Richie didn't even awaken his magic power, but he created a new magic school - quantum magic.

The core of quantum magic is to transform the soul into a piece of quantum data.

In the first practical exercise of quantum magic, Rich lost his life.

That incident vividly illustrated the taboo nature of quantum magic.

However, knowing that it is dangerous, in order to deal with Brainiac's super artificial brain, Harley had to use quantum magic in front of people for the first time: selecting ten heroes from Arkham Asylum and converting their souls into quantum data The signal invaded Brainiac's brain.

The effect was so good that the famous super evolver was almost paralyzed on the spot.

The influence was also very effective, and Luther began to covet the power and mystery of quantum magic.

He summoned Dr. Hank Shaw, who is proficient in brainwave digitization research, to bring the study of 'soul quantization' into a new, more taboo era: gene editing of quantized souls.

Human genes exist in every cell in the form of base pairs. By analyzing the function of each gene, you can modify, replace, and adjust a certain gene to enhance the effect of this function.

For example, the genetic product of Luthor and Superboy, Superboy Connor.

The genes that control strength and speed in his body all come from Da Chao.

The gene for thinking and logic comes from Luther.

Luther originally wanted to combine his "best intelligence in the world" with Da Super's "best physique in the world" to create a perfect clone without flaws.

As a result, Superboy's brain is not very good, his physical strength is also far inferior to that of the Kryptonian, and he is completely beaten physically by Supergirl.

Hank Shaw discovered in experiments that after converting the soul into quantum data, genes representing strength, intelligence and speed can also be isolated. This soul gene can better represent a person's "essence".

He stole Superman's brainwaves, extracted Superman's soul genes, and then used them all on himself - replacing his own ordinary and mediocre genes with Superman's quantum genes, thus realizing the cloning of Superman's soul.

He cloned his soul into Superman.

This is the origin of Mechanical Superman.

After the Robot Superman incident, Harley gave Luthor a stern warning: The water in the soul gene is too deep and you can't control it.

Luther only listened to a small part of it, and still quietly studied soul genetic engineering, but it was not used in practice for the time being.

After Harley noticed it, she said hello to the Justice League: If Luther does this, something big will happen sooner or later.

The Zhenglian's action force is very powerful. That night, Bateman, Wonder Woman and other Zhenglian bosses raided the Lex Tower laboratory and took away all of Luthor's experimental data.

Harley went to warn the Justice League again: The water in the soul gene is too deep and you cannot control it.

The Zhenglian boss was full of anger: Hallie, what do you mean? We are superheroes, how can we conduct evil soul gene experiments? !

Harley left with relief, thinking that the forbidden experiment on soul genes was over.

Not long after, Bateman quietly threw out a pair of king bombs - the brothers' eyes went out of control, the Ormac crisis swept the world, and millions of people were killed - the bombs knocked Harley into a coma, and also connected the main force. The hero was killed and injured heavily.

Brother Eye was originally just a satellite that monitored the superpowers on Earth.

The satellite is called "Brother Eye", and the artificial intelligence of the satellite is also called "Brother Eye".

Artificial intelligence is equivalent to the soul of the satellite.

But Brother Eye is not an ordinary artificial intelligence, it is a piece of quantum soul data, and the core of the data comes from Bateman himself.

It is equivalent to using Bateman's soul gene to clone an artificial intelligence.

Its basic principle is quite similar to that of Mechanical Superman.

Brother Eye is also responsible for collecting brainwave data of all superpowers.

During its operation, through Hank Shaw's brainwave digitization technology, it stole the "super soul genes" of almost all superpowers on the earth.

As long as you find a suitable carrier for the super soul gene, you can simulate the same abilities as a super person.

Little Alexander Luthor secretly manipulated his brother's eye and gave it a kind of nanotechnology, whose nanoparticles can parasitize the bodies of living people.

Just like Iron Man in "Avengers", when the switch is turned on, nanoparticles automatically cover the whole body, forming a carapace.

The nanoparasitic particles of Brother Eye are not used to form armor, but are used to serve as carriers of super soul genes.

At this point, Omac, who can simulate any superhero or super villain, was born.

When Brother Eye needs physical warriors, he only needs to transfer Superman's soul gene to Omax, and Omax can simulate Superman's body of steel.

