I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1478 After the War

Lana Lang did not refuse the "Noah's Ark" ticket sent by The Flash this time.

She stayed in the American District of Ark with her young daughter and her disabled husband.

Her husband, Mr. Depp, was not as stubborn as last time and insisted on breathing free and fresh air.

He has no qualifications, no ability, no courage to be stubborn anymore.

Last time, because of his persistence, their family first left the absolutely safe Noah's Ark, and then left the relatively safe "Wayne Underground Shelter". As a result, when trillions of black light zombies came, they were unable to hide in safety immediately. area.

The black light zombies are very scary and will kill any living person they see.

Even more terrifying is the black light planet.

Dead planets can also be resurrected, which is somewhat beyond the knowledge of people on earth.

Of course, Mr. Depp’s wife is a well-informed cosmic legend and knows that the planets that died in the Sun-Eater Crisis are all planetary spirits with self-awareness.

"Since they can live and be killed by the Sun-Eating Beast, of course they can be resurrected by the Black Death Emperor." She said to her husband.

Some black light planets are larger than the earth. Even if they are crushed, they can be resurrected as long as the light ring is not destroyed.

The heroes of the earth will not let them crush the earth itself. They have been intercepted and crushed as early as in outer space.

But the "small meteorites" falling from the broken planet can also cause great harm to ordinary people on the ground.

Mr. Depp's spine was smashed by a stone.

If it wasn't a meteorite, if it was really hit by a meteorite, their whole family would have been in hell long ago.

They were in a valley surrounded by mountains on many sides, and meteorites fell on the mountainside, causing debris to fly everywhere.

The rocks that fell like a rainstorm hit Mr. Depp, who was protecting his wife and daughter, and became disabled.

After the experience of hanging by a thread last time, Depp did not complain about the small space and dirty environment in the American District this time. Well, he was still complaining, but he could only endure it.

"We received special care from the Flash and were sent to the cleanest and most spacious community in the United States. What else is there to complain about?" Lana was complaining about her husband's complaints.

“What I complain about is the inaction of our government. You see, the garbage on the ground is like a carpet, and no one is picking it up and burying it.

If sanitation is not solved, will the people crowded here not get sick?

Also, it is obvious that the Chinese people have shown us that we can increase the living area by building high-rise buildings. As a result, we do not even have a two-story building in the United States. "Mr. Depp was sitting in a wheelchair and pointing around.

He was not alone, and everyone nearby was complaining loudly.

"Actually, the plan to build unit buildings has been passed by Congress, but it is still in the stage of raising funds." Perry, the black editor-in-chief next to him, sighed: "Our earth has been really ill-fated in the past few years. On the Blackest Night Less than three months have passed and the crisis has happened again.”

"This is not a problem for our Earth family. The War of Green Lantern has spread throughout the universe like the Blackest Night, and it will not be easy for any planet." Lana said.

"Flash, I want to go home!"

In the crowded venue where tents were crowded with tents, an aggrieved cry suddenly rang out.

This shout was like igniting the fuse of a firecracker. Dozens of Americans who were as depressed as Mr. Depp around them stretched their necks and shouted to the sky: "The Flash, take me home."

"I'm leaving Noah's Ark."

"I can't breathe!"

"I'd rather face the Green Lantern invaders than spend another second in the cesspool of America."

"A mere Green Lantern can be killed with a shotgun, but he can't break through the Earth's defense line at all. This crisis is just the government's over-stretching. I want free and fresh air."

Soon the cry was like "Luther Flu", rapidly spreading across the United States.

With the big brother in the United States setting an example, the American boys in Europe and Asia also started to cause chaos one after another.

Some people even gathered people to start a riot just like last time.

However, after the painful lesson of thousands of casualties last time, this time the US government and the Justice League have made arrangements in advance: a group of heroes with A-level powers or tech heroes will join forces with space warriors in flight suits to form a "security and maintenance team". Always on call for support.

No major commotion broke out, but the loud noise continued.

"There has been no news, and I don't know what's going on outside."

After struggling for more than ten hours, even Perry started to feel restless.

In addition to the noise and noise around him, which made him feel restless, in addition to the bad environment that made him unable to breathe, in addition to the fact that he pooped two times and peed three times at the entrance of the tent, which was stinky and noisy, and in addition to the rioting crowd trampling on his tent, in addition to... In addition to hundreds of reasons that normal Americans cannot bear, there is also his wife's condition.

Mrs. White was not sick at first, but she was old and had a weak constitution. However, within two hours, she started to have fever and cold sweats, confusion and head pain, and brown keratin on her skin. This was a typical symptom of Lutheran flu.

"Ahem. It's only been less than a day. Last time we stayed in the Ark for several days." Lana Lang also had a fever in her head and coughed violently, but her condition was far better than Mrs. White's.

Not to mention Luther's flu, she was also infected with the Amojo virus, transformed into Amojo, jumped up and down on the streets of the metropolis, and screamed at the sky.

She now has antibodies in her body.

"Oh my God, it's been a few days." Perry's eyes turned dark and he said impatiently, "This hellish place is unbearable. I want to send Betty to see a doctor."

