I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1477 Cleaning up Bludhaven

The "Green Lantern War" crisis on Earth came to an end when Kyle freed the lantern beast from Kalona's chains.

After chatting with Ganser about the story of Lantern Bane No. 1, Harley flew to Earth with Kyle Rayner and Flash Barry.

Hal and the others followed Gunther to Oa. The Green Lantern Corps was in much more trouble than on Earth.

"Oh my god, Barry!"

Seeing the dazed and pale Barry, Black Iris rushed over with tears in her eyes.

Harley didn't use "Voice of Heaven Teleportation" when she went back.

The difficulty of teleportation in the material universe is very low, and the price-performance ratio is very high, but the 20,000 to 30,000 heaven merits are still a large expense for her who has not received an exorcism mission for a long time.

After all, in order to let the Black Death Emperor's lair slide to the Origin Wall silently, she had borrowed hundreds of millions from Tian Zhi Sheng.

There was no teleportation to heaven. Halfway there, I met Ivy coming over in a small airship.

In addition to Ivy, there is also the black girl Iris.

"Iris, what are you doing?"

Seeing his lover, Barry's depressed mood improved a little, but Iris's dress surprised him.

Iris lowered his head and glanced at the "Rann 2B Space Force Nano Protective Suit" on his body, and said proudly: "I have been working as a gunner on the Archimedes airship these days. In today's Green Light Battle, I also shot Eight dead Green Lanterns."

"Gunner? Kill Green Lantern?" Barry was a little confused.

He had no control over his experiences in the Parallax Demon state, but he remembered them all and knew that the Green Lantern Corps was invading the entire universe.

But Iris is just a civilian, at most a minor celebrity in Central City—a photojournalist. How could he become a gunner guarding the earth?

"During the days when you were kidnapped, Iris couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep. She ran to the Hall of Justice every day. She looked forward to hearing news from you every day. Seeing that no news came back from the Seven Lantern Corps, she even encouraged us to take the initiative. , go to the universe to find love.”

Now that the small airship has been found, they don't have to fly by themselves and they all enter the cabin. Harley also has time to tell Iris's situation in detail.

At the end of the sentence, she felt a little emotional. No matter Iris White or Iris Black, they all loved Barry very much and they were all lucky in Barry's life.

Even more fortunately, Barry got two blessings: both Iris loved him so much.

"You alone killed eight Green Lanterns?" Kyle said with a solemn expression.

"Iris, I didn't expect you to have the talent to become a space gunner."

Barry obviously didn't understand the meaning of Kyle's words.

Iris also didn't understand Kyle's worries and just thought he was questioning his own record. After all, the opponent was also a Green Lantern.

"My skills are average, mainly because of the airship." Iris patted the console and praised: "Although the Archimedes airship is small, it is flexible and fast, and the N metal shell is also very strong.

Jumped out of Limbo, silently, and ran directly into it, knocking the green light puppet out of balance, and I took the opportunity to fire. "

Speaking of this, she happily grabbed Ivy's arm, "She drives and I shoot. The cooperation is very good. We are a golden partner in air combat."

"If you have killed eight Lanterns, what about the others? How many people died in this war? Green Lantern massacred the Earth and the Earth's heroes, and the Earth's heroes massacred the Green Lantern. How will this grudge be resolved in the future? ?" Kyle said sadly.

When Iris heard this, the excitement on his face disappeared instantly.

"The Green Lantern Corps is covered in lice now, so they still care about this little itching?" Harley's expression was calm and her tone was very calm.


Thinking of the blood debt committed by the Green Lantern Corps across the universe, Kyle sighed in frustration, held his head, frowned, looked out the window at the bright super-light space, and fell into a long silence.

Iris cast her eyes on her lover again, and was surprised to find that he was not in his mind, his eyes were distracted, his face was pale, and he was in a very bad state.

"Barry, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" she asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Barry smiled at her, very reluctantly.

