I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1436 History of the God of Order

Eagle Man's first incarnation on earth was the Pharaoh Khufu of the ancient Egyptian civilization thousands of years ago.

Eagle Girl's first incarnation on earth was Cuiaya, the sister and lover of Pharaoh Khufu.

Not my biological sister.

The mother of the first-generation Eagle Girl brought a small oil bottle and married the former Pharaoh of Egypt, who was the father of the first-generation Eagle Boy.

Don’t look down on the first-generation Hawkman because he is just the “chief” of a civilization in a certain region of the earth.

Now the god-king Nabu, who is so criticized, is only Khufu's court mage advisor.

The old wizard Shazam, who was equally criticized, was just an ordinary member of Khufu's court wizards.

Most of the Gods of Order who now dominate the earth have joined Khufu's sect.

Vandal Savage, the "barbarian" who claimed to have the strategy, financial resources and force to crush Luther, the "first villain", also served as Khufu's younger brother.

The first generation of Hawkman was so awesome that Harley drooled after seeing it.

"It's very simple, for N metal."

When Harley asked the God of Order why he joined the original Hawkman, Doctor Fate gave a very simple and convincing answer.

"In the entire multiverse, only Senagon has N metal. Needless to say, how powerful N metal is. You are now the person with the most N metal in the multiverse. You are even so luxurious that you can use N metal to build a large aircraft."

Speaking of this, Dr. Destiny couldn't help but his tone was slightly sour, and his eyes were filled with envy.

The Archimedes airship is about the size of an 8-passenger van.

If you want to transport refugees to Paradise Mountain when a crisis comes, or serve as a means of transportation for heroes in a crisis, the "van" is definitely not enough.

To this end, she built several sets of airship pendants, some of which were as big as the fuselage of a Boeing aircraft - for the heroes, and some were flying saucers the size of a basketball court - for the Paradise Mountain refugees.

Whether it is a large airplane pendant or a large flying saucer pendant, they were all ordinary magic metals in the past.

Only the Archimedes airship itself has been replaced with N metal from the inside out, which came from the corpses of the seven demons obtained in the early years.

After Harley picked up the ten-story-high N-metal corpse of the Demon Lord Onyma during the Rann-Senagon War, she replaced all the big planes and flying saucers with solid and immortal N-metal.

The explosive aura of rich people makes the mages who are searching for advanced magic alchemy materials envious to death.

Kent is also a magician.

Take off the helmet of the God-King of Naboo, and he is just the great wizard Kent.

Doctor Fate only needs the Naboo helmet, but the wizard Kent needs his own exclusive artifact.

It would be best to use N metal as the material to forge an immortal artifact that is consistent with the God of Order.

If he can understand the laws and advance to the level of a god, he can naturally join the God of Order system and act as a pendant on the body of the "Fusion God" during the "Fusion of the Six Gods" on Naboo. For example, a sock?

Well, now in the God of Order, Naboo is the helmet, and there are cloaks, shoulder armors, gloves, arm armors, breastplates, leg armors, and boots. Kent can probably only choose one of underwear, socks, and underwear.

"Hahaha" Facing Dr. Destiny's envious gaze, Harley could only smile proudly and did not take the initiative to give him a favor, giving him a piece of N metal.

The grade of N metal is beyond Heavenly Gold and Heavenly Silver.

The weapons used by the Archangels of Heaven are forged from the eighth metal, but N metal is the ninth metal.

The ninth metal naturally has effects that ordinary divine metal cannot achieve, such as ignoring volume and infinite superposition.

The helmet of the God King of Naboo looks so big on the surface, and it seems that not much N metal is used.

It is true that one pound of N metal can knock out a helmet.

But if Nabu has 10,000 kilograms of N metal, he can integrate all 10,000 kilograms of N metal into a helmet of the same volume and size.

The weight worn on the head can change according to the owner's wishes. It can be ten thousand catties, one hundred thousand catties, or as light as a goose feather.

The weight is whatever you want, but its efficacy is actually increased by at least 10,000 times.

