I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1469 Making up for the situation before it is too late

"We need our emotions." Kyle was stunned and said in confusion: "Even if you are the guardian of the Black Death Emperor and have the ability to collect emotional energy, you can collect seven kinds of emotional energy in the dark night just to summon existence. spirit.

What's the use of collecting emotional energy now? "

"Who said I was collecting emotional energy?" Carona said in an arrogant tone: "Don't think of me as Scarface, the former guardian of the Black Lantern. She was just a slave of the Black Death Emperor, but I am his friend and partner.

Serving as his guardian is just out of friendship between friends, doing him a small favor and acting as a fulcrum for him to interfere with the main universe.

When the Black Lantern Spokesperson dies again, and he has an anchor point to connect with the main universe, it is almost time for me, the second Black Lantern Guardian, to step down. "

"Then what do you want our emotional energy for?" Kyle asked confused.

"My purpose is indeed to activate your emotions, but the target I want to harvest is you. Behave well and don't let me down." Carona said with a strange smile.

"Ourselves?" Kyle was even more confused.

John Stewart said calmly: "Don't let him disturb your mind! Our goal is Mogo, and now we are close to the core of Mogo.

As long as we succeed, he must fail.

Once we fail, many people from Zhenglian heroes, people on earth, and people in space will die. "

Kyle glanced at the "Mogo Breathing Hole" above his head. Hundreds of Green Lantern puppets were swarming in, already very close to the core of Mogo.

"You can't do anything." Kalona sneered: "Mogo is my slave now, and it is looking for recruits for me from all over the universe.

Didn't you notice?

Its spiritual power is so powerful, but you have been here for a while, but you haven't received its counterattack.

The reason is simple, it has put all its energy into the "Green Lantern Corps Universe War".

The most heroic and fearless heroes in the universe are its targets.

Hundreds and thousands, tens of thousands in total, every minute, every second, there are too many Green Lanterns waiting for it to be assigned a mission, it's too busy.

And its busyness also ensures that no matter how many people die on the battlefield, the weaving will be completed in an instant.

This kind of combat mobilization system is very terrifying.

Even the heroes of Zhenglian, whose fame spread throughout the multiverse, couldn't bear it.

do you know? Your fellow heroes have given up on the bottom line of "no killing."

Some superheroes who consider themselves the embodiment of justice have their hands stained with the blood of your Green Lantern teammates and slaughtered hundreds of Green Lanterns.

Even Superman accidentally killed two great and glorious Green Lanterns when they attacked a nursery in Metropolis.

Hahahaha, in the face of my absolute power, your "absolute justice" has become a complete joke.

And this is just the beginning.

Let me tell you what happens next.

First of all, the glorious humanity in the hearts of heroes will be gradually erased in the killing.

Then, some of them will degenerate into the devils you despise in daily life, and it will be difficult to turn back.

I think you understand this best, John Stewart.

You were originally an elite sniper with a promising future in the army, but ended up retiring early.

Because you develop PTSD from the killing.

Even now, several years after becoming Green Lantern, you still haven't gotten rid of the nightmares of the past, right?

Hahaha, you have company, and all your companions will follow in your footsteps! "

John Stewart clenched the green lantern cane in his hand and stared at Mogo's "Heart of Black Death", gradually becoming crazy.

Calona continued with a smile: “Of course, they may not have time to get ‘battlefield disease’.

They are more likely to collapse in the endless killing.

His faith collapsed, his spirit collapsed, his body collapsed, and he became a soft slug huddled in a corner crying.

In the end, they lost their fighting spirit and were slaughtered by an endless stream of Green Lantern warriors. They died worthless and very useless.

Hahaha, just wait, soon the earth will become a dead cemetery, not even a kelp will be left.

Well, even the oceans will be polluted and new life will never be born, just like sector 666.

If you two survive, you will be another Atrocitus, forever wailing in anger and suffering, never able to find relief. "

"Asshole, you're not going to make it."

