I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1449 The terrible submojo virus

Unfortunately, the military's quantum gene library was completely downloaded by Yamo Zhuo.

Seeing the ugly faces of all the heroes, General Lane was worried and forced a smile: "Looking on the bright side, we can now implement Harley's wait-and-see plan."

"How did you collect so many quantum genes?" Diana asked with sharp eyes.

They were dissatisfied not because the fact that Yamo Zhuo had stolen the entire set of data was confirmed, but because the military's quantum gene database was too huge and shocking.

Almost all of them, these super heroes, are on the list.

Dinah asked seriously: "Is the military sending agents to monitor us with brain wave machines and extract our brain waves?"

"No, all our data comes from Luther's laboratory, the Shogi Club headquarters, and the seized Omac sample machine." General Lane's eyes were impartial and he allowed them to examine him. His face was full of sincerity and solemnity, and only his eyes dropped. The hands beside him were quietly sweating.

"Also, I have to remind you that Bateman is the one who has collected the most quantum genes of superpowers."

Lucy Lane, who was wearing protective clothing, trotted to the armored command vehicle and said anxiously: "General Lane, Congressman Quinn, and all heroes, there is emergency news from St. Luke's Hospital in the Metropolitan City. Some people are infected with the 'Amazo virus' Some of the patients have begun to show a tendency to become sub-mozoic."

"You mean, the patient is going to turn into Ya Mo Zhuo? How is this possible?" General Lane said in shock.

Louise's sister didn't waste any time and handed over the tablet directly for the general's father and everyone to watch.

Yamo Zhuo is not a monster in a non-human form, so the patient in the video still maintains his human form, except that his skin has become gray-brown, and the blood flowing out is no longer bright red.

But as long as anyone sees the video, they will immediately have the idea that they are transforming into sub-mozo.

Because their appearance is gradually getting closer to that of the first-generation Amozo who escaped.

The appearance is becoming homogeneous.

"Why is this happening?" Dinah asked in horror.

General Lane said calmly: "Lucy, do you have a research report on the submojo virus?"

"The military's research has not produced results yet." Lucy turned her attention to the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance, "How is the situation with you guys?"

Diana frowned and said, "Harry, we have to go back to the Hall of Justice immediately."

Before they could leave the armored vehicle, the emergency call from the Hall of Justice had already been called.

The infected heroes also began to transform into sub-demon.

A moment later, the infirmary of the Hall of Justice.

"Ho ho ho"

In the sterile observation room lit up by red sunlight, Dachao's hands and feet were tied to the iron frame bed with white canvas straps. His eyes were red, like an irrational beast, struggling desperately and roaring without emotion.

His condition was very bad, and the brown skin on his body began to keratinize, forming an ugly carapace.

Even when he was illuminated by the red sun, his body with bulging thick veins still erupted with strength far beyond that of a normal person, and the iron bed creaked as he struggled against it.

Normally, the red solar energy makes him mortal.

The current anomaly is obviously related to the submojo virus.

And Superman is just one of those infected.

Ninety-nine percent of the body is made of mechanical steel bones, and gray-brown horny skin still appears on the body surface, like a layer of scales.

In Thunder Shazam, Billy Bassant was infected with the submerged virus and was unable to maintain his Shazam state and was forced to return to his human teenage form.

There is also Uncle Sam, who symbolizes the patriotic spirit of the United States. He is obviously a god, but he is still like a mortal man. He is infected by the virus and has the tendency to transform into a sub-demon.

Uncle Sam, who is as strong as Superboy and as mysterious as Shazam, is infected, and you can imagine other heroes.

They were all caught.

It's just that their performances are different.

Da Chao almost completely lost his mind, and Uncle Sam only felt dizzy. He was still able to discuss his physical condition with Mr. Excellence, the attending physician.

Billy Bassent became a mortal and was also conscious, but he had a brain fever, with a high fever of 42 degrees Celsius, and had to rely on ice packs to cool him down, making him a little confused.

"Cough, cough, cough." In the process of describing the patient's condition, Mr. Zhuo Zhuo would cough from time to time.

He also showed symptoms of infection.

"Harry, I can't survive. The next treatment depends on you." After saying that, he fell on the prepared hospital bed.

"It seems that we are the only ones who are not infected." Wonder Woman looked at Harley and said.

She and Harley stayed on the battlefield for a long time, and also came into contact with Dinah. Dinah lasted longer.

"No, we will also be affected." Dinah said seriously: "I also had a fever before and my consciousness was dizzy. I got better after shouting 'Hallelujah - The Stomach of the God of Cookery'."

Diana looked accusingly: "Are you deliberately weakening our special effects again?"

Before Dinah shouted "Hallelujah - Stomach of the God of Cookery", the food defense expertise she enjoyed was about level 5 or 6, which was completely sufficient for daily use.

