I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1452 The Ending of the Reborn

Hall of Justice, on the small balcony at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

The afterglow of the sun was bright red, as if a god poured a bucket of blood into the western sky.

Ryan and Harley standing on the balcony were also sprinkled with dark red.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see the subtle strange expression on General Lane's face.

"Harry, we are not stupid. In addition to people like Luther who are studying Almodra, military and government medical laboratories have also obtained samples of Almodra.

As early as early this morning, the White House received reports related to Ya Mo Zhuo.

When he learned that its infection coefficient was nearly 5.0, Mr. Tesla turned pale with fright and immediately gave himself a shot of the 'Luther Universal Vaccine'.

Even if he and his staff don't understand, there will be experts who understand the seriousness of the matter to remind them.

There is only one reason why this news was not publicized, and the effect would be even worse after it was made public. "

Hali Qi said: "What kind of fallacy is this? Let the people understand the horror of the Yamodra virus, and then block the whole country, which can obviously suppress the spread of the virus. How can it be worse?"

General Lane asked: "How do you think the entire territory should be sealed off?"

Harry clapped his fingers and said: "The community is closed. The airport, Greyhound buses, subways, and railways are all suspended. Barriers are set up at intersections to reduce the number of people going out. You must wear gloves and masks when going out. Public gatherings are prohibited. Restaurants, movie theaters, and schools are closed. Isn’t it easy for the company to work remotely during the holidays?”

"It's easy to say, but we can hardly do it. First of all, the people don't have the will; secondly, to do what you said, a large number of government personnel are needed to participate in the implementation, but we don't have that many people, our people and ordinary people Likewise, there is no such intention; in the end, society will fall into panic, unrest will spread, and order will collapse - at least in communities with poor security, the already weak government control will completely disappear."

General Lane said with certainty: "I even dare to bet you that by then, not only will everyone not hide at home, but they will gather in large numbers to carry out the most emotional but most useless demonstration."

Harley said: "Sam, everything you said may happen, but it is your responsibility to tell the people the truth and try your best to prevent the spread of the virus.

I did my best, at least I have a clear conscience.

Controlling public opinion now and allowing the virus to spread wantonly is a serious dereliction of duty.

When hundreds of thousands or millions of people die, will you be able to sleep?

Moreover, there may be idiots among Americans, but they cannot all be idiots.

Idiots are responsible for their own stupidity. People with normal minds will die unjustly if they miss the opportunity to prevent things in advance. "

"Being infected with the submojo virus only turns into submojo. It does not mean death. There is still hope for them to be rescued." General Lane reminded.

"The low mortality rate does not mean that there are no deaths. The base number is large, and it is normal for hundreds of thousands to die." Harley said.

General Lane was silent for a while and said, "I will convey your words to them."

Harley sighed, "It's up to you."

She called Louise for an exclusive interview, and all the information about Yamo Zhuo was unreserved.

She also personally advised them.

She has been prepared to capture Ya Mo Zhuo.

She summoned the top bosses from the two circles of technology and magic to work together on a vaccine for the submojo virus.

She looked up to him without any guilt, felt at ease, and had smooth thoughts.

As for what they do, she pays attention to it, but doesn't care too much.

after an hour.

White House, Tesla office.

"The above is the analysis of the Yamojo virus by researchers such as Harley and Luther."

General Lane sat across from Mr. Tesla and repeated all the information he knew, word for word.

Finally, he relayed Harley's attitude in a low voice.

Mr. Tesla pressed his temples tiredly, “If a cheap and high-yield vaccine cannot be developed in a short time, it is indeed unrealistic to keep hiding it.

When the news is exposed, it will reduce the government's credibility, but after it is made public... General Lane, the election is about to begin, do you understand what I mean? The United States cannot be in chaos now, and the government cannot make mistakes. "

"You mean, continue to hide it?" General Lane frowned.

"When will a common vaccine be developed? Is there an exact time?" Mr. Tesla asked.

General Lane looked troubled, "It's really hard to say, it involves the power of the Black Death Emperor."

"Will your daughter Louise send out the interview? I mean, if you persuade her to take the overall situation into consideration." The lame man Apen's eyes flashed and he said: "If you can't deal with the sub-mojo virus for the time being, just ask questions first. people."

General Lane said calmly: "If she had listened to me, she would never have become a reporter."

