I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1451 The Essence of the Yamozo Virus

It was another good time in Heaven Mountain, and when we returned to Earth, it was already bright and clear.

Although she didn't need to sleep, out of habit, Harry would lie in bed and squint for a while every night.

At other times, after a busy night, she might go back to the manor to take a shower and catch up on her sleep.

But the discovery she had just made on Paradise Island made her very curious as to what Dr. Avio had done to connect Ya Mo Zhuo with the Black Death Emperor's poison.

"Don't go out these two days. The gate at the foot of the mountain is also closed. If there are guests visiting, don't go in. Write down what they want to say and let them go back and wait for my call."

She still went back to the manor, called Selena and the housekeeper Angela over, and gave them serious instructions.

"What happened?" Angela asked.

"Didn't you read the news in Ganguo Town?"

"I watched it. I watched it last night, but the news didn't make it clear what happened." Angela said.

Harley frowned slightly, "What about the news this morning, the morning news from the Daily Planet, and the press conference from the White House."

"There is no press conference, and Planet Daily doesn't have much news about Gango Town." Angela shook her head.

"You mean, even now," Harley glanced at the clock, "it's almost eight o'clock in the morning, and you still don't know about the Amojo virus?"

"I don't even know Yamo Zhuo." Angela said.

"Is it possible that the government is suppressing the news?" Cassandra said.

"You guys, don't go out. Remember, don't go out, and don't let anyone or anything from the outside enter the manor. At least until I come back, you all stay at home." Harley said seriously.

"Is the Yamojo virus so scary?" Selina asked in surprise.

"Even Big Chao and Uncle Sam can't handle it, what do you think?"

"Oh my God!" Angela covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Even powerful heroes are infected. Isn't it very dangerous for us ordinary people?"

Seeing her chubby face turning pale, Harley nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, you finally understand the seriousness of the matter."

"Harley, if the Yamo Zhuo virus is so powerful, should you call Xiaodouzi back?" Ivy reminded.

"Little Bean"

Harley was stunned for a moment before she realized that Xiaodouzi was the "pox god", the former tyrant insect.

"You can try, but you have to let the Green Lantern smallpox virus take the lead first."

"Are you worried that Xiaodouzi can't bear it?" Ivy was also shocked.

"Xiaodouzi is definitely not afraid of ordinary viruses. But the Yamo Zhuo virus is suspected to be imbued with some evil power. It is very strange. It is better to be careful." Harley said.

After leaving the manor, Harley did not go to Metropolis immediately, but first sent a message to Doctor Fate.

The two met at the gate of the Tower of Destiny and then teleported directly to the Hall of Justice.

"Luthor, is there any progress?"

In the laboratory, several scientific researchers also stayed up all night and are still busy.

"The Yamodra virus is by no means an ordinary organism." Luther said with certainty.

Dr. Fate asked: "What's abnormal about it?"

"It is almost impossible to eliminate. No antibiotics can kill it. At most, it can reduce its activity to sleep. I even tested strong acids and alkalis. As long as the environment changes, it can still revive from dormancy." Luther said with a serious face.

Bateman said: "I feel that it can evolve the ability to adapt to acid-base environments."

Luther glanced at him, "The time is too short, and its evolutionary characteristics have yet to be verified."

"Don't forget, it's called 'Amazo Virus', think about the characteristics of Amazo." Bateman reminded.

"This is scientific research, not looking for suspects on the street. All inferences are based on experimental results. Finding the problem is not the end, and the solution to the problem is likely to be in the experimental process." Luther said calmly.

Bateman fell silent and did not refute.

Luther continued: "It is also very terrifyingly contagious. After testing, its infection coefficient is as high as 4.8!

The main reason is also its immortality.

After the common cold virus leaves the human body, it will die due to environmental changes such as temperature, dryness and humidity. Even if the Yamozo virus is inactivated, it will quickly recover after entering the human body.

The last thing is its harmfulness.

I don’t need to say more about this. The status of the Zhenglian heroes explains everything.

They are just about the most ferocious and violent viruses I have ever seen in my life. "

"Do those patients who have been transformed into sub-mojo have direct or indirect contact with sub-mojo?" Harley asked.

"It can't be verified yet, but I guess Yamojo can affect them to some extent, after all, their appearance becomes almost exactly the same as it.

Alas, the time is still too short. What results can be achieved in three or four hours? "Luther said.

