I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1476 Lantern No. 1

"Is it related to us?" Hal was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Listening to the conversation between you and Carona, Furuo seems to be a very ancient figure. How is it related to us in modern times?"

Gunther turned his head and took a deep look at Harley, who looked curious, "It probably has more to do with Harley Quinn.

In fact, Kalona knew you 3 billion years ago, do you remember? You have been to the planet Maltus. "

"You mean Crisis on Infinite Earths?" Harley asked in surprise.

Ganser said: "The disaster comes from the Earth - Universe 15, and it is you Earthlings. However, his era is later than the 21st century, and for you, it belongs to the people of the future.

He and his mother were both scientists who 'first' discovered the existence of the power of emotion.

Later, their planet was invaded by aliens, his mother and people were killed, and the planet was colonized. Firong needed the power to change everything.

He wants emotional power.

But he didn't have the skills to create a light ring, or even knew that there were many kinds of emotional power.

He simply mixed his emotional energy into a lantern-style device, which took him away from Earth-15 and traveled across the multiverse in search of people who could help him.

Finally, by chance, he entered the river of time and traveled to Carona's laboratory 3 billion years ago.

At that time, I had not given up my status as an academy member and was still working as Carona's deputy at the national laboratory.

He and I witnessed the arrival of Carona with our own eyes——"

"Wait!" Hal raised his hand to interrupt him, his brows furrowed, "The evil comes from Earth-15 and has visited multiple parallel universes.

But the problem is, on the timeline 3 billion years ago, there was no parallel universe at all!

Carona hadn't observed the hand of creation at that time, right?

Without observing the hand of creation, the single universe has not split into multiverses, and the river of time in the main universe is the mother river.

The mother river does not project countless parallel tributaries. A big river flows from the place where time originates to the place where time ends. It is simple and has no side branches.

Where did Bane and Earth-15 come from?

How did he travel from a parallel universe to a single universe where there is no parallel universe? "

Kyle said: "During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, didn't you also travel from the parallel universe to the single universe 3 billion years ago?"

At that time, the earth's soldiers were divided into two groups, and the superheroes formed a team to go to the place where time originated.

Another team of super-villains, led by secret society boss Lex Luthor, raided the Maltus National Laboratory to kill their best scientists.

Luther and the others did arrive on the planet Maltus and saw many little blue men.

The problem is that even the most ordinary little blue man has the power of mind to challenge ordinary Kryptonians.

A group of primitive people armed with "primitive weapons" were completely wiped out before they could stand firm on the streets, and were captured by ordinary people on the streets.

Hal said: "Our situation was different at that time. First of all, because the multiverse was destroyed by the Anti-Monitor, the mother river of time was violently turbulent, and the 'time node' connecting the single universe and the multiverse became loose, giving us a way to Opportunities to cross different river sections.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for us to cross this ‘catastrophic time point’.

Because the cataclysm represents a major cosmic change, a little interference may cause the outcome to be completely different, and the impact will be huge.

The mother river of time often protects this kind of time points according to laws. Once it gets close, it will be counterattacked. "

Having said this, he raised his chin towards Harley, "Her timeline guardian is a typical example.

It's not that Harley's timeline cannot be changed. As long as he is stronger than her and can pay the price of being hit by her, it can be changed.

Can Firong pay the price of modifying the node of the ‘Hand of Creation 3 billion years ago’?

Not to mention anything else, Firong traveled to before the hand of creation appeared and told the Maltus people that he came from Earth-15. There were many parallel universes, but it turned out that there was no planet of Maltus in those parallel universes.

What do you think the Martus would think? How big is the impact of this historical distortion?

In addition to the difficulty of crossing time nodes, according to Ganser, the impact of the disaster on the real world is also terrifying.

We traveled through a time node 3 billion years ago and had almost no impact on the course of history. Luther and the others accomplished nothing.

But Fron turned out to be the discoverer of emotional energy and the source of the Green Lantern Corps.

This change is almost equivalent to reshaping history.

Or reshape the history of our main universe, the Green Lantern Corps is in the main universe.

Could it be that Huirong is the son of the Creator God? "

Ganser nodded and said, "What you said, Hal, is correct, but I didn't say he was a normal time traveler."

Hal's heart moved, thinking of what he said before, the appearance of the disaster was related to them, and Gunther specifically mentioned 3 billion years ago.

"Are you saying that the Scourge did not originally exist, but was the product of the distortion of the history of the universe when the Crisis on Infinite Earths reshaped the timeline?

But aren’t you guardians the only ones in diversity? You can protect your own timeline. "He said in surprise.

Ganser looked at Harley again and said: "The reason why Kalona values ​​you and Earth's heroes is because he saw your power three billion years ago.

What impressed him even more was the creation hands!

In the timeline before Crisis on Infinite Earths, when he looked at the place where time originated, he saw only a hand.

In the current 'real history', he saw two hands held together.

