I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1435 The Eagle’s Bone Road

None of the seven lamp owners spoke, but the look they looked at Harry said it all.

Ivy said angrily: "Harry hasn't been out at all in the past few days, how could he have the chance to steal your lantern beast?

Moreover, with her ability, if she really wants to snatch the lamp beast, she must do it without anyone noticing. How could she be so careless and have rumors spread? "

Sinestro stood upright, with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "Not all lamp beasts have clear positions.

For example, the Purple Lantern Corps' Predator Beast and the Blue Lantern Corps' Phoenix Phoenix are not controlled by the Purple Lantern Corps and the Blue Lantern Corps.

They are free and may wander in any hidden place in the universe.

Even Purple Lantern and Blue Lantern have to work hard to find them.

The people behind the scenes don't even know the location of the lantern beast, so they can't steal it openly or covertly. They can only spread the word.

Whether you really hope that the bounty hunter will send you clues, or you are trying to scare the snake out of the grass and lure it out of its hole, you can at least gain something. "

"You are so thoughtful, it is very likely that you are the person behind the scenes." Ivy said sarcastically.

Sinestro's eyes fell on Harley and did not respond to her words.

Atrocitus said meaningfully: "Lamp beasts are the embodiment of emotional energy, and ordinary people simply cannot withstand their power, or cannot resist the distortion of thoughts by extreme emotions.

Even if a genius is lucky enough to be matched with a certain lamp beast without any side effects, there is no need to fight for a second lamp beast.

So far, no one has been able to physically accommodate two lamp beasts at the same time. "

——Except Witch Harley.

"Witch Harley has abilities and motives." Lafleeze shouted excitedly.

Harley stared at him with cold eyes and said: "It's best for you to stay with the six of them forever. If I encounter you alone, I will definitely get angry and kill you."

Lafleeze's expression froze, he shrank back a few steps, and looked hard at his fellow lamp owners, "Did you all hear that?"

Carol sighed: "So what if I hear it? Even if the seven of us come together, we can't beat her; even if she kills you in public now, no one can stop her."

Harley waved her hands with a serious look on her face and said, "Don't worry, I am very face-conscious. I will only do bad things secretly and will not ruin my reputation in public.

It was done quietly behind the scenes. As long as there is no conclusive evidence, even if it is suspected, it can be firmly denied.

I did it in broad daylight but turned out to be white-mouthed and confused. I am too thin-skinned to do it. "

Everyone was speechless for a while, even saying such words in public, how shameless? Want more face?

But she said this in public. Even if she really stole the lantern beast, it wouldn't make any sense now that they came to her door.

People have made it clear that as long as there is no conclusive evidence, she will firmly deny it.

The lamp owners were silent, and even Lafleeze did not dare to stab him again, even though he was extremely angry and wanted to shout: Witch Harley, how can you be so shameless and so arrogant that even I, the Lord of Greed, can defeat you.

But he didn't dare.

He was afraid that she would be completely shameless, kill him in broad daylight, and then falsely claim that he died of illness.

"You guys go first, I'll talk to Harley." Hal turned sideways and said to several lamp owners.

Sinestro and Carol nodded and flew into the sky.

Lafleeze followed behind and left the manor as if fleeing.

They all swore in their hearts that they would never question or pressure Witch Harley like they did today.

It's useless not to say it, it might piss her off and risk her life.

"Harley, don't blame Lafleeze. He is the Lord of Greed, but he lost the most precious orange lamp beast, so he is so angry and unscrupulous." When the lamp owner left, Hal said warmly to Harley. Xiang advised.

The fact that she could say those outrageous and shameless words meant that she was really angry.

She was so angry, which also meant that the person who robbed the lamp beast was probably not her.

"I don't blame him, because I have made up my mind that if I meet him in a deserted place next time, I will cut him into pieces, keep the lamp and stove, and send his soul to hell." Harley said.

"You swore that as a member of the Seven Lanterns Alliance, you would abide by the Seven Lanterns Peace Pledge." Hal frowned.

"I did say that, but I also publicly warned him that if he pissed me off, I would get angry," Harley said.

Hal said: "You said you would give him two chances, but you didn't warn him today."

"It's not that I didn't want to warn him, it's just that he was so capable that he used up two opportunities at once without any interval. I told him in public that I would kill him in a place where no one was around, just because I kept my word. , adding a final warning afterwards.”

