I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1470 Successfully tracked down the enemy (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank

The first multiverse-level crisis that Harley experienced was the awakening of Little Black Bean (the giant beast).

During that crisis, she also appeared in front of the multiverse for the first time, pretending to be super powerful.

It was also during that crisis that Zatanna's father and Sargon Witch's father, two of the greatest magicians of the contemporary era and known as the most promising beings to break through to the realm of divine wizards, died tragically.

Unlike Harley, who was comfortable in front of the little black bean, chatting and laughing, they couldn't even face its gaze.

Those who are qualified to look directly at the little black bean must at least be a spiritual wizard, otherwise there is a risk of being infiltrated and dissolved by its magic power and thoughts.

Zatara and his daughter, Zha Kang, Sargon, Madam Xanadu and other mages are not in the realm of gods, but they don't want to miss the biggest event in the magic world in hundreds of millions of years.

Their idea is that since we alone cannot bear the mental pollution of Little Black Bean, then multiple people should join forces and let one eye peek at the battlefield situation, and everyone can share the pressure.

It's probably similar to "fighting for Xixi's famous lady".

One mage's soul was not strong enough to watch Little Black Bean, so a group of mages got together to pay for the order, and everyone took turns to take a look.

It's really shabby and low-key.

What's even worse is that they pooled their money to buy afternoon tea. When everyone finished posing for photos and planned to eat the pastries, the pastries expired and became spoiled and contaminated with too many bacteria due to the posed time being too long. Got people.

"Although you were very low and failed at the time, your skills in order-making have a certain value, especially now, and are very useful to me." Harley said to several magic masters.

Even a reclusive magician wouldn't know about such a big thing as Green Lantern's invasion of the earth.

They all follow the heroes' battle, and it's not difficult to gather them together.

In just two minutes, Madam Xanadu, Zatanna, Zha Kang, Sage Ochi, a total of 23 magic masters, were summoned to the Tower of Destiny.

There are good people and villains among these magicians. They only look at their strength and not their character. They are just trying to make money anyway.

They have all experienced the original Little Black Bean crisis, and they all understand the "Pin Xixi Magic Group Incident".

"Harry, you are not qualified to belittle my father like this, are you? At that time, he was the most outstanding magic master in the world, but you were just a magic apprentice, not even a formal mage." The Sargon witch wearing a ruby ​​on her forehead said angrily. .

Her father, Sorcerer Sargon, was the first mage in the "Pin Xixi Magic Group" to burp.

Zatanna also looked unhappy, "Harley, you called us over, didn't you just want to humiliate us?"

Her father also died, trying to save her.

Zha Kang frowned and said: "It's not like you don't know, Harley. There was no problem with the joint channeling at the beginning. It was the mole who took the initiative to draw the magic power of Little Black Bean, which caused the accident."

That accident was the second major setback that Zha Kang experienced in his life.

The first setback was the "Astra Exorcism Incident". He was tricked by the demon Duke Nergal and failed to save the soul of the little girl Astra.

However, Astra was later saved by Harley, which is not a real tragedy.

But the "psychic accident" has not found the mole so far, and he feels very frustrated.

"I have sworn that I will never participate in that kind of dangerous magic experiment again." Mrs. Xanadu muttered.

The last accident almost scared her to the point of peeing. Afterwards, she decided to keep to herself and refused to join any more actions of the "Wizard Council".

Harley is still intercepting the Green Lantern puppets in outer space at the moment. No one is present and she only communicates with them through the communicator.

She could also imagine their expressions when she heard their words.

"Okay, I apologize. The skills of group channeling are very advanced, and I want to try it today. You don't have to worry about any side effects and risks, I will become a part of the channeling team.

You all know that I have a thick skin and a big boss covering me, so I can withstand any backlash.

If dangers like the last 'spiritual pollution' arise again, I will learn from the great spirit of sacrifice of Archmage Zatara and absorb all the damage to myself. "

"The target is Carona?" Zha Kang's eyes flashed, "Did you leave coordinates on him? Without a lead, even if all our willpower is superimposed on you, we can't find him.

Well, you haven’t met Carona, but your fat head—”

Harley quickly interrupted him with a calm tone and said: "Don't think blindly, I left the 'Seal of Heaven' on Hal Jordan. Hal was missing at the moment, so I came up with this plan."

Back then, she used the Seal of Heaven to save Astra's soul, and also used it to mark Judith's soul. Everyone in the magic circle knew about it, and they were all familiar with the Seal of Heaven.

