I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1479 Harley’s God of Fortune

The Weather Wizard really forgot his lyrics after he came on stage.

He was still in fear in front of hundreds of reporters and hundreds of domestic and foreign cameras, both inside and outside the world. His words were stumbling and emotionless. He didn’t even know what he was talking about. His eyes were erratic, as if he wanted to avoid everyone’s “sharp swords”. "With such sharp eyes", Xiaogan's face turned pale and blue, and his mouth kept swallowing saliva.

"Your performance is terrible." Mirror Master scolded with hatred: "Today the citizens of Central City are watching the live broadcast. People all over the United States and all over the earth are mourning for Bludhaven, and even many people in the galaxy are watching the live broadcast. TV stations also broadcast it.

The brothers of the Rogue Gang have been gathering in front of the TV since two hours ago, ready to cheer for you.

As a result, you trembled on stage and embarrassed yourself and us. "

"I know I suck, but I don't know why. I can't control myself." The weather wizard held his head, his face full of frustration. "The reporter's gaze seemed to cut open my skin, and the camera lens was like Superman's laser. Eyes, aimed at my heart and between my eyebrows, may shoot out a fatal wave of light at any time."

"Alas, I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it." Mirror Master sighed.

The weather wizard murmured: "When I am in Central City, even in the city center, facing countless citizens, I can still laugh wildly."

"Ding ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding." The phone in his pocket suddenly rang and vibrated.

When I took it out, I saw it was Captain Leng, the leader of the Rogue Gang.

——The captain is also coming to scold me for being useless.

With a sigh, he still answered the phone.

You can't hide. Even if you can avoid today's phone call, you won't see each other again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

"Mark, you can do it."

Captain Cold's tone seems a bit sour?

It's not like mocking or complaining.

"Huh? Snart, what do you mean?" the weather wizard asked in surprise.

Captain Leng said with a sour voice: "You're still pretending! Your speech today was great. Netizens praised you for being honest, kind, sincere and unpretentious. They also said that you joined the gangster gang and it was a great disgrace to your talent. You are qualified to be the greatest in the world." hero."

"What? I messed up my speech today," cried the weather wizard.

"If being commented by the Galaxy Admiral, liked by a group of Zhenglian giants, and followed by thousands of people is considered screwed up, I hope that I can be as screwed up as you are every day."

This time, there was obvious sarcasm in Captain Leng's tone.

"Reviewed by the Galaxy Admiral? When and where? Snart, I swear, I really didn't pretend. Just now, the Mirror Master was still ridiculing me that I'm useless even if I give a chance." The weather wizard shouted.

Captain Cold was silent for a while and said: "Puppy Video Network, Bludhaven condolence area."

The weather wizard immediately opened the APP, and the brightly colored interface turned into a monotonous gray and black.

The "Bloodhaven Memorial Section" is very conspicuous, right at the top of the first page.

After clicking on it, the first thing you see is the live link of this mourning event.

The weather wizard himself was at the scene. Although he was not sitting in the audience, the square was empty, and the commander's passionate speech could be heard from a long distance away - it was much better than if he could not speak smoothly.

He did not watch the live broadcast, but continued to scroll down and immediately saw comments about this event.

The first post was a "Memorial Post for the Victims," ​​in which relatives and friends of the victims of Blüdhaven built a "million-tall building."

The second post was "The Grand Commander's Speech". Many people were watching the live broadcast and leaving comments below.

Clicking on the third post, I finally saw content directly related to him.

The post was not posted by Admiral Galaxy, but was reposted from the Guardian Dog Forum by the well-known up owner "Martial God Disciple".

Watch Dog Safety Center, a software service provided by Tianshan Mobile, has a monthly service fee of US$199.

In addition to protecting users' data security and ensuring that communications are not interrupted by aliens, it also has certain social attributes.

It is equivalent to the "American WeChat" only for household dog users.

"Martial God Disciple" intercepted the "WeChat conversations" between General Galaxy and many superheroes.

——The Flash: Hahaha, the weather wizard is so bad. I bet his legs are shaking, his body is shaking, and he doesn’t know if his pants are wet.

The weather wizard gritted his teeth. This guy was indeed his lifelong enemy and would not let go of any opportunity to laugh at him.

—— Halle: He is indeed very nervous, because he takes this mourning very, very seriously, you see——

Below is a short video. Inside the Archimedes airship, the weather wizard is sitting in the corner, staring at the manuscript and reciting it quietly.

The weather wizard's face was a little red, and his palms and back began to sweat: he didn't expect that his embarrassment was recorded by her.

——Harley: Everyone in Central City knows the weather wizard's usual style. You are especially familiar with the Flash. Does he seem to be a timid and shy person?

Obviously not!

The reason why he can't be free and easy as usual today is just because he can't be free and easy as usual today.

The tragedy in Blüdhaven is shocking, and he cannot be free and easy.

The person on the podium at this time is the person with the most real emotions.

The weather wizard's lips trembled, Sister Harley, you think of me too well.

——Superman: Alas, I can understand the mood of the weather wizard, we are all the same.