Hal was speechless.

"These are troubled times. Before the Spirit of Existence has been sent away, another powerful enemy has come to steal the lantern beast. The storm is about to come! If you must cause trouble for Lafleeze, at least wait until this disaster is over." He said helplessly.

Harley didn't want to talk about Lafleeze anymore, his matter was settled.

"You stayed here just to tell me this?"

"You really don't have Lust (Orange Lantern Beast) or Parallax Monster?" Hal asked, staring into her eyes.

Harley sneered: "If you still have a lump or muscle in your mind, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question.

I have legitimately obtained the Parallax monster several times, but have I ever tried to keep it?

If you don't stock it and let it grow fat, how can you extract the source next time?

Forget it, I'm just being reckless. Last time I ate the Parallax monster, only a shell of its head was left.

How many days has it been?

Should I dig out the leek roots and eat them? "

Hal's expression was twisted, but he couldn't refute.

Ivy also said: "Everyone knows that Harley only took a little bit of the origin of the lamp beast, so there is no need to snatch the entire lamp beast?"

Hal's face became even more distorted, and the Parallax monster only had a head left. Is this a little bit of its origin?

Bateman led the three "Robins" over and said seriously: "Harley has the motive to steal the lantern beast, but this time it is indeed not her method.

She has always only grabbed magic power, and will not borrow the power of the lamp beast to become an Ion Man, a Parallax Demon or something like that.

With her current strength, there is no need for it.

With her caution, she would only quietly take away part of the lantern beast's origin, threaten it not to reveal it, and then let it go without anyone noticing.

It won't be like now, making the city full of trouble. "

"You really know her." Fatty muttered as he lay on the roof basking in the sun.

Isn't this how the origin of the Blood Slaughter Cow was taken away?

No one has found it yet.

"Can the seven lantern beasts merge into one? Just like the tailed beasts in the neon comic "Naruto", the nine tails merge into the ten tails, and the seven lantern beasts merge into the white lantern?" Damian asked curiously, holding the long sword.

Harley glanced at him and said strangely: "It's impossible to say that the people behind the scenes came up with this plot just because they watched "Naruto"."

"I'm serious." Damian frowned.

Hal pondered and said: "So far, there has never been a situation where the Seven Lantern Beasts have merged into one, but we cannot rule out that the people behind the scenes have amazing methods.

As soon as the Blackest Night ended, and the secret of the seven lamps uniting into white light was revealed, the people behind the scenes began to collect lamp beasts. Isn't this too much of a coincidence?

At first, several of us lamp owners subconsciously regarded Harley as a suspect and did not consider that the seven lamp beasts merged into one.

Now after Damian reminded me, I think it is very possible. "

Damian smiled triumphantly at Harley.

Harley raised her head and asked: "Fat Head, can the seven lantern beasts be combined into one?"

The fat head shook his head and said: "No, at least in my memory, the seven of us have been squatting in different emotional energy pools, which are as distinct as seven-color spectrums with different frequencies."

"I'm going to find Ganser. He may know some secrets about the unity of the seven lamp beasts." Hal was about to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, he hesitated and said: "Harley, you are the guardian of the green lantern, don't you want to take care of this matter?"

Harley said calmly: "I, the guardian of the green lantern, am really just the 'guardian of the green lantern'. I don't care about the internal affairs or external affairs of the green lantern. Only when the green lantern faces the disaster of destruction, I take action to protect the orthodoxy of the green lantern." .”

Hal was stunned for a moment, and then realized something. No wonder the relationship between her and Qingnv was so strange.

"I'm leaving, goodbye everyone."

After Hal left, Bateman explained Jason and Dick's "White Light Destiny".

"Hai Shaoxia, Beast Boy. It sounds like the name of a young hero." Harley said.

"I think so too. What do you think the spirit of existence wants to do?" Bateman asked.

Harley looked at the "living" Boston.

Boston spread his hands and said helplessly: "I am just a sounding board."

"You should know the general purpose of the spirit of existence, right? You are the mouthpiece, conveying so much information. If you think about it together, can you guess a rough idea?" Harley said.

Boston really thought about it for a while and said, "Do you still remember the 'final darkness' I told you earlier?"

"The product of the death magic's pollution of the earth?" Harley asked.

