I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1475 The Green Light War Ends

Although Kalona wrapped the ears and eyes of the four lanterns with evolutionary bandages, his purpose was to stop them from swearing, and their mouths were the main target.

So even though Gunther spoke in a low voice, the four lanterns still heard the conversation between him and Kalona.

Moreover, after the "evolutionary white light" of Carona's seven lights combined into one fell on their bodies, the effect of the evolutionary bandage suddenly increased a thousand times. They felt the pain of their flesh and flesh and the crisis of their spiritual senses.

Knowing that their situation is critical, they must be anxious and angry, trying to struggle with all their strength.

The way ordinary people struggle is purely an explosion of physical brute force.

The four Hals are extremely active in emotional fluctuations.

Two people with the same strong will, such as Bateman and Hal, wear light rings at the same time. Who can use the emotional energy of will better?

The answer is obvious.

Earth has given birth to four Green Lanterns, and Bateman has never been chosen for a Green Lantern ring.

Well, Yellow Lantern. After rejecting Yellow Lantern several times, he was on the blacklist of "The Book of Parallax" and was also excluded from the selection list by the Yellow Lantern Ring.

The difference between Bateman and Hal is not the total amount of will, but the quality of will.

Hal's willpower can leverage 10,000 wills and emotional energy.

Bateman's willpower can only redeem one will and emotional energy.

The criterion for judging the quality of this will is “emotional fluctuation activity.”

These four people were captured by Kalona not because of their status as Earthlings.

It's not like they knew Harley either, and Carona planned to get revenge on Harley by torturing them.

Carona is not that low, he is very pragmatic.

He only dealt with Harley because she would interfere with his great plan.

He captured the four Hals purely because they were useful to his plan.

To put it bluntly, if the four of them are not the most emotionally active in the entire universe, they are at least the "Four Kings" of the Green Lantern Corps.

Not to mention the "old events" of Hal's will incarnation and Kyle's life incarnation. In this crisis alone, except for the four of them, the other lanterns could not even break free from the control of the lantern ring.

Such a lantern is most likely to extract a large number of emotional elements that cover the seven emotional spectrums.

For these "emotionally active people", the explosion in critical situations is often an explosion of emotional energy.

Guy Gardner exploded, his anger almost boiling over.

John exploded too, he was furious.

Kyle was originally just feeling pure anger.

Under the "evolutionary white light" of seven lights combined by Kalona, ​​they all felt angry and anxious.

Harley, who was hiding nearby, was also very angry and anxious. She cut off the seven-lamp source input of the "willpower energy channel" to Kalona.

If the unity of the seven lights is regarded as a kind of magic, Kalona's spellcasting failed, and the white light that shrouded the Hal people has degenerated into the original seven lights again.

The moment they bathed in the origin of the seven lights, Hal, Kyle, John, and Guy stimulated seven emotions at the same time.

This is not the first time they have been emotionally manipulated by Carona.

In other words, it was precisely because of Carona's emotional manipulation bug skills that they were defeated and arrested.

But this time things are different.

They are "exploding".

Ordinary people explode with muscle strength and can knock down big men who could not be knocked down in the past with one punch.

A person with active emotional fluctuations. Just talk about Kyle. At the critical moment of life and death crisis, he exploded his potential and gradually began to control his seven emotions.

Control your emotions just like your brain controls your hands and feet.

It is an extremely wonderful feeling, and it is also a cultivation process.

In particular, in order to save them, Fat Head fought to the death and destroyed the "green light energy conduit", causing Carona to become furious and whipped it crazily.

This has deeply irritated Kyle.

Even after being whipped, the fat head made a shocking cry: Even if it means death, it will die before them, and it will never surrender to Carona.

This kind of firm and unyielding will deeply shocked Kyle.

In its miserable howl, he activated the emotional element of his will and quickly used it to control the other six emotional elements.

The seven emotions united into one, and he cultivated his own white light.

