I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1448 Infinite Evolution

"Harley, you have to be careful not to touch Yamodra, let alone be contaminated with its blood. It is also a huge spreader of pathogens." Dinah, who was being helped up by Diana from a distance, reminded her with difficulty.

While concentrating on vigilance, Harley released her mental power to search for the virtual Ya Mo Zhuo, while saying: "It's too late, it pierced my heart, and blood splashed on my body. I have been infected with the virus you mentioned."

After a pause, she reminded again: "Diana, send a message to the Hall of Justice and ask them to quickly establish a biochemical isolation zone within a radius of at least 20 kilometers in Ganquan Town."

"20 kilometers? Isn't that deep into the urban area of ​​the metropolis?" Diana asked in surprise.

"It's better to stay in the urban area than to have the Yamojo virus spread within the urban area." Harley said.

Diana quickly sent a message and asked: "Amazo is an experimental project of the military. Have they prepared the antidote long ago?"

"That's the best hope, but it's possible that this hope is just an illusion."

Harry frowned and flew into the air, quickly circling the Ganquan Town neighborhood for more than a dozen times, but still found no trace of Yamo Zhuo.

Returning to Dinah, she asked: "That thing has intelligence? It's gone. It seems to have escaped - good boy, it turns out you haven't escaped yet."

Halfway through her words, a strange feeling of irritation came over Harry.

She was puzzled at first.

At this moment, she still had the ninth-level speed force field activated, her thinking and dynamic perspective were in the "Quick Silver Moment", and her thoughts were turning extremely fast.

Even if she recalled it for a while, in reality it was still just a moment.

She remembered that Luther had "accidentally" collected her brainwaves with a brainwave collector. The feeling of being spied on and having her soul harassed was exactly the same as now.

——Yamozhuo didn't leave. He might have been healing his wounds before. When the injuries recovered a little, it immediately lurked nearby in a virtual state, trying to steal her brain waves, then refine her soul genes from the brain waves, and finally put her quantum By loading the super gene on yourself, you can steal her abilities.

After thinking about this, Harley was sarcastic and very angry at the same time.

Running quickly in one direction, triggering quantum displacement, "whoosh" flashes to the air 200 meters above the ground, opens his mouth, "Boom~~~"

The energy of the yellow light turned into blazing flames and spewed out. In the firelight, the air in front reflected transparent human-shaped traces.

Two gold-coated folding swords followed closely behind.

"Chichi—" Yellow-brown blood splashed into the sky.


It reacted very quickly, immediately loaded into super mode, was no longer affected by the fire, and flew a hundred meters away like a teleport.

"Harley Quinn, I remember you." Yamo Zhuo showed his body, suspended in the air in the same posture as Dachao, said something to Harley, then turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the night sky.

Harley chased for a while, looking ugly, but returned in vain.

"Did it run away?" Wonder Woman asked.

Harley said solemnly: "The first generation product of the quantum gene - Mechanical Superman, is strong and strong, but he only has one ability, which can be considered as 0.9 Superman at most.

Anyone who can stand up to Superman can take on him, even Supergirl can defeat him.

The second-generation Omac can load a variety of super-energy quantum genes, but the loading process is slow and takes time to start. Its ability is at most 30% of the original version. It can only win with quantity and the combination of different powers.

This Yamo Zhuo is the "third generation product" of "Quantum Gene Engineering". It is the master of quantum genes and has almost no defects.

Any kind of super gene can be loaded instantly, and the conversion will be without any lag, and the entire process will be completed almost in nanoseconds.

The simulated superpowers also exceed 90% of the mechanical superman and are close to 95% of the original version. "

"What's even more frightening is that it's still spreading the virus." Dinah said with lingering fear, "We dispatched a total of 33 heroes this time, each with their own special skills.

They originally cooperated with each other and suppressed Ya Mo Zhuo.

Suddenly, Da Chao, who was the main force, coughed up blood and fell into a coma, followed by Thunder Shazam, who replaced Da Chao.

But even Shazam, who had divine power, didn't last long.

After that, everyone's condition declined one by one, they became dizzy, confused, coughed up a lot of blood, and passed out.

As you can see, I was the only one left at the scene.

The rest all fell and were brought back to the Hall of Justice by Jay (Old Lightning) who arrived later. "

"Seal down the Hall of Justice immediately. Those infected are also the source of virus transmission." Harley said.

Diana did not move and said: "We are not stupid. We will definitely take defensive measures if we know that the hero is infected."

"Buzz~~" A fish-shaped spaceship flew from the west, hovered in mid-air, and jumped out of the golden-armored Sea King holding a golden trident, "Harley, Dinah, are you okay? Where is Ya Mo Zhuo?"

"You came just in time." Diana said angrily.

Poseidon sneered and said: "Yamozhuo has been captured by you? Sorry, I."