"Well, the Black Death Emperor sows death wantonly, causing the earth to be saturated with his magic power, and the resulting set of side effects is the 'ultimate darkness'.

The destiny of White Lantern coming to the earth this time should be to purify the earth and eliminate the "ultimate darkness". "Boston said.

"The name Ultimate Darkness sounds quite deceptive, but since it's on Earth, why hasn't it been noticed by us?" Dick asked.

"Just because you didn't notice it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, and it doesn't mean that no one is aware of it. At least the spirit of existence is aware of its existence. Looking for Hai Shaoxia and Beast Boy is probably to deal with it." Boston said.

Harley's heart moved and she said: "Battman, if you are worried about the safety of Jason and Dick, you can personally participate in their 'destiny'. I will go find Doctor Fate now.

If there is really a mutation on the earth, and it is worthy of a BOSS-level title like 'Final Darkness', it should not be hidden from him. "

Dr. Destiny Kent Nelson was originally an archaeologist studying Egyptian history.

He only crossed over to become a superhero after "picking up" the golden Naboo helmet.

For a long time, he only dealt with people on the magic side.

Until the "Secret Society Incident" broke out, too many heroes from the two major heroic organizations, the Justice Society and the Freedom Fighters, were killed by the club led by Luther Jr.

They began to target the superhero community and recruit new teammates aggressively.

Although the old Green Lantern Alan also uses green lantern energy, his lamp furnace comes from the fragment of the Star Heart, which is essentially magical power.

During the later stages of Crisis on Infinite Earths, he was invited by Doctor Fate to work with the Grandmasters to build a magical shield to protect the world.

After that, Alan and Kent became friends.

When the Association began to recruit new members, Alan first thought of Kent and extended an invitation to him.

Kent didn't refuse and became a glorious Justice Society heroic giant.

The Justice Society's headquarters is in midtown Manhattan, and Doctor Fate also moved the Tower of Destiny to the outskirts of Gotham.

If Harley wants to visit the Tower of Destiny, it will be much easier than before.

But today she was surprised that she didn't sense the existence of the Tower of Destiny in Gotham.

The Tower of Destiny is a magical building that can be hidden in the cracks of dimensions.

The appearance is a white obelisk thirty meters high and three meters wide.

The Tower of Destiny can move around, but it also bears the responsibility of monitoring the earth's magic network and maintaining the operation of the laws of order. Doctor Fate rarely changes its location.

On weekdays, if Harry wants to find Kent, he can sense the location of the Tower of Destiny as long as he comes to the city where he is.

"Hey, Kent, it's me, where are you now?"

Not finding the Tower of Destiny in Gotham, Harley took out her cell phone and dialed Kent's number.

“I’m in the rainforest of Peru, what are you doing with me?”

"You moved the Tower of Destiny too?" Harley asked.

"Well, there is a crack connecting another dimension here. I need to use the Tower of Destiny to stabilize the laws of time and space here to prevent the crack from continuing to expand and give me enough time to repair it." Kent said.

"Why did such a big crack appear and need to be suppressed by the Tower of Destiny? Does it have anything to do with Bai Deng's 'destiny'?"

Harley originally just asked casually, but Kent was silent for a moment and said in a serious tone: "Yes, the Eagle World behind the crack is related to the destiny of Eagle Man and Eagle Girl."

Now she became interested and asked, "Where are you? I'll come over and take a look."

Five minutes later, Harley jumped out of the Archimedes airship and landed on a moist and soft grass in the rain forest.

In front of her, there was an obscure space door.

The door is composed of human corpses. More than a dozen corpses are intertwined like vines, forming an arch three meters high and two meters wide.

Dr. Fate had his legs together, his arms spread out, and his body shining with golden magic light stood straight, suspended above the door like a cross.

"This door is so strange. It is made entirely of human corpses, and no magic power is used. But -" Harley suddenly took a few steps forward and reached out to touch the nearest skull.

"Buzzing." The gray-white skull shone with a hazy pink-purple light.

"Shit, it's not my imagination, it's really emotional energy, or the purple light of love."

Thinking that this door was related to Hawkman and Hawkgirl's destiny, Harley couldn't help but wonder: "These skeletons, couldn't be the remains of Hawkman and Hawkgirl's previous life, right?"

The remains of the first-generation Hawkman and Hawkgirl who died in each other's arms were picked up by the Purple Lantern Corps and sealed in amethyst, becoming a more efficient central energy battery of the Purple Lantern.