Kyle's eyes were splitting, and he was so angry that he could almost summon a red light ring.

"Hahaha, be incompetent and be furious, this is all you can do." Carona laughed.

“Swish swish~~~”

Green Lantern puppets with green light on their bodies and a hint of yellowish color have already rushed out of the "ventilation holes" one after another and entered the core space.

"Kyle, help me buy some time." John Stewart said decisively.

"What are you going to do?" Kyle asked, but his body had already begun to fight.

Although the Blue Ray of Hope is not very easy to use, and the blue light's lethality is also very weak, he is always the most talented Green Lantern, and for the time being he can defeat one against a hundred.

John Stewart moved faster, shouted, and inserted his right hand with the green lantern ring into Mogo's core.

The originally green and vibrant spiritual core was wrapped in a thick layer of sticky black substance.

At this time, John did not purify the power of black death in the core.

"Come on, come inside me!"

The seven lantern corps each have their own strengths.

The green lantern can teleport over long distances, is good at healing, and can absorb attacks from other colors of light and bounce them back.

For example, a Green Lantern wields an energy sword and shoots it at Green Lantern. Green Lantern directly absorbs the Green Lantern energy sword, and then shoots a Green Lantern energy sword with the same power and moves at the opposite side.

The emotional spectrum version of graft.

The green light's energy attack can be absorbed, but what about the black light?

The black light energy on Mogo's soul core turned into threads, which were extracted by the green light ring, then flowed into John Stewart's body and penetrated into his limbs and bones.

"Ahhhh~~~" John Stewart's expression was distorted, and his scream was shrill and crazy. His skin was visibly withered and shriveled into the state of a living corpse.

But the strange thing is that he did not become a real living corpse.

He's not dead, he's still conscious.

With almost no hesitation, after the dark power in Mogo's soul core was drained, he immediately transformed the absorbed power into a three-meter-long super sniper.

"Oh my god, John, what are you doing?!"

Seeing the sniper rifle emerging from the black light energy device, with the muzzle pointed at Mogo's soul core, Kyle screamed in horror.

"We must complete the task, and the Green Light Processing Plant must be shut down immediately." John Stewart said coldly.

"No, there must be another way. You have purified the black light energy. I can use the light of hope to awaken-"

"Mogo, I'm sorry!!" Two tears fell from the corners of John Stewart's eyes, and he had already pulled the trigger.

All the black light energy he absorbed was contained in the bullet, hitting the target instantly.


Planet Mogo was blown to pieces like fresh cow dung stuffed with a firecracker.

Along with the fire, there was also a spiritual storm that swept across most of the galaxy.

A living person was killed and blood splattered everywhere.

Exploding the planet with extremely strong spiritual power, the spiritual power splattered like blood.

None of the lanterns on the planet Mogo were killed, but at this moment, all the green lantern puppets were rolling and howling in the void with their heads in their hands.

The spiritual storm erupted by Mogo's death caused heavy damage to their souls.

Kyle and John, on the other hand, only had their heads dulled for a moment and quickly returned to normal.

"You bastard, you killed Mogo, how could you do it!"

On the rocky wreckage of Mogo, Kyle Rayner was so angry that he flew towards John Stewart and punched him in the face.

John Stewart did not fight back, but just twisted his face and roared loudly: "Even Superman killed people, didn't you hear? The earth is going to end, my motherland, my home planet, fuck, woo woo hoo."

His eyes burst into tears, and a lot of saliva spewed out of the corner of his mouth due to choking and excitement.

Kyle seemed to have all his strength taken away. He loosened his hands and let go of John. Without saying a word, he turned around and flew into outer space. He used the blue lamp to create ropes and pulled the rubble together into a shape. planet.

"What are you doing? Mogo is dead." John said hoarsely.

"I will not give up any hope." Blue Lantern Kyle said stubbornly.

"John Stewart, you surprised me, you were unexpected, you were awesome! But you have no hope." Carona's cold voice appeared in their minds.