Zhang Wuji, who learned "The Great Shift of the Universe" in one day, had to submit to him.

Zhang Wuji at least has a complete secret book. Kyle Rayner is not self-taught. He heard the conversation between Gunther and Kalona and knew Kalona's plan to fuse the seven emotions elements with white light.

But that’s it.

At best, Kalona could only tell him the "outline of martial arts", but Kyle had no idea how to practice in detail.

He just relied on his own exploration and achieved great success in just a few minutes.


In the colorful "Time Dock", a breeze suddenly blew.

Harley's collapse of the "Green Lantern Energy Pipeline" caused the source of the seven lights to leak out, and the sources of the seven colors dispersed wantonly, making the dock look colorful.

The breeze rolled up the smoke-like origin of the seven lights, forming a colorful vortex around Kyle.

As the vortex went inward and closer to Kyle's body, the color of the light gradually became single, becoming bright white.

The white light stuck to Kyle's bare skin, forming a white Lantern uniform.

When he was a Green Lantern, he used to wear an eye mask like windproof glasses. At this time, the white light also showed the same mask, but the color changed from green to pure white.

On the left chest of his uniform, a white light symbol naturally appears.

It took Carona a while to recover from the shock.

He twisted his face and yelled out of control, "How can you break free from the evolutionary bandage, still, still, still this is impossible, you will never be able to control the power of white light!"

Kyle ignored him and looked worriedly at Fatty, who was screaming just now after being beaten.

Then the expression on his face froze, and the worries in his heart disappeared instantly, and he almost shouted "It's you, Harley".

Having cultivated white light, he could see the true nature of "Fat Touha" at a glance.

Of course, it can be seen at a glance because Harley's consciousness is controlling "Fat Head" at the moment.

"I'm also surprised that I can control the power of white light again under such circumstances."

Kyle sighed, and a white light erupted from his body. The bright light made it impossible to look directly at him.

It seemed like a long time passed, it seemed like only a moment, the white light dissipated, and they appeared in a cold and dark group of meteorites.

"Here." Parallax Flash looked confused, "It seems to be sector 2261, surrounded by the remains of the planet Mogo? Why am I here?"

It was still "floating" on the river of time before. A burst of white light struck, and the scene in front of it changed.

"You, you actually brought us back to the main universe!" Kalona stared at Kyle with a look of disbelief on his face.

Kyle said calmly: "Don't be surprised. Since you master the Book of Darkness and know us very well, you naturally know that this is not the first time I have controlled the power of the light of life.

Last time I was able to enter and exit the river of time at will, and even slightly modify reality.

Pulling your 'time dock' back now is just the basic use of the power of white light. "


A beam of holy golden light fell from the depths of the starry sky, and Harley's figure appeared next to Fat Head.

This is her true nature.

It took 20,000 heavenly merits and was teleported from the Tower of Destiny in an instant.

"Fat head, fat head, you are covered with bruises and are bound by chains. It's so miserable!"

She first held Fat Tou's head and howled twice, as if she had just learned about Fat Tou's situation.

Then he suddenly flew towards Kalona.

"Carona, you beast, I want you to die!"

Kyle opened his mouth and was about to say something when he immediately heard her shout: "Kyle, don't stop me. Seal the surrounding space and don't let him escape."

"Don't beat him to death." Kyle could only warn, then turned around to help Hal and the others free themselves from their restraints.

Hal and John were okay. They only lost their lamp rings and clothes, and their health was not serious.

Guy Gardner used to wear a red light ring. After Caronna took away the light ring, he should have lost his heart and died. Caronna used special means to help him temporarily survive.

Of course, if he uses an evolutionary bandage to complete his evolution, he won't be able to grow a heart again.


"Ah, my head, please take a look at it. My head seems to have grown a lot bigger, right? The evolutionary bandage is working on me." He held his head and howled miserably.