When a person with psychic powers is needed, Brother Eye can transmit the soul gene data packet of Martian Manhunter or Maxi Veraud to Omax, and Omax simulates Martian Manhunter's psychic powers.

All heroes and villains whose brainwave data has been successfully stolen can be imitated by Omac.

And Brother Eye produces a large amount of nanoparticles, enough to parasitize millions of living people.

The Omack crisis has officially broken out.

Fortunately, the hero also has Harley, the founder of quantum magic, Richie, and hundreds of grass-headed gods who can independently quantize.

A group of grass-headed gods gathered together and turned into quantum soul emp bombs, paralyzing Omac within a range of dozens of kilometers at once, and finally forced Brother Eye to flee the earth and seek refuge with Darkseid.

Harley believed that after so many bloody lessons, everyone would learn to behave, at least not touching the taboo soul gene project again.

But before Omac's crisis was completely over, Luther came to her door in person and told her that the military had taken away all the experimental data from Lex's laboratory, including but not limited to the technology to digitize soul genes.

Harley later confirmed through the Sky Eye Society that after the Shogi Society was destroyed by the Omac Group, the "Global Super Soul Gene" database collected by the Black King Maxwell Lord also fell into the hands of the military.

She found General Lane and told him clearly: The water in the soul gene is too deep, and you can't control it.

General Lane did not answer her question directly, but only asked a serious question: The gap between the strength of humans on Earth and super civilizations such as Senagon and Lane is so huge. How many years will it take for normal development to catch up?

Harley understood that the Pentagon was stimulated by the Rann-Senagon war, and no amount of persuasion was of any use.

She gave up and waited for the military's Submojo project to explode.

Tonight when all the seven lamp beasts were snatched away, it really exploded.

Five minutes before Harley returns to Earth.

Washington, D.C., Gangotown.


It was like an aerial bomb dropped from the sky, blasting a huge crater ten meters deep in the street. The broken stones flew around like cannonballs, knocking the steel frames that were approaching the crater seven to eight meters away. The stones fell like raindrops. On him, there was a clanking sound.

"Uh ah~~~"

Dachao's pitiful screams came from the bottom of the pit. Cyborg had no time to repair himself, so he immediately got up and flew over again.

While flying, he also shouted: "Is the Flash coming? Kid Flash and Jay, anyone can evacuate the town and the residents near the town quickly."


Before the reply came, a loud phoenix cry sounded in the air, and the black phoenix Dinah, who was in messy and damaged black leather clothes and leather pants, opened her mouth wide, with her head and feet falling from the sky, facing the pothole.

"Rumble" the earth shook violently, and there seemed to be an earth dragon turning over deep underground.

Even in the metropolis more than ten kilometers away, the roofs were rustling.

The heroes near the battlefield saw circles of white air waves spreading from Dinah's mouth, covering the entire pit below.

"So strong!" Missile Girl covered her ears and exclaimed from the outside of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a transparent shadow appeared behind Dinah, who was on her head and feet, with a big mouth and a loud mouth.

He suddenly appeared, turning from nothingness into reality in an instant, and hit Dinah's spine hard with his sandbag-sized fist.


Dinah's phoenix cry stopped abruptly, her body snapped into two pieces and flew out like a cannonball.

That punch was so powerful that a violent hurricane erupted at the location where it was struck.

"Damn it, that's Jon's Aether Power!" Colossus cursed at the edge of the pit. The electronic hammer he held vigilantly scanned the surroundings while shouting: "Be careful, everyone, Ya Mo Zhuo has loaded Martian Manhunter's talent.

He first used virtualization to avoid Dinah's sonic attack, then lurked behind Dinah and quietly launched a sneak attack.


Halfway through his words, he suddenly threw away the electronic hammer, knelt on the ground with his head in his hands and screamed miserably, and blood flowed down his seven orifices.

"Fake, it's Jon's psychic shock. Green Lantern, where are you? Amazo has loaded Jon's powers. Use your psychic shield to cover us."

Cyborg yelled, and the mechanical right arm stretched forward, "click-click" and transformed into a barrel-thick muzzle.

"Boom~~~" A thick flame spurted out, splitting the night sky into two halves.

Cyborg knew that Martian Manhunter was most afraid of fire, so he swept the air with a giant flamethrower in all directions.

Even the invisible "Martian Manhunter" dare not face this high temperature.

