I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1468 The Disaster of Duke Xiang

Near the solar system, the once dark and quiet starry sky has now become a bit noisy and colorful.

A Green Lantern opened a micro wormhole, entered the super-light space, and disappeared into the material world. He was then interfered with by the Earth's "subspace instability meter" and was forced to jump out of the super-light space and appear in the material universe. A green light spot appeared, but he did not stop for a moment, opening the super-light space again. Like water floating on the lake, the "green light stones" jumped from the outer reaches of the solar system toward the earth.

He cannot stop, nor can he turn into a beam of green light and fly directly at sub-light speed like other green lights.

Because there is a little yellow light behind him, and he is doing the same "drifting" space movement.

The speed of yellow light is even faster.

Before it even got close to Pluto's orbit, the yellow light collided with the green light, like a greedy snake eating an enemy with pixels.

After that, the yellow light did not stay for a moment, but flashed in front of two other green lights in the next moment. One green light was swallowed up in an instant, and the other green light, like a frightened rabbit, immediately opened a miniature wormhole and entered super-light flight.

The cosmic civilization invented super-light flight, and also created a "subspace instability meter" that interferes with super-light flight in a small area - interfering with the stability of super-light flight by making space-time within the range enter an unstable state.

If the fish cannot be caught by the fishhook, the fish will be fried. The fishhook cannot directly attack the fish. The explosives will cause violent vibrations in the water. The vibrations will spread in the water, shattering the fish's brain and internal organs. Even if the fish is far away, it will be dizzy. Come up.

This is roughly the principle.

In the end, this "wasted" green light was quickly swallowed up by the yellow dot, just like before.

This is Harley's battlefield.

On the other side, Dachao's battlefield.

Super Speed ​​is faster than Harley, and he can even reach faster than light speed in the material world.

I saw a beam of red light, like a zipper, cutting through the curtain of the starry sky and hitting a beam of green light.

However, the green dot did not disappear immediately like when it met Harley.

Dachao just grabbed his shoulders and shouted loudly: "We are not enemies, wake up, Green Lantern, you have the strongest will and the noblest moral character in the universe, don't let Kalona-"

"Stab~~" Red lightning with the frequency of red solar light waves suddenly erupted from Green Lantern's body.

"Ahhhh~~~" Dachao was like an electrocuted frog, his limbs spread out, screaming and twitching.

Just when the Green Lantern was about to take advantage of Chao being turned into a mortal by the red sun and take away his head, "Whoosh——"

A beam of golden light shot out, "Pfft!"

The Golden Trident pierces Green Lantern's head directly.

It's Aquaman with a rocket pack.

Although Green Lantern has a Green Lantern defensive shield turned on, his trident is also wrapped in a "Green Lantern defensive force field."

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the God's Favored to enjoy the benefits of the defensive force field, but today is different. Knowing that the enemy is the Green Lantern Corps, Harley will definitely spend some power and energy to arm the God's Favored.

"Da Chao, are you okay?" Haiwang hugged Da Chao and asked with concern.

"You killed him?!" Dachao couldn't accept it.

"He's going to chop your neck with the energy sword."

"Whoosh——" The green lantern ring fell off the Lantern's body and disappeared in the starry sky in an instant.

"Damn it, it's my first time to kill someone. I'm not very good at it. I forgot to take off the lantern ring." Neptune said in annoyance.

"You can't kill people!" Dachao grabbed his arms and shouted excitedly: "They are not bad people, we-"

"Swish, swish, swish~~~" Seventy or eighty rays of green light dispersed, flying past them in all directions, flying into the solar system, with a sure target.

"Damn, there are so many of them." Neptune didn't care about Dachao's reaction and quickly activated the rocket pack, just like a hound chasing a wolf, you are in front and I am behind, chasing closely, which is extremely inefficient.

"Dachao, I'm slow, come and help me!" Fortunately, Neptune was not stupid and reacted immediately.

"Whoosh~~~" A beam of red light passed over him and knocked away the green light in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Good job!" Neptune rushed over immediately.

Da Chao quickly shouted: "Arthur, don't kill - ah ah~~~~"

A bolt of lightning with the frequency of red solar light waves struck him, and he turned into an electrocuted frog on the experimental table. It seemed that the skeleton in his twitching body could be seen.

"Bang!" Neptune flew over and hit Green Lantern hard with his trident, sending him flying a hundred meters away.

He is also a superhero who adheres to the concept of absolute justice. This time the super situation is not too critical, and Super Super shouted "Don't kill people."

"Big Chao, chase him quickly, he's trying to run away again." Neptune shouted.

The lantern who was shot away was not fatally injured. As puppets, they did not care about the pain and immediately flew back to the earth.

Dachao was hit by red sun lightning continuously. He was exhausted and his muscles and bones were sore, but he could only grit his teeth and catch up again.

A few minutes later, he and Neptune finally captured the Lantern with relief on their faces.

"That's good. Take away their lamp rings and they can resume their priesthood." Dachao held a bright green lamp ring that was struggling to fly, and said with satisfaction to Neptune, who was carrying a green lamp with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Neptune looked around, frowned and said, "We have wasted a little too much time. We can no longer see large-scale green lights in the starry sky."

