I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1480 Heavenly Father’s White Light

The fourth floor of the Hall of Justice, now.

Bateman entered a long password before pushing open the heavy iron door.

Then, he turned to Hal and Kyle, who looked a little ugly, and said, "Don't think too much, we didn't hold them as prisoners.

Most of them are ordinary people, where can they escape if they lose their lantern rings?

The reason for the tight security is that people from Earth who have lost relatives and friends are worried about sneaking in and murdering them all.

Alas, if you stay in the metropolis for a few more days, you will find that people come to the door of the Hall of Justice to shout slogans almost every morning.

They want to avenge their relatives and friends.”

Entering the gate, you will see aliens in twos and threes, chatting in the corridor, or playing chess, reading books, or playing games in the game room without any shackles.

Except that I can't leave the fourth floor, I'm very free.

"Hal, Kyle!" When seeing the two green light bosses, most of the prisoners looked confused and at a loss, and only a few came over excitedly.

During the Green Lantern War, the Green Lanterns committed heinous massacres across the universe, but they themselves also suffered heavy losses.

Carona didn't regard them as human beings at all. After a group of them died, he immediately recruited new people and continued to participate in the battle.

Before the Green Lantern War, there were 7,200 Lanterns, and less than 30% of the "old Green Lanterns" survived.

Carona first wiped out the universe with blood, and a few days later waited for Harley to break the "Book of Darkness" before arranging the Green Lantern Corps to attack the earth.

After the exhaustion of the past few days, there are fewer old faces among the Green Lanterns who have come to Earth.

"Only this few people?" After exchanging pleasantries with his old friends, Hal said with a trembling voice: "Even not counting the reserve team, the Green Lantern Corps currently lacks more than 3,500 full members.

There are less than three hundred lanterns here, and the others are all dead? "

Kyle said with a sad expression: "Even Da Chao went on a killing spree and killed several lanterns. You can imagine how brutal the battle was that day. Three hundred is pretty good."

Glancing at the Lantern prisoner who also had a solemn expression and eyes hiding resentment, he quickly added: "Earth and the Green Lantern Corps are both victims and have suffered heavy losses.

Just now, we went to Blüdhaven for a mourning ceremony.

In a city of more than 800,000 people, there was not a single survivor.

The scope was expanded to include the entire United States, and the death toll increased tenfold. "

——So, whether the Lanterns die a thousand, two thousand or three thousand, the Green Lantern Corps should not hate the heroes of Earth.

It’s hard for him too.

With the heroes of Earth on one side and the respected "Great Lantern" of the Green Lantern Corps on the other, we are in a dilemma. We can only try to make peace with each other so that the two sides do not become confrontational.

Even if in fact the two sides can no longer be as harmonious as before, the relationship was just average before.

"Who said I killed several Lanterns?" Dachao asked in confusion: "During the Green Lantern War, I didn't kill anyone."

Kyle was stunned, "Carona told us that even you started killing people, and the situation on the earth is very critical."

Bateman said: "Carona is lying. Many heroes in the war are unable to hold back, but Superman has always been able to do so with ease."

"Oh, that's good." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

"What's so good? The intensity of the war is fixed, and the Green Lantern Puppet's death is a given. If he doesn't kill people, he can only let other heroes kill a few more. At the same time, the Green Lantern Puppet can kill a few more Earthlings," Harley said lightly.

Kyle's smile froze and he said sarcastically: "Dachao didn't kill anyone, which at least proves that the situation has not reached an irreversible situation."

"We only have this few people left, and this is the final result." An "old green light" with yellow skin and a horse head said with a gloomy face.

Kyle's expression was gloomy. Faced with the huge number of casualties, resentment inevitably arose in the hearts of both parties.

Bateman said: "You guys are just prisoners of superheroes, not counting the Lanterns captured by Harley."

As he said that, he turned to Harley and said, "Let them out."

Harley glanced at him, opened her mouth, and spit out a bunch of strange-looking Lanterns.

They were all unconscious, stacked together like corpses.

The hall, which can accommodate hundreds of people for leisure activities, is almost full.

"Stars above, Sack, Ross, Beam, you are all alive!" Not to mention the few old Green Lanterns, even Hal, who had always been expressionless and silent, shouted excitedly.

"Harry, thank you"

Hal shouted for a while, then turned his head and looked at Harry with red eyes, his face full of gratitude and touch.

Harley had more prisoners than the heroes combined, several times more, close to a thousand.

And most of these people are familiar faces.

Obviously, Harley listened to his instructions: try not to kill the Lantern.

Harry turned his head, looked out the window, and said calmly: "You said your thanks too early."

"Hua la la~~" A long green river flew out from her lips, fell to the ground, and formed a hill.

All green light rings.

Kyle's pupils shrank. A rough estimate of these lantern rings was at least 4,000, but there were less than 1,000 prisoners at the scene. So, Harley had killed at least 3,000 green lanterns.

He was horrified in his heart, with an incredible expression of shock on his face, "Harry, you——"

Hal was also stunned, but only for a moment before his expression returned to his natural state and he put away the lantern rings in silence.