Harley glanced at him and asked: "You remember all the experiences of the Parallax Demon, can you still feel it?"

"Yeah." Barry's complexion became even paler.

"What did it do?" Harley asked.

Barry trembled and muttered: "He does all kinds of evil, killing people, massacring planets, and even cannibalizing people."


Barry's eyes were still red, and Iris burst into tears.

She cried and threw herself into his arms, and he held her tightly and cried silently.

When people who don't know see this scene, they think this is another pair of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" who can't get it.

Harley patted Kyle, who was staring out the window with frowning eyebrows, "You are the senior, enlighten him."


Kyle had been immersed in worrying about the future and fate of the Green Lantern Corps and had not paid attention to the conversations of several people.

"After Barry was controlled by the Parallax monster, he experienced many tragic things that you have experienced, such as splitting his mouth and biting a living person in two. What is your secret to getting out of the shadow? Talk to Barry and let him get out of it too. nightmare."

Kyle's face paled when he heard this, and he recalled the horror of being dominated by the Parallax Demon.

"You are Bai Deng, you have some backbone." Harley said.

"You don't understand. I can overcome my fear of it, but the nightmare will never go away." Kyle said bitterly.

Harley said: "What don't I understand? The way Parallax Demon behaves every time he sees me, isn't it the same as you do now?"

Kyle was speechless and even more helpless, "Since you are an expert in fear, then go comfort Barry."

Harry said: "Overcoming the fear of the Parallax Demon is like a pony crossing a river, knowing the depth and depth of oneself. But I am a dragon, flying in the sky, crossing countless mountains, rivers and seas, but I never know that there are rivers and streams under my feet.

You are different, you have the same experience and pain as Barry.

Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, a group of alcoholics gather together to tell each other about their pain, and then hold hands to encourage each other and pray together.

You and Barry face each other, holding hands, you say something, he says something, tell all the pain you have experienced that you don't want to remember, and finally look at each other and smile, forgetting your sorrows with a smile. "

Kyle originally thought her words were ridiculous, even teasing him and Barry.

But if you simulate it carefully in your mind, it seems that it can indeed relieve the pain.

And as a companion, he really wants to help Barry get out of the nightmare.

"The space in your airship is small, let's wait until we get back."

Harley opened her mouth wide, "Ah~~ You can go to the stomach bag dimension to talk. There are still many things waiting for us on earth. After returning to earth, you and he will not have much private time."

An hour later, the airship was already approaching the solar system.

"Barry, how do you feel?" Harley asked curiously, spitting out two people.

Miraculously, Barry felt much better and even looked a little rosy.

"Thanks, I feel better knowing that Kyle has the same pain as me." Barry smiled.

Harley was embarrassed. Is there any ambiguity in what you said, or was this your true intention?

She looked at Kyle again. He also had a rosy complexion, bright eyes, and was in good condition.

"Very good. We are all happy for you to have come out of this nightmare. Well, next I will release the people of the Earth from my belly. Can you still go on a mission?"

"No problem, I can run anytime."

After returning to Earth, Harley failed to spit out the people on "Noah's Ark" immediately.

Bateman said with a solemn expression: "After Captain Atom exploded, he generated a large amount of powerful quantum energy. Blüdhaven became the second Fukushima, but the radiation intensity at the center was two million times that of Fukushima! "

"What? Two million, not two hundred?" Kyle said in shock.

"Two million times is already the result of the fire storm processing. According to my estimation, if Captain Atom explodes completely and releases all the energy in his body, it will be enough to destroy the entire planet." Bateman said.

"Is your estimate accurate? Only one city has been destroyed now." Kyle reminded.

Bateman frowned, with a look of confusion on his face, "I have conducted detailed investigations on each superpower, their superpowers, their limits, weaknesses, and the consequences of losing control. Captain Atom also cooperated with me in conducting experiments. .”

After hearing this, Harley believed it first.