"Don't move, I'm helping you rebuild your internal organs." Kyle used the white light of life to help him grow a heart again, while watching the battle between Kalona and Harley with a frown.

The two fought fiercely, and within a short time, there was already blood.

Well, Harley was beaten and vomited blood.

Kalona still has seven chains attached to her body, allowing her to borrow the power of the Seven Lantern Beasts.

Emotional outbursts cannot paralyze Harley, but they can interfere with her.

Harley's blue lantern, orange lantern, green lantern, and purple lantern defense specialties are not at full level yet.

When her movements were disturbed, Kalona manifested energy weapons to chop her, crushed her body with the power of her mind, and ordered the Parallax Flash to dig out her heart.

It's a pity that the parallax monster is too unreliable.

If it hadn't been unable to resist the control of the chain, it would have escaped the moment Harley arrived.

At this moment, it was shouting "Master Witch, forgive me, I can't control myself" while charging towards Harley's "curve" - ​​after getting close to her, the direction began to shift, and its lethality was approximately zero.

Even if the Parallax monster has diarrhea, there are still six little blue men and lamp beast hosts in Kalona.

They besieged Harley together, which really caused her a lot of trouble.

"Gudong, Gudong." During the beating, the level experience jar grew wildly.

Kalona is not the Supreme, but his impact on the multiverse is greater than many Supremes.

The total amount of experience he can provide is almost equal to that of the Supreme.

"Gudong, Gudong." The defense expertise experience jar is also growing like crazy.

Orange lanterns, green lanterns, blue lanterns, and purple lanterns have already crossed level 6 and entered the advanced level 7.

The chain on Kalona's body was not broken, and Fathead Ha was still connected to it. He extracted the source of his will, and then used his willpower to oppress the other lamp beasts.

Fat Touha also continued to struggle, intercepting the source from the green light pipe, greatly reducing Carona's efficiency.

In order to maintain the output, Kalona could only control the black iron chain and increase the intensity of extracting the origins of other lamp beasts. Harley's efficiency in intercepting the origins has also been greatly improved.

That's why she came over in a hurry to "get angry and vent her anger on the fat man."

Of course, she was also really angry.

When she heard that Fat Head was beaten by Carona, Harley promised Fat Head that she would teach him a lesson.

Now, although she deliberately lowered her defense to help Karona increase damage in order to increase her level experience, she also actually dealt a large amount of damage to Karona.

She was bleeding, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and his body was covered in wounds.

"Harley, stop! The lamp beast is dying."

Unfortunately, Kyle Rayner was already at a high level and soon noticed that the lamp beast was rapidly becoming weak.

He left the three Hals who had lost their lamp rings to Ganser's care. He teleported to the battlefield, and time and space almost froze as he thought.

Kalona was like a bug in amber, his movements and thoughts were stiff, allowing Kyle to tear off the "Lamp Beast Chain" on him.

Harley has reached the ninth level of White Light Defense Specialty and is still slightly affected.

She took a few steps back, leaving the scope of his "space-time domain", and said thoughtfully: "The white light she cultivated is indeed different from the white light of the spirit of existence."

——If she absorbs his white light, it will definitely increase the evolution of her white light defense expertise.

"Have you had enough? The lantern beasts are an important cornerstone for maintaining the stability of the Origin Wall. If six lantern beasts are paralyzed at once, there will definitely be problems with the Origin Wall." Kyle looked helpless but spoke very directly.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Harley looked confused.

"Stop pretending, I know you have arrived before, and Fatty has almost become your clone."

While Kyle was mentally transmitting sound, he moved his hands quickly, like taking eggs from a henhouse, tearing off a "Lamp Beast Chain", putting his right hand that turned into white light into the little blue man's chest, and taking out a spirit A sluggish, weak lampbeast.

One by one, the lantern beasts that were taken out were thrown away, and they sank into the void with a "pop" sound, and they were teleported to no one knows where.