But it cannot digest the submojo virus.

After shouting, the effect of the specialty is close to level eight, and the digestion ability undergoes a qualitative change.

"You have to understand that it is normal for your divine properties to be inferior to mine. After shouting Hallelujah, I will pay a lot of extra money to forcibly upgrade your divine special effects to be equal to mine. This kind of This state will definitely not last long," Harley said.

"It wasn't like this before." Diana glanced at Neptune next to her again, "Ever since you opened the VIP service for Arthur, you have begun to reduce the effect of our divinity."

This is also true. Dinah's daily food expertise is about level 5, while Arthur's is level 7.

But there is no obvious comparison, how to show the benefits of VIP?

"It's enough for daily use. When in danger, just shout 'Hallelujah' without delay."

After a pause, Harley pointed to Billy Bassent on the hospital bed and said, "Don't keep staring at Arthur, look at Billy. He is also a favored person by God. He has to shout every time, you are just here." It’s already very easy to shout in times of crisis.”

General Lane reminded: "Everyone, there is no point in discussing this now, we need to find an antidote to the virus.

Even Superman is so miserable, what about the ordinary people infected with the submojo virus?

Will he turn into Ya Mo Zhuo before dawn? "

Harley stood in front of the glass wall with her hands on her hips, staring at the heroic patients inside, and said slowly: "Ever since I was infected with the virus, I haven't stopped studying them."

"How to study?" Diana asked curiously.

"Use the life force Arthur gave me to sense the virus's erosion of cells." Harley said in a very uncertain tone, "I feel that the Yamozo virus does not look like a microorganism, but it behaves exactly like a biological virus, which is very strange.

General Lane, can you pull up the video of Professor Avio's transformation from human to subordination? "

"Okay, just wait a moment."

General Lane left the ward, went to the door to explain to his daughter, and came back not long after with a tablet.

Harley watched the video carefully seven or eight times, but didn't find much useful information.

In the video, Avio did not go crazy and deliberately transformed himself into Ya Mo Zhuo, as General Lane had previously guessed.

He looked tired but sane. He worked until evening. He had two beef burgers and a large glass of iced Coke for dinner, and then lay down on the edge of the experimental table to take a nap. Suddenly, the ground shook violently and he fell from the experimental table. With seven or eight bottles and jars, Avio woke up from his light sleep. When he saw the liquid spilled on the experimental table, he screamed "I'm sorry!" in horror.

Then he ran towards the door without looking back. As he ran, he shouted: "Activate the level 4 security alarm, seal off the No. 12 test area, and detect the air composition."

He ran out of the laboratory, but stumbled and fell in the corridor, lying on the ground for half an hour.

Half an hour later, he transformed into a complete form of Ya Mo Zhuo.

Not long after, General Minos, who received the alarm of the laboratory accident, came to the laboratory with a company of soldiers.

"The earthquake in the laboratory should be related to the battle in the Hall of Justice? The time is just right." Harley looked at Diana.

Diana nodded, "Our battle was not too fierce, but after Barry was parasitized by the Parallax monster, he ran out of a speed storm in the cafeteria, shattering the entire space and time, and triggering a large-scale ley line in Metropolis. shock."

"So, Avio didn't take the initiative to transform into Amozo. There was an accident in his experiment." Neptune said.

General Lane said awkwardly: "This project represents the future of the United States and mankind. It has a very high level of confidentiality and is directly controlled by General Minos. To be honest, before today, I only knew about this project and was not deeply involved.

We were able to obtain the surveillance video thanks to the secret key provided by General Minos, which allowed us to find the backup surveillance video in the data center. "

There are also power struggles within the military.

It is obvious that after obtaining the data related to Omac, the Amozo project will soon bear fruit.

And if Ya Mo Zhuo succeeds, it will not only represent glory, but also the power brought by great strength.

General Minos certainly did not want others to pick "his" good fruit.

"Which Minos?" Harley asked curiously.

"There was only one Minos general."

"It is true that there is only one Minos, but he has a previous life and a next life. From what you are saying, it seems that he got the secret key from his next life?" Harley said.

General Lane nodded with a complicated expression, "Your reincarnation seal is so powerful! It was only two hours after General Minos died, and his body had not yet been buried. His family was still crying beside the coffin, so he called His wife’s.”

At this point, his eyes flashed and he smiled dryly: "Harley, you said before that I could also join the hero list, but I declined at the time."

The return of General Minos shocked not only his family.

The entire upper-class circle in the United States was so shocked that they even shouted "I bought it!"

It can be said that at this moment, the major event in the eyes of the public is the "Gango Town Experimental Accident", and the major event that the heroes are concerned about is the submojo virus, but the top military and political bosses are most shocked by the return of Minos.

All the older bosses are eager to make moves and have a burning heart.