A helmet weighing ten thousand kilograms of N metal is at least ten thousand times more powerful than one kilogram of N metal.

Therefore, Onyma has been extremely eager for N metal for millions of years, and even swallowed too much N metal, causing the demon's skin to transform into silver metal.

However, there is a limit to this kind of superposition, otherwise Onyma would not have been beaten to death by Harley.

The limit of the superposition multiple is the limit of the mage's ability.

On the other hand, N metal allows the mage to exert his power to the limit.

Is there any better artifact material than this?

Harley refused to watch words and emotions, and took the initiative to give Kent a piece of N metal.

One is reluctant to part with it, and the other cannot afford to give it away.

Who knows how many layers Kent needs to stack up. It’s okay to give him one, two, ten, or even a hundred pounds, but what if he wants to imitate Naboo and stack tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of pounds?

If Kent takes the initiative to ask for it from her and gives a specific amount, Harley will weigh whether the favor is worth it.

This is the lesson she learned from Zakang Lighter.

After Harley obtained the bodies of the Seven Demons for the first time, Zha Kang eagerly searched for them and wanted to create an exclusive artifact.

Hallie is very generous. When her sister gets rich, she will never treat her friends badly.

As a result, a small Zippo lighter used 1,500 kilograms of N metal, and the 50-gram lighter was superimposed more than 30,000 times.

Even thinking about it now makes Harley's heart bleed.

“Nabu predicted that the birth of Prince Khufu would bring miracles to the world, so he left the Tower of Destiny, put on a mage robe, entered the Egyptian court, and became the mage advisor to the Pharaoh King.

When Prince Khufu was born, his vision attracted more strange people to seek refuge, including Vandal Savage, who transformed into 'Hasset'.

When Prince Khufu came of age, a miracle came to the earth - a Senagan spaceship made of N metal landed in front of the pyramid.

They are Senagan Eagle Warriors, who came to Earth to find the reincarnated legion leader.

That is, Eagle Man.

He is Senagon's most powerful warrior and wisest general.

At that time, a large-scale conflict broke out between Senagang and the Lann civilization. There was internal fighting between the technological faction and the religious faction of Senagang. The internal affairs were in chaos, the military morale was unstable, and they suffered a huge defeat.

The Yingman warriors hope that Yingman will go back and revive the country.

However, Prince Khufu chose to adapt to the life God gave him in this world and did not return to Senagan.

Although the Eagle Man warriors left a batch of N metal to forge new weapons for Eagle Man and Eagle Girl, the N metal was only enough for the two of them, and was completely unable to meet the needs of Naboo and other gods.

Naboo wasn't disappointed either.

He took it upon himself to create the war hammer for Ying Man that is still in use today.

Holding the Eagle Warhammer, Eagle Man not only awakens the abilities and memories of his previous life, but also senses the N metal veins 'surrounding' the earth.

That is, the Eagle World. "

Doctor Fate pointed to the space door woven with bones, "Just behind the door, there is an alien dimension connecting Senagon and the earth.

Because it is located in the gap between Senagon and the Earth, the Eagle World has the ecological environment of the two worlds, the Earth and Senagon. "

"Is there N metal deposits in Eagle World?" Harley's eyes lit up and she was ready to make a move.

Dr. Destiny nodded slightly, "There is abundant N metal, at least thousands of tons. But thousands of years ago, ten years after it was opened by the first generation of Eagle Man, the mine was mined out, and there was not even a single N metal atom. Leave."

"Thousands of tons of N metal were all poached by that bastard from Naboo?"

Harley seemed to have lost thousands of tons of N metal. She gritted her teeth and felt heartbroken when she spoke, and her eyes were slightly red.

"Doctor Destiny" sneered: "Is it possible that I still want to leave some of it for you?"

Harley was stunned for a moment, and when she saw the golden light of the helmet again, she suddenly realized that the "helmet spirit" was online again.

"That is the common wealth that belongs to all mankind!" she said righteously.