"Whoosh -" Gray light flashed, and a figure had arrived in front of him.

It was Amodra, ramming into his chest in a classic Superman flying pose.

Cyborg's hair stood on end, and the intense death crisis almost froze his soul and his thinking.

——It's about to happen, Ya Mo Zhuo has changed his state again. Now he is not "Martian Manhunter", he is not afraid of fire, he is "Superman"!

"Dachao——" At this critical moment of life and death crisis, he could only half-scream.

"Whoosh -" Red light shot out from the bottom of the pit and hit the gray light.

But it was Da Chao who arrived in time and knocked the grey-brown Ya Mo Zhuo away.

"Cough cough cough" Although he knocked Yamo Zhuo away, Dachao did not take advantage of the situation to pursue him. Instead, he fell from the air and half-knelt on the street, coughing out pools of scarlet red blood.

"Da Chao, are you injured?" Cyborg asked nervously.

"I, cough." Dachao shook his head, his eyes wild and confused under his messy black hair, "I feel so uncomfortable-"

"My dear, Dachao, why is your body so hot?"

Cyborg subconsciously went to help him, and as soon as he touched his arm, he found that his skin seemed to have a fire hidden in it. When he touched his forehead, it was as hot as a furnace.

"I don't know, cough cough." Dachao's body went limp, he collapsed on the ground, and passed out.

"Da Chao, Da Chao~~" Cyborg was horrified and quickly picked him up.

"BOOM!" The sonic boom channel opened, and the two returned to the Hall of Justice dozens of kilometers away.

After handing Dachao to Mr. Zhuo Zhihuo, the "third smartest man", Cyborg rushed back to the battlefield.

Then he saw Yamo Zhuo holding Dinah down, his knees on her lower back, and a pair of iron fists hitting the back of her head, creating an afterimage.

He didn't know how much pain Dinah was in. Anyway, he just watched from the side and felt horrified.

"Boom!" Cyborg raised his arm and fired a sonic cannon at Ya Mo Zhuo.

But the opponent just danced around wildly, swaying a little, and even refused to look back at him, continuing to beat the poor heroine beneath him.

"Whoosh~" The steel man flew over with the electronic hammer. As the momentum increased, the gravity of the electronic hammer increased exponentially. When it came to Ya Mo Zhuo, it already weighed 10,000 tons.

"Beast, die."

Ya Mo Zhuo suddenly turned around and punched the hammer head.

"Dang~~~" The intense sound waves caused the steel man to stumble and almost lose his balance.

"Boom - click!" Yamozhuo endured the huge reaction force, and when he passed the word, the concrete road cracked a dozen meters long and palm-thick hole.

Uncle Sam in tattered clothes climbed up from the ruins of the building, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said: "He is now in a 'superman' state, using kryptonite or red sun light waves."

Green Lantern Guy Gardner immediately shot out a burst of red light, shrouding Amozo.

Yamo Zhuo turned his head and opened his mouth to him: "Ahhhh~~"

It's actually the same model as Dinah's Phoenix Cry.

"Eh~~~" Guy Gardner covered his ears, bleeding from all his orifices, and the green light energy uniform on his body decomposed and dissipated visibly to the naked eye.

Fortunately, after loading the power of "Dark Phoenix", Amozo lost Superman's body of steel and could no longer hold down the real Dark Phoenix beneath him.

Dinah turned over and was about to open her mouth and shake the Xibei beast to pieces.

"Whoosh -" Ya Mo Zhuo changed his power again, and was as fast as lightning, leaving her attack range.

Cyborg said bitterly: "It's the same as before, it has no effect. After the kryptonite came close, he immediately loaded other abilities - cough~~"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt dizzy, shook his body a few times, and coughed violently.

Seeing the engine oil coughed up on the ground, Cyborg was at a loss for a moment, and then felt cold in his heart, "Damn it, it's a virus. Superman is not sick or injured, he is infected with a terrible virus.

Now that the virus has been passed to me, I'm afraid that Harley will be called immediately at the scene, the situation will be out of control, and Yamo Zhuo may be spreading the virus to the outside world. "

When Harley and Diana rushed to Gango Town, they happened to see the two-meter-tall Yamo Zhuo holding the Dark Phoenix Dinah in his hands and beating her: he pinched her head with his big palms, which was a little bigger than Jordan's. It was still easy to hit a basketball. In order not to be attacked by Dinah's sound waves, it stood behind her, and its free right hand seemed to be using Wing Chun. The attack frequency was extremely high, and it kept hitting the same position - Dinah of the heart.