——Dark Phoenix: Yes, it’s pretty good to be able to perform like this at a time like this. If it were me, I probably wouldn’t be able to say a word in the scene. Speak fluently, but it is disrespectful to the victims.

There were comments from more than a dozen hero giants later, all admitting that he was not a coward, but that today was a special situation, and even he couldn't help but feel nervous.

In the end, even the Flash apologized for his previous ridicule.

In the post of "Martial God Disciple", many netizens also agreed with Admiral Galaxy's comments, and compared him with the commander-in-chief who was talking on the podium at this time.

——Sigh, I used to laugh at the Weather Wizard for not being on the stage, but compared to the speech that was full of skill and no emotions, the Weather Wizard was obviously more sincere. In today's situation, it is better to be sincere.

This comment alone has 30,000 likes.

"It's fake. You are wrong. He is just a coward. Mud can't hold up the wall."

The cry of the Mirror Master next to him brought the Weather Wizard back from his moved emotions.

He pushed his old teammate angrily, "Why don't you just stop seeing me?"

"But you are really not a good guy! When the mathematicians just told us about the destruction of Blüdhaven, you whistled and laughed at them as idiots. It was clear that the Galaxy Admiral personally issued the highest alert, and it was clear that the Ark The tickets were sent to them, and they still made the same mistake," said the Mirror Master.

The weather wizard's tone paused, and he defended calmly: "At this time and that time, when I didn't come to Blüdhaven, I was heartless.

I witnessed the hellish miserable scene of Blüdhaven with my own eyes, and followed Sister Harley to save the world. I was inspired by her concept of "absolute justice" and my spirit was also sublimated. "

Mirror Master sneered and said: "The concept of absolute justice, hahaha. Sister Harley will laugh to death when she hears your words. Her teaching to us has always been to 'seize the opportunity to gain benefits'——"

At this point, his expression paused, and he suddenly realized: "I understand, Sister Halle is flattering you! Seeing that you messed up your speech, she used her wisdom to help you turn waste into treasure, and turn this useless person into a real person. Celebrity, fuck!”

The way he looked at the weather wizard was full of envy and jealousy, "You made a lot of money this time."

The weather wizard was surprised and asked: "Why do you say that? Although I also hope that I can be valued by Sister Harley, but..."

He expressed a tangled expression, "But I think her analysis is very reasonable. I am usually very free and uninhibited. This time I showed my hips because I took this matter too seriously and cared too much about the deaths and injuries of 800,000 people."

"Come on, you are not a beast that destroys humanity, but simplicity and kindness are definitely not destined for you." Mirror Master clicked on the introduction page of the poster "Martial God Disciple", "Look, the Martial God Disciple is her, who is known as 'Kame' on the forum Cassandra, the master of the martial arts area, the Teen Titans' 'Little Martial God', and Sister Harley's direct disciple!

Looking at the time of posting, it happens to be when you make a fool of yourself and public opinion begins to ferment.

As soon as this post came out, public opinion immediately reversed.

Alas, you are much luckier than I was back then. Sister Hallie didn’t take such good care of us back then.

Of course, we are not as timid as you.

Dr. Neuro and I only compete for the microphone, the camera, and talk, but we don’t get enough attention. "

The weather wizard was excited, "Where is Sister Harley? I want to thank her in person."

"The mourning activities are going on, and there are reporters and cameras everywhere. Do you want the whole universe to know that she set up a new character for you?"

"After the event is over," the weather wizard said.

"When the event is over, she will go to the Hall of Justice with several Zhenglian heroes to deal with the Green Lantern prisoners of war." Mirror Master said.

"We can always meet her before she leaves, right?"

It is the "little brother" Mirror Master who understands Harley.

When she saw the Weather Wizard on stage and heard his first words, she knew that this guy had messed up.

But he was recommended by her.

At least in the eyes of dignitaries and famous journalists who knew the situation, he represented her.

In order not to become a laughing stock on such a solemn occasion, Harley could only spend some effort to confuse right and wrong.

In addition to the face issue, Harley also really values ​​the Weather Wizard.

"Mark, you are very talented, but you have failed to use your talents."

After the Blüdhaven commemoration ended, everyone dispersed.

After all, the radiation intensity here is so high that not even cockroaches can survive.

Before the meeting ended, Mirror Master and Weather Wizard came over.

Harley did not dismiss them casually, but solemnly called them into the Archimedes airship.

Looking at the excited and somewhat confused Weather Wizard, she continued: "Are you familiar with the supernatural world? It's the magical world."

Weather Wizard said: "I only know about it on TV news and online forums. I haven't seen many real mages in reality."

"Your ability to control the weather is a powerful magical talent." Harley said.

"But my ability comes from the big explosion of the Star Laboratory's quantum accelerator many years ago. At that time, the radiation wave spread throughout the city, and many people awakened their powers, including the Flash." The Weather Wizard wondered.

"The explosion of the quantum accelerator is just an inducement, just like the reason why a missile explodes is not because a soldier presses the switch.

Stuffing a lump of mud into the barrel and pressing the switch 10,000 times has no effect.

Your talent for controlling the weather comes from your own bloodline. Maybe there was a great master who controlled the weather in your ancestors, or maybe it's just a pure bloodline mutation.