Bateman glanced at him, thoughtfully.

"Where are the bodies?" one of the Green Lantern prisoners asked.

"If you want a corpse, go look for it in outer space. Thousands of Green Lanterns are like a rolling torrent, hitting the earth from all directions. How can I have time to collect the corpse?" Harley said.

Bateman said: "On the first floor below, there is the remains of Green Lantern, which we have already prepared in a coffin."

The group of people walked downstairs in silence again.

The presence of more than two thousand corpses shocked the Green Lanterns and made the atmosphere even more depressing.

No one spoke during the whole process. The heroes of Zhenglian wanted to help carry the body, but they were rejected by the lanterns who got the lantern rings.

They watched in silence as they lifted the coffin and flew into the sky.

After everyone was gone, Wonder Woman spoke with difficulty, "Did you see? Many Green Lanterns have anger, even hatred, in their eyes."

"You've killed so many other people, and you still expect them to smile and be grateful? It's sad for a beast to die, let alone the Green Lantern Corps, which has been proud and invincible for 3 billion years." Harley said quietly.

"We are also trying to protect the earth, they should understand." Dachao frowned.

Harley sneered: "You should also understand that in the eyes of Green Lantern, the Green Lantern Corps is the only one, but the Earth is just one of countless victim civilizations.

There is definitely a difference between the emotions of 'the only' and 'one in a billion'.

Many of them may still be thinking-why the earth is not destroyed easily and easily like those civilizations that were bloodbathed, so that the Green Lantern Corps can save countless teammates from dying. "

"You think about human nature too darkly. I don't believe they would think so." Da Chao said.

Harley smiled weirdly and turned to Martian Manhunter, "Jon, what do you think?"

Martian Manhunter's green face was tangled, "I, I didn't read their thoughts."

"Haha." Harley smiled but said nothing.

Martian Manhunter sighed and said helplessly: "I really can't read the thoughts of the Lanterns, but many of them do have resentment towards us."

Bateman gave Harley a deep look, "If I hadn't taken the initiative just now, would you have planned not to return the Lantern captives in the stomach bag dimension?"

Harley nodded, "To be honest, I regret it a bit. I shouldn't have kept them in the first place. The efficiency of killing them directly is at least five times higher than capturing them. It takes five seconds to capture them, but not even one second to kill them."

Dachao's eyes flickered and he touched his nose to hide the embarrassment on his face.

It takes at least two minutes for him to capture a green light, and the longest time is more than ten minutes.

Harley continued: "Improving efficiency is equal to reducing casualties on the earth, and it is also equal to eliminating future troubles.

The 'old Green Lanterns' who had personally experienced this war were killed. The newly recruited Green Lanterns had no memory and were not related by blood to the dead Green Lanterns. On the contrary, it was conducive to the re-establishment of friendly relations between the Earth and the Green Lanterns. "

Da Chao said seriously: "With bloody calculations and without sincerity and frankness, how can we establish a truly friendly relationship?"

Harley said disapprovingly: "It's enough to be friendly on face and not to cause harm in secret. Who really expects to make friends with an ordinary green light whose average career life span is less than four years?"

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Did you notice the expressions of Hal and Kyle when you took out the light ring just now? Kyle was shocked, but Hal seemed to have expected it.

If I guess correctly, all the details of the Green Lantern War are recorded in the Book of Oa.

The Green Lantern Corps can find out how many new Green Lanterns were recruited during the war, how many Green Lanterns entered the solar system, and what the final outcome was. "

Harley was stunned for a moment and sighed: "You're right, now it's hard to maintain even the appearance of friendship.

Don't think that just because I took out thousands of light rings without owners, it proves that I am a murderer.

In fact, more Green Lanterns have died at your hands than me.

It's just that the lantern ring flies flexibly and fast, so you can't catch it casually like me. "

All the heroes subconsciously glanced at Dinah.

Dinah pursed her lips and said in a hoarse voice: "I can no longer be the leader of the Justice League. In addition, I have to temporarily withdraw from the Justice League."

She has always known that she killed more Green Lanterns than Harley, and all of them were left dead.

"Dina, no one blames you. Without you, there would never be just 'Bloodhaven' today." Wonder Woman said warmly.

Bateman also said: "The Green Lantern War is a war, and for us, it is a war to protect our country and civilization.

Moreover, we also try our best to minimize casualties.

No one can deny our justice. "

After a pause, he added: "In addition, if you leave your job at this time, outsiders will inevitably guess the reason.

If the public thinks that you are being blamed for killing too many Green Lantern invaders, public opinion will inevitably boil and the relationship between Green Lantern and the Earth will become even more tense. "

"Dina, if you feel tired, you can give yourself a holiday. The Green Lantern War is over, and there should be no more crises on the earth in a short time." Harley sighed.

"Yamozhuo hasn't been solved yet," Dachao said.

"Hey, don't spoil the fun. As long as it doesn't show up, just pretend it doesn't exist." Harley said helplessly.