Mr. Tesla spread his hands and said helplessly: "She is a famous star in the universe. As long as it is news about her, especially the interview with the Galaxy Admiral, even the aliens will rush to repost it, and every article will be the headline of the Galaxy.

What are we hiding?

The public's trust in her is much higher than that of us. "

Miss Tesla said softly: "Father, don't worry. When the Yamo Zhuo test project was established, you hadn't even entered the White House. This was a military project, and it was difficult for you to interfere.

The experimental accident has nothing to do with you.

The public should know and understand these facts. "

"If the people were as rational as you say, I wouldn't be able to be president." Tesla sighed.

"The people need the truth, but the truth can be fine-tuned." Cripple Apen whispered.

"What do you mean?" Tesla asked confused.

"Find a scapegoat, we in the United States are just innocent victims." The lame Apen chuckled.

Mr. Tesla rolled his eyes angrily, "Both Zhenglian and Universe Mingji know the truth, who are you looking for as a scapegoat?"

The cripple Apen was confident and said confidently: "The Yamozo virus is extremely contagious, but we have not blocked the metropolis, especially the international airport.

As long as we suppress the news, submojo virus patients will soon appear in other countries.

Whoever breaks out first will be the origin of the submojo virus.

Even if Zheng Lian and Lois Lane knew the truth and told the truth, it would be useless.

Congressmen and state legislators take the lead in stirring up public opinion, and our media will automatically follow.

The White House doesn't have to issue a formal statement, just innuendos.

This will definitely not fool the Justice League, but what we have to deal with is not them, but our people! "

Mr. Tesla gave a thumbs up and praised: "Heaven has Zhuge Kongming, and I have you!"

Lame Aben's heart moved. Did Mr. Tesla mean something?

"Dong dong dong" A knock on the door interrupted the conversation of several people in the room.

In came a press officer from Tesla.

"The latest news is that many cities around the world have urgently announced the suspension of all flights with us. Moreover, they are still looking for all passengers from the United States between last night and now."

"Shit, do they know? Who leaked the secret?" the cripple Aben said angrily.

Tesla was very calm, "Yamozhuo almost destroyed Zhenglian last night, and even Admiral Galaxy suffered a setback. Such a big event will definitely attract a lot of attention.

Then after a little investigation, it was not difficult to find the Yamojo virus. "

"I forgot to tell you about this." General Lane smiled awkwardly, "After the battle with Yamodra last night, Harley sent a message to several 'old friends' to remind them to beware of Yamodra. Virus.

Well, she didn't hide it from anyone. She took out her mobile phone in my command car and sent them a text message to introduce the battle with Yamodra and the horror of Yamodra virus. "

"Who are the old friends?" Miss Tesla asked quickly.

General Lane said: “They are all foreign leaders she has made friends with over the years.

For example, when she was the mayor of Gotham, she had a particularly good relationship with the East Side.

Even now that Lex Technology has suddenly emerged, her Tianshan Mountain Technology Company can still get many preferential policies there. "

Mr. Tesla asked, "What now?"

Miss Tesla said calmly and said with a smile: "Whenever we in the United States do bad things, other countries are not aware of it? But can this affect us?

Just like in school, all the students know that the able-bodied classmate bullied some poor kid.

But in most cases, they just watch from a distance, remain silent, and dare not say a word.

They are afraid of diverting the attention of strong children and letting themselves become the bullied instead of poor children.

If the stronger classmates use a little more tactics, they can even stir up a whole school carnival, and everyone will bully the poor guy together.

This is still in school, there are parents and teachers, although teachers rarely care about bullying.

In this 'class group' on earth, there are no teachers or parents. "

Abao patted the back of his daughter's hand and reminded: "Baby, you are very smart and see clearly. However, you can't speak so straightforwardly. Our actions all represent justice and fairness."

Miss Tesla said disapprovingly: "Patriots are not afraid of doing bad things. If you do bad things for your country, you will be rewarded after death."

Abao was stunned, nodded and sighed: "Yes, you are a true patriot, and so am I. We are all."

The lame man Aben nodded repeatedly and said eagerly: "Mr. Tesla, you are right, I am very patriotic.

Why don't you give me a Purple Heart before the election? "

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities next year and the year after that." Abao said.

Louise was truly courageous.

Despite her father's repeated warnings, she still published the news about the sub-mojo virus on the midnight news that night.

Because it also contains clips of Harley being interviewed, the effect was very sensational, the whole country was talking about it, and aliens were shocked.