"Super, the Earth's defense line has been breached, come back quickly!" Green Arrow's angry roar came from the earbuds: "There are so many Green Lanterns, they went on a killing spree in Metropolis, and thousands of people were slaughtered.

They are simply inhuman, do not fight heroes, and specialize in destroying cities and massacring unarmed citizens. "

"I'm sorry!" Dachao's expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned into a red light and shot towards the earth.

"Ahhhh~~~~" Before it got close to the atmosphere, circles of gray ripples spread from the direction of low-Earth orbit and spread infinitely in the starry sky.

Dachao was forced to slow down, his cape and hair flying randomly.

"Dina." He was shocked. Dinah even used this kind of killing move. The earth

He hadn't seen what happened on Earth yet, but in the next second, with his super vision, he witnessed more than twenty Green Lanterns screaming and trembling, being shattered by sound waves, and their remaining limbs turned into powder, leaving only a string of lights. Stop "swooshing" and flying away.

"Oh my God, Dinah."

The expression on Da Chao's face couldn't tell whether it was anger or confusion.

He himself couldn't sort out the complex emotions in his heart.

"Dina, you -" He came to Dinah, and the countless words were like a thorn in his throat, unable to be spit out, and they grew longer and longer.

Dinah's face was filled with tears, her expression was twisted in a ferocious manner, and every part of her body was trembling helplessly.

But she only glanced at him, turned around, used vibration waves to activate space teleportation, and left this place.

The next moment, on the other side of the earth, the phoenix's cry of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sounded again.


Dachao was still at a loss, and a large gray-white lump slowly but surely bulged out on the surface of the blue earth.

"Oh, No~~~" Da Chao covered his face and screamed, it was a mushroom cloud

"Chao, where are you? Come back quickly! Captain Atom is finished, and the Millennium World Congress may be destroyed." Green Arrow's hoarse voice seemed to contain endless anxiety and sadness.

"The explosion just now"

Dachao looked over with his super vision. The direction in which the huge mushroom cloud was rising was on the edge of Gotham.

"It's Bludhaven, it..." Green Arrow was silent for a moment, then said painfully: "It was wiped off the face of the earth."

Gotham is a seaside city, and its altitude is definitely higher than sea level.

Blüdhaven is right next to it, with a higher altitude, with an average altitude of more than ten meters.

"God, Harley, Harley, where are you-"

Green Lantern interrupted him and said, "Stop yelling. She stopped 2,000-3,100 Lanterns in a total of 1,100 fan-shaped areas by herself, and she endured more pressure than us."

The Little Blue Man divides the three-dimensional material universe into 3,600 sectors. The solar system is equivalent to a shrunken universe. Zhenglian also imitates the rules of the Little Blue Man and divides it into 3,600 war zones.

If the Green Lantern Corps wants to enter Earth, it can only pass through these war zones.

Before Harley's return, the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance had already met to discuss tactics and divide sector areas. Which hero should defend which sector? Waiting for Harley's return, they did not change their tactics.

At first, she only defended 100 sectors, which was the result of her volunteering.

They said she didn't have to shoulder such a big responsibility.

But in just a few minutes after the start of the war, Zhenglian's "sector defense line" was overwhelmed.

It's not that the hero is weak in combat, but that there is a big problem with his psychology and methods.

For example, Da Chao, who is the fastest and most powerful, should be responsible for the defense of at least 50 sectors.

As a result, in order not to hurt anyone, he and Aquaman chased a Lantern for several minutes.

In the end, not even a single sector was defended, and thousands of Lanterns easily passed through his defense zone and penetrated into the core of the earth.

Similar situations occur everywhere on the solar system's defense lines.


A circle of yellow light opened not far from the super station, and Harley walked out of the micro wormhole, with a frosty face, cold eyes, and a calm tone, "The defense line has collapsed. There is no need to defend the sector anymore. Let's rearrange our tactics." .”

After saying that, she fell to the ground first.

"The previous sector defense is invalid and the tactics are re-formulated."

Bateman's rapid breathing voice appeared in the ears of all the heroes: "Mars Manhunter, please use a spiritual connection to cover the world, and everyone can share information instantly.

Cyborg continued to stare at the outer space radar monitoring network and opened a service line specifically for Harley to guide her to the place with the highest concentration of Green Lanterns.

Dinah, you stay in outer space."

He was silent for a moment, and his words became very difficult, "I'm sorry, Dinah, you are the only one who is most suitable. Even if you are as efficient as Harley, you don't have a good long-distance group attack method."

Now, even Bateman, who insists on the concept of not killing people, has relaxed his bottom line. Well, he just lowered the bottom line of others. At this moment, he is using a wire rope to tie up a man who took away the lamp ring from him and threw him to the ground. green light.

Didn't kill anyone.

"I understand." Dinah's voice was numb, but her response was timely.

Bateman continued: "Superman, you are stronger than us, you don't have to kill people, but you have to be aware of hurting people.

Using heat rays to cut off their light-ringed palms is a very efficient way to destroy enemies.

