone to Heaven Mountain to retreat and practice my own white light.

Harry cursed in his heart, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "There is no perfect solution, but there is a way, maybe you can give it a try.

To be honest, I really want to try it myself, but unfortunately I don’t have enough strength. "

Heavenly Father was both curious and excited when he heard this. He has the most strength!

"Harry, tell me quickly." He said impatiently.

Harley said slowly: "I know Heavenly Father that you have been looking for ways to deal with darkness and evil, which is the equation of life.

During the Green Lantern War that just passed, I happened to discover the White Lantern cultivation method, so I rushed to the Genesis Star as soon as possible to offer this method to you, Heavenly Father. "

"Well, Harley, you are a good friend." Heavenly Father nodded.

"The main reason why I offer you the "Seven Emotions Magic Art" is because there are people who have successfully practiced it, and there are more than one.

Kyle Rayner and the original Lantern Bane both succeeded.

If one person succeeds, it may be a special case.

The success of these two people must represent a part of the truth. " Harley said.

Heavenly Father continued to nod, “That makes sense.”

"I initially hoped that Heavenly Father would use his own power to condense the seven emotional elements to achieve the 'White Light of Heavenly Father'. After all, Heavenly Father, your talent and talent are unique to the entire multiverse."

Heavenly Father blushed a little.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew very well that, not to mention others, his brother who was the incarnation of darkness, Darkseid, was more talented than him since he was a child. Although that talent was mainly expressed in killing.

Therefore, the old father Yuga Khan determined that Darkseid was the prince from the beginning, not his eldest son.

His falling out with Darkseid was certainly related to fate and character.

But the resentment that the eldest son could not succeed to the throne was also the reason why He established a new kingdom.

Of course, Heavenly Father is not simply resentful.

As long as Darkseid showed any kindness and kindness, and he regarded himself as a gentleman, he would not immediately turn his back on the king.

Darkseid is a born tyrant, the embodiment of cruelty, darkness, depravity, and evil.

He murdered their common mother.

Heavenly Father and another brother Yukas packed up and ran away at the same time the day after their mother died.

Didn't even stay to attend the Queen Mother's funeral.

If I didn’t run away then, I would never be able to run away again.

Well, Darkseid has two brothers, the eldest brother Isaya and the third brother Yukas.

Darkseid symbolizes absolute evil and darkness, the eldest brother Heavenly Father represents justice and light - although many of his actions cannot be considered light and justice, and the third brother Yukas is both good and evil, or neither good nor evil.

"Hey, Harley, you are right. Of course I have the ability to condense my seven emotions, but this process may take decades, or even hundreds of years.

For us, hundreds of years are just a blink of an eternal life, but now time waits for no one! "

The Heavenly Father shook his head and sighed, "The final crisis is coming."

"Approximately when, how many years away?" Harley asked.

"If it's fast, one or two years, if it's three to five years, seven to eight years, it's normal, and it will never exceed 20 years." Heavenly Father said.

Harley looked confused. Damn it, you have lived for hundreds of millions of years. One or two years, three to five years, ten years or so, it doesn't make any difference. But for me, one or two years is indeed a bit tight; three to five years is used to improve strength, which is barely enough; seven or eight years, ten or so years later, Darkseid is nothing? Go ahead and watch me challenge the new Protoss!

"Hey, I understand." She sighed regretfully and continued: "As I said just now, there is actually a quick fix.

Kyle Rayner cultivated the Seven Emotions himself, but another being who cultivated white light - Lantern No. 1, Bane, was the emotional element plundered from the Little Blue Man.

Firong is a person from the future of the earth and is not of the same race as the little blue man, but he succeeded.

Therefore, I think the little blue man is like the ginseng fruit, anyone can eat it, and anyone who eats it will have greatly enhanced abilities. "

As she spoke, she smacked her mouth, "If I hadn't been weak and needed to save face among my friends, I would have taken action long ago."

Hearing what she said was interesting, the Heavenly Father was also secretly excited, with a look of longing on his face.