However, the White House pretended to be dead and did not respond.

Also that night, Harley received a text message from another reborn person.

"Harley, it's me, the Lightning Man!"

Fast Man first called the Justice League and chatted with Dinah for a while before transferring the call to Harley's phone.

"Are you okay?" Harley asked curiously.

Kuai Nan's life was not disturbed by her.

It can be said that he was the first person to freely reincarnate through the gate of reincarnation.

She wanted to know how far a sinful person like him could achieve by relying on the "my fate is up to me and not God" characteristic of the reincarnation seal.

"I'm a cripple."


This is good news, he really got his comeuppance.

"My mother in this life was hit by a car before she was due to give birth. The driver was drunk and my mother had difficulty in giving birth. She managed to give birth to me before she died, but due to the impact of the car accident, the fetus was affected. Alas, I am an 'electrically fast man'!"

Although it was written in words, Harley could still feel his grief, anger and despair.

"I remember that you seemed to have killed someone in your previous life." Harley said.

"I was so high that I was confused."

"This is the sequelae of reincarnation with memories, a cycle of cause and effect, and unsatisfactory retribution. At least you were not killed."

Harley didn't feel sorry for him, but rather sympathized with his mother in this life.

"You mean, I made a mistake in my last life, so I have to pay it back in this life? But I used your blessing."

"Without the blessing, you would be reincarnated as a beast." Harley said bluntly.

The person on the other side was silent for a while and said: "Now I am in the Celestial Dynasty and have become a Celestial citizen."

"You're in luck." Harley wasn't mocking, she even felt a little uncomfortable.

Although this guy lost his legs, his dead mother still lost both legs. How much compensation should she receive?

Given the peaceful environment of super villains in China, it is very likely that he will have enough food and clothing, and be safe and sound in his life.

"This is not my wish."

"What were you thinking about when you were reincarnated?" Harley asked.

"I swear to change my past mistakes in the next life, to be patriotic, and to be a good person." Kuainan said.

"Just this, nothing else? Tell the truth, otherwise I won't be able to analyze the reason for you."

"I swear, that was the only thought in my mind at that time."

Kuai Nan did not lie.

He did not demand a wealthy life like General Minos.

After all, he is a superhero. He has been baptized by the Zhenglian boss's concept of "absolute justice", and he finally has some sense of shame and ambition.

Moreover, he is also smarter and understands that if he is patriotic in his next life, he is guaranteed to be reincarnated again.

If he can be a good person and become a hero, he will have a better chance of entering Heaven Mountain and becoming a grass-headed god.

But he is neither patriotic nor a villain, so he will definitely go to hell.

Harley thought for a moment and said, "I understand. If you want to be patriotic and be a good person at the same time, you definitely can't be reincarnated in the United States.

You also know about General Minos.

We American patriots rely on plundering and exploiting others to benefit themselves. We can only lose our conscience and do bad things. "

"Are you saying that there is no conflict between me being patriotic and being a good person in heaven?"

"Eighty percent of it has bonus effects," Harley said.

"Why is there such a big difference?" Kuainan asked puzzledly.

"Be a good Chinese person and find the answer yourself."

Just after finishing the text message chat with Tianchao Kuaiman, Dinah called again and said excitedly: "Harley, good news, the bomber has also arrived.

You were reincarnated in India and became the only son of the richest man there. "

"Oh, that's good." Harley's reaction was very flat.

Among the three reincarnations, Bomberman was the most affected by her.

She even knew who his parents would be in the next life earlier than Bomberman.

"Do you want to say a few words to him? He really wants to thank you in person." Dinah asked.

"No need, let him be a good person. This is the greatest reward for me." Harley said.

Dinah paused and said hesitantly: "It seems something happened to General Minos. Have you received any news?"

"What happened? Didn't he go home?" Harley asked strangely.

"It seems that he was murdered. I don't know. Dachao told me."

Sorry, the update time is late today... Although it is not updated on time at 9:30 these days, it is even later today.

I explain my situation, and before each chapter is published, I read it through, check for typos, rewrite any awkward parts, or correct other errors. I was able to publish on time at 9:30 because I checked the chapters an hour in advance, had enough time to correct errors, and then published them on time.

Now, because I had dinner a little late, I only had half an hour to 40 minutes for the inspection. Moreover, I had just eaten dinner and my head was groggy and I wanted to sleep, which was extremely inefficient.

I'll try to adjust the time, sorry.

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