I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1471 Kalona’s Evolution Bandage

Seeing Fat Head shouting to leave here, Harley immediately reminded: "Don't forget our great plan to gather the origins of the Seven Lantern Beasts and create the origin wall of the stomach wall!"

The fat head said: "But the seven of us are not integrated into one. If you want to gather the power of the seven lantern beasts, just grab it.

There’s no need to be secretive, your reputation has already been ruined anyway, who in the multiverse doesn’t know that you like to steal other people’s magic power? "

Harley originally guessed that Kalona was searching for the seven-lantern beasts so that the seven-lantern beasts' origins could merge into one place to form a white light.

If the seven lantern beasts directly merge with each other like the tailed beasts in "Naruto", the origins will naturally be integrated into one. Then she steals the power of the lantern beast, just like taking energy from the fat head. It is very convenient and does not attract the attention of others. People pay attention.

Even if she guessed wrong and the Seven-Lamp Beast could not be connected to its original source, Fatty, the internal agent, could also serve as coordinates to help locate the Seven-Lamp Beast's location, and then she would directly start to grab it.

Well, in the name of protecting justice, she defeated the evil Kalona, ​​and the Seven Lantern Beasts were taken back by her as "the stolen goods" and returned to the Seven Legions. The Lantern Beasts were grateful and repaid him with their own bodies, creating a heroic life of saving the beasts, and the beasts were also grateful. The story of the ages.

"Don't worry, you are not in danger now, and I really can't make it through now."

After a pause, Harley asked again: "Have you communicated with Carona? I mean, I plan to squeeze Carona's secrets through your mouth.

What was your previous relationship with him like? I'm going to imitate your style and tease him with words. "

The fat head lamented: "Carona looks down on us lamp beasts at all and treats us like beasts.

He didn't bother to communicate with the lamp beasts on an equal footing, and either scolded or cursed us.

For example, he wanted this little bald female blue man to be my host. As a result, I had become your host and could not fully integrate with her. So Carona whipped me with an iron chain and called me a ungrateful beast.

He also threatened me - if I dare to disobey him again, my personality will be erased and my body will be decomposed. "

"That beast dared to do this to you." Harley gritted her teeth and was furious. "Fat man, don't worry, I will help you get revenge. This guy will be very miserable."

"Yeah." Fatty felt a lot warmer in his heart.

While angry, Harley also immediately understood how to use Fat Head's shell to deal with Carona.

"Omag, Kyle, John, you have been arrested too!"

On the other side, Hal, who was hanging in the air by the green light energy chain, was surprised and helpless when he saw the four people coming in from the gate of time and space.

"Hal? Guy? Have you found the green light central energy battery?"

John Stewart and Kyle were also shocked to see their two companions.

"Found it." Hal sighed and said: "Under the leadership of Ganser, we found the Green Lantern Brigade, which was marching rapidly in the super-light space. There were more than a thousand people, and they were rushing towards the solar system.

Guy and I successfully approached the central energy lamp furnace and successfully launched the strongest attack.

However, my yellow light and covered red light are useless and cannot break the defense.

Even if we, under the leadership of Ganser, take out the 'Carona Glove' from the Oa underground warehouse, which can stimulate powerful green light energy, and the green light fuses the red light of the cover and my yellow light, it still cannot break the central light furnace. outer wall.

What Ganser means is that we have to become one again.

If there are not enough people, just the four of us, we can try using multiple light rings per person.

It's a pity that you took away two light rings and didn't have the chance to try them. "

"What are Carona gloves?" Kyle asked confused.

Hal raised his chin in the direction of the big-headed little blue man, "Nu, that's the thing."

Kyle and John, including Harry secretly, all looked intently.

The gloves are indeed gloves. They are somewhat similar to Marvel's Thanos gloves next door. They are both made of cool metal structures and have energy crystals installed on the back of the hands.

It's just that the gems on the Infinity Gauntlet have different colors. At this time, the crystals on Carona's glove are all green.

