I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1450 Endless poison, immersed in life

"Harley, it's me, Luther."

Not long after the task was assigned, Harley received a call from Luther.

Even with just a short title, she could hear obvious pride and happiness in his voice.

"I already know about the Yamojo virus, and I have prepared a special vaccine. If you need it, well, you definitely won't need it, but your family and friends may need it.

We are old friends. You can come and get whatever you want, right at the Rikers Building, or can I use a drone to deliver it to Quinn Manor for you? "

By the end of it, he felt a little high-spirited.

It seems that it is a great sense of accomplishment to be able to make Harley ask for something from him.

"Could it be you who created the Yamojo virus?" Harley asked suspiciously.

Luther shouted excitedly when he heard this, "Harley, have you forgotten? I reminded you at the beginning that the military took away a complete set of data and technology from me and planned to use quantum gene editing technology for the Yamodra project."

"Then how did you get the vaccine so quickly? Although I am not a biologist, I have experienced the characteristics of the Yamojo virus in a more intuitive way. It is very complicated and weird, and it cannot be cracked in a short time." Ha. Li said.

Luther smiled again, "Where are you? I'm coming to find you now."

"Hall of Justice."

In less than five minutes, Luthor, wearing the green mecha with the "L" logo on the chest, slowly landed at the gate of the Justice League.

"Crack, click, click~~" The two-meter-five-meter mecha opened a portal from the side, and Luther, in a suit and ties, jumped out with a white thermostat in his hand.

"Look at me, how am I different from before?" He opened his arms, walked around twice in front of Harley, and asked proudly.

"Have you gained weight?" Harley asked uncertainly.

Luther reminded: "I am the ancestor of the Painful Man!"

Harley was stunned and suddenly said: "Oh, you can move freely. No, last time you were selected by the Orange Lantern on the Blackest Night, it seems that your body was unable to withstand the pain caused by gravity because of the loss of the Lantern Ring. And fell.”

"The power of the bloodline of the Ancestor of the Painful Man has been completely suppressed by me." Luther smiled proudly.

Harley said: "Suppressed by technological means? I also hope that you can inspire the potential of the ancestor of the painful people and become a being that surpasses the first-generation vampire Cain."

After hearing this, Luther couldn't help but feel the resentment in his heart, "Can a pain-stricken person be compared with a vampire?

Vampires have all their advantages except being afraid of the sun. My pain is really just a curse!

When I was peeing, it was like there were a hundred strong men wearing high heels surrounding me, taking turns to kick me.

When you poop, it's like your butt pulls out a bucket-sized mace.

The feeling of life being worse than death almost made me collapse. How can I develop my potential? "

"Do you have to use pooping and peeing as an example?"

Harley looked disgusted, as if he was taking off his pants to shit and pee in front of her.

"I can give countless examples, but eating, drinking, and eating are the most basic needs of human beings. If you can't even perform this basic behavior, you can imagine that other things will be more difficult and painful," Luther said.

Harley said: "Have you ever thought about it, if you control this painful power, you can make your enemies feel similar pain. The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. How can you achieve great achievements without experiencing inhuman pain? ?”

Luther shook his head and said: "There is no need to hurt people, I am not a reckless man who relies on supernatural powers to make a living.

I have the smartest brain in the world!

As long as I am willing, I can use my wisdom to make the enemy feel greater pain than the pain. "

Harley sneered: "Can you defeat Superman with your intelligence? Not to mention Superman, even Lafleeze can make you more painful than others.

Do you know what an orange light ghost is?

The soul never transcends life, like a ghost, in extreme resentment and pain, unable to resist his orders.

Compared with this, the temporary pain that hurts people is nothing! "

Luther looked gloomily and said: "Sooner or later, I will resolve this grudge on my own."

Dinah came over and said anxiously: "The news just came from the hospital that the first batch of patients infected with the submojo virus have completely transformed into submojo. They killed 23 soldiers, 7 medical staff, and even rushed into the Daomington neighborhood. , causing great turmoil and panic.

I had to go and deal with it myself, but this was just the beginning. Then there were more and more submozoic patients, and I was too busy to deal with them.

Luther, if you have a vaccine, take it out quickly and save people. "

Luther said calmly: "Unfortunately, my vaccine cannot be produced on a large scale. The quantity is extremely limited and cannot meet the needs of ordinary patients."