He touched his nose in embarrassment and said with twinkling eyes: "My father-in-law, Nereus, plans to choose one of my and Mela's children to be the crown prince of the Kingdom of Zebel, so we plan to have three children. I didn't bring my communication watch with me. On the body."

Currently, he and Meila have two children, a son and a daughter. If he wants to give his father-in-law a prince, he must at least have another son.

So, he works hard these days.

After being busy for a while tonight, after finishing his work, he was shirtless and lying comfortably on the bed, intending to read some news related to the lantern beasts - when Kalona snatched the lantern beasts this evening, others were not in the Hall of Justice.

As a result, as soon as the TV was turned on, the scene of all members of Zhenglian being dispatched was playing.

There is also a scrolling text message at the top of the screen - the obituary of House Armed Services Committee Chairman Minos.

Only then did he know that there was a big problem in Ganguo Town.

When I turned on the communication device again, four or five messages popped up one after another.

The King of the Sea did not dare to delay, so he immediately jumped out of bed, comforted his beloved wife with a few words, put on his golden armor, picked up the harpoon, and hurried to the battlefield.

"Amazo ran away, we are going back to the Hall of Justice." Harley said.

"It ran away before you came, or—"

Seeing the gloomy expression on Harley's face, Neptune felt awe in his heart, "Is it so strong?"

"It can simulate everyone's superpowers, and it also has a super virus buff. In addition to not being able to hurt me, it can kill any hero on the planet, including you, the 'Favourites of the Martial God'."

Diana pursed her lips and said displeasedly: "It can't kill me, so I may not be able to kill it. You should have let me go first just now."

Harry ignored her and only raised his chin towards Dinah, "If I had come a few minutes later, she would probably have only a lump of dumpling filling left."

A look of dissatisfaction appeared on Dinah's pale and dirty cheeks, "I have a lot of power, but I haven't even used half of it. If it were in outer space, I would have shattered it into atoms."

Even if it is blurred, it will be useless. My phoenix cry has a wide range and can shatter time and space.

But this is the earth, still inside a small town, with a metropolis with a population of millions on the edge. If I use too much force and shatter the continental plate, how many people will die? "

Harley wasn't sure whether Ya Mo Zhuo's "Super Gene Pack" contained the ability to resist the "True Ultimate Phoenix Cry", but she was sure that even if it went to outer space, Dinah would have a hard time killing it. .

Because Yamo Zhuo can also load Dinah's super energy quantum gene.

It does not have the blessing of "thick-skinned divine power" and is far from Dinah's level, but at least it will not be unfamiliar with her phoenix cry.

As long as she opens her mouth and makes a gesture to let out a phoenix cry, can't Ya Mo Zhuo teleport away?

"Harley, where's Amozo? Didn't you defeat it?"

While a few people were talking, a pair of armored vehicles drove over. The leading command vehicle opened the door and jumped out of General Lane, who was wearing a full set of biochemical protective suits.

Yamo Zhuo is the most important project of the military, with huge investment of manpower and financial resources. Of course, the Pentagon generals will not be unresponsive to the changes in the town.

In fact, General Minos rushed to the scene immediately after the accident and then burped.

After Ya Mo Zhuo slaughtered all the guards in the laboratory, rushed out of the experimental area, and came to the town above the ground, he alerted Zheng Lian, and a series of battles ensued.

During this period, people from the Pentagon have been watching from the side, monitoring the battlefield through satellites and drones.

"Run away! It has too many superpowers, enough to cope with all kinds of complex battlefield situations."

Harley glanced around at the white coats and asked: "Did its super genes be temporarily obtained from the battlefield, or did you package the entire super gene database and load it into its brain so that it can be called at any time?"

General Lane's eyes flickered and he hesitated, refusing to answer honestly.

"Is it possible that the Pentagon plans to rely on the power of the military to arrest it?" Harley sneered.

If the heroes of Zhenglian and her are expected to clean up the Pentagon's mess, they have to tell them all the information about Ya Mo Zhuo. Now that Zhenglian has been defeated and almost wiped out by the group, if we no longer know ourselves and the enemy, we will still be defeated next time.

Moreover, the matter is so big that the military cannot keep it covered up. She and Zheng Lian will find out the truth sooner or later.

General Lane quickly figured this out, sighed helplessly, and said: "Actually, I don't know much about the current situation.

The current Yamodra is not the Yamodra we hoped for. "

"Of course, the current Yamo Zhuo is so cruel that he even killed your big boss, the Chairman of the House of Representatives Military Committee, which is definitely not what your military wants." Diana sarcastically said.

"No, you misunderstood me."

General Ryan waved his hand and asked the soldiers wearing biochemical protective suits to clear the battlefield. Then he pulled everyone into the armored command vehicle, closed the door, and explained in a low voice: "Amozo's experimental project has the full support of some members of Congress and the President. , naturally we will not engage in human experiments that are shady and contrary to human ethics."

Harley sneered.

Diana, Dinah, and Neptune looked scornful.