John and Kyle suddenly looked up and saw his true form appearing above them.

"We have been looking for you for a long time, but you dare to show up!"

John's guilt and guilt for shooting his companion immediately turned into overwhelming anger towards Carona.

He raised his green lantern cane and rushed towards Carona.

Carona raised his right hand and pushed lightly, and a transparent mental barrier instantly formed and slammed into John.

It's like a heavy tank running at racing speed hitting ordinary infantry.

"Bang~~" John was hit and green light energy flew around.

"Whoosh!" Kyle Reina flew to Carona's side, condensed the blue light energy with his will, manifested a 10-meter-long giant sword, and struck Carona on the head.


Kalona immediately formed a spiritual barrier above his head, and was still knocked several hundred meters away, hitting the remains of Mogo hard.

"It's so good, it almost hurt me!" Carona got up in disgrace, with no look of anger on his face, but an expression of appreciation.

While dodging the sharp and well-coordinated attacks of the two Lanterns, he praised: "There are 7,200 Green Lantern Corps members. The Lanterns who resisted my emotional control and took off the Lantern Ring by their own willpower are the only four of you." .

All four of them are from Earth, and the witch Harley, who makes me extremely afraid, is also from Earth.

Perhaps, you Earthlings are the ‘Martus’ of this era—the protagonist of the universe favored by fate. "

John Stewart's several attacks had no effect. His eyes flickered and his movements slowed down. The surface of the light ring on his right hand shone brightly, and a message was sent to the earth.

Since he and Kyle can't take down Carona, then call for reinforcements, as long as Harley arrives in time——

Carona smiled strangely and directly interrupted his reverie, "Are you expecting Witch Harley?"

"You-" John was horrified.

"Surprised? Haven't you heard from the guardian that from the discovery of emotional energy to the development and research of lamp rings and lamp furnaces, I completed it all by myself." Carona pointed to himself and said proudly: "The world's number one A Green Lantern, it’s me!”

John hesitated for a moment, quickly backed away, and shouted at the same time: "Kyle, we leave immediately."

"Why? Kalona is right here. If you capture him, the crisis will be over." Kyle said puzzled.

"Carona is weird, I'm afraid we are no match for him." John said anxiously.

He even wanted to use the lantern ring to send a message: Carona did not get furious about Mogo's explosion, but instead chatted with us. There must be a conspiracy.

However, the message from the lamp ring was suspected to have been stolen by Carona, and he did not dare to use the lamp ring to send messages easily.

Kyle opened his mouth, wanting to retort loudly.

It's not that he is arrogant, he really feels that Kalona's strength and aura are not as good as Ganser's.

But John had already begun to retreat. He was unwilling and did not argue with his teammates on the battlefield.

"Hmph, can you escape?" Carona raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

A bolt of golden-red lightning jumped out of the void next to him, making a zigzag golden-red trajectory in the starry sky. John the Blue Lantern, who had opened the micro wormhole, ejected from the super-light space with a muffled groan.

"Barry!" Kyle exclaimed.

The golden and red lightning paused, suspended in the starry sky, showed Kyle a sly smile that reached to the base of his ears and was full of fangs, and then shot towards him with a "swish".

With the blessing of blue light energy, Kyle could vaguely see Barry's figure.

Not only did he see a blurry figure, but he also reacted very quickly and materialized a wall, blocking the way of the Parallax Demon Barry.

"Boom!" Parallax Demon Barry smashed the wall of blue lights, and his figure also slowed down.

And as soon as its rhythm slowed down, its feet were tied with blue ropes.

Kyle held the other end of the rope and pulled hard, "Get down!"

The Parallax Demon was caught off guard and stumbled, falling in space.


Kalona frowned, and the shadow of the seven-lantern beast appeared behind him, and the seven-color essence flowed into his body along the illusory chains.


As he shouted, the anger in John and Kyle's hearts rose uncontrollably like a prairie fire.