In short, if you want to continue to develop your abilities, you can try to become a mage.

Simply becoming a mage only develops your talent, but fails to make better use of it. "

After pausing for a moment to let him digest the information, she continued: "Have you heard of Dr. Fate, the Council of Wizards, and the God of Order?"

"I only know Dr. Fate." The weather wizard said.

Harley briefly introduced the wizard council composed of grand masters and the order system composed of human gods and wizards, and then said: "I have also been forming my own system recently."

Mirror Master heard Xuan Ge and knew the elegant meaning, and immediately said excitedly: "Sister Halli, I am willing to join."

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "Your ability is not suitable for the 'Fortune God System'."

The mirror master was disappointed and said in disappointment: "What does the God of Fortune mean? Mark is much more of a bastard than me in reality. I think I am more virtuous than him."

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, the weather wizard would have wanted to summon thunder and lightning to chop this bastard to death for betraying his brother in front of his face.

Even though he couldn't do anything, he couldn't hide his anger on his face.

"The so-called God of Fortune is a virtuous god who can benefit mankind. Virtue can be cultivated. If you don't have virtue now, when you join my God of Fortune system, your merits will gradually increase." Harry said.

"Sister Harley, what can I do?" the weather wizard said excitedly.

"My first god is the 'pox god'. He was once more ungrateful than you." Harley told Xiaodouzi's situation and said: "The former tyrant bug joined me and immediately became the savior of hundreds of millions of people. The good god of the surname.

You, like it, have the talent to become the God of Merit, but you have taken the wrong path.

As long as you change your thinking, your future will be extremely broad, and your future achievements will be no less than that of the Pox God who saves the suffering. "

"Sister Harley, Mark can't do it." The weather wizard was still thinking about his "right path", and the mirror master shouted again, "Although he can control the weather, he cannot solve the catastrophic climate and cannot become a god of good fortune to bless the people with good weather. "

When the weather wizard heard this, he suddenly realized that this is what Sister Harley expected from me.

Then he flew into a rage. Thanks to his ten-year friendship with Mirror Master, this bastard was ruining his promising future over and over again.

"Don't glare at me." Mirror Master didn't frighten him. "Isn't what I said the truth? We used to think the weather was sultry and hot, and we asked you to improve the climate environment in the central city. As a result, you made it rain in the city today. In the next few days, the central city The weather in the city is bound to be dry, and it is impossible to regulate Feng Shui and balance Yin and Yang."

The weather wizard opened his mouth and sighed dejectedly, "Sister Harley, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I can only create natural disasters, and I can't make the weather smooth in an area for a long time."

Harry said calmly: "Do you think it's easy to be a god? After awakening your talent, you can start working with a certificate the next day?

To become a qualified god is more difficult than for a poor person without money to get into Harvard University.

In addition to strength training, there is also countless professional knowledge to learn.

Take the Pox God, for example, which uses viruses to suppress viral diseases. You need to know what side effects its viruses will have on living people, and whether they will do more harm than good.

Even though it has been tortured by alien civilizations for hundreds of years and has rich experience, it is still studying viral pathology.

It not only learns it on its own, but also plans to find a few humans who are proficient in virus science to form its own staff.

If you accept my invitation and are willing to join the ‘Ford God System’, I will arrange for professional training by magic masters and magicians related to weather and climate for you.

The training process is very hard, more tiring than taking the college entrance examination now, but the rewards are also great.

You don't need to make a decision in a hurry. Just go back and think about it carefully and give me a reply within a month.

During this period, you can find a few books about Eastern gods and immortals to read. The lives of the immortals in them are the future of the Ford God system. "

Mirror Master glanced at his companion jealously, and asked curiously: "Why not a Western god?"

Harley explained: “Western gods rule over mortals and only have the right of possession and do not assume any responsibilities or obligations.

My merit system is pure and inactive, focusing on personal cultivation. I only protect human civilization within the scope of my authority and will never interfere with the natural development of human civilization. "

"Oh, he is a superhero among gods." Mirror Master said.

Harley shook her head and said: "Superheroes sacrifice themselves and dedicate themselves to the people. The Ford God System only seeks to have a clear conscience and do its best without sacrificing its own interests."

The mirror master was moved, "Sister Harley, human civilization can never be separated from mirrors, why not accept me as a mirror god!"

"Looking in the mirror in the middle of the night, only to find someone else's figure in the mirror, or even a demon appearing directly, is only suitable for horror stories," said Harley.

Mirror Master said sarcastically: "Evil gods can also warn evil people not to do evil."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Harry thought that he was also a god of death and was in charge of the Gate of Reincarnation. He might not be able to create an underworld to manage evil spirits in the future, so he said, "Well, let's wait until you encounter it one day. Unfortunately, no luck, I will take your soul and become a death judge, responsible for managing a layer of torture hell.

Purgatory made of mirrors.

For example, the ugly mind of evil spirits can be projected in the mirror, and people who have been harmed by evil spirits can be found and tortured by the evil spirits in the same way.

You can make whatever horror comes your way. "

Mirror Master's expression twisted, and Weather Wizard laughed.

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