I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1481 The Prelude to the Final Crisis

In addition to the differences in their cosmic responsibilities and reliance on the divine power of belief, the new gods and the old gods also have huge differences in their living habits.

The old gods adhere to ancient etiquette and rules and reject new things, new ideas, and new inventions. They live in their own kingdom of gods and live almost the same life for millions of years.

The New Gods are extremely sensitive to changes in the world, and are also very keen on improving their habits and lives with the changes of the times.

To put it simply, the old gods are all antiques. It can be seen at a glance that their clothes, appearance, and demeanor are not like modern people, even though they look not much different from humans.

When the earthlings of the 21st world enter the Creation Star, it will be difficult to distinguish them from the aliens of advanced civilizations.

Before the arrival of the Blackest Night, when Harley didn't need to be stationed on Earth to take precautions, she liked to run to the Genesis Star because there was almost no difference between the Genesis Star and modern society.

There is a very clean and efficient government here, and there are troops who practice martial arts day and night and prepare for the final battle with Apokolips, but most of them are the New Gods who live ordinary lives.

They will get married, have children, and go to and from get off work.

Their children will go to school, run around the streets with schoolbags on their backs after school, play in the park, and rush home on the bus.

At this time, Harley crossed her arms and leaned against the smooth metal wall, watching the Protoss children in the classroom taking political classes through a layer of transparent glass.

There are about 40 students in a large class, including whites, blacks, and even yellow-skinned Asians.

At the age of ten, he looks no different from children on Earth.

They were neatly dressed, with serious expressions on their little faces, and no one was being naughty or mischievous.

"My flowers, you must remember this lesson - Darkseid must not be allowed to control the multiverse! The Dark Lord will enslave all life, and under his rule, no life can freely choose its own destiny.

Life is noble and cannot be tarnished, freedom and beauty cannot be desecrated.

In order to ensure the safety and freedom of billions of lives in the multiverse, every new god must be prepared to resist the evil god of Apokolips. "The expression of Heavenly Father is majestic and holy, and the voice is loud, powerful and full of contagion.

Well, Heavenly Father’s big head is on the “blackboard.”

The blackboard is a 100% holographic simulation screen.

The political class at this time is to watch the video of Heavenly Father’s speech.

As if worried that the children would not be able to recognize the face of Heavenly Father, the camera always focused on Heavenly Father’s kind but tough face with Chinese characters.

A large screen of nearly two hundred inches displays His big face.

But the children listened very carefully.

Harley was not neglecting her duties at the moment. She went to Apokolips School to watch the children in class.

Tianqixing's school is located inside the Heavenly Father's administrative building.

When you walk out of the gate, you can see the military camp of Apokolips and the millions of troops training in the square.

After the children graduate from school, they will then enter the military camp outside.

Those who are good at fighting become a great warrior and receive training from the warrior masters from Earth.

Those who are good at magic join the mage group.

Those who are neither good at fighting nor talented in magic can either become officials or go home with generous government subsidies to have and raise children. They can stay at home and not work for the rest of their lives, or they can find a job by themselves.

Well, those without talent just want to be officials.

The officials of Chuangshixing are all true public servants of the people.

The wages and social status are not as good as those of soldiers, and the work remains the same for hundreds of years, which is monotonous and tiring.

In the real face of Darkseid's invasion, officials are just logistics personnel and are not necessarily safer than soldiers.

Although the Creation Star resembles modern mortal society, it is not a mortal world after all.

This is the realm of gods, where you have the opportunity to practice and become an immortal god whose will spreads across the multiverse.

Only combatants can condense their divinity and become the "True New God".

The so-called officials are more like the handymen in the immortal sect in Xianxia novels. They work hard to serve the soldiers all their lives, and their life span is only a few hundred years.

"Harry, everyone is here, do you want to come with us?"

Before the bell rang, Halle heard Heavenly Father shouting.

He said before that he would take her to see the "White Light of Creation", but the "White Light of Creation Star" had not been forged yet. Heavenly Father was only confident that he would get his own white light today.

For this good news, He also specially summoned the top management of the Genesis Star to hold a meeting "on the impact of the birth of the white light of the Genesis Star on the pattern of the multiverse."