And the gloves are not just gloves. They are also connected to an energy conduit. The other end of the conduit is a metal vest. The vest should have a certain defensive function, but its core function is the energy storage bulging on the back.

Like a farmer spraying pesticides, he carries a plastic box containing pesticides behind his back.

"That thing is just a piece of trash. It just looks awesome. It's the same embroidered pillow as Carona." Gai complained.

"You want to anger me?" Carona glanced at him coldly.

Gai laughed and said, "Isn't what I said the truth? If we don't use the power you stole from the Seven Lantern Beasts, and only rely on our own strength, Hal and I can beat you to the ground."

Hal, I punched him so hard that he spit out yellow blood, right? "

Hal also laughed and joked: "I bet he wouldn't dare to prove you lied in public."

"Carona, the time has come to prove that you are a man, put me down and let's fight one on one." Guy shouted.

"If I would have been angered by such a little trick, I wouldn't have been able to achieve the results I have at this time."

Kalona waved his hand, and four green light energy chains fell from the void. Four chains rose from below the void, trapping the arms and legs of Kyle and John respectively.

Hal sneered: "Do you think you will win? We are just an insignificant part of the Justice League. When Harley discovers that we have lost contact, she will definitely lead the Justice League to take action.

I just pray that your small body can be as strong as the Anti-Monitor, Black Death, and Darkseid, otherwise you won't be able to withstand a few of their tosses. "

Kalona smiled strangely, looked around, and asked: "Have you not discovered the secret of this place yet? I remember that you once learned time magic and degenerated into a time demon, controlling the power of the entire river of time."

Hal looked gloomy, "I know you parked your lair on the river of time, and the Parallax Demon Flash is the tracker pulling the boat, but so what? Even the Time Demon can't stop Zhenglian, let alone you?"

He discovered the secret here immediately and quickly understood the insidiousness and cunningness of Carona.

"Haha, are you a little angry?" Kalona said with a proud smile: "Yes, you are very powerful, and you are truly the greatest Green Lantern in history.

Zheng Lian is also very powerful, and Witch Harley is especially difficult to deal with.

The Anti-Monitor, Darkseid, Black Death, and many other powerful Supreme Beings and God-Kings have all come to nothing on Earth, and are in a state of disgrace, with their prestige in disrepute.

As a little villain, my power and authority are far less than those of the previous supreme ones. When fighting alone, I am not even as powerful as you, the 'Greatest Lantern' who has been entrusted with destiny.

But now I've succeeded.

I easily defeated the Green Lantern Corps, and the entire material universe bleeded and howled under my feet. People on Earth suffered heavy casualties. The ideals of the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were shaken, and they began to deteriorate in the killing.

Witch Harley probably never took me seriously.

But she, who is famous for her cunning and cleverness in the multiverse, was led by me this time.

From the time I spread rumors to get the lantern beasts together, to the "Book of Darkness" and the changes in Oa, she was always one step behind me. "

Having said this, he paused, turned around, and looked sharply at Fat Tou, who happened to meet Fat Tou's curious gaze.

"Only you are a bit beyond my expectation." He said in a faint voice with light shining in his little eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" "Fat Head Harley" asked.

The words that came out of Fat Tou's mouth were spoken by Harley.

Kalona frowned and said, "I didn't expect to see you at the Seven Lantern Corps' station. It's unreasonable for Witch Harley to suddenly choose John Stewart as your host."

"If you don't choose John as your host, how are you going to deal with me?" Fat Head Harley asked.

"You talk a bit too much today." Carona said.

"Didn't you ask me first?" said Fat Head Harry.

Kalona frowned even more, something was wrong with this lamp beast today.

No, it wasn't right from the start.

It shouldn't be caught so easily.

Later, he tried to control it and merge it with the guardian, but failed surprisingly.

"That's what I asked you? Then I ask you, why can't you merge with the guardian?" Kalona asked.

If it were Fat Head, he would definitely be hesitating, flashing his eyes, or simply closing his eyes and pretending to be dead - Carona had doubts before when he couldn't fuse it with the little blue man. At that time, Fat Head pretended that he was The beast, which cannot understand human speech, remains silent.