With that said, he opened the thermostat in front of everyone, and after a burst of white gas, three yellow reagents were revealed inside.

"It can only be used by three people, or you can use it for research."

"Why can't it be mass-produced? Is it a production problem, a raw material problem, or a problem of your personal wishes?" Bateman asked.

"My vaccine is not specifically targeted at the Submojo virus. It is a universal panacea that can theoretically treat any disease."

Luther looked at Harley and explained: "The power of pain is very powerful, but it also has to follow basic physiological principles.

That is, signals are transmitted through pain-sensing nerves.

My response is very straightforward. Use edited nanoparticles to wrap all the nerve cells in the body so that they cannot feel pain or transmit pain.

Of course, if I just do this, I will lose consciousness and become a wooden person without feelings.

Therefore, I made the nanoparticle layer wrapped around the nerve cells also have the function of transmitting nerve signals.

They can also transmit sensory signals, but limit pain sensation to normal human levels.

So, I'm back to normal. "

"Is that the kind of nanoparticle your vaccine is?" Harley asked.

"It can be called 'Luther nanoparticles', which can be edited to target different cells. For example, they can be used to directionally encapsulate pathogenic cells, or to encapsulate viruses to attack their main targets."

As Luther spoke, he took out his mobile phone, projected a 50-inch screen on the white wall, and used PPT to explain the working principle of "Luther Particles".

Bateman crossed his chest with his left hand and held his chin with his right hand, thinking thoughtfully: "Your Luthor particles should be imitated from Omac particles."

Luther glanced at him in surprise, "It seems you really understand."

After Omac particles invade the human body, they will lie dormant. When the Brother Eye uploads the super gene information, the particles will immediately replace most of the human body's nervous system, turning living people into living puppets.

"The reason why your Luthor particle is difficult to mass-produce is because it is too powerful and can target almost all cells. If it is solidified to only wrap and kill the Submojo virus, the cost will be reduced by at least 90%." Baxter Mandao.

"Even if the cost is 90%, it's only a million dollars a piece. Can ordinary people afford it?" Luther said.

"We have no choice. The patients must be saved. And while there are not many infected people yet, immediately ending the spread of the Yamojo virus can minimize the losses." Bateman said solemnly.

Luther nodded and said: "The purpose of my coming here is to solve the crisis, save the metropolis, save the United States, and save human civilization.

I am willing to lead you to form a "Luthor Salvation Vaccine Research and Development Team" and announce this to the public.

Bateman, your suggestion is great, you can join my team. "

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched, "Damn it, you've been waiting for this person's opportunity to appear as a saint for a long time, right?"

Although he was secretly scolding him for being shameless, the fact was that Luther's research was currently the closest to success. Bateman could only agree with a dull face. The experts from the Star Laboratory and the Red Room Laboratory who came later also became " A member of "Luthor's Salvation Team".

From Kalona's raid on the Zhenglian headquarters in the evening, to the opening of the door to reincarnation on Hero Island, and finally the outbreak of the Subamodra crisis, Harley has experienced too many things in just a few hours. Although her body is not tired, her heart is also a little tired.

But after parting ways with Luther's rescue team, Harley had to go to the Island of Heroes again, because four more heroes had died at the hands of Amozo.

"Oh, a lot of people died tonight!"

Seeing Harley again in less than three hours, the grass-headed god Time Man was also very emotional.

"When heroes wither, justice is so difficult!" Harley sighed and asked, "What's going on inside?"

"Four heroes, two whose merits are higher than their sins, can go to Heaven Mountain now. The other two probably need to apply for the Hero Redemption Fund. You need to check their sins and then allocate funds to atone for their sins." Nuclear Explosion Man explained.

Harley pondered for a moment and said: "From now on, the souls of heroes and patriots will be handled by you.

I am a soft-hearted person, and I don’t like seeing my acquaintances begging for help.

But I don’t want to abandon my principles.

No rules, no standards.

The reason why I provide the divine power of faith to the Caotou God and help you build your divine body is simply because your virtue deserves my respect.

To be honest, heroes whose sins exceed the upper limit are not as good as ordinary people. It is better to save them with meritorious deeds than to save ordinary people. Do you understand what I mean? "

Time Man and Nuclear Explosion Man nodded slightly.