"In the past few hours, more than 300 people have become completely submissive, and more than 20 people have died without surviving the mutation process." Bateman said with a solemn expression.

Luther shrugged, "I have given all the 'universal vaccines' to Mr. President, and I have a clear conscience."

Harley said: "I'm afraid your 'Luthor's Medicine' is not omnipotent."

Then she recounted what she had seen and guessed about on Hero Island.

Luther asked in surprise: "So, the submojo virus is probably a magical creature?"

"I can confirm that the virus itself does not have magical fluctuations."

Harley is also infected by the Amojo virus.

She allowed them to eat away at her cells, then activated her defense expertise to digest them all.

After digestion, only a part of the weird pure material nutrition is obtained, without magic power.

If she had the power of death emotions, she would have noticed something abnormal at that time.

"Ya Mo Zhuo does not carry the power of death emotions, but the souls of patients infected with Ya Mo Zhuo virus are contaminated by the power of death emotions?" Bateman asked.

Harley said: "The magic power carried by the patient is not purely the power of death emotions.

It is more like the death power of the Black Death Emperor, which pollutes the earth's life system. "

She turned to Dr. Fate and asked, "Kent, am I right?"

Dr. Destiny hesitated and said: "Give me some time, I need to personally study the submojo virus and submojo-transformed patients."

Harley stayed in the Hall of Justice, waiting for the progress of the "Waiting Plan", and at the same time joined the scientific research team to help them study the submojo virus.

Dr. Destiny not only conducted research on his own, but also moved the Tower of Destiny above the Hall of Justice and summoned seven or eight great masters of magic.

By the time General Lane came over to inquire about the news in the evening, they had already initially understood the nature of the Amojo virus.

"The Yamozo virus is a medium, or in other words, a catalyst. The main reason why it is so terrifying is that it activates the 'Black Death Emperor cancer cells' in people on Earth." Harley sighed.

"We have Black Death Emperor's cancer cells in our bodies?" Louise asked in surprise.

General Lane did not come alone, his daughter of the universe name also came with him.

However, she didn't follow her father's footsteps this time.

For Louise, there is no need to go through the back door to Zhenglian headquarters.

It was Harley who specially invited her to do an exclusive interview with the "Luthor Salvation Research Team".

Because he specially invited her here with a purpose, Harley was very patient with her questions, "The Black Death Emperor's cancer cells are a metaphor.

I remember your first Pulitzer Prize for journalism was for reporting on the impact of sewage discharged by a chemical company on the lives of surrounding people. "

Louise glanced at Luther, who was sitting upright, and said, "Yes, that's Lex Chemical's factory in Louisiana.

Not only is there sewage, but a large amount of toxic gases are also emitted.

The rain falling in the town is gray-purple and has an acidic smell.

Many residents suffer from skin cancer as a result. "

Luther said solemnly: "There are borers on every big tree, and every company has derelict managers. I have already dismissed the general manager of the Lex Chemical Department and sent him to prison according to law."

Louise opened her mouth to taunt.

Harry waved his hand, "I'm just giving you an example that's easy for you to understand. Don't take the topic too far.

When the sewage and exhaust gas from chemical plants come into contact with residents' skin, or are inhaled into their lungs or drank into their stomachs through the tap water system, the harmful substances in them can cause cancer in human cells, leading to cancer.

The power of the Black Death Emperor is more than 10,000 times more harmful to living people than the toxic chemicals in chemical plants.

When the Blackest Night comes, especially when the Black Death Emperor himself comes to the earth, his black light army - tens of billions of black light zombies and hundreds of black light planets, he and they carry a terrifying amount of dark power.

Moreover, the Black Death Emperor's body was destroyed many times.

The black lamp living corpse and the black lamp planet were also shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

That day, the surface of the earth was covered with a thick layer of black death power.

Earth is like the inhabitants of Luther's factory.

Living humans on Earth are even more fragile, like tadpoles in the drains of a chemical plant.

The earth's death system is the blackness of decay, and its energy level is much lower than that of the Black Death Emperor.

As a result, the earth's cycle of life and death has become cancerous. "

Doctor Destiny corrected: "The Black Death is definitely not as bad as the Black Death Emperor, but it is not as bad as you think. In fact, the energy level of the Black Death is similar to yours, and they are both in the realm of the Lord God."

"So strong?" Harley asked in surprise.