While Harley was watching the children's political class in the corridor, Heavenly Father was busy contacting the "Eight King Kong" of the creation star.

"Is it appropriate for me to go to the high-level meeting of the Genesis Star?" Harley hesitated.

She has been the instructor of the Creation Star for several years, so she naturally knows the levels of the "Eight Great Vajras".

Ordinary New Gods are not even qualified to observe their meetings.

Similar to the "Military Aircraft Department Meeting" of a certain dynasty, only the "Pavilion Elder" of the Military Aircraft Department can participate.

"If you are willing, Harry, you can participate in the future 'Council of Eight', or change its name to the 'Council of Nine.'" Heavenly Father looked at her with a burning gaze and said meaningfully.

"I have always admired Brother Ishaya, but my future is tied up in heaven." Harry laughed dryly and politely rejected his "kindness".

Joining the Eight Kings Council is more than just adding a seat.

Heavenly Father’s intention was for her to truly join the Creation Star and become one of His gods.

It's okay to call him "Big Brother Ishaya". In the event of a war, it's also very nice to join the Creation Star side to gain experience points. However, there is a big problem in actually becoming his god.

Everything that belongs to God belongs to the Lord God.

Not only the relationship between king and minister in name, but also the absolute dominance of power.

To give a simple example, even if Harley does not have food defense expertise, just because she is the tyrant insect master god, the virus that cannot harm the tyrant insect will also be ineffective against her.

If the weather wizard becomes her "merit god" in the future and is trained by her to become a true god who gives birth to a divine godhead, she can borrow it at any time but cannot say "borrow" it. How can the main god say everything to the god?

Just use his divine power to control wind and rain.

His divinity was no secret to her.

There are eight giants under Heavenly Father. Harley is only familiar with Metron, the god of knowledge, Orion, the god of stars, and Beka, the god of love, such as Thoris, the god of light, and Hyate, the craftsman god. , Hercules Ugo, etc., she rarely interacted with them and never spoke when they met.

"Everyone, let me tell you some bad news first. Our final battle with Apokolips seems to be coming soon."

Heavenly Father's first words shocked all the listeners below, including Hallie.

To be honest, she hadn't paid attention to Darkseid for a long time, and hadn't included him in the list of "imminent threats to the earth" for a long time.

She was a little confused when she suddenly heard that the Chuangshi Star and the Apokolips Star were about to go to war.

"Didn't we sign a peace covenant with Apokolips? Did Darkseid finally expose his true face of breaking promises to the multiverse?" Beka, the God of Love, exclaimed.

Heavenly Father’s thick black eyebrows bulged high, as if there was a piece of rice cake under his skin.

"Metron, come and explain to them," He sighed.

The other eight people all looked at the God of Knowledge on the seat.

Metron's expression was calm and his tone was soothing, "This is fate and has nothing to do with oaths."

"Don't be pretentious and be more specific." Orion said impatiently.

"In recent years, especially after the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Crisis of Multiple Reset, have you noticed a disharmony from the source? It's like the world is rejecting you." Metron asked.

"I don't feel it." Hercules, who was holding the big iron rod, shook his head first.

"I don't feel much either." Beka and the other New Gods hesitated.

Guang Guang scratched his head and said, "When you say that, I feel really rejected. I thought it was an illusion before."

Orion said with a solemn expression: "My feeling is very obvious. Just a year ago, I specifically asked Heavenly Father."

He turned to his Heavenly Father and cried, “Father, why were you just sighing?”

The Heavenly Father sighed again and pointed at Metron with his eyes.

"Because our divinity is no longer adapted to the current universe." Metron still looked indifferent, "The only constant in this world is the law of 'everything is changing'.

The multiverse at this time is different from what it was before the multiverse was restarted.

The universe before the multi-reset was different from the one before Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The multiverse is constantly changing, and in the past ten years or so, it has undergone tremendous changes.

Even the center of the material universe changed from Oa to the Earth.

The protagonist of the universe seems to have changed from a Martus to an Earthling.

Everything is changing, only we remain the same.

Our new gods are different from the old gods.

Our divinity is God-given.

The divinity and laws of the old gods were almost all understood by themselves by observing the changes in the universe.

Therefore, when the universe changes, their divinity immediately adjusts, but it is difficult for us to change. "

"What does this have to do with the fate of the final battle?" Orion asked doubtfully.