"Oh, there is no way. There must be many doctors here, but there are no medical supplies." Lana said helplessly.

Perry stood on tiptoe and looked eastward, "I have many friends in the east. Maybe I can send Betty to China. They have a hospital there."

Heroes had previously carried unconscious people and flew eastward. They all saw it and guessed their destination.

Lana Lang was also worried about old Betty's safety, so she helped call over Mr. Excellence who was flying on the "T-ball".

"Too many people went there, it was overcrowded, and the Chinese area was already saturated. The key is medicine. They were very generous. When they learned that Luther Flu was ravaging Europe and the Americas, they took out most of the antibiotics and gave them to the superheroes for us to distribute. For patients, now that the medicines have been exhausted, even if the hospital has vacant beds, it will be of no use." The third wise man said distressedly.

"If I had known this, I would have been like Kate and the others and not boarded the ship." Perry's dark face no longer concealed the look of regret, "There are no enemies on the Ark, but there are germs that are more terrifying than the enemies. Alas!"

Lana Long also felt a little regretful. Her daughter Chloe and her husband Depp also had a fever. Mr. Depp swallowed two painkillers and stared in confusion, but his daughter kept crying quietly.

Mr. Excellence opened his mouth and sighed, having nothing to say.

"It's over, get ready for everyone to come out." Suddenly, Bateman's voice came to his ears.

"Good news, the Green Light War is over!" Mr. Zhuo Zhuo shouted excitedly.

"What? Can we go home?" The people around were surprised and happy, and almost cried with excitement.

Mr. Excellence was about to nod, but as Bateman finished what he said next, the expression on his face gradually solidified.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. This return trip may be different from last time and will be much slower. People in Asia will go back first. Europeans and Americans, especially Americans, may have to wait another half a day." He reminded in a deep voice. .

"Why? My wife needs to see a doctor immediately," Perry yelled.

"If a patient is in urgent need of treatment, he can go back immediately." Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said.


As they were talking, a bridge with yellow light energy appeared over everyone's heads and landed in the center of Noah's Ark.

Experienced people already know that the time to disembark has really come.

Sure enough, "Swish, swish!"

Three bolts of lightning ran down from the "Golden Bridge", one bolt of lightning went straight to the east, and the other two bolts of lightning went to Europe and the United States.

"Whoosh!" Perry's eyes flashed with intuition, and the Flash was already standing in front of him.

"Sir, you have a patient here, right? If you want to get off the ship now, please take the 'Lann Nuclear Defense Agent' first." The Flash said as he handed over two plastic vials that looked like test tubes.

"What?" Perry was confused, "What dose?"

"General Lan is also known as Adam Strange. He represents Lan's civilization and supports the nuclear radiation defense medicine of our people on Earth." Barry was a little anxious, "Time is very tight, sir."

"I'm sorry!" The originally noisy scene immediately fell into silence, and everyone looked horrified.

Lana Lang swallowed and asked, "Why are you taking this? Is Metropolis under a nuclear bomb attack? But aren't we fighting the Green Lantern?"

At this time, Bateman's voice came from Mr. Excellence's "T-ball": "The radiation intensity in the air of Metropolis exceeds 10 times the safety standard. Metropolis citizens who are willing to get off the ship at this time, please raise your hands."

Flash, stop asking one by one. You have too many people to transport and it's too late.

Whoever raises their hand, you will directly inject the ‘Lann Nuclear Defense Agent’ into their body and move it directly back to Earth. "

Perry and Lana Long looked at each other with horrified expressions: The nuclear radiation in the metropolis exceeded the legal limit by ten times.

"Cough cough cough" Betty coughed laboriously.

Perry stopped hesitating and immediately raised his hand.

He's not an illiterate who pees when he hears nuclear radiation. It's only ten times worse. If he doesn't die, at least he won't burp directly. They have eaten Lann's nuclear repellent!

If he continues to stay on the Ark, his wife may not be able to hold on.


He felt his eyes blurred as he and his wife left the crowded crowd and appeared in front of the ruins with black smoke.

Perry blinked hard, "Oh my God, this, this is -"

"Oh my God, Perry, our home is gone." His wife cried out excitedly first.

After leaving the Ark, the air was indeed much fresher, and the old lady's spirits were restored.

"Shit, the fighting was so fierce." Perry looked around and saw many collapsed buildings.

In other words, there are very few surviving buildings in the community where he lives.

"Oh, oh, oh, Kaiya, my son." A familiar cry came from not far away.

"Kate!" Perry exclaimed first, then saw her lying on a stretcher covered in blood, heard her shouting, and then thought that her house was in the same unit as his, and she also had a five-year-old son. I hugged my wife and suddenly felt extremely lucky.

"Fortunately, Admiral Galaxy is wise. Fortunately, we listened to her and went to Noah's Ark." He sighed.

After another two days of struggling, Harley vomited the earth out.

"The radiation intensity on the streets of Gotham is still three times higher than the normal standard. Metropolis, Philadelphia and other West Coast cities also exceed the standard by about double." Bateman said solemnly.