After coming out of the Hall of Justice, Harley did not stay in Metropolis to participate in the Grand Commander's subsequent mourning activities.

Well, before that there were mourning for the victims of Blüdhaven, and later there were mass funerals for the victims in Metropolis, Gotham and other places.

Many people have died in the United States this time. To say that every family pays tribute is definitely an exaggeration, but it is definitely enough for everyone to wear mourning - almost everyone has a relative or friend who has died and needs to attend a funeral.

Back at the manor, Harley was surprised to find Kyle Rayner waiting for her.

"You didn't go back to Oua with the Green Lantern prisoner?" she asked strangely.

"I need to see you if I need something."

Seeing the worry on his face, Harley asked proactively: "For the 'misunderstanding' between the Green Lantern Corps and Earth?"

Kyle nodded slightly, "Do you have any good plans to repair the relationship?"

"My plan is to count on Hal to formulate a plan, and then you four Green Lanterns will execute the plan." Harley said.

Kyle's mouth twitched a few times and said: "I knew I couldn't find the answer here.

You may have a good mind and come up with great ideas, but you don't care or care about the conflict between Green Lantern and the Earth.

I came to you in a hurry mainly because of two other things.

Do you remember "The Book of Darkness"?

The loot I got from Kalona. "

"I remember that you planned to find a deserted place to release the six lamp owners, and then hand them over to the guardians for safekeeping." Harley said.

If it were a normal "Book of Darkness", she would definitely have other ideas.

But since the "Book of Darkness" has gone crazy, let the guardians take a peek at the "cosmic truth" in it.

"It disappeared." Kyle said with a serious expression: "Today on the way back to Oa, I suddenly received news from the guardian that the "Book of Darkness" disappeared suddenly and asked me to be responsible for the investigation.

I suspect that after losing his guardian and spokesperson, the Black Death Emperor can still interfere with the material universe.

He might be planning something.

After the Blackest Night, you have been monitoring the death dimension for the Seven Legions, so I am here to remind you. "

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye on it." Harley responded casually.

"Finally." Kyle looked around and said in the spirit of the lamp ring: "Harley, you enable God to come down to earth, and we can whisper."

"What do you want to say?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Heavenly Father is spying on me." Kyle still communicated mentally, "From the moment my seven emotions merged into one and merged into my own white light, I felt a hot and greedy gaze falling on me.

It’s Heavenly Father!

I can feel His impatience.

Ganser said that my resistance to white light was the reason why the white light disappeared from my body.

This is not wrong.

At that time, I said that white light represented too much trouble, and it was entirely out of my feelings.

If I still hold the white light, Heavenly Father will probably do something.

I don’t want to cause friction between the Genesis Star, the Green Lantern Corps, and the Earth because of me.

When the white light disappeared from my body, I also lost the powerful spiritual sense to see the truth, and I didn’t know if Heavenly Father was still paying attention to me. "

At the end of the sentence, his face showed a bit of worry, "In the eyes of Heavenly Father, I feel a bit of frightening madness."

Harry thought for a while and said, "You go back first, and I will help you with Heavenly Father's side."

This is not the first time Kyle has gained the power of white light.

During the Sun-Eater Crisis, Time Demon Hal dedicated all his "Time Demon Power" to the Sun-Eater to repay the Green Lantern Corps' magical debt.

After the Sun-Eating Beast disappeared, there was still a portion of the remaining "Time Demon Power" left in place.

Gunther seemed to have expected this. He took Kyle to the starry sky and absorbed all the remaining power.

Then Kyle activated the talent of life incarnation for the first time.

It was also that time that he caught the eye of Heavenly Father.

However, when Heavenly Father came to find him, Kyle had already consumed all his life force and used it to resurrect the little blue man and some of his Green Lantern teammates.

Afterwards, Harley said to Kyle: Heavenly Father has set his sights on you. If you notice anything is wrong in the future, come to me as soon as possible.

Apparently Kyle still remembered this incident, and now that he was in trouble, he came over immediately.

Harley didn't forget her promise either.

After Kyle left, she ignored her mental fatigue. After dinner at home, she took out her "Creation Star Instructor's" mother box and teleported it to the "New God of Justice" base camp.

"Hi Harley, it's been a while since you've been here."

As soon as they were teleported to the Genesis Star, Beka, the God of Love, walked towards him with a sword on his waist.

"There are too many bad things happening on Earth, from the Blackest Night to the coming of the White Light, and then the War of the Green Light. Alas, there is still Amazo who is still missing," Harley sighed.

While chatting, the two came to the palace of the Father.

Beca came to see her husband Orion, and she went with Harley.

"Harry, what a coincidence that you came here. Orion and I are planning to go to the main universe to test the 'White Light of Creation'!" Heavenly Father laughed heartily.

Harry could see that He was really happy, even a little proud.

"What is the white light of creation?" she asked curiously.

"It is the white light of life, the same as the white light of Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Hahaha, I have also developed my own white light, which belongs to me alone and belongs to the 'White Light of Creation' of the Creation Star." Heavenly Father proudly said smiled.

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