Because it behaved so stubbornly, Carona whipped it with an iron chain.

Because of this, Carona was now confused that it actually took the initiative to talk to him.

"You think I'm a fool!" Fat-headed Harley was different. She was confident and confident, and she took the initiative to look at him, showing off the contempt and ridicule in her eyes.

"I have followed Harley for nearly ten years. Do you know how I got here during these ten years?

Every day I receive the influence of her great wisdom, and every day I grow.

I even made three major Hollywood movies with a box office of more than 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, and was nominated for the best director in Hollywood twice.

How come I, with such an independent personality and three views, do whatever you ask me to do?

I didn't know you were a villain?

Didn't know you were going against my hero friend, my good friend Harley?

I know everything, I know right from wrong, and you still ask me why I didn’t listen to you and merge with the little blue man?

It's just so clever.

As long as you are a normal person, of course you have to struggle and resist with all your strength.

but me--"

Fat-headed Harley pointed at her nose with her long fins and said proudly: "I am the embodiment of the will of the multiverse. You can defeat me, but never try to twist my will!"

"Fat Head said it well, you are a heroic man! Hey, I want to apologize to you. I thought you were a brainless lampbeast before. I never thought you were more bloody than me." Gagardner shouted.

"Yes, Carona, you can defeat us, but don't make us cooperate with your evil plan."

Kyle and John were excited too.

Hal didn't say anything, and looked at Fatty with a strange look: Fatty was indeed strange today, and Harry was so angry that he had the illusion of seeing Harry.

Carona was rendered speechless by Fat Head Harley.

He also felt that the Ion Shark shouldn't be like this, but rationally speaking, what it said made sense.

Lamp beasts have wisdom, memory, and personality.

It has followed the witch Harley for ten years, and under the influence, it has become a little cunning and completely harmless.

Since it has intelligence and the ability to resist, why should it obey him?

"No, my chain is specially made for lamp beasts. No matter how much you hate me, you have to listen to me." He looked solemn and confused.

"Hmph, you can't even accept reality, so why are you planning on plotting? Go home and dream. Everything in the dream will be according to your wishes, even if it distorts common sense and justice." Fat-headed Harley said sarcastically.

She dared to be so unscrupulous because she had previously asked Fat Tou about the relationship between the lamp beasts and Kalona: Kalona completely looked down on the lamp beasts and regarded them as tools for random manipulation.

Since they have never communicated normally, they naturally have not developed a normal communication style.

She had no style before, but now she has whatever style she wants.

Carona is confused?

——I was like this before, you looked down on me and refused to understand my inner beauty.

Carona did think so.

Although he was a little dumbfounded by the scolding, he did not doubt that the core of the Ion Shark had been changed. He only thought that it was a mutant that was infiltrated by the witch Harley's evil views.

After all, it had been with her for ten years.

Who knows how it got through these ten years.

Lampmon making a movie?

Fake, such a cunning behavior, it is unreasonable to say such cunning words.

"You are so smart, why are you still looking for a host? Why don't you stay with Witch Harley all the time?"

Kalona didn't want to deal with lantern beasts in the past because he thought they were too stupid and had minds like wild beasts.

Talking to them is demeaning.

Now that he found that the Ion Shark could keep up with his thoughts and scold him until he was speechless, he became interested in talking.

"What do you think of Harley? What's your strategy for dealing with her?" Fat-headed Harley asked.

Carona said calmly: "I only have one strategy to deal with her, while she still despises me, try to value her as much as possible.

I master the "Book of Darkness" and know many secrets in the world, even the time when she was rummaging through the garbage dump for expired food when she was a child.

But I'm not an arrogant fool like the Guardians.

Even though I have lived billions of years longer than her, I still respect her very much and value her.

I understand how high the sky is and how vast the earth is, and I know how terrifying the supreme strength and wisdom are, so I understand how great her achievements are.

