I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1434 Lamp Beast Crisis

Bruce sighed: "Even if I haven't met the Batman himself, I can understand how he feels.

To be honest, the moment I hugged your body, I really had the idea of ​​giving up self-restraint and launching bloody revenge on the clown.

When I caught the Joker, I once again felt the urge to kill him immediately.

It wasn’t anyone’s persuasion that changed my mind.

Jason and Damian were nearby, and they were even more impulsive than me.

What calmed me down was the look in the clown's eyes.

There was no pain, worry or despair in his eyes, only hope.

He was expecting me to break the precept and kill someone, even if the person killed was himself.

Your death was not the purpose he wanted, it was just a means he used to deal with me.

He led me over and detonated the bomb just before I entered the warehouse, just in time to ensure that I would not be killed, and just in time to watch you die in front of my eyes.

He was stimulating me.

We struggled for four or five days to find the reborn Yi, and finally caught the clown on the sixth day.

It’s not that we were lucky, or that the clown got carried away and was negligent.

He did it on purpose, he wanted me to catch him and kill him.

As long as I kill him, he wins. "

"Kill him and he will die. How to win?" Jason said excitedly.

Bruce said seriously: "I have taught you from the beginning that the no-kill principle is both a restriction and a protection for us.

If you walk alone in a vast and difficult-to-find darkness, if you take a wrong step, you will lose your way and eventually sink into darkness forever, never finding the light you came from.

The principle of not killing is like a rope, one end is connected to the starting point, and the other end is tied around our waist. No matter how we run in the dark, even if we fall or are defeated, as long as the rope continues, we will never forget our original intention, and we will never forget our original intention. Lose yourself.

Remember our original intention, why should we put on a uniform and choose to become a superhero?

Is it for the privilege of beating and killing people arbitrarily, or for reputation and profit?

We don’t wear uniforms to be superheroes.

This is how we protect justice in the world.

Justice in the world is the justice of collective mankind, and it is the "absolute justice" recognized by the origin of the universe. Often it is not equal to the justice that a certain individual thinks.

There are differences between individuals. You have your justice, and I have my justice. Even the clown has his own justice.

The Joker believes that the world is essentially a chaotic and cruel battlefield where people are like beasts. The so-called justice is just a false lie spun by some people to anesthetize the majority of people.

He wants to return the world to its true appearance of chaos and chaos. This is the justice in his heart.

The Batman of Earth-51 believes that killing every criminal and every suspect who may have committed a major crime is to bring justice to the world.

Have you noticed that at this time, there is almost no essential difference between him and the clown.

They all want to impose their own justice on the world.

The Joker's justice is recognized by all the criminals of the Joker Gang; you recognize the justice of Batman on Earth 51.

But can the Clown Gang and you represent all mankind?

Those who have self-will over human beings may not necessarily be villains, but they will definitely lose their qualifications as superheroes.

The name of a hero is so glorious and yet so heavy. From the moment we choose this path, we have chosen to let collective justice and absolute justice prevail over our personal will. "

Jason gradually fell silent.

Dick looked at his adoptive father with respect.

Damian also cast a shocked look at his father.

Selena's eyes were full of admiration,

Harry's face was expressionless.

Bruce continued: "I understand the Joker, and Bruce on Earth 51 must understand it as well as I do.

When I say he's crazy, I'm not insulting him.

Knowing the clown's purpose and knowing that every step he takes means losing, but he still can't control his behavior. Isn't this a sign of madness in anger and despair?

I understand and sympathize with him very much. If I hadn't known that you had been reincarnated, I might have gone crazy. "

Jason's expression softened a little.

Bruce sighed: "Batman's madness is the Joker's victory.

The Joker always wants to prove that there is no difference between me and him.

Even if he physically dies at the hands of Batman, he is still alive. He parasitizes Batman, takes over his body and soul, and continues to live. "

Harley held her forehead, no wonder the Joker would entangle Batman. These two weirdos were really destined to be "marriage in the past life" when Boy Ya met his son.

Bruce looked at his adopted son and said seriously: "So the best way to fight the clown is not to kill him, but to use facts to prove him wrong.

As long as we don't give up the no-kill principle, the clown will always be immersed in the pain of failure.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask Dick and Damian how the clown went from laughing wildly to wailing in despair yesterday.

He thought I was going to kill him, so he laughed crazily, with pride and joy in his eyes.

When I said I wouldn't kill him, he immediately struggled and howled. "

Dick thought about it for a moment and said in surprise: "It's really like this. At the beginning, the clown was very arrogant and kept irritating us with words. He was so proud that he didn't look like a captured prisoner at all.

When Bruce said he was going to send him to Arkham Asylum, he seemed stunned for a while.

When Bruce really didn't kill him, but just beat him hard, he screamed miserably and became very angry. "

Harley looked at Jason's face. She realized something, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction or anger left in her eyes.

——This family is full of weirdos, and one big weirdo breeds a group of little weirdos.