"This cannot be solved by cleaning the air. A lot of dust has fallen on the ground and seeped into the soil and water sources. Either you have to fight hard, or you can ask for help from the 'Lan Prince Consort' to see what kind of spraying agents the Lann people have, or what kind of spraying agents do you have on Earth?" A group of the smartest people in the world formed a team to study." Harley said.

Bateman was silent for a moment and then said: "In two hours, a government-organized commemoration event will be held in Blüdhaven. All heroes will attend to mourn the victims. The commander-in-chief wants you to give a speech."

"I can participate in activities, but forget about giving speeches. In that situation, I really don't know what to say." Harley sighed.

She was not interested, but the weather wizard next to her looked expectantly and asked, "Sister Harley, can I participate in the mourning event?"

Harry turned around and looked over. He had persisted for two days and two nights. Now his thin cheeks were white and blue, and his expression was a little dazed. There were two big dark circles under his eyes, but his bloodshot eyes were brewing with excitement.

She understood that this guy wanted to "get ahead."

"Mark, you are one of the biggest heroes in this crisis, so of course you can go on stage and give a speech."

The weather wizard was surprised at first, then hesitated, "I just want to participate in the event and give a speech."

"Hey, isn't it just a speech? Don't worry, I'm familiar with it. I was talking about galactic civilization back then." Mirror Master said with envy and nostalgia.

Harley patted the weather wizard on the shoulder and said, "Go and prepare your speech. You will be the first to take the stage later."

"Whoosh~~~" Just as the weather wizard left, two beams of green light fell from outer space, it was Hal and Kyle.

"Harley, what do you plan to do with the remains of Green Lantern prisoners and Green Lantern war dead? When?" Hal asked directly.

Then he added: "The Supreme Green Lantern rebellion has been subsided, the remaining Green Lanterns have gathered in Oa, and the Kalona Trial is on the agenda.

But there are only over 4,000 Green Lanterns left in Oa, and the remaining prisoners, corpses, and Green Lantern rings are all on Earth.

The Guardians and Lanterns want to resolve this matter immediately and get the Green Lantern Corps back on track. "

Harley looked at Bateman, "You haven't discussed the charter yet?"

"There are some differences between the Justice League and the government, but the focus of these two days is to clean up the earth, and we don't care much about the Green Lantern captives.

The earth is in your belly, and we can't even receive information from the outside world. "Baitman said.

Harley nodded and said to Hal: "There will be a commemorative ceremony to be held in Blüdhaven soon. The heroes and American dignitaries will attend. We will talk then."

Two hours later, the Archimedes airship landed in Blüdhaven.

A monument has been erected and journalists and dignitaries have arrived.

There were not many people. The square filled with the names of the victims was as big as ten football fields, but there were only a few hundred people.

Many family members were worried about excessive atomic energy radiation and did not come in person. Instead, they sat in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast.

The dignitaries and reporters who came to participate in the event are not righteous people who are not afraid of life and death.

They took medicine and wore nuclear protection suits.

Harry glanced at the weather wizard beside him who was nervously reciting the speech and said, "You can take the manuscript with you."

The weather wizard didn't even raise his head, and continued to stare at the manuscript on the tablet, saying: "When people see me carrying the manuscript, they will think that my words are not improvised and spoken from the heart, and thus they will suspect that my emotions are not sincere."

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched a few times. You were stumbling even while reading. You must have forgotten the words halfway. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing then?

After all, he is his temporary younger brother, so he cannot be allowed to make a fool of himself.

"Ivy, give him the in-line earplugs. When he forgets his words, remind him."

"Sister Harley, thank you so much." The weather wizard said touchedly.

Ivy glanced at him with some disgust and said, "I know that Bateman has a smart contact lens that is better than earplugs."

"Then wear contact lenses and earplugs at the same time. Double protection, you will never go wrong."

The weather wizard was even more moved.

A moment later, behind the monument.

"I understand that the Green Lantern Puppet is also an innocent victim. Those prisoners must be released and the bodies of the war dead will be returned, but we hope there will be a process of trial and then acquittal.

Conduct it publicly and give the public an explanation. "The commander-in-chief said.

"They are not guilty, so what reason do you use to judge them?" Hal frowned.

"Hey, didn't I say, it's just a process, and I will definitely be acquitted in the end." The commander-in-chief said helplessly: "So many people have died, and the people are boiling with resentment. Hundreds of thousands of people march every day, and I can't bear it.

Moreover, a single Green Lantern may be innocent, but shouldn't Oa and the Green Lantern Corps be responsible for the Green Lantern War? "

Hal was silent for a moment and said: "Oa will definitely give an explanation to the people of the universe, and soon we will put Kalona on trial.

At that time, the Earth can become a member of the Judgment Team and send representatives to judge Kalona together with many advanced civilizations.

Live broadcast around the world, live broadcast throughout the universe, can the people be angry? "

The commander's eyes lit up, this was a good opportunity to "get ahead"!

Being able to show up in the universe court will definitely be remembered forever in the history of the United States, and the general election is coming soon.

"Okay, release the Lantern immediately, and we will go to the cosmic court to seek justice from Kalona." He agreed immediately without consulting his staff.

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