Others ridiculed her for only using intrigues, but I was terrified of her prudence and wisdom.

She only saw me as a crazy little blue man, and I regarded her as the biggest enemy in this operation from the beginning.

I dare say that even now that I am about to win, she has not figured out my true purpose. "

"You value her so much. Her decision to merge John and me must have deep meaning in your eyes?" said Fat Head Harry.

Kalona nodded slightly, "I have a guess that you may be her coordinates.

She took the initiative to send you to me, and then used you to locate my location, and then easily solved me with one move.

I value her very much, but she looks down on me too much.

I have long considered that you might be a mole. In addition to carefully examining you, I also took you into the river of time as soon as I gathered the lamp beasts.

She offended the Master of Time during Crisis on Infinite Earths and was unable to approach the River of Time.

So what if she could locate it here?

If she can't get through, will she let the Justice League cross the river of time to deal with me?

Hum, there are traps prepared here that can bury all the heroes of the earth. If they come here, I will be happy to kill all the so-called heroes of justice. "

After speaking, he stared at the ion shark with burning eyes and asked: "Did she leave coordinates or anything like that on you?"

Fat Harry hesitated for a moment, then shook his head honestly and said, "You were right, and you guessed wrong.

She does, as you think, treat you as a stupid idiot and looks down on you very much.

Of course, she didn't know at the time that you were behind the scenes.

She was just very sure that the person behind the scenes was not the Supreme Being.

The Supreme doesn't like lamp beasts, let alone being sneaky.

If you really want to grab the lantern beast, just hit the door.

She didn't even care about the mere lustful army, let alone worthy of the supreme caution.

If you really know Harley, you should know that the unit she uses to assess crisis levels is ‘Darkseid’.

She said that the "Seven Lantern Beast Crisis" is worth at most 0.0005 Darkseid, not worth a cent.

So, she didn't make any arrangements for me. "

Even though he had been hoping that Witch Harley would not take him seriously, Karona's face turned dark at this moment.

Fat-headed Harley continued: "Of course, her purpose of merging John and me was indeed not simple.

When she saw that several lantern beast hosts were living, eating, sleeping, and traveling together, she had an evil idea and wanted me to keep an eye on the other lantern beasts. You know the reason. "

Caronna understands, everyone understands.

"Harry." John looked complicated.

He believed it.

"Alas, Harley was really careless this time." Kyle and Guy sighed, believing the fat man's words.

The reason it gives is really in line with Harley's character.

Only Hal, who had previously suspected that Fat Harry was angry, now saw it talking eloquently and eloquently, and the familiar feeling became more and more real.

He squinted his eyes and blinked quickly at the fat head several times when Carona's eyes were not on him.

Morse Code: Is it Harley?

The fat man saw it, but didn't respond. He only glanced at him casually.

Hal was surprised and lost himself in thought: The fat head probably received my signal, but it didn't say anything. If it wasn't Harley, it would be surprised and confused. Well, if it's Harley and it behaves like this

"Humph, she is just a mortal after all. She will be proud and complacent after achieving great success."

Kalona also felt that what the fat man said was reasonable. Since Witch Harley had no conspiracy, he no longer needed to pay attention to this weird lamp beast "infected by the thoughts of the witch".

He turned around, looked at the four Earth Lanterns up and down, and without saying a word, took out a bundle of bandages and wrapped them around them.

From head to toe, it seemed as if they were being wound up into mummies.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you going to mummify us first and then kill us and bury us?" Guy Gardner yelled.

"This is the Martus Evolution Bandage." Gunther on the side exclaimed.

He was in the shape of a large figure and was nailed to a stone slab suspended in mid-air.

"What are these bandages for?" Hal asked.

Kalona smiled: "This is a gift to you, its function is just like its name, a bandage used by the Martus to help themselves evolve.

Once upon a time, we Maltus people were as tall and strong as you. It was the bandages that directed our evolution into the form of 'little blue men' with short bodies and deformed bodies but extremely developed brains.

Well, at the expense of physical talent, you can gain eternal spiritual power. "

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