She complained in her heart and asked: "What about the peace and tranquility of World 51? The Justice League has retired.

That Batman put his personal will above absolute justice, and the result was a glorious peaceful age.

Do you want justice, or a better world brought about by justice? "

Bruce said solemnly: "I don't think Earth-51 is really peaceful and beautiful. The current peace is just a false calm before the storm.

That Batman is too cocky.

Just like me, who believes that brotherly eyes can check and balance super heroes who abuse their power, I am too blind to my own wisdom and methods.

Bro Eyes proves to be pretty scary.

Because there are too many crises in this world that cannot be dealt with by Batman alone.

Now that the Zhenglian is disbanded, the heroes return to their families, lose their alertness, and their abilities are depleted. When crises beyond the capabilities of 'Batman' come, such as Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor, and Blackest Night. 51 The earth will inevitably fall, and there is no way to fight back. force. "

"It's really surprising that you can say something like this. I thought you always thought that 'Batman' meant 'no limits'." Harley laughed.

Bruce glanced at her and asked, "I want to remind that Batman, what can you do?"

"It's useless. In addition to being conceited, Batman is also very stubborn. He won't realize his mistakes or listen to anyone's persuasion unless he is hit hard by reality a few times." Harley shook her head.

Jason said: "Bruce, don't worry. If you encounter a problem that Batman can't solve, the Atom will probably come back to us."

Bruce's expression became more relaxed, "Well, I almost forgot about the Atom."

The next day, outside the main universe, the sixth manager dimension.

Monitor satellite.

On the podium, a white-skinned monitor wearing a silver and black monitor armor and a furry hairstyle waved his hands and said to the people below: "Hello, brothers and sisters, I am the interim chief space monitor. Professional Bob.”

Neatly standing below were a total of 50 monitors wearing the same silver-black monitor armor and combed hairdos.

They have black skin, white skin, and even yellow skin. They are men and women, and they are all watchers.

Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, there was only one Watcher in the multiverse.

He alone manages countless parallel universes within Wan Tian Yi.

During the period between the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths and the multidimensional reboot, there was no monitor in the universe.

It cannot be said that there is no monitor. The will of the first generation monitor has always been hidden in the body of little Alexander Luther.

When the hero's paradise is shattered, Little Luther steals the tuning fork, and when Harley holds the hand of creation for the second time to complete the multi-restart, the single universe becomes a multiverse with Universe 52 as the core, and a new monitor is born.

There are 52 node universes in Wan Tian Yi, and each universe is equipped with a monitor.

But there was an accident on Little Luther's side.

The original Watcher's will was supposed to be separated from Luther's soul after his death.

All sins and causes and consequences are borne by little Luther. As the chess player behind the scenes, the soul of the first generation of monitors will be reborn without worries and become the monitor of the main universe and the leader of the monitors.

As a result, the elder Luther sacrificed the little Luther, and also used the most depraved and evil method invented by Harley to make the little Luther sink to the bottom of the River Styx, never to be able to recover.

The first generation of monitors cannot return, and there are only 51 monitors in the "New 52 Multiverse".

The main universe has been missing a monitor.

"We're calling everyone here this time because of Jason Todd's death. She was resurrected after he died, and she returned to the main universe." Monitor Bob said.

"Jason Todd is not a hugely influential figure, especially in the multiverse," said a dark-skinned female monitor.

Bob said: "Roxy, you are right, Jason Todd is just a small person, but her behavior across different universes has caused a lot of trauma to the multiverse.

One of the basic jobs of our monitors is to monitor and eliminate anomalies in their respective fields.

Those who travel through parallel universes are the biggest heretics. "

"We are just managers, we cannot kill people." An Asian monitor immediately said loudly.

"Wu Tan, compared with individual lives, the normal operation of the multiverse is more important." Another black male monitor said seriously.

"Isn't it abnormal for monitors to kill people? Not killing people is a rule that restricts us."

"In order to eliminate large anomalies, a few insignificant anomalies can be tolerated."

The venue was in chaos, and almost all the monitors were arguing.

They all expressed their opinions and everyone had different ideas.

Bob pressed his hands down and waited for the venue to become quieter before saying with a worried expression: "Actually, we all know that Jason Todd is not the first time traveler.

The Flash family of speedsters regularly cross the cosmic barrier.

The Atom disappeared from the main universe years ago.

Jason Todd is just one example of thousands of time-travel events.

But we didn't have a meeting about this before.

At the time we weren't sure how harmful their actions were to the multiverse.

now I know. "

"Is it serious?" Watcher Shilok asked doubtfully.

"It's very serious. It's so serious that the structure of the multiverse is showing signs of collapse. If left unchecked, the next 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' will come again in a few years." Bob solemnly said.

Monitor Wu Tan was shocked and said: "That's not the case. It has only been a few years since the multi-faceted industry was restarted."

Bob said: “The multiverse is new, but the origin wall is very old, and it can even be said to be riddled with holes.

Each single universe is surrounded by a wall of origin. Every time you travel through a different world, you will penetrate the wall of origin once (ps).