"The two major families of the New Gods represent justice and evil, light and darkness respectively. The New Gods of the Genesis Star are the incarnations of justice and light, and the New Gods of the Apocalypse Star are the incarnations of evil and darkness.

The battle between the two incarnations will determine the future of the multiverse. "Metron said.

Orion asked: "If we win, we can dominate the multiverse and the future will be bright and beautiful; if we lose, Darkseid will enslave the multiverse and the future will be dark?"

"It's not so superficial." Heavenly Father waved his hand and said with some irritation: "We are the manifestation of the original power of the Creation Star. We have not changed, the Creation Star has not changed, and the entire fifth dimension has not changed.

But the multiverse is changing.

With the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Multiversal Reset Crisis, the transformation of the fourth physical dimension has been completed.

Like a house, complete with new decoration.

Next comes the change in the fifth dimension, and there may be changes in the sixth dimension in the future.

The sixth dimension has nothing to do with us, let’s not talk about it for now.

The Genesis Star and the Apokolips Star are the roots of the fifth dimension, and we are the roots of the Genesis Star.

So we and Darkseid are the two foundations of the fifth dimension.

Although there are eight major divine realms in the fifth dimension, heaven, hell, heaven and hell are just branches and leaves of the fifth dimension and exist dependent on the fifth dimension.

We are the foundation.

The Genesis Star and the Apokolips Star are to the fifth dimension what the earth is to the material universe at this time.

Together with Darkseid, we form the ‘center’ and ‘center of gravity’ of the fifth dimension.

Therefore, the outcome of our battle with Darkseid also represents the direction of future focus.

We win, the destiny of the fifth dimension belongs to light and justice, and belongs to us.

If Darkseid wins and destiny belongs to him, the multiverse will inevitably be in chaos and disaster. "

Having said this, Heavenly Father raised his head and sighed, "It's a pity that Darkseid and we are both destined to be destined, and we cannot fully understand the truth.

I can only feel that the catastrophe is approaching, but I can't figure out many causes and effects.

But one thing is for sure, the winner takes it all!

We just have to strive to be winners. "

While the other New Gods fell into shocked and confused silence, Harley was the first to stand up and express her position.

"Heavenly Father, I am willing to work hard for you. Even if the final crisis comes, I will never leave you!" She said with a loud voice and a solemn expression.

Heavenly Father was stunned for a moment and asked: "Do you understand what the final crisis situation will be?"

Harley nodded and said seriously: "Father, you are the incarnation of the laws of justice and light in the multiverse, and Darkseid is the evil and darkness.

To recreate the fifth dimension, there are two sets of decoration options to choose from, either a justice and light style or an evil and dark style.

All people with lofty ideals in the multiverse should strive for a just and bright future. "

"Very good, Harley, you are indeed the enemy of sin and the friend of justice!" Heavenly Father nodded with satisfaction.

Hercules swung his iron rod and shouted: "Father, my rod of destruction is thirsty!"

"Heavenly Father, I wonder if you can make a battle plan?" Beka asked.

Heavenly Father glanced at Metron and said: "In order to ensure 100% victory, I decided to place the final battlefield in the material universe."

Harley's pupils constricted.

"The material universe cannot withstand our torment." "God of Fighting" Mahdron said wearing a black mask.

"Listen to Heavenly Father and continue speaking." The God of Knowledge said.

Heavenly Father said: “We have fought against Apokolips countless times.

It's not that I don't have confidence. In fact, in a conventional war, the outcome is at least 50-50.

Especially now that Darkseid has already obtained the Anti-Life Equation, our chances of winning are even lower. "

"Heavenly Father, as far as I know, your convening of the 'Parliament of Eight' this time seems to be related to the equation of life." Hercules shouted.

"If there is no equation of life, we will lose but never win." Heavenly Father said.

Metron explained for him: "Darkseid has been studying the anti-life equation for several years. Heavenly Father will have to get the life equation today at the earliest. The 50% winning rate is already too optimistic."

Heavenly Father said solemnly: "Don't talk about a five-percent success or failure rate. For the bright and just future of the multiverse, we cannot bear the slightest risk, and a one-percent success or failure rate cannot be tolerated!"