In the thousands of years since the first generation, Eagle Man and Eagle Girl have been reincarnated hundreds of times. In each life, they will meet, fall in love, and then suffer misfortune.

The curse carried by Hawkman and Hawkgirl is that when they express their love for each other, that is the day when this world ends.

Last Blackest Night, the reason why both Hawkgirl and Hawkman were killed was because that night Hawkman couldn't restrain the surging desire in his heart. He held Hawkgirl's little hand and expressed his love for her and wanted to spend the night with her. The idea of ​​habitat.

Hawkgirl nodded in agreement and leaned into Hawkman's arms with a happy look on her face.

The next second, the curse appeared, and Su's living corpse appeared behind her, and with a black tiger move, it dug out her heart.

Finally, Eagle Man also left a sentence: "Ask what love is in this world, and it will teach you how to make love between life and death." He tilted his head and hiccupped.

This is not an exception.

This is the curse they received. Even if they secretly love each other without confessing, they will not encounter misfortune. But once they express their feelings and recognize each other, they will die within a short time, no matter which life they live in, without exception.

From the first generation of Hawkman and Hawkgirl to the present day, they have left behind hundreds of corpses.

"This space door was built by Vandal Savage (ps). He has been hunting the reincarnated Hawkman and Hawkgirl for thousands of years.

The original Hawkman and Hawkgirl were also murdered by him.

Ever since the Zamaron people (little blue women) took away the bones of Hawkman and Hawkgirl and made them into the central battery of the Purple Lantern, Savage understood that the love bones of Hawkman and Hawkgirl can stimulate emotional energy and are very powerful magic materials. , I will never waste a body again.

The corpses you see are just a small part of his collection.

There were more bodies, hundreds of them, behind the door.

They were paved into a road of bones, spreading all the way to the Eagle World, becoming a bridge between other dimensions and the earth. "Kent said.

What a pervert.

Harley bared her teeth and said, "What does he want to do? What's special about the opposite dimension?"

Kent asked: "These days, Hawkman and Hawkgirl have been searching for the whereabouts of their first generation bones. Do you know?"

"I thought Carol was the only one interested in the remains of the original Hawkman and Hawkgirl."

Kent looked down at her strangely, "It seems you really don't know."

"what do you know?

Kent said: "The first generation of bones left on the earth during the Blackest Night were obtained by agents of the US government.

Savage acquired them at a considerable financial cost. "

"Fake, those worms." Harley wanted to take out her phone immediately and ask Amanda Waller to investigate the matter thoroughly.

The Sky Eye is the government department responsible for extraordinary events. No matter who discovers the first-generation bones, they should immediately turn them over to the treasure house she is responsible for guarding.

If it weren't for such benefits, why would she go to Congress and become a member of Congress?

"This road of bones leads to the 'Eagle World', the gap dimension between the Earth and the Senagan planet. The bones of ordinary Hawkman and Hawkgirl only allow Savage to enter the Eagle World, and the first generation of corpses should be involved in a larger conspiracy. .

I guess this is Hawkman and Hawkgirl's destiny, to sabotage Savage's plans. ” Kent explained.

(ps: In fact, there was another supervillain who killed Hawkman and Hawkgirl, named ‘Haas Shet’, who was not the same person as Vandal Savage.

In the American TV series "Legends of Tomorrow", the director merged Haschet and Vandal Savage into one person.

I personally think this merger is very well done. The character design of the single Hass Sheat is too thin. It seems that apart from chasing Hawkman and Hawkgirl, he has hardly participated in any events. He is a very unattractive villain.

After merging with Vandal Savage, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Savage, Naboo, Shazam, and even Black Adam, the relationship between these people will become very strange.

The key is that there is no certain logic in time and character.

The first generation of Hawkman and Hawkgirl was in Egypt thousands of years ago. Vandal lived for 50,000 years, during which time he wore a vest and wandered around the world. It is very likely that he would have crossed paths with Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

And Savage is immortal, which can also explain why Hawkman and Hawkgirl are killed in every generation.

Well, Hasshet can be killed.

As a result, Hawkman and Hawkgirl reincarnated hundreds of times, and never killed Hasshet once. This was a bit unreasonable. That was Hawkman and Hawkgirl, the giant of Zhenglian. )

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