Compared with the illusory and extremely low probability of self-salvation (going to heaven), it is easier and more tempting for them to come back to another life with memories.

Heaven is very comfortable, but rebirth represents infinite vitality and hope.

Anyway, General Lane was moved.

His body is aging, but he is young and ambitious.

If he could retain his memories, experiences and connections and start over, his achievements would definitely be higher than in this life.

"Let's put this aside, have you seen General Minos in this life? Is he okay?" Harley asked.

"I have been busy dealing with Ya Mo Zhuo's affairs, and I haven't had time to visit him yet, but he should be fine now. What can happen?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"Was he born in Gango Town?" Diana asked.

"Oh, you are talking about the threat of Ya Mo Zhuo." Ryan suddenly understood, and then a look of envy appeared on his face, "Gango suppressed hundreds of people, and more than two thousand people were infected, or suspected of being infected.

But General Minos was blessed with good fortune and was very healthy after birth. When he saw the work ID on the nurse's chest, he immediately understood where he was and immediately communicated briefly with his parents in this life through his mobile phone.

Well, his vocal cords are not fully developed yet, so he can't speak, he can only type.

Senator Hank was shocked that his son turned out to be General Minos.

He didn't believe it immediately, but wisely followed his son's advice and immediately left town on the hospital helicopter.

Less than three minutes after they left, the aftermath of the fighting spread to the vicinity of the hospital. "

——Fuck, shouldn’t that guy have a bad fate? Why is your lucky star shining brightly!

Harry was surprised, confused, and very unhappy, and his thoughts were very unclear.

She had also prepared hypocritical tears and howled a few times for little Minos who died young.

"Great!" Harley showed a look of joy and breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "I was worried that something would happen to General Minos just after he was born, which would damage my reputation and credibility!"

"How could it be?" General Lane waved his hands repeatedly, with a rare flattery on his face, "Minos has already told us.

According to Lady Death's rules, he was supposed to be reincarnated into an 'inferior person', but instead he became a healthy white boy, born in a metropolis in the United States and from a political family.

Damn it, this is completely up to the standard of "humanity".

The reason why there has been such a big change is all because of your blessing - one part is destined by heaven and the other seven depends on will.

As for your life after reincarnation, even if you die young, it has little to do with you.

Although Amodra is not as wide-ranging as Blackest Night, the damage it causes is also a 'national disaster'. Babies born in metropolitan areas will be in danger.

Even if something does happen, it's just bad luck and has nothing to do with you. "

——Very good, your idea is exactly what I want to see.

Although Harley was still doubtful about Minos' lucky star, she was very happy to see that Ryan was completely following the direction of her plan.

"Did Minos tell you this? He was just born, doesn't he need to sleep?" she asked curiously.

"Hey, with such a miracle, how could he still sleep? But he didn't tell me that after he returned to the metropolis, many people rushed to visit him, even the current president went.

He was excited to see everyone.

Everyone was also curious when they saw him.

Everyone asked, he said.

The process of his reincarnation quickly spread among the upper-class circles of the metropolis. I only found out now that it was too late. "

Wonder Woman was dissatisfied: "Even the president has gone to see Minos. Do you think it's just a trivial matter that Amodra has lost control?"

Neptune said solemnly: "The president should now order an immediate lockdown of the metropolitan area. All entrances to cities and towns in Washington State should be under martial law to prevent the entry and exit of foreign infected persons. It is best to declare that the entire United States has entered a state of national crisis."

General Lane shook his head repeatedly and said: "There are millions of people in the metropolis. If the city is closed, there will be great turmoil."

After a pause, he added: “We don’t have enough government personnel to implement an immediate city-wide lockdown.

Moreover, the government cannot afford the economic losses and possible social unrest. Unless, ironclad facts prove that the Yamojo virus has really spread and caused serious consequences."

"Hey, don't look at me like this. I'm not a fool. Of course I understand the dangers of the Yamojo virus, but I'm just a general in the Pentagon.

Responsible only for dealing with disasters and maintaining public order.

You can easily convince me, but I cannot convince the powerful people in every aspect of the metropolis.

Even Mr. President can’t do it.

Therefore, instead of expecting the government to effectively play its role as the backbone, you should work harder to catch Yamojo as soon as possible and develop a vaccine for Yamojo virus as soon as possible. "He said helplessly.

He has exposed his shortcomings in this way, and the heroes have nothing to say.

Harley stared at the "Third Smartest Man" who was twitching and roaring on the bed, and said calmly: "Inform Lex Luthor, Bateman, Red Room Laboratory, and Star Laboratory to let them cooperate in researching the submojo virus.

Diana, you are responsible for finding Armodra.

General Lane, give her the military's quantum genetic database to see which superpowers are not on the list.

Select people who are suspected of being a threat to me and ask them to cooperate with us and wait for the outcome. "

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