Only Fat Head remained where he was.

"No, you are wrong." Harley firmly denied, "Everyone in the universe knows that my consciousness cannot be close to the river of time. How can I make the fat man transform into a clone?"

"Perhaps you have left a thought in Fatty a long time ago, and the thought fell into a deep sleep, like a dead thing, hiding from the eyes of the master of time?" Kyle said.

"What evidence do you have?" Harley asked.

"I have no evidence, and I don't intend to expose your ruse of stealing the origin of the lamp beast."

After liberating the seven lamp beasts, Kyle took out 11 green lantern rings and a book of darkness from Kalona.

The five Green Lantern rings come from the four Lanterns and Gunther, and the remaining six are the Rings of the Lantern Lord picked up by Hal.

"After the lantern beast was liberated, the 'emotional toxin' in the central energy battery also disappeared." Kyle threw the lantern ring back to several companions, "Everyone should be back to normal."

The three lanterns and Gunther put on their own lantern rings, and they worked normally.

Gunther glanced at Harley, then looked at Kyle and Hal, and asked: "How about putting Kalona in the 'tech prison' first?"

Harley said: "Kill him directly! Or leave it to me, and I will send him to hell. I promise that from now on, he will not come back to bother you again."

"Carona must be left to us." A bald female guardian looked embarrassed, but her words were sonorous and powerful.

The black iron chain was torn, the lamp beast was pulled away, and the six lamp beast hosts returned to normal.

Harry sneered and said: "How can a bunch of useless trash with corpses make such a noise?"

The white-haired male guardian who looked like Gunther said indifferently: "Harley Quinn, you have no right to humiliate us. The hero who resolved this crisis is Green Lantern, not you. You have also accomplished nothing."

"At least I wasn't tied up by a dog chain by Carona, turning into a hawk and a dog to help the tiger."

The little blue man wanted to say something else, and Hal said coldly: "You have been controlled by the lamp beast, and you don't understand Harley's contribution to changing the situation of the war. Her and Kyle's contribution is at least four to six points."

Kyle nodded slightly.

Several little blue men were surprised, but said nothing.

Ganser advised: "You go back to Oa first, summon the central energy battery back, and leave this place to us."

The little blue men looked at each other and silently entered the miniature wormhole.

At this time, Hal sighed and said with a sad and helpless expression: "It is certain that Kalonavan will not be able to atone for his sins by dying.

But during this crisis, the Green Lantern puppets destroyed countless civilizations and killed countless lives that they were supposed to protect. The universe was shocked and Green Lantern's reputation was seriously damaged.

We need an open and fair trial to give an explanation to the people of the universe. "

Harley looked at the level experience jar. It increased from 35% at level 115 to 78% at level 115. Obviously, Carona is a big experience user and has the value of escaping from prison.

"OK, you Green Lantern Corps caught him, it's up to you to deal with him how you want."

She doesn't think the Grand Trial will lead to anything, and Kalona will have to escape from prison sooner or later, just like the supervillains on Earth.

"Kyle, how do you feel now? Where did the white light come from?" Gardner asked curiously.

"The white light energy in my body is about to disappear."

Kyle turned to Mogo's corpse and said with a smile: "I can save Mogo before it disappears."

He opened his arms and put his legs together, like a cross. A vast white light emanated from his chest, like a glow covering Mogo's corpse.

Dots of white light penetrated into the rock, and dots of green light gathered from all directions in the universe, condensing into a green ball of light at the core.

Then, as if being pulled by gravity, the surrounding meteorites flew towards the Mogo wreckage piece by piece, and soon they reorganized into a complete planet.

"Kyle, thank you." A gentle voice, regardless of gender, came from the ball of light.

"Oh my God~~" John Stewart covered his mouth with tears in his eyes, "Mogo, that's great."

Mogo was silent for a moment and said: "John, I read that memory from the earth, you don't have to blame yourself.