Except for Orion, all the new gods nodded silently, their expressions became firm, and they no longer questioned the choice of the battlefield.

Harley pursed her lips and said nothing.

Orion hesitated and said: "Father, how can we increase our chances of winning by placing the battlefield in the material world?"

Heavenly Father opened his arms and said in an excited voice: "When I get the life equation, I will notify the major advanced civilizations in the material world to prepare.

All galaxies will become our walls.

All intelligent beings who love light and justice will be invited to join the creation star army.

The heroes on Earth have used facts to prove to the multiverse that the material world also has the power to defeat Apokolips. "

"What if they don't want to join?" Beca frowned.

"If you don't join, you'd be a fool. How can you have a complete egg under the whole nest?" Hercules said with a smile.

"There are always many fools in this world, which makes smart people so precious," Beka said.

"Hmph, my life equation is designed to treat fools. Even the stupidest brain can understand what is the most correct choice in the world after perfect evolution." Heavenly Father said solemnly.

"Where's the equation?" Becca asked.

The Heavenly Father raised his scepter and projected the image of the seven lamp rings above everyone’s heads, “You should all know them, the lamp rings of the Seven Lamp Legions of the material universe.

The seven colors combined are the white light of life.

Using white light as a guide, you can open the origin wall and take out the life equation inside. "

After Heavenly Father finished speaking, he gave Harry a special look.

Seeing that she just showed a surprised expression, he couldn't help but ask proactively: "Harry, do you have anything to add?"

"Heavenly Father, I came to the Creation Star today to find you because of the equation of life."

Harley Barabara told all about Kalona's plan and the secret of Lantern No. 1.

“Carona, like you, also wants to get the equation of life through white light.

You can ask the little blue man for reference on his method of taking the life equation.

In addition, he has gathered seven cultivation methods that are important for emotions. Heavenly Father, you can also give it a try. "

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped and said curiously: "Brother Heavenly Father, I still don't know how you condense the 'Creation Star White Light'.

It should be more advanced than Kalona’s ‘Seven Emotions Method’. Can you tell me about it? "

A slight embarrassment flashed across Heavenly Father's majestic and solemn face.

The craftsman god Hyate looked at Harley and said: "It must be more advanced than the seven emotions united into one. The God of Wisdom and the Heavenly Father collaborated to design the drawings, and I built it myself.

It is a 'life scepter'. With only seven lamp rings, you can easily achieve the unity of seven lamps. "

"It turned out to be with the help of weapons."

Harley breathed a sigh of relief. She came to Genesis mainly to solve Kyle Rayner's worries.

Since Heavenly Father has no intention of imitating Kalona in practicing the "Unity of Seven Emotions", he probably won't arrest Kyle or Hal as the furnace.

Although he didn't see anything on Harley's face, Heavenly Father always felt that she despised her "white light artifact" low nose in her heart, not as good as the white light cow nose she cultivated.

"Harry, tell me in detail the cultivation method of 'Seven Emotions Unified'."

"Heavenly Father, the scepter of life has been created. You only need to go to the material universe to get seven light rings, and you will be able to master the power of white light immediately." The craftsman said.

"I understand, the original plan remains unchanged." Heavenly Father's majestic eyes glanced around the several "military ministers" and said: "I need seven light rings, and I have already picked up a green light ring during the Green Lantern War.

Therefore, except for Metron and Hyate, the six of you need to get a light ring each. "

——What's taking the lantern ring, isn't it like being a bandit and robbing someone?

If the New God boss were to go to the Qingdeng tribe to grab the lantern ring, I don’t know how many people would die.

Harley could not care about how many Green Lanterns died, but as the guardian of the Green Lantern, it would be very difficult for her to handle a bloody conflict between the tribe and the New Gods.

Thinking of this, she immediately took out her green lantern ring and said: "No need to look for the green lantern tribe, I have a light ring here, this is the ring of the guardian, with higher authority.

I am willing to dedicate it to the great Heavenly Father and wish you a great success soon. "

"Well, thank you."

Heavenly Father was very satisfied with her attitude and words, and waved his hand, asking Orion to stay.

Then, he repeated the previous question and said, "They should be able to return within half an hour and tell me the secrets of the cultivation of seven emotions."

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