They also don’t want Paradise Mountain to be filled with too many fake heroes.

Harley opened her mouth, spit out a chip the size of a fingernail, and said: "Any mobile phone or computer equipped with this chip can be connected to the Gate of Reincarnation.

Or, you are all idiots in the quantum state, just stuff it into your head and use your own brain as the host.

The operation is very stupid, you will know it at a glance. "

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and demonstrated it for them herself.

Really stupid.

The values ​​of sins and merits appear directly on the screen, and the predicted reincarnation options are given, that is, the animal realm, the human realm, the heavenly realm, and the human realm.

They cannot determine the soul's reincarnation goal, but can only add two blessing buffs to it: "Harley's Friendship" (seven points depend on will) and "Harley's Asylum" (guaranteed humanity).

"There's not much room for maneuver, so you don't have to take on too much responsibility, and you won't have too much psychological pressure. Just follow the rules and regulations." Harley said.

"According to the rules, only patriots can be reborn. Heroes who have committed too many sins can only go to hell?" Shi Xia asked.

Harley nodded seriously, "The bottom line for hero redemption I set is not low, it is a hundred thousand sins. What is the concept of one hundred thousand sins? Ordinary murderers are not that high.

Or are you willing to accept this kind of person as your partner? "

"What if they beg?" Nuclear Bomb Man asked.

"Every time you open the door to reincarnation, you specifically choose to deal with the grass-headed god you don't know about the dead soul. If you don't know him or have any friendship, you don't have to feel embarrassed," said Harley.

Shi Xia looked confused and said: "Even 'patriots' who have been full of evil can be reborn. No matter what heroes have done before, they sacrificed for justice and saving people, so we can't give them another chance?"

Harley thought for a while and said: "Then add another rule. If a hero who dies in a heroic act has a sin value higher than 100,000, he can enjoy one reincarnation without retaining his memory.

The two buffs of ‘Harley’s Asylum’ and ‘Harley’s Friendship’ can be superimposed.

If the hero's sins are more than 100,000, and he died of flying, disease, or fighting. Sorry, purgatory is more suitable for them. "

"Why can't the memory be preserved?" Nuclear Explosion Man asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "First of all, there are too many heroes, a large base, and many deaths. Look, seven died tonight alone!

I worry that too many reborns will disrupt the real world.

The "Patriots" are different, their numbers will be strictly controlled.

Secondly, they did evil in the past life, and they will carry their memories with them in the next life. Naturally, they will also carry with them the sins and bad habits of the previous life. It is very likely that they will habitually do evil.

Of course, they carry my blessing after all, which is different from the blank souls reincarnating into ordinary people.

If you become a good person in your next life and come to heaven again, the memories of your previous life can be awakened instantly.

After experiencing certain stimulation in the next life, the memory of the previous life may also be awakened. "

Shi Xia asked: "If merit is higher than sin, like the third generation of Bomberman, they also want to be reborn. Can they keep their memories?"

"They can keep it, but you warn them that you are the one operating the Gate of Reincarnation, not me. There is no guarantee that their place of reincarnation will be on the Earth in the main universe.

All miracles have a price.

I have borne Achim's price for him, but those who come after him have to take responsibility for their own choices. " Harley said.

She thought that after giving the "signal card" to the Caotou God, she would no longer have to deal with the complicated affairs of soul reincarnation.

At least she can have some leisure today.

But just after leaving Paradise Mountain and even before arriving on Earth, Harley received an urgent call from Hero Island again.

“Harley, something big has happened. ‘Rocket Man’ Domini is not allowed to enter the Gate of Heaven, and ‘Glider’ Hanks cannot enter the Gate of Reincarnation.

The 'system error' message keeps appearing on the screen. "The first generation Shi Xia said excitedly.

"It shouldn't be."

Although the "signal card" was just taken out, it was actually part of the "Reincarnation Passage of Death" system prepared by the second sister for her.

She had originally planned to let her younger brother guard the door.

Moreover, even if the system of the Gate of Reincarnation goes wrong, the Gate of Heaven will definitely not be stuck with bugs.

Harry was surprised and flew back quickly.

After more than a quarter of an hour of tossing and rushing back to Hero Island, they saw two grass-headed gods and two dead ghosts standing on the pier, stretching their necks, eagerly looking forward to her return.