Ryan said calmly: "I admit that when the Yamo Zhuo project was first launched a few years ago, we did recruit reluctant 'volunteers'.

However, the latest version of Yamo Zhuo, which is now Yamo Zhuo, was originally designed as a bionic robot made of nanomaterials.

If we follow Omac's example and use living people as carriers of super-energy quantum genes, it will obviously not be exposed to the light and will have to be hidden from the public forever. In this way, 'Amazo' will not be able to become the guardian of the earth and the glory of all mankind. "

"What a beautiful idea you have." Dinah sneered.

General Lane shook his head, "There is nothing beautiful about this. We only hope that after the superhero era is over, the people on earth can still protect their dignity and homeland in the dangerous and complex interstellar environment."

"Justice is eternal, heroes are immortal." Diana said loudly.

General Lane was slightly excited and said: "From the invasion of Krypton to now, we have come into contact with not only 10,000 but also 8,000 interstellar civilizations.

Which civilization do you see where superhero groups dominate defense matters?

Now all mankind can only rely on you and the Galaxy Admiral. It seems beautiful, but in fact it is deformed and is not conducive to the development of human civilization.

If we have no ambition and live a peaceful life like this, sooner or later, human beings will be eliminated.

You are the most outstanding heroes among mankind. You must understand that I am not being alarmist, and you certainly do not want that kind of future to happen. "

Several heroes looked at him in surprise and didn't speak for a long time.

Harley sighed: "It is certainly true that human beings must rely on their own strength to move forward. But there are thousands of ways to move forward, so why insist on taking dead ends and dead ends?"

"Before we reach the end, who would know that this is not a broad road blocked by thorns?" General Lane's eyes were glaring, and he did not shy away from her gaze, "At least Yamo Zhuo's combat power has been fully proven, and its power and potential are endless! "

"If you can't pass this level, even if Yamo Zhuo is strong enough to punch Darkseid to death or kick the Demon Prisoner to death, it has nothing to do with you, because humans have been eliminated." Harley said calmly.

"Harry, I believe you." He looked at her with sincerity on his face.

Then he turned to look at the heroes and said with undiminished sincerity, "I believe in you. You are great heroes who represent justice and hope."

Harley patted his arm, "General Minos passed away, Sam, you should take on more responsibilities!"

Ryan was stunned for a moment before he realized. Was this supporting his rise to power?

As soon as his face showed surprise and gratitude, Harry said again: "Otherwise, your good eloquence to deceive people and fool people will be wasted."

Ryan's expression froze and he said with a sneer: "I am telling the truth."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me about Ya Mo Zhuo's situation." Diana said.

General Lane said: "The original plan of Yamo Zhuo is a bionic robot made of nanomaterials. Omac's nanoparticles can also be loaded with super-energy quantum genes, but they cannot exist alone and must be parasitic on living people.

Hundreds of thousands of people died before and after the Omak incident. Of course we will not copy this project frantically.

One of the research topics of the underground laboratory in Ganguo Town is to improve Omac's nanoparticles so that they no longer require a living host. "

"But the Yamo Zhuo we met seems to be a living person. It can still talk and know how to escape." Wonder Woman said.

"So this is an experimental accident." General Lane sighed and explained: "The director of the Gango Town laboratory is Dr. Avio, who has been involved in Yamozo's experimental project since eight years ago.

He probably regarded Ya Mo Zhuo as his own child.

For the birth of his child, he forgot to eat and sleep. Alas, I guess he was too anxious and did the experiment on himself, and then he became the Yamojo No. 1 machine.

Alas, I don’t know how much humanity he can retain.

If you find him, don't rush to kill him yet, try to communicate with him and see if he can come back and make peace. "

"You still haven't answered my original question." Harley said.

General Lane frowned and said: "We have indeed collected a large amount of super quantum gene information from the Shogi Club and Lex Laboratory.

But for our planned version of Amodra, not all data packages will be loaded.

At most, they can be combined with a variety of abilities to form special units based on tactical needs.

However, Professor Avio has access to the Super Quantum Gene Database, and it is unclear whether he has downloaded all the data to himself. "

Harley said: "It's not sure at the moment, but will it be confirmed later?"

"Whoever has accessed the quantum genetic database will have left traces that can be examined."

"Check now." Harley said.

"What's the use of confirming this information?" General Lane asked puzzled.

"When Yamo Zhuo left, he said it remembered me. This means that it wants to seek revenge from me. If it wants revenge, it can only improve its strength. It can't beat me now. How do you think it will improve its strength?"

Ryan hesitated and said: "Looking for new super genes?"

Harley nodded slightly, "For Yamo Zhuo, this is its most instinctive choice. If it has obtained all the super energy quantum genes in the database, it will only look for heroes that have not been loaded into the database.

In this way, don’t we have the goal of waiting for the rabbit?

There is no need to directly target people, just install anti-brainwave collection monitors around some powerful heroes. "

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