Bateman continued: "Theoretically, Captain Atom's explosion was far more than the destruction of a city in Blüdhaven. I suspect that he intentionally controlled the direction of the release of energy before his death.

His body is in the material world, but it is connected to a quantum energy dimension.

If most of the energy is poured into the quantum dimension during the explosion, the power of the self-destruction will be much smaller.

Even so, the radiation dust storm caused by the Blüdhaven explosion has affected the surrounding area for hundreds of kilometers. Even Gotham has seriously exceeded the nuclear radiation limit in half of the city.

And because when Captain Atom blew himself up, the Battle of Green Lantern was in the middle of nowhere, and no one dealt with the incident in Blüdhaven, causing massive amounts of radiation to fly into the atmosphere unhindered.

Therefore, I suggest cleaning up the earth first, and then releasing people after the danger is eliminated. "

"Where's Dachao?" Harley asked.

"They are all cleaning up radioactive materials in Blüdhaven, and the heroes are using their own methods to prevent the nuclear storm from spreading outward."

At this time, Blüdhaven has really become a big construction site.

Dinah, Superboy, and Wonder Woman carried the buildings contaminated by atomic energy, flew away from the earth, and were thrown into outer space.

The two Flashes ran around the ruins of the city, forming a huge tornado that restricted the air containing a large amount of nuclear dust within the city limits.

There are also people with special powers who can absorb radiation energy and clean up the deep purple radiation energy in the air at close range.

"I've always known that Adam (Captain Atom) is a walking nuclear bomb, but isn't the yield too high?" When he saw Harry, General Lane, who was wearing a nanonuclear protective suit, immediately approached him as if he were seeing a savior.

"The energy in his body is not the same as nuclear energy." Harley looked up at the sky.

The sky was gray, like a winter evening when it was about to rain, but it was only 10 am.

The air is filled with catkin-like purple energy, and the surface flashes purple and red light, like the blood splashed out of Captain Atom's body, which is very strange.

"In this Green Lantern War, our losses were greater than those in Blackest Night. 800,000 people died in Bludhaven alone. International cities such as Metropolis and Gotham are the focus of Green Lantern's attacks. A Lantern blew himself up, destroying three or four streets. A rough estimate is that in just one day, the US suffered more than 9 million casualties."

General Lane's expression was gloomy, his tone was sad, and his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

Harley said calmly: "First deal with the radiation pollution of quantum energy."

General Lane frowned slightly, approached her, and said almost in a whisper: "We still have many Green Lantern prisoners in our hands."

"You want to kill them?"

General Lane shook his head and said: "Killing them on the battlefield will not put any psychological burden on me, nor do I want the heroes to leave any psychological shadow.

But killing prisoners after the war, not to mention the heroes, I definitely don’t agree with it. Even I don’t agree with it.

I mean, they got to stay on Earth and pay for their sins.

For example, accept a public trial, bow and apologize to our people, and kneel before the coffins of heroes who died in battle. I don't want to humiliate them, but I just hope that in this way, I can resolve the grievances in the hearts of the people.

You don’t know that just after the fighting ended, large-scale public demonstrations took place in the metropolis. "

Seeing that Harley still looked calm, he emphasized: "They were full of murderous intent and resentment, and they still had guns in their hands and fired at the sky.

Today they are filled with hatred and have nowhere to vent, so they will sweep the sky; tomorrow if we dissatisfy them and their hatred has transferred, they may sweep the sky at us. "

"Whoosh -" A red light flashed, and a pale Dachao appeared in front of the two of them.

He first took a deep look at his father-in-law, then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said to Harley: "Captain Atom's radiation energy is too strong.

In the words of Dr. Destiny, the energy level of atomic energy is too high, several levels higher than ordinary nuclear energy.

It even affected me so much that I had to move out of an abandoned building and go out into the sun.