"Don't worry, I'm going to heaven." Harley waved her hands to them and did not go down immediately.

It's useless to go down now. It's better to ask Zaulie who guards the gate of heaven.

"Lao Zha, what's going on? Why can't my people enter Paradise Island?"

Zaulie seemed to be waiting for her too, standing at the edge of the floating island.

"It's not that we can't enter. Only the Rocket Man can't. The other two have already arrived at Paradise Island. As for the reason."

Zaulie looked strange and asked, "What major events have happened on your earth recently?"

"Yamozhuo, White Lantern, Kalona? Hey, what on earth do you want to say? Don't play riddles." Harley said impatiently.

"Yamozhuo killed a lot of people today, didn't he? Go to Silver City to check and see where those souls are now. I can't say too much because Heaven doesn't want to get involved in this matter." Zhaulie said meaningfully .

Harley was shocked and uncertain. She first used her mobile phone to call up the death list in Ganguo Town, and then flew to the Golden Hall of Silver City to check their endings.

The death toll exceeds 200, and almost 40 people have no results.

By comparing the differences between those 40 people and other people, she was surprised to find that almost all of the people who had no results were infected with the Yamojo virus.

"Come here and let me take a look."

She returned to Hero Island, called the two dead heroes who could not be reincarnated, and used her mental power to sense them carefully. It had no effect.

Turning on the expertise and then sensing still has no effect.

After pondering for a moment, Harley said: "I need a volunteer."

"What to do?" the two dead ghost heroes asked in confusion.

Harley explained: "I suspect that your souls are contaminated by unknown energy, so you cannot go to heaven and reincarnate. Now I plan to cut off a piece of your soul for analysis and testing.

The process of intercepting your soul is painful and your soul will be weak for a long time. "

The dead ghost "Hang Glider" looked hesitant and remained silent.

The damn "Rocket Man" gritted his teeth and said, "Harley, come on."

Three seconds later.

"Ouch~~~~" Rocketman let out a howl that was not like a living person, and the gliders beside him turned pale.

"My hand, ah~~" Rocket Man hugged his right arm and screamed repeatedly, "Isn't it just a fragment? Why do you want to cut off the hand?"

Harley stuffed the "human palm" into her mouth, and the gastric acid mist wrapped around it and rolled around, turning into a ball of energy.

Peeling away the cocoons and analyzing every strand of energy, she finally discovered something unusual.

"You are a dead person now, just like a bowl of water. Your hands, feet and head are all a drop of water. It doesn't matter which drop of water you take."

Harley slapped Rocket Man on the shoulder, causing the surface of his soul to ripple like water, and his broken right hand grew back instantly.

However, after his hands grew, his aura was still much weaker than before.

Shi Xia consoled you: "You are now a reserve grass-headed god. When you go to Tiantang Mountain, take a dip in the God Transformation Pond and build the body of the god of faith. This minor injury will recover quickly."

Then, he turned to look at Harley curiously and asked, "Have you checked it out?"

"Their souls are contaminated with the breath of the Black Death Emperor. Like the souls of the dead in the Blackest Night, they are stuck in the realm of death and are temporarily unable to complete the last step of death." Harley said.

"It's only been a few days, and the Black Death Emperor has reached out to the earth again?" several heroes exclaimed.

"That's not true." Harley shook her head and slowly explained: "During the Blackest Night, the Black Death Emperor came, causing the earth to be contaminated by his death power.

Not only has the ecological environment been polluted, but the earth's own law system of life and death has also undergone unknown changes.

The white light came to the earth probably to clean up the 'sore' left by the Black Death Emperor. "

"But what does this have to do with us? It was Yamo Zhuo who killed us, and we have not been contaminated by the power of the Black Death Emperor." The dead ghost hero said blankly.

"No, you died at the hands of Yamojo, but you were not beaten to death. It was more because of the Yamojo virus." Harley said with a solemn expression: "The Yamojo virus is more complicated than we imagined. It seems to be related to the Yamojo virus. 'The Rot of the Earth' has something to do with it."

"Isn't Yamo Zhuo the product of quantum genes? How come it is related to the Black Death Emperor?" Nuclear Explosion Man asked strangely.

"In fact, Yamojo came from an unplanned experimental accident. The key is the 'unknown test subject' that Professor Ioway is testing. The weirdness of Yamojo virus is 80% related to it!"

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