The surge in anger made it difficult for them to control their light rings.

Their eyes were red, their movements were stiff, their expressions were distorted, and they let out uncomfortable roars.

"Whoosh!" Two black iron chains shot out from Kalona's body, binding the two lanterns tightly.

After doing all this, he turned to Parallax Demon Barry and said, "Take us away."

Half an hour ago, Mogo had not exploded.

Moments after Bateman instructs Cyborg to contact Kyle and John Stewart.

"Battman, I didn't contact Hal." Cyborg said in surprise.

Each light ring has its own secret key, which is equivalent to a mobile phone number. Without the number, messages cannot be sent to it.

Although Kyle Rayner's Green Lantern Ring is different from other Green Lanterns in that he made it alone without a furnace, has unlimited energy, and is not controlled by the "Book of Oa", but Kyle's method of forging the Lantern Ring still comes from Little blue man.

The Little Blue Man's lamp ring-making technology was invented by the "First Scientist of Maltus".

Therefore, his lamp ring was also contaminated, but compared to other heroes who were turned into puppets, he was at most like a lump of "Carona shit" dropped from the porridge in the bowl, and the porridge was definitely inedible.

As long as you don't eat it, you won't be poisoned.

After taking off the green lantern ring, Kyle replaced it with the green lantern ring that Hal had picked up.

A lantern ring from Qingnv, the leader of the Qingdeng tribe.

As the guardian of the green lantern, Harley must have the green girl's phone number.

But the light ring is the same, but the number will change if the user is different.

Just like picking up a second-hand mobile phone, you cannot receive calls from relatives and friends of the original mobile phone owner out of thin air.

When someone sells you a mobile phone, they won’t sell the phone card together with it.

Different light rings are equivalent to different telecommunications networks; different users are equivalent to changing phone cards.

Unless Kyle contacts Earth once, like Hal using Sinestro's yellow light ring to send a message to the Zhenglian satellite, Cyborg can call back the other party's number based on the "caller ID."

Therefore, if Bateman wanted to know about Kyle and John's situation, he could only first find Hal to get Kyle's number.

As a result, Cyborg didn't even find Hal.

"What happened to Hal?" Bateman asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure. I don't know if something happened to them, or the signal was interfered with, or Hal took the initiative to block the light ring signal in order to operate covertly," Cyborg said.

Bateman thought for a moment and gradually came to a decision, "Jon."

"I'm here," Martian Manhunter responded.

"Help me contact Harley, contact him alone, and don't disclose our conversation information to others." Bateman said.

Harley was online the next second.

"What do you want to say?"

"You're right." Bateman sighed.


"We should send all humans around the world into Noah's Ark as soon as possible," Bateman gritted his teeth, "but it's not too late to make amends now."

"Are you sure Jiang Xin is not filling the leak now? If multiple Green Lantern puppets launch self-destruction attacks while I am forcibly swallowing the Earth - just like what they did to Captain Atom, it will inevitably cause chaos in time and space.

The earth will be shot out of my mouth like a bullet, and my mouth will explode. The earth will definitely not be broken, but the ordinary people on it will be in danger. "

That scene is like the Buddha seal with gunpowder and steel balls in its mouth in "Ouchi Secret Agent". It's exciting just thinking about it.

But Bateman had already thought about it and immediately said: "At the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Doctor Destiny summoned all the magic masters to build a powerful magic defense shield for the earth.

Even millions of shadow demons can be blocked, so it shouldn't be difficult to protect the earth for a while. "

Harley sighed: "The difficulty in swallowing the earth is not that the earth will be attacked by the Green Lantern Puppet.

My sky-swallowing technique may seem impressive, but it is actually a very ordinary space magic.

It's the space technology that comes with the Yellow Lantern Ring. It's very low. After all, I don't understand space magic at all.

Such low space magic can easily be disturbed by fluctuations in time and space.

So every time I swallow a living person, I will remind them not to struggle.