There was a blood pit in Dinah's back, her ribs were broken, and a bloodshot bone spur penetrated into the heart of her chest, and thick dark red blood flowed out, which was very miserable.

"Son of a bitch, how brave!" Harry's anger surged, and he ran a few steps quickly, triggering quantum displacement, and rushed to the side of Amozo before Diana.

But she just used the "Yin Wind Finger" - integrating the leg bone stick that absorbed the wind of nothingness and the tears of death into her fingers - preparing to poke Yamo Zhuo's temple with one finger, and destroy it with one move, Ya Mo Zhuo But "slowly" he turned his head.

Harley's movements are very fast, and Amazo is faster than her. However, Harley's level 9 speed force defense specialty at this time can enter the "Quicksilver Moment": in her field of vision, no matter how fast the enemy moves, they are still too slow. Like a forbidden image.

The fact that Yamodra can "slowly" turn her head means that it almost broke her "Quicksilver Moment".

"Farke, this is super speed——"

In the Quicksilver Moment, in addition to her slow physical reaction, Harley's dynamic perspective and thinking speed are at the top level of The Flash. As soon as her thoughts turn, she can immediately guess the true situation of Almozo.

Her mind moves quickly, and Yamo Zhuo's reaction is not slow either.

After "slowly" turning its head, it "slowly" raised its right foot and "slowly" kicked it towards her lower abdomen.

Harry could see clearly, but his body felt like it was stuck in a concrete block, unable to move - his physical body couldn't keep up.

However, it has been some time since the last battle with Black Lightning, and Harley has already created a set of skills for herself to deal with this situation.

"Whoosh whoosh~~" The defensive golden film that can open a huge spherical surface with a radius of 100 meters, under her control, folds into eight palm-width ribbons, wrapping around Yamo Zhuo's body from eight directions, front, back, left, and right.

Hold it and keep it away.

If you can't get close, you can't hurt her.

Yamo Zhuo's body flashed at a small high frequency and avoided six of the ribbons, but he could not escape the fate of his lower abdomen and arms being entangled with ribbons.


His "superhuman strength" exploded and stretched the ribbon tightly, but it did not break in an instant.

Harley is already level 115, and her defensive gold film also has 115 points of defense. Even in the four-dimensional material world, due to "frequency reduction", the defense will be reduced to the extreme value of 100 points, but Yamo Zhuo's power cannot break through 100 points.

"Hehe, no matter how good you are at dancing, can you jump out of my hand?" Harley said with a proud smile.


Yamo Zhuo didn't say anything, he just disappeared without a sound, and the tight ribbon became empty.

Harley's temples were pulsing, and the crisis was like a large amount of warm bird droppings 2 centimeters above her head. It was imminent!

"Fuck, is this the incarnation of Martian Manhunter?!"

Her thoughts changed quickly and she immediately analyzed Ya Mo Zhuo's new trick.

I have to say that her "Quicksilver Moment + Transformed Version of Defense Gold Film" is very strong.

However, it was just a purely physical attack, which was defeated by Martian Manhunter's virtualization.


Yamo Zhuo appeared behind Harley, his palms and half of his arms transformed into sharp three-edged thorns.

This is Martian Manhunter's innate ability - transformation.

Harley's heart was stabbed.

At the same time, her golden film also folded into a transparent sword that was thinner than a cicada's wings, piercing Yamo Zhuo's back from behind.

At almost the same location, its heart was pierced.

"Uh ah~~~" At this point in the battle, Ya Mo Zhuo let out a hoarse scream for the first time.

Before Harley could cut it into pieces with a sharp blade, its body immediately became transparent and blurred, leaving behind a handful of blood that was sprinkled on Harley's body.

"Hmph, no matter how you change 72 times, you can't escape the palm of this God of War." Harley smiled proudly, and the wound on her heart healed quickly.

Turning around, she began to search everywhere for Amojo.

But after walking a few steps, Harley paused, clutching her chest and frowning, "What is this? It's such a strong pollution, it actually wants to infect my cells."

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