"Yes, it belongs to all mankind, so it should be kept by me, the representative of the human mage, and cannot be snatched away by people from other worlds, aliens, and spiritual mages." King Naboo said calmly.

"How many are left now?" Harley asked immediately.

The golden light of the helmet gradually dimmed again, Nabu ignored her, and Kent regained control of his body.

"Don't think about it. N metal was used up as early as BC."

Harley doubted: "Thousands of tons. Even if the God of Order has N metal artifacts in hand, they shouldn't use them all, right?"

"Half is dedicated to the Voice of Heaven."

"I see, no wonder." Harley suddenly understood. When she got the bodies of the seven demons, she wanted to sell the origin of the demons to Tian Zhi. Tian Zhi was reluctant to take it, and even had no interest in the N metal in the demon's body.

She was still wondering at the time. N metal was more precious and rarer than most gods and demons. Why wasn't the voice of heaven not anxious at all?

It turns out that Naboo sacrificed N metal thousands of years ago.

Doctor Destiny continued: "The other half of the N metal, 80% was divided up by dozens of human divine mages on the spot, and the remaining 20% ​​was given to the newly born human mages in the following thousand years.

Nabu didn't lie, he really just kept those treasures on behalf of mankind.

If the God of Order had not mined the N metal in the Eagle World in time, the Senagans and the multiverse god-magicians would have looted it all after noticing it, and the minerals would not have been retained at all. "

"Naboo just used the leftovers to win people's hearts after he was full." Harley said disapprovingly.

Kent glanced at her and wanted to ask: Are you full? When will you feed me the leftovers? I don't mind at all.

"Since there is no N metal in the Eagle World, what is Savage going to do?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I don't know his true purpose, but his old lover, Queen Mother Qia, has been sealed in the Eagle World." Kent said.

"Who is the Queen Mother Qiya?"

"The mother of the first Eagle Girl, the stepmother of Prince Khufu, and the queen of the previous Pharaoh."

"Uh, wait a minute, you said that Queen Mother Qia was Savage's lover?" Harley said with a strange expression: "But I remember that Khufu and Triaya were killed by Savage because Savage fell in love with her. I fell in love with Cui Aya, but I couldn’t love her.”

The mother and daughter communicated. When the daughter refused, he killed the couple in anger.

If you are not satisfied with killing someone once, you will hunt them down every time someone else is resurrected.

Too shameless, right?

Harley decided to write down Vandal Savage's name in the little notebook in her heart, ranking it first.

The last guy to be ranked No. 1 was Colonel Mighty, the "Kitchen Master".

Dr. Destiny frowned and said, "Savich is extremely ambitious and has an insatiable desire. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and has served as countless emperors and overlords. He is used to being ruthless and never allows others to refuse."

"Why was Queen Mother Qiya sealed? It has been thousands of years and she is still not dead?"

Doctor Destiny said: "After the Eagle World Cup was mined, Queen Mother Qiya also received some.

She integrated a large amount of N metal into her body and gained the gift of immortality and eternal youth.

But later she was accused of murdering the previous pharaoh, and Nabu wanted to execute her. Khufu loved his wife very much and couldn't bear to make her sad and embarrassed, so he changed the death penalty to eternal imprisonment.

The passage to the Eagle World was sealed by Naboo and the gods of the God of Order. Only the power of Pharaoh Khufu and Queen Triaya could open it.

So Savage carefully planned and spent thousands of years collecting the remains of Hawkman and Hawkgirl to create such a portal. "

"Since you know everything, why don't you go in to arrest Savage and prevent Queen Mother Qia from escaping from prison?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Dr. Fate shook his head and sighed: "After Khufu's death, the relationship between Naboo and his rulers came to an end.

Even if Eagle Man's soul comes from Khufu's reincarnation, it can't change this.

I have no obligation and no desire to participate in their grievances.

Now my responsibility is to protect the safety of the earth, repair the cracked dimensional gaps, and prevent the creatures from the Eagle World from intruding into the earth. "

"I'm very curious about Savage's plan. I want to go in quietly. Don't close the door in a hurry - well, what are you going to do with these corpses?"