"The guardians have cut off their emotions a long time ago. Where can we eat ginseng fruit?" The craftsman god Hyate next to him sneered.

He invented the Scepter of Life, so naturally he couldn't stand Harry's efforts to sell the "Seven Emotions Magic Art".

Harry glanced at Him, smiled, and said: "In terms of understanding the Martus people, I am definitely not as good as you. I told you the method without reservation. Whether to try it and how to try it is all decided by the Heavenly Father. "

"Metron, can you find the Martus outside the Guardians?" Heavenly Father asked.

Metron was silent for a moment and said: "They are very strong."

——We may not be able to afford it.

This is subtext.

The Father fell silent.

"Buzz~~" The door of the conference room opened to both sides, and Beka strode in holding a yellow light ring.

After a while, several other new gods from the Genesis Star also returned one after another with mission goals.

"General Mahdron, how did you get the orange light ring?"

Harley looked at the fighting god in black armor and mask curiously.

Fighting God said calmly: "Apart from the lamp master Lafleeze, where else can I get the orange lamp ring?"

"Did you kill LaFleeze?" Harley asked.

"No need."

Hercules threw the blue light ring to Heavenly Father and muttered: "Can this gadget really control the powerful equation of life? The person holding it didn't show much strength. I didn't even shed tears when I got it. A drop of sweat.

You know me, I used to sweat my long beard during battles. "

"When I got the light ring, its owner didn't even react." Guang Guang laughed.

"Don't be too hard on them, they're only human."

The Heavenly Father handed all seven lamp rings to the craftsman god Hyate and said expectantly: "Let us see its true power."

"Heavenly Father, I promise you that I will never let you down."

The God Craftsman took out a golden scepter from his waist that was as thick as Harry's calf.

The round head is thick, and the handle below is just big enough for Heavenly Father to hold.

The thick top can be folded out, like the drum of a revolver, just enough to fit seven light rings inside.

Without any testing, the God Craftsman took the scepter in both hands and presented it to the Father.

"Let's go out and try."

The Heavenly Father held the scepter of life, and without any intention of concealing his whereabouts, he walked openly to the square outside.

When the surrounding soldiers gathered around him, he proudly announced the good news that he had mastered the equation of life.

Not afraid of being discovered by the spies from Apokolips.

The device is activated, all seven light rings light up, and energy of seven colors flows into the scepter.

"Buzz buzz" a bright white light burst out from the head of the staff, like a small sun.

“Shit, it’s really condensed with white light!”

This result really shocked Harley.

Only the Lantern can use the Lantern Ring. Heavenly Father is not a Lantern, and the one who uses the Lantern Ring is even just a weapon.

Only seven lamp owners with destiny can unite seven lamps into one and condense white light. The Heavenly Father is only one person and only uses the most common lamp ring.

The seven lamps of the lamp owner are only a false white light. At this time, the white light in the hands of the Heavenly Father is

To be honest, Harley couldn't tell whether it was real or fake.

Although it is different from the white light of the Spirit of Existence, the white light of Kelrena and the Bane also have their own characteristics.

At least she was certain that judging from the energy fluctuations, the white light of Heavenly Father was more advanced than the seven lamps combined by the lamp owners.


Heavenly Father shot a white light into the sky, and most of the "Golden Island" was enveloped in brilliant white light (ps).

"Harry, what do you think?"

"It's different from any white light I've ever seen, but it's definitely stronger than the white light of seven lights in one. As for whether it's true white light, I can't tell." Harley said truthfully.

"Well, I'm not sure of the limits of this device without testing it." Heavenly Father nodded, and said energetically: "So, next I'm going to the material universe to use it myself. Are you interested in going with me?"

"Of course, it's my honor." Harley said.

(ps: Apokolips and Creation Star are both very huge. Putting the earth into Apokolips is like dropping a drop of water into a lake.

Therefore, not everyone in this huge world is inhabited.

Everyone on the Creation Planet lives on a floating island thousands of kilometers in radius.

The island was so golden that it seemed to be made of gold, so it was also called the "Golden Island". )

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