We all know how serious the consequences would be if the Origin Wall collapsed. "

"Bob, what's going on now, what's your plan?" Asian surveillance officer Wu Tan asked.

"Arrest people first. We can't kill people. At least we don't need to be so extreme now." Bob said.

After a pause, he added: "Deal with the others first. Matters in the main universe involve the Witch Harley, which is very troublesome. Put Jason Todd last."

Jason didn't know about the overseer's meeting.

He didn't know that he had been targeted. After returning, he had been adapting to this familiar yet unfamiliar Gotham, where he had just left and been separated for many years.

On the fourth day after his return, Dead Man Boston found Gotham himself.

"Sure enough, it is destiny that cannot be violated. Although you died in an accident, you came back to life soon. Your destiny still belongs to you." Boston said excitedly.

"My resurrection this time has nothing to do with the white light, right?" Jason didn't want to get involved in the evil things of the Spirit of Existence at all.

It took her more than 20 years to return to her hometown. She was very tired and exhausted. At this moment, she just wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet.

"Yes, you don't owe the Spirit of Existence anything in this life, but since you retain your memory, you have to repay the karma of your previous life." Boston patted her shoulder and sighed: "I understand what you think, but fate is like this, we There's nothing you can do. Just think of it as accompanying your brother Dick, you and he seem to have the same destiny."

"What are we going to do?" Dick asked.

"First find Hai Shaoxia and Beast Boy and help them establish the concept of absolute justice."

"Hai Shaoxia, Beast Boy, does it sound like a hero's name?"

Dick took out his phone with a puzzled expression and entered these two words into the Puppy Hero Forum, but not a single message appeared.

"Destiny will guide you." Boston said solemnly.

He was actually quite panicked because he had no idea what he was talking about.

At this moment he is the mouthpiece of the spirit of existence.

"What is everyone else's destiny?" Jason asked.

Boston shook his head, "Complete your own mission first."

"Aqualad, his name sounds very similar to Aquaman. You can go ask him. As for Beast Boy, it may be related to animals. Ask Animal Man to find out." Bateman said in a hoarse voice.

Damian held the katana in both hands and said calmly: "Isn't Teacher Harley the most important person to find? Ask her first if there is anything wrong with this 'destiny' and if it is a trap."

"How could I harm you?" Boston said excitedly.

"You can't, but what about the spirit of existence?" Damian said.

Bateman nodded, "There's no hurry, Boston, do you want to come with us to see Harley?"

The group immediately left the Batcave and flew to Quinn Manor in a stealth fighter plane.

"Witch Harley, come out." As soon as they arrived at the sky above the manor, they saw colorful beams of light flying from the sky. Before the beams of light landed, thunderous rumbling yells reached everyone's ears.

"Witch Harley, you are a shameless villain, you are not trustworthy, you talk like farts——"

"Say one more thing, I will have the Lord of the Orange Lantern replaced immediately." In the yard, Harley put her hands on her hips and threatened the sky coldly.

The colorful beams of light converged, revealing the lamp owner wearing uniforms of seven colors.

Lafleeze jumped to her feet and shouted: "I knew you had always wanted to steal my orange lantern. You see, she admitted it, and she was the one who stole the lantern beast."

Harley was stunned, "The orange light beast was snatched away?"

"You still want to pretend to be innocent?" Lafleeze shouted.

Hal Jordan said seriously: “Not only the orange-lit lampbeasts, but also the yellow-lit parallax monsters were taken away.

There are still rumors circulating in the universe that a certain powerful being is eyeing the Seven-Lamp Lamp Beast, and anyone who provides him with information about the Lamp Beast's location will receive a heavy reward from him. "

"You came to me because you doubted me?" Harley asked.

(ps: The setting that crossing parallel universes will penetrate the origin wall belongs to the original comic.

However, the penetration the monitor is talking about at this time is different from passing through the origin wall head-on.

The comics didn't explain it, so I'll explain it based on my own understanding.

For example, when Atom traveled to another world through quantum space, he did not see the Origin Wall.

Another example is when The Flash travels through different worlds. He only needs to stay still and change his vibration frequency to quickly flash between different universes.

The Flash has not reached the edge of the universe and has not touched the wall of origin.

This is because the origin wall is not a three-dimensional material structure. The DC multiverse has the highest six dimensions, the four-dimensional material universe, the five-dimensional Limbo Hell, and the six-dimensional manager field.

The origin wall is at least six and a half dimensions, maybe even seven dimensions.

Looking at the seven-dimensional origin wall in the four-dimensional universe, it is obviously incomplete.

The origin wall not only separates each parallel universe, but also serves as a wall between the multiverse and the omnipotent universe outside. This is the characteristic of the seven-dimensional structure.

Only by passing through the origin wall from the "front" can one leave the DC universe and enter the omnipotent universe.

But traveling through the Origin Wall from the "side" to a different world will also cause trauma to the foundation of the Origin Wall.

This is why monitors hunt "travelers". )

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