But Dinah and Wonder Woman are completely unaffected, and can even convert the radiation energy that invades the body into physical vitality. "

"What do you want me to do?" Harley asked directly.

"Open your mouth and swallow Bludhaven directly, digesting it completely without leaving any pollution. Then puff out the mist to clean the air." Dachao said.

Harley said: “It’s okay to clean up the air, but let’s keep Blüdhaven.

It is a ferocious and painful scar, left as a warning to those people who are unwilling to enter Noah's Ark and endure hardship.

The scars will never heal and the pain of today should never be forgotten.

Additionally, it is evidence of the presence of nearly a million people in Blüdhaven.

Their relatives and friends, the people on earth who care about them, need a place to remember them and place flowers. "

——Nearly a million people died in the city. Who knows how many corpses were hidden in the ruins. It was easy to swallow it in one gulp, but how could she overcome the obstacles in her heart?

Even Da Chao could think of a "good idea", so naturally Harley thought of it immediately.

But when she heard that more than 800,000 people died in the city, she had no idea.

"Then let's clean up the air." Dachao glanced around the city, "The Flash and I can build a thick radiation-proof wall around it.

You are right, even if the city is in ruins, it is the final cemetery for the dead people.

We can't just dig it out like a sore and dump it in the cold darkness of outer space. "

Harley thought for a moment, took out her phone, and sent a message to her former younger brother, Mirror Master.

Dachao glanced at the phone screen and said hesitantly: "Harley, what are you going to do about the Green Lantern prisoners?"

"You decide for yourself."

"It seems that you captured the most prisoners. Didn't you kill them? I saw you stuffing them into your mouth before." Da Chao asked.

"Those who were stuffed into the mouth are not dead, so there is no need to arrest the dead." Harley said.


Light flickered on the front window of General Lane's Humvee.

Two middle-aged men in uniform jumped out of the glass.

"Mirror Master, Weather Wizard?"

General Lane was stunned and looked at Harley suspiciously, "Did you ask them to come?"

Harley nodded slightly.

"Sister Harley, people have brought it."

Mirror Master had a flattering smile on his face and pushed the tall and thin cloaked man in front of Harley as if taking credit.

"Hello, Miss Quinn, I wonder what I can do for you?" The tall and thin man said excitedly with a face full of expectation and flattery.

"Have you heard about the situation in Bludhaven?" Harley asked.

Mirror Master stood on tiptoe and glanced in the direction of the ruins, "There is no news yet, but we have our own news channels. It's tragic, a whole city of people died, God damn Green Lantern."

Then he turned his head again and said proudly: "Sister Harley, our gangster gang also contributed to the country during the Green Lantern War. I killed two Green Lanterns who invaded Central City."

"Don't take the credit, I killed him with lightning." The weather wizard said angrily.

"What the hell, Green Lantern was struck to death by lightning? I killed him in a sneak attack with an energy gun." Mirror Master said, patting the pistol on his waist.

Dachao frowned and said, "Harry needs to clean up the air polluted by radioactive dust. You, the weather wizard, may be able to help."

Harley flew into outer space and swallowed the earth into the stomach dimension.

She was suspended in the original position of the earth, and a clone was projected next to the weather wizard, "Look at the sky."

Several people looked up and saw that the sky had turned bright yellow.

"That's the light of purification. Your job is very simple, generate a large-scale convection storm, send the air up, and flow down from the other side, up and down, in and out, completing the dust filtration." Harley explained road.

If the Weather Wizard can join the Rogue Gang, you know that his fighting ability is not strong.

However, his talent is weather control. He can be called the "Mother of Thunder and Lightning" in Central City. He can easily change the weather of a city or even a state. Calling him over is purely a professional counterpart.

Mages such as Naboo can also meet Harley's requirements, but they need to consume a lot of magic power and cannot persist for long.

The weather wizard is not very powerful in combat, but it is like instinct when used to control the weather. It consumes little, has a wide range, is highly efficient, and is extremely durable.

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