It is not necessary to cut off the palm exactly. Even if there is additional disability, it can be solved through follow-up medical treatment. "

After switching to new tactics, the Earth's defense line, which had been on the verge of collapse, finally stabilized.

Although the battles occurred on the surface, or close to the surface, they brought a lot of urban destruction and casualties.

Although many heroes had scruples, they were killed in battle by the Green Lantern, who had no scruples and was not afraid of life and death.

Although the green lantern ring is difficult to capture, even if the lantern is killed, subdued, or has his hand severed, the lantern ring can flexibly escape the heroes at the first time.

Although as time went by, the intensity of the battle not only did not decrease, but became more cruel.

But Earth's civilization withstood and was not overwhelmed by the torrent of Green Lantern Corps.

After the battle lasted for half an hour, Bateman said in a solemn tone: "Cyborg, what's going on with Kyle? When will they shut down Mogo's lamp ring processing factory?

According to my estimate, Harley alone has confiscated more than 2,000 lantern rings, but the number of Green Lanterns has not decreased much. "

"Kyle has changed his light ring. I have to ask Hal for the blue light number first." Cyborg said.

"Hurry up, we need to understand the situation on their side." Bateman said.

The seven-color legions each have their own merits.

The will of the Green Lantern makes the structure of the energy material object as stable as the real thing.

Qingdeng's advantage is to leverage power and teleportation.

All colored light energies can help the Lantern start micro-wormhole transmission. Only the transmission of the green lantern causes the smallest space fluctuations, is more efficient, and has extremely low loss.

The energy stored in the lantern ring in the hand of the lantern is limited. The limited energy can be used for ultra-long-distance transmission over an unlimited distance. The energy may be exhausted at once, turning the lantern into an ordinary person.

The cost of Green Lantern's ultra-long-distance teleportation is equivalent to that of an ordinary Lantern's short-distance teleportation.

Therefore, the fastest way to rush from Oua in sector 0 to sector 2261 is through Qingdeng direct transmission.

John Stewart chose the green lantern of the green girl.

Kyle chose the blue light.

Green Lantern sent Blue Lantern to wake up Mogo, a perfect combination.

Well, their lamp rings all come from Howl.

The central energy battery of the green lantern is controlled by Kalona. The lantern can either take off the lantern ring and become an ordinary person, or be controlled and become a puppet.

Fortunately, Hal picked up six Lamp Lord's Rings beside the "Book of Darkness".

Hal and Earth hung up the phone, and Qingguang started the transmission.

They came directly into the atmosphere of the planet Mogo and were surrounded by five hundred Green Lanterns.

Kalona, ​​the "Martus version of Luther", is very thoughtful. He has predicted Hal's plan and arranged for a group of Lanterns to guard Mogo.

While the Earth's heroes were in a bitter battle, John and Kyle were also driven away by their colleagues.

At this time, the planet Mogo is near the core of the earth.

"It's so lucky that we escaped them alive." Kyle said with some disbelief.

On Mogo, there is a secret tunnel that connects the surface and the center of the earth. It directly connects to Mogo's original core of consciousness and is the "breathing hole" used by Mogo to communicate with the outside world.

For example, returning lamp rings and newly minted lamp rings all enter and exit through this tunnel.

Five hundred green lights were waiting on Mogo, but Kyle and John rushed into the tunnel unscathed, leaving the green lights guarding them behind.

With such a miraculous achievement, it’s no wonder Kyle feels dreamy.

John looked gloomy and said nothing.

He is a soldier and believes in miracles on the battlefield, but he does not believe that miracles come so easily.

It's more like Carona let them in on purpose.

He didn't dare to think deeply, and he didn't want to think too much.

At this moment, he just wants to enter the core of Mogo, remove Mogo's green light ring, and wake it up from the chaos.

"Here we go - Omaika!"

Seeing Mogo's core, both of them couldn't help but exclaim.

The three-meter-high green core is like a ball of wool, covered with a layer of black power of death.

Mogo's soul has been contaminated by the power of death!

"Mogo, wake up, you are the most powerful Green Lantern." Kyle approached the black ball of light and shouted loudly.

Not only did he call out in words, he also raised his right hand and shot a beam of blue light into Mogo's core.

"The light of hope dispels confusion and darkness. Come back, my brother Mogo!"

He had already used blue light to awaken several green light companions before.


Mogo's response was simple, a psychic shock wave powerful enough to crush Kyle's bones.

"Uh~~" The two of them collided hard against the hot stone wall, breaking their bones and tendons.

"Hahaha, don't waste your efforts, you can't do anything." A proud voice suddenly came into the minds of the two of them.

"Carona?" John Stewart looked gloomy. It was indeed not a miracle, this was a trap!

"Hahaha, are you desperate? Let me tell you another piece of even more desperate news."

A picture was directly reflected in the minds of the two Lanterns, including scenes of the Green Lantern Corps destroying countless civilizations, as well as battles and tragedies on the earth.

"What do you want to do? Why do you want to destroy the planet's civilization? Why do you want to show us this?" Kyle shouted excitedly.

Carona said in a strange tone: "Because... I want your emotional power!"

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