There was a hint of ridicule in Zha Kang's eyes, but a look of surprise appeared on his face, "So, you made this arrangement after the lamp beast disappeared? As expected of the witch Harley, she is indeed thoughtful."

Harley said nothing.

"Since it is the Seal of Heaven, wouldn't it be more convenient to find the Voice of Heaven?" Phoenix Faust said.

Zha Kang waved his hands and sighed: "If it's a matter of heaven, it's definitely okay to ask for the voice of heaven, but we all know that the old God only plays black guns and never shows his face, and will never directly interfere in human crises for the sake of mortal affairs."

"That's right." All the mages agreed and nodded gently, "Even if the Voice of Heaven is willing to help, the price will be huge."

Harley decided that the next time Kang visited Quinn Manor, she would give him an extra chicken butt for lunch.

The earth was facing a great crisis, so the mages didn't waste any time. In less than half a minute, they drew the magic circle, lit the soul-soothing incense, and sat in a circle, hand in hand, just waiting for Harley to take the seat.

The channeling process was also smooth.

Channeling is to rely on the guidance of the "introducer" to let the mind leave the body, transcend time, space and matter, and communicate with the existence marked by the "introducer".

This is the most basic skill of a black magician.

Joint channeling is nothing more than a super-enhanced version of ordinary channeling magic.

During the crisis of Little Black Bean, Zatara and other mages set Little Black Bean as a psychic target. The aura of Little Black Bean permeates the multiverse, and there is no need for a "primer" to guide the direction.

At this time, the thought of Harley, who uses Fat Head as her host and becomes one with it, is the best introduction.

The closer the relationship, the easier it is to channel.

Harley couldn't find it before, maybe because of the distance, or maybe it was blocked by the magic circle. In short, as long as her spiritual power is not enough to cover the entire universe, it can be hidden by Kalona.

Now, Harley feels like an omnipotent god.

With the spiritual power of more than twenty masters superimposed on her, she seemed to see the border of the universe at first glance, then saw Darkseid on Apokolips studying the anti-life equation with her second eye, and penetrated the positive matter universe with her third eye. I saw the resurrected Anti-Prison King in the heart of the earth.

This is a hallucination, and it is not a hallucination.

The Origin Wall, Darkseid, and the Anti-Monitor King are all existences that Harley has come into contact with, and the connection between them is the introduction.

With the introduction, she can channel them.

Of course, if she really did that, they would definitely find out and cause unnecessary trouble.

Her mission at this moment is to get rid of Carona as soon as possible without causing any complications.

"Fat head."

With the goal of channeling silently in mind, the consciousness immediately enters a dark passage, like a solitary meteor streaking across the dark sky.

"Ding dong~~" Her consciousness fell into a river, splashing with water.

"Hey!" Harry said in surprise at the Tower of Destiny.

"Found it?" Zatanna asked.

"Well, that bastard Kalona is really cunning. I dare say you can't guess where he is hiding." Harley said in a complicated tone.

Zha Kang closed his eyes and maintained a psychic state. His mouth was also closed tightly, but his voice penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone, "Is it possible that he is hiding in the river of time?"

Harley asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

At this moment, they are just superimposing the power of their souls on her, which is equivalent to the "Pin Xixi Magic Group" raising funds to reserve a sea view room for her to enjoy alone. Others are still waiting downstairs in the hotel and cannot see the sea view room. What's in it.

Zha Kang said: "You are wanted by the Lord of Time and cannot enter the River of Time.

This matter is not a secret, and those who are interested in you will take this into consideration and take advantage of it. "

Most of the mages present had strange looks on their faces.

They had never thought of Witch Harley's weakness before, but it seemed possible. They quickly put their thoughts to rest and were currently channeling together!

Harley doubted: "Isn't it you who is interested?"

"Does it matter who the interested person is? You have been caught by Kalona now." Zha Kang said.

"Harley, can't you protect the timeline of the main universe?" Ivy asked doubtfully.

She is also a master of magic, and this time she was also honored to participate in the "Fighting Xixi Magic Group" event.

“I’m just guarding my own timeline, and the timeline is stable, but it doesn’t mean that others can’t cross time and space.

As long as the result has no impact on my present, past, and future, traveling through time and space will only become dangerous, not absolutely impossible. "

For example, a certain closed civilization in the corner of the universe didn't even know that Harley existed in the world. It traveled to 200 years later and was still a closed and remote planet, which could not affect Harley at all. Harley's talent for protecting the timeline would not be affected. touch.