For three billion years, we have not known who the two hands belong to, or are they both the Creator God?

Are there two creator gods in the universe?

But now, especially with the multi-dimensional restart that took place in the Rann Galaxy, the hand of creation reappears, and you hold it again.

The ironclad fact allows all Martus people to admit that their history has been modified, and one of the two hands 3 billion years ago belongs to you.

As the organizer of the Time Origin Observation Experiment, Carona was particularly shocked. "

Harley rubbed her brows, "The timeline is so confusing, I'm even confused."

Upon hearing this, Gagardner hurriedly said: "I wanted to say it a long time ago, but it was so confusing that it made my head confused. I thought I was the only one who was stupid and couldn't figure it out. I didn't expect you, Harry." Also confused.”

Harley glared at him, "You and I are different. You didn't understand it at all, but I was thinking about the cause and effect. We are both confused, but we are on completely different levels."

Hal frowned and said: "Gunther, you mean that the Scourge is a by-product of Harley's restart of the Mother River timeline during Crisis on Infinite Earths?"

Harley immediately said: "I don't take this big blame. I didn't write the history of the little blue man at all."

Ganser said helplessly: "We Maltus, just like you Earthlings, are unable to realize what we think is our real experience. It is just the result of the distortion of the timeline.

If Harley Quinn and the heroes of Zhenglian had not come forward to speak out, I think the "Ruins of the God of War" would still be a symbol of pride for Westerners on earth, right?

At that time, historians said that Western history was born before King Wushen.

The Martial God King 50,000 years ago only led civilization to its peak.

Therefore, with King Wushen as the watershed, the history of the West is at least fifty thousand years old.

Because of your public explanations, and because some of the people remembered by Harley Quinn were not distorted in the timeline, soon the history of the God of War was no longer recognized by historians.

The history class of King Wushen in high schools was also quietly cancelled.

Our situation is similar.

After learning about the whole process of Crisis on Infinite Earths from you, I began to wonder whether the history I had "personally experienced" had been artificially distorted.

As a person involved in the distortion, if no outsiders remind him, he will never notice that the timeline is distorted.

Because of this, I cannot give any definite information about the disaster. "

Harley asked, "What did Scourge do on Maltus? How did he get the white light?"

Ganser fell into memories and said slowly: "Carona's time origin observation experiment was not completed in one go, and no experiment can be successful in one go.

At that time, I had not given up my status as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Maltus.

During one experiment, Carona saw a large hand through the observation window.

Kind of like the Hand of Creation, but it wears a light ring.

At that time we thought it was the hand of creation because its power was so vast.

At the moment of being observed, the terrifying power exploded, causing a big explosion in the laboratory, almost killing Carona and me.

However, now that Harley Quinn has caused the same big scene twice, we understand that as long as the interference with the reality of the universe is large enough, it can show a huge 'hand of creation'.

It does not necessarily represent the Creator God himself, but may just be a 'shareholder who created the world' - one who has made a certain contribution to the formation of the world today.

Along with the big explosion came the troublemaker wearing a space suit and holding a lantern. "

After a pause, he said with a complex expression: "Now I feel that the giant hand wearing a ring that Carona observed is implying that Firong is the inauguration of a new era of emotional energy.

The ring on his hand is a light ring. Ferocious created the reality of the Green Lantern Corps, so his actions formed the ‘Creation Hand’? "

Shaking his head, he continued: "When disaster first came, he took the initiative to extend a hand of friendship to us with a sincere smile.

The Martus are all powerful psychic beings who can easily distinguish between truth and falsehood.

We accepted him, let him make his home on the planet Martus, and treated him as a dear friend.

Firong told us about his experience and purpose, and Kalona helped him separate the seven emotional energies and summon the Seven Lantern Beasts.

The great scientists of the Supreme Council of Science worked together to tailor-make a lamp furnace that combined the seven energies for Bane.

The lamp furnace was installed on Firong's chest. With our blessings and expectations for Firong, we gave it a beautiful name - 'Great Heart'.

The first light ring that flew out of the Great Heart belonged to Firong.

It is the ‘first light ring’ that can use the seven emotional energies.

After putting on that light ring, our honeymoon period with Firong came to an end.

Many Maltus people came to congratulate him on becoming the first Lantern, but he lost control and sucked everyone's emotions, condensed them into seven emotional elements, and evolved into the first White Lantern. It is not accurate to say that he is a White Lantern. He and Kyle , and are different from the spirit of existence.

His white light power is more primitive.

He turned out to look exactly like you white people on earth. After activating the first light, his body immediately evolved. I think it was more like a distortion.

In short, his form has undergone a huge change, becoming an energy body that emits endless light.

It looks like a ball of jelly on the outside, and you can see the meridians and blood vessels of seven colors inside the jelly.

Not only has his appearance changed, but his personality has also become crazy and paranoid.

The former Fu Rong was warm, friendly and optimistic, and we all loved him.

After becoming the First Lantern, he preyed on the emotions of thousands of Maltus and planned to wipe us out completely.

We fought a brutal interstellar war with him, involving many planets and causing countless deaths.

Finally, we bound him in an energy tank and sealed him permanently.

Two years later, a group of villains claiming to be from the future 21st century broke into the planet Maltus.

On the same day, Kalona conducted another time origin observation experiment, and he saw the hands of creation.

The Big Bang happened again, and the single universe split into the multiverse.

The villainous prisoner from the 21st century disappeared during the division of the universe. Later, Kalona's body was destroyed and his soul was exiled from the universe. "

Gunther looked around and sighed: “This is the history of the Maltus people, at least in the current timeline.

We once thought that we were stable and immortal, above time, that the universe changes but we are eternal.

It now seems that the restart of the single universe may not affect us, but the "restart of the big universe" at the level of the time mother river can still distort our timeline. "

"Bane is still alive?" Harley asked.

"Well, after evolving into White Lantern No. 1, he gained eternal life. However, you don't have to worry, his history has ended long ago, no one can find him, and he can never escape the seal.

He will never affect the real universe again. "Gunther said with great certainty.

"Why are you so confident?" Harley said disapprovingly.

She had a feeling that sooner or later Huirong would come out to cause trouble.

"Just because we have imprisoned him for 3 billion years!" Gunther said proudly and confidently.

Harley complained: "It's a false 3 billion years on the dotted line of time. The new universe was born less than 10 years ago."

On the other side, the freed Guardian has returned to Oa.

But the Green Light War isn't quite over yet.

Green Lantern regained consciousness, but in addition to Lantern, the Green Lantern Corps also had Supreme Green Lantern.

The Supreme Green Lantern was born after the war between the Yellow and Green Legions.

In order to supervise the discipline of the Green Lantern team and deal with the rest of the Color Light Legion, the Guardians selected a group of volunteers from the Legion, cut off their emotions, and carried out semi-mechanized transformations like mechanical hunters on their flesh and blood bodies, using special The Green Lantern Cauldron replaced their hearts, turning them into "Green Lantern Military Police" who had no emotions and restrained the Lanterns.

The Green Lantern Supreme was supposed to be the last line of defense to protect the Green Lantern Corps.

They have no emotions and are not contaminated by Kalona's "emotional toxins."

But Carona has even calculated Harley's character, so it's naturally impossible to ignore the Supreme Green Lantern.

He did not disable the Supreme Green Lantern like he did when he modified the control program of the Robot Hunter in the early years.

In today's universe, he has a better choice - the mechanical Superman.

Kalona informed the mechanical Superman Hank Shaw of the structural flaw of the Green Lantern Supreme, allowing him to easily control the semi-mechanized Green Lantern Supreme.

At this moment, Green Lantern finally regained consciousness and had to face the threat of Supreme Green Lantern.

"The Green Lantern Corps is completely corrupted and can't be saved." A bald female Blue Man said.

"The Supreme Green Lantern can still rescue people. If we adjust the program, they will be very obedient and very useful to us." The little blue man with a bald head and a black beard said.

The white-haired little blue man looked at the battlefield in the distance with indifferent eyes and said slowly: "The Supreme Green Lantern cannot complete the task of reorganizing the new order of the universe.

Our goal is to eliminate all the Colored Light Corps, but the Supreme Green Lantern cannot even deal with the Green Lantern Corps.

Three billion years ago, our first legion, the Machine Hunters, failed.

Three billion years later, the second Corps, the Green Lantern Corps, is now out of control and has become an unstable factor that threatens the order of the universe.

Perhaps, we should start forming a third legion. "

The bald female little blue man said: "Kyle Rayner has mastered the white light that we have always longed for but cannot reproduce. We are no match for him."

The white-haired little blue man said: "I suggest releasing Lantern No. 1 and using Bane to deal with Kyle Rayner.

We can even use the power of the evil forces to directly clean up all the chaotic factors that are not under our control, such as the color army and the earth's civilization. "

"The misfortunes are disobedient," said the little blue man with a bald head and a black beard.

"Either he will be obedient, or he will become our battery." The white-haired little blue man said.

The bald female little blue man said: "We can't use his power. The light of the first lamp is too violent and will make us as crazy and bloodthirsty as Furuo."

"Carona has provided us with a new idea. The evolutionary bandage can create puppets with the spiritual power of Martus. We use flesh puppets to withstand the power of the white light of the disaster."

"You can give it a try and use flesh puppets to establish the third legion. They are absolutely obedient and powerful."

(ps: This is not about blackmailing the little blue men and deliberately lowering their IQ. This is how they make trouble in the comics. Many crises in the Green Lantern Corps actually come from them.

But this does not mean that the little blue man is born stupid. The guardian has been cut off from emotions and can no longer be regarded as a normal person.

Later, there will be normal little blue people in the Martus civilization. They have no cutting emotions, are kind and sincere, and are good people. )

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