I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1433 Batman: The only remaining superhero in the world

Atom Ray Palmer, a superhero in the Justice League second only to the founding seven, is also one of the seven who modified Bateman's memory.

However, the "Seven Brainwashing Incident" that caused a global sensation and changed the fate of many heroes did not have any impact on him.

Because during the identity crisis before the Seven Incident broke out, he disappeared into hiding, withdrew from the superhero circle, and even disappeared from the sight of everyone on the earth.

His wife Jane Rowling killed the telescopic man's wife Sue in order to win back his passionate love.

Sue is not only the wife of Elongated Man, but also a member of the Justice League and an old friend of many heroes.

Ray Palmer felt that he could not face everyone or such a cruel reality. After sending his wife Jane Rowling to Arkham Mental Hospital, he donated all his family property and disappeared.

Nearly two years have passed, and the world has almost forgotten him - Harley hasn't thought of him for a long time anyway, and his news has spread to everyone again.

"He's on Earth-51? How did he get there?" Bruce asked in surprise.

"He is the Atom and can enter the quantum space." Jason's face showed a look of amazement, "You will never imagine how magical the quantum space is.

It is not a blank space inside. If you continue to shrink the size in quantum space, you can see quantum life.

They look like a combination of insects and humans, their intelligence is about the same as ours, and they have established a powerful kingdom.

If the size is further reduced to the 'Planck scale' in the eyes of quantum life, it can pass through quantum tunneling, cross the origin wall, and enter another parallel universe.

The Atom Man told me this. I don’t understand quantum theory, so I may not be able to explain it clearly.

To put it simply, in our macroscopic world, if we reduce the size to the quantum level, we can enter the quantum space.

Treat quantum space as the macroscopic world, shrink the size for the second time, and enter the quantum biological kingdom by squaring the quantum level.

Then treat the quantum biological dimension as the macroscopic world, shrink the size for the third time, to the third power of the quantum level, and then you can cross the origin wall and travel in different time and space. "

"The Planck scale has become so small that it is indivisible, and there will be two more Planck scale divisions. This is no longer science fiction, but magic, more magic than magic." Harley said.

"Whether it's magic or not, I don't know. But the Atom not only located the main universe, but also successfully sent me back." Jason said.

"Where's Ray, is he back?" Bruce asked.

Jason shook his head and said: "He sent me back with a quantum rocket, but he is still on Earth-51."

Dick asked: "What is a quantum rocket?"

"A backpack that carries compressed matrix and quantum energy is somewhat similar to Adam's Space Rocket backpack. However, the quantum