If the natives in the corner of the corner clearly don't know Harley and don't provoke her thoughts, but then travel to 1000 years later and hear about the "future" of Harley, the celebrity in the universe, then he will be miserable, and may directly crush the time. There was no scum left in the river, and he died unjustly and helplessly.

"Carona didn't peek into my future or interfere with my past.

He just built a small raft in the "shallow water area" of the river of time.

He was hiding on the raft and I had a hard time finding him, and even if I did, I couldn't reach him.

I can't go into the river. " Harley explained.

"This is not difficult to deal with. You can't enter the river of time, and there are us and the heroes of the Zhenglian." Zatanna said.

"Harley, can you clearly see the situation on the 'Carona's Raft'? Carona may not be able to deal with Harley, but he now controls the entire Green Lantern Corps and the Seven Lanterns. We may not be our opponents if we go there." Dr. Fate warned.

"Well, don't worry, let me take a look again."

Harry was actually a little surprised that Fat Tou had her thoughts in him, which was equivalent to a clone treating Fat Tou as its host, but the river of time did not reject Fat Tou.

Could it be that the river of time only prohibited her body from entering?

Brother Morpheus clearly told her that it was not the Big Daddy of the Endless Family who prohibited her from entering the River of Time, but the rules.

With some doubts, Harley contacted the fat head through a medium, and quietly activated her own thoughts left in its soul.

In an instant, countless information flowed into her sea of ​​consciousness.

On a certain "awning boat" on the river of time.

There is space up, down, left and right, about two hundred square meters, but there is no matter, it is empty above and empty below, only the light and power emanating from the lamp beasts and people.

Five little blue men with big heads, one little blue man with a medium head, one normal little blue man, and two earthlings hanging in the air by green light chains.

The normal little blue man has a deformed head and looks extraordinarily big.

But at this time, the size of the five little blue men's heads was almost ten times that of their bodies.

Moreover, they all have hideous faces and inhuman appearances, with part of their bodies taking on the form of lamp beasts.

For example, a big-headed little blue man whose skin is covered with blue lines has green octopus tentacles growing out of his body.

It should be the host of the converted octopus.

The little blue man with a medium head only fuses half of the lamp beast, which is the fat head.

The fat shark's tail merged into the body of the bald little blue woman, causing her head to double in size, but the rest of her head could not be fused and trailed behind like a tail.

The last normal person, the little blue man, is an old acquaintance of the people on Earth, Ganser.

The Earthlings hanging in mid-air are clearly Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner.

Harley was originally just bluffing "fighting the Xixi Magic Group", but she didn't expect to actually see them in Carona's lair.


The fat shark head quietly opened its eyes, and in the depths of its emerald green pupils, a ray of light flashed away.

"It's me, I'm here to save you!" said the thought left in its soul.

"Why did it take so long?" Fatty asked aggrievedly.

"If the two of us are talking, will the little blue man on your tail notice us?" Harley asked.

"No, I am the embodiment of will. As long as I don't agree, no one can peek into the core of my consciousness." Fatty said proudly.

"That's good." Harley let go of her hands and feet, and even her mental fluctuations became more active.

Then she complained loudly, "It's not that I don't work hard, it's just that Kalona is too cunning. Can you sense your position? In the river of time, I can't think of it. I can't sense it, and I can't get in."

"How did you find it now?" Fatty asked.

Harley briefly explained the joint channeling of the "Xixi Magic Group" and asked: "How did Kalona torture you Seven Lantern Beasts?"

The thoughts left in Fat Tou's soul recorded some information, but not in detail.

In order not to be discovered by Kalona, ​​it had been sleeping.

"In order to unite the seven emotions into one, the seven emotions are integrated into one. It is not the integration of seven lantern beasts as everyone thought before, nor is it simply the integration of seven lanterns." Fatty said.

Harley was surprised: "Does Kalona want to master seven emotional energies at the same time and then merge them into his own white light?"


The "Wupeng Ship" shook slightly, and a golden-red door gradually opened, and four people jumped in from the door.

The fat head exclaimed in his heart: "Oh my God, it's Kyle and John, they have also fallen."

"What did Carona capture them for?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I don't know either. Please rescue us quickly. I feel uncomfortable and scared." The fat man said sadly.

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