Doctor Destiny nodded solemnly, "The Black Death Emperor can certainly affect the Blackness of Decay, but if one day, the Blackness of Decay gets out of control, it can infect the entire universe."

Harley smiled casually, without comment, and continued: "The Earth's death system becomes cancerous and gives birth to cancer cells, and living people on the Earth also give birth to 'Black Death Emperor cancer cells'."

"Didn't you say that we humans are as fragile as tadpoles in a chemical wastewater ditch?" Louise asked doubtfully.

Harley glanced at Doctor Fate's golden helmet with a complicated expression.

"Except for the people hiding in the dimension of my stomach bag, all living people on the earth at that time should have died in that catastrophe and rotted directly into corpses, like tadpoles falling into a chemical waste ditch.

They are not dead not because they have great vitality, but because there is a network of life systems above humans.

The power of all things protects the plants of the earth, and the redness of all living things protects the living people on the earth.

They transfer most of the "Black Death Emperor cancerous substances" in plants and animals to the decaying black that represents the earth's death system, so we seem to have no influence.

But the Black Death itself was not as good as the Black Death Emperor and had already suffered heavy losses.

There were so many cancerous substances that it was on the verge of collapse and gave birth to tumors.

The destiny of the spirit of existence to return to the earth in the form of a white lamp is to remove the tumor on the earth and restore the earth's life system to normal. "

It wasn't until today that Harley intuitively felt the contribution of the God of Order and King Naboo to mankind.

Regardless of whether they had selfish intentions when they established the Earth's Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements, their actions actually protected the entire earth's civilization.

The King of Naboo is very cool, and he regards himself as the 'supreme representative of mankind' every day.

But He does have this qualification. At least before Harley appeared, Naboo was the backbone of the people on Earth.

It's no wonder that human gods and wizards are willing to join the God of Order and are willing to be Naboo's boots, gloves, and pants.

The expression on Harley's face was seen by Dr. Fate, and the golden helmet on his head flashed a few times.

Kent seemed to be receiving pleasant emotions in his helmet.

Harley sighed: "The decaying blackness at this time is like a failing kidney, unable to digest all the cancerous substances on the earth. Everyone on the earth has a part of the 'Black Death Emperor Cancer Cell' left in their body.

The Yamozo virus is very strange, and it happens to activate those cancer cells.

Therefore, some people's souls are polluted after death and cannot be reincarnated. They can only wait for the balance between life and death to be restored just like during the Blackest Night.

Wait for Bai Leng to fulfill his destiny.

Another group of people hid on the 'Noah's Ark' during the Blackest Night, and were contaminated with very little cancerous substances from the Black Death Emperor. Even if they died, their souls were not contaminated. They could die normally, go to heaven and hell, or dissipate. In Limbo. "

Louise was stunned for a while before she finished digesting the information.

"Why can the submojo virus activate the Black Death Emperor cancer cells? Is the patient's submojo transformation an effect of the Black Death Emperor cancer cells?" she asked.

Harley pointed at Luther and said, "Ask him about scientific research."

Luther cleared his throat, adjusted his tie, faced the camera, and said seriously: "I suspect Dr. Avio has gone crazy in despair."

When General Lane heard this, he immediately glanced sideways at Harley.

Last night he said that Dr. Avio went crazy and transformed himself into Yamodra.

After getting the video from "Minos II" in the early hours of the morning, Harley was 100% sure that Avio was very awake and rational, and that his transformation into Amozo was purely due to an experimental accident.

Luther said: "The task assigned to Avio by the military is to develop an 'improved version of Omac Particles' that does not need to host living beings, that is, submodra particles.

If he succeeds, the military could produce bionic robots with Ormac capabilities.

Not to mention dominating the universe, at least he can win respect and the right to speak in front of higher civilizations without relying on superheroes and galactic admirals. "

General Lane gave him an appreciative look. Although this guy was a villain, he had a high level of consciousness.

"Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to the development of civilization. Areas that even I, the 'smartest man in the universe,' dare not touch easily, cannot be controlled by a few blind and stupid mortals."

"Luthor, you talk too much." General Lane said with dissatisfaction.

Luther glanced at him and said calmly: "Dr. Avio was still unable to find the 'pure inorganic carrier' that loaded the quantum gene, so he found another way and planned to study the 'organic life carrier'.

To put it simply, Omax is a ‘nano carrier + living human host’, a combination of matter and life.