Harley stared at the corpses emitting a hazy pink-purple light, and suddenly a strange idea came to her mind: Maybe they could become her purple light energy engine?

"The bone portals must be demolished. They are like dust stuck in precision instruments and will affect the normal operation of the earth's rules." Dr. Destiny said.

Harley smiled and said, "That's a good relationship. I love cleaning. Let me help you clean up the dust."

As she said that, she wanted to get into the space door.

"Harry, have you forgotten something? Are you here to find me?" Dr. Destiny reminded.

Harley paused, laughed sarcastically, and said: "I almost forgot, White Lantern Boston said that during the Blackest Night, too much strong Black Death Emperor power flowed into the earth, and the resulting pollution caused some 'final dark crisis', then What is it?"

Doctor Fate said: "You must have heard wrong, or he said it wrong, it is not the final darkness, but the blackness of decay.

The green of all things, which represents plant life, the red of all living things, which represents the vitality of animals, and the black of decay, which represents death and decay, together form the ‘Parliament of Life’, which is the order of life and death on the earth.

In addition to the Parliament of Life, there is also the Parliament of Elements, which represents the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire.

In addition to the two major councils, there is also a group of order gods who assist in the operation of the basic laws of the earth.

Failure of either of the two major councils would be a huge disaster for the earth.

It is not only the Black Death Emperor who pollutes the earth, but the spirit of existence also affects the ‘order’ of the Parliament of Life. "

Harley thought thoughtfully, "Because the Black Death Emperor and the Spirit of Existence have higher energy levels than the Parliament of Life?"

Dr. Fate nodded slightly and sighed: "Nabu, the strongest in the Order God System, is only a half-step God King and cannot be considered the supreme.

The order of life and death on earth established by Naboo is obviously further away from the Supreme.

The Black Death Emperor and the Spirit of Existence are the most powerful beings.

But they still put the main battlefield on the earth, venting their original power wantonly on the earth, alas! "

While Harley was suddenly enlightened, she was also very suspicious: "The spirit of existence is so kind and takes the initiative to help the earth repair the polluted 'Parliament of Life'?"

"It doesn't matter whether you have good intentions or bad intentions. What's important is that destiny is like this. If you don't take destiny seriously, we can't. The spirit of existence is even more restricted by destiny." Dr. Destiny said.

Harley nodded and said, "Since it's just a crisis at the level of the Life Council, we don't seem to have to worry too much, right?"

"You don't have to worry about the safety of the earth. The God of Order has been paying close attention to the issue of the Life Parliament, but I can't guarantee that the spirit of existence won't do anything to you or the people you care about." Kent said with a serious expression and a hint of warning.

"I see, thank you."

Harley looked at the corpse door with more determination. It didn't matter if the corpse infiltrated people. Now she had enemies all over the world. There were too many powerful enemies who wanted to kill her, but she was not invincible yet and had no qualifications to be picky.

As long as it can increase your strength, it doesn't matter if you eat shit or corpses.

She took a step forward, and a dark and empty passage of corpses appeared in front of her.

"Hufufu~~~" Harley opened her mouth, took a step, took a breath, sucked in the corpses spread out in the void one by one, and swallowed them into her stomach.

Corpses fell one after another, gradually building a mountain of corpses in the dimension of the stomach bag.

The surface of the mountain of bones was covered with a hazy purple light.

The brilliance is like haze, wisps rising up and being absorbed by the surrounding stomach wall space.

She didn't kill the goose to take the eggs, she just digested them.

The corpse itself does not have much "nutritional" value. It is useless to eat it, just like eating a running faucet, you cannot get a pool of water at once.

The long and steady flow of water is the kingly way.

"Gudong, Gudong." The jar of Purple Lantern's defense specialty bubbled.

Each corpse is a miniature central energy battery of purple light, which continuously radiates the purple light of love.

"It really works. It's equivalent to installing hundreds of perpetual motion machines in your stomach!" Harley laughed, and the corpse-eating movement became faster.

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