If it is an enemy, I will not swallow him. If I cannot swallow him, if the spell fails, I will rebel and bite him.

Even if a magic defense shield is used to open up a huge space and cover the earth and me, the powerful magic power fluctuations of the magic defense shield itself will also interfere with time and space, and I may still fail to cast the spell.

Well, it may succeed or it may fail, but the price of failure is too high. There are so many people on the earth, and I cannot bear the responsibility.

In fact, let alone the magic shield covering the world, even if someone casts magic that interferes with time and space on a large scale on the surface, it may fail.

Therefore, when I swallow the earth, I will announce it in advance. If the mages are engaged in magic research, they will suspend their work. "

Having said this, Harley began to look forward to the "space defense expertise" again.

If space defense is really turned on, not only will her defensive gold film be able to block time and space transmission, leaving enemies unable to escape, but it seems that Devouring Heaven and Earth will also be greatly strengthened?

Thinking about it this way, Harley no longer dislikes that the space power of the main universe is not as good as that of the omnipotent universe.

Now she uses the dimensions of her stomach pouch to swallow people or objects, just like walking with a large ocean bowl filled with water. She must be careful and avoid interference.

If there was a slight fluctuation, the sea bowl would sway, water would spill out, and her mouth would be blown out of shape.

"The dimensionality of the stomach bag is so limited." Bateman was a little confused by this unexpected result.

"The dimension of the stomach bag is modeled after the green light ring. You have been secretly studying the light ring for so many years. Don't you still know its limitations?" Harley said.

Bateman worriedly said: "I almost killed someone by mistake just now, and many heroes have already been forced to break the killing rule. Their state makes me very worried.

If this continues, will the hero's faith collapse?

Will the three views be distorted?

Will there be psychological trauma?

Given enough time, the answer to the above questions is yes. "

Martian Manhunter interjected: "I very much agree with Bateman's words. The power of my mind connects all the heroes, and I know their mental state very well.

Although Dachao almost killed someone, he had a firm belief that even if he did kill someone, he would probably be able to recover.

But others, especially teenagers who have just become heroes.

Their concept of justice has not yet been established, and now they are immersed in the scenario of killing to protect 'justice' and the people, and their thoughts may be twisted to a very dangerous extreme.

My suggestion is, let’s not discuss it here alone, professionals have to find experts.

Call Dr. Destiny and ask him if he has any good methods to solve the problem of time and space magic fluctuations. "

Three seconds later, Dr. Fate joins the "group chat."

"It's very troublesome." Dr. Destiny said hesitantly: "Harley is a complete layman when it comes to space magic. It will be almost impossible for her to overcome the problem of space fluctuations in a short time.

In terms of capabilities, we can help her complete the process of pulling the earth into the stomach bag dimension.

But we need time to develop a new set of magic spells to achieve this goal. "

"We don't have time," Bateman said.

"I know you guys will wait a moment. I'll call the masters over first. Maybe some of the masters have already considered this situation and have done research on it?" Dr. Destiny said.

Bateman asked: "If the magic defense shield is opened like Crisis on Infinite Earths, how long can you hold on? Maybe we can use this time to raid Oa."

Doctor Fate explained: "Crisis on Infinite Earths was not a normal defensive shield.

It is actually a forbidden spell-level attack magic. The giant magic net catches all the shadow demons surrounding them and wipes them out in one wave.

It's not appropriate to use it here. The green light puppets are not a wave, they come in an endless stream, but our magic has its limits and cannot last. "

"Can you find Kalona's location through divination? Find him and the crisis will be resolved directly." Martian Manhunter said.

"The Martus civilization has transcended time, and all guardians are protected by the timeline." Dr. Destiny sighed.

Harry's heart moved and asked: "Do you still remember how Zatara died during the Little Black Bean Crisis?"

"He and Sorcerer Sargon died of psychic magic. What do you want to do?" Dr. Fate asked doubtfully.

"Perhaps, we can have another 'Psychic Fellowship'." Harley said with a smile.

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