The military wants ‘nano carrier + mechanical host’, a combination of matter and matter.

Avio can't do it.

Perhaps due to the laws of the universe, living life must be involved in the reaction of the quantum soul.

Perhaps Dr. Avio finally figured this out, and he began to quietly try another combination of matter and life, 'living carrier + mechanical host'.

The mechanical host is the bionic robot, and the carrier of the quantum soul is the living life - the submojo virus. "

"Oh my God!" Louise exclaimed, "Avio actually had a whimsical idea of ​​using pathogens as the carrier of quantum genes, and he succeeded?"

"No, he failed. Power that cannot be controlled is a failure. Not only did he fail, he was also a madman.

You can use your toenails to figure out that viruses are far more dangerous and uncontrollable than nanoparticles, but he did it without hesitation.

He just did it, and he sat on the edge of the experimental table, eating hamburgers and dozing off. "

Luther shook his head, "Normal people can't do such crazy things."

"The vector designed by Dr. Avio is not necessarily a pathogen." Catherine from Star Laboratory added: "It should be the biological cells selected by Avio. After the out-of-control mutation, they became highly contagious and corrosive. Amodra virus.”

General Lane suddenly said: "No wonder the infected patients will transform into sub-mojo. It turns out that the virus is the carrier of the quantum soul. Being infected by the virus is equivalent to becoming the host of sub-mojo.

However, what kind of cells did Dr. Avio choose as the carrier to be able to interact with the Black Death Emperor——"

Halfway through the question, his expression condensed, "That lunatic, could it be that he took the sample from the black lamp living corpse?

Damn it, maybe it's not a living corpse, but the Black Death Emperor himself.

During the Blackest Night, our military collected some of the remains of the Black Death Emperor. "

Luther frowned and said: "Although there is no conclusive evidence, since you have stored samples of the remains of the Black Death Emperor, it is impossible to say that Dr. Avio really did that.

If you don't consider the risks involved, his idea is quite creative. "

"What kind of creativity is this? This is the crazy behavior of a madman. No one with a right mind would touch the black light zombie." Louise shook her head repeatedly.

General Lane looked embarrassed. He was being scolded all at once.

The military not only touched it, but also took the initiative to collect the remains of the Black Death Emperor and provide them to Dr. Avio for research.

"Now that we have found the cause, is there a solution?" he asked.

Luther said: "In about three days, the first-generation Amozo vaccine can be developed."

"Very good, but please try to speed up the process as much as possible." General Lane breathed a sigh of relief. "Another 3,400 cases of infection have appeared today, and the scope of infection has spread to the Metropolis XC area."

Harley stared at him and said: "Vaccines are important, but epidemic prevention is even more indispensable.

If the virus is locked within a certain range, even without a vaccine, the epidemic can eventually be quelled.

If you do nothing, causing the sub-mojo virus to spread and infect millions or more people, even if a vaccine is developed, it will not be able to meet the needs in a short period of time. "

Bateman said solemnly: "In fact, the first-generation vaccine cannot be popularized on a large scale. The cost is too high and the production is extremely complicated."

"Well, I understand." General Lane nodded and promised: "I will convey these words to Mr. President."

Harry frowned and said: "From last night's Ganguo Town experimental accident until this evening, from TV, newspapers to the Internet, the entire United States has been completely like a peaceful and prosperous age of singing and dancing, with clear seas and rivers. There is no tension at all, nor any What do you want to do with the news reports related to the Yamodra virus?"

Then she turned to Louise, "And you, as a famous reporter in the universe, what about your professional ethics? Why is even the Daily Planet suppressing news?"

"I, I don't know."

Louise was stunned for a moment, and looked at her father in confusion. His expression was solemn, but his eyes were twinkling.

"Your husband was infected with the Yamojo virus and almost died. How could you not know?"

Harley was very dissatisfied. This was not telling lies.

Louise said quickly: "I know about the Amojo virus, but I don't know about the media's avoidance of the Amojo virus."

She hesitantly glanced around, "As you said, my husband is infected with the virus and is dying. How can I still think about going to work? From last night to now, I have been guarding him in the observation room next door."

Harry looked closely and saw that her expression was indeed very haggard, with two big dark circles under her eyes.

"Now do you understand why I called you here for an exclusive interview?" Her tone softened a lot.

General Lane looked anxious, "Don't worry, Harley, let's talk alone."

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