At that time, you made the most correct choice, and countless people in the universe were saved. "

"Mogo, I'm sorry. Thank you." Tears flowed down his dark cheeks, but John's expression became much more relaxed.

"Hey, the power of your white light."

Harley was surprised to see Kyle's white light uniform gradually fade and disappear, and the power of the white light on his body slowly extinguished like a burning bonfire.

Kyle puts on his Green Lantern ring and becomes Green Lantern again.

"I don't know why. The newly awakened power of white light is very unstable."

Gunther's eyes flashed and he asked, "Are you unwilling to become a White Lantern?"

Kyle was stunned when he heard this, frowned and thought for a moment, "The energy of the green light is enough, but the white light represents too much trouble."

Ganser nodded slightly. His resistance to the white light was the main reason why the white light went out.

"Oh, I'm not afraid of trouble." Harley didn't hide her interest in white light, and her regret was clearly displayed on her face.

"Maintaining the white light state requires energy. I have to absorb the power of seven emotions to synthesize white light." Kyle said.

"What's the difference between this and the White Lantern of the Spirit of Existence?" Hal asked curiously.

Kyle thought for a while and said: "Probably the difference between Green Lantern Emerald and us."

Jade is his ex-girlfriend and the daughter of Alan Scott, the veteran Green Lantern of the Justice Society.

Alan Scott became the Green Lantern because he picked up an "emerald kettle" from a tunnel when he was an engineer at the Ministry of Railways in his early years.

The emerald pot turned into a hand-held lamp when he touched it, and he gained the ability to use the energy of the Green Lantern.

The Emerald Pot comes from a fragment of the Heart of the Star that fell from the sky.

The fragment fell in the Song Dynasty, first became a treasure of Kublai Khan, and almost got it by Madam Xanadu, but was tricked by a stranger and became a reward of Marco Polo, who brought it from the East to the West.

The Star Heart is the product of the guardian's collection of magic power from all over the universe and the fusion of the green light.

Alan has been in contact with it for a long time, and his body and soul have been infected from the outside to the inside. His sons and daughters were born to awaken the "green light magic".

Without the need for a Lantern Ring or a Lantern Furnace to replenish energy, Emerald can use the power of the Green Lantern just like Green Lantern.

"What a pity. Without the Spirit of Existence, you would have left your magic mark in the white light and become the 'Ancestor of Magic' who controls new power." Harley sighed.

She wasn't sure what the connection was between Hal's white light and the spirit of existence, but Hal obviously couldn't be the "ancestor of the white light".

White light has existed for a long time, and even the Scourge predates Hal.

Thinking of Wo Rong, Harley immediately looked at Gunther and asked, "Who is Wo Rong?"

Ganser stared at her with squinted eyes and asked, "How do you know about the disaster?"

Harley's expression was natural, her eyes were pure, and she could tell lies easily. "Fat Tou told me that just now Fat Tou told me everything that happened on the Time Dock through mental communication."

As she said this, she patted the fat head on the fat head.

"Well, I remember Ganser, you said something about the disaster." The fat man lowered his eyes and nodded.

Hal and Kyle first looked at Harley strangely, and then turned to Gunther.

They also want to know the secret of the disaster.

Gunther looked hesitant.

Guy Gardner was dissatisfied: "Countless people died tragically in this catastrophe, and the four of us were hung up and wrapped in damn bandages, and almost lost our lives. Are we victims not even qualified to know the truth?"

John also said with resentment: "As long as the guardian has a sense of responsibility and a sense of guilt for this incident, he should give a complete explanation to the people of the universe."

Hal continued: "Concealment at this time is tantamount to deception. How can a person who makes a mistake but still wants to deceive the victim get everyone's forgiveness?"

It can be seen that after experiencing the bad things in Kalona, ​​the Lanterns are very resentful towards the Guardians.

Ganser sighed and said with a helpless expression: "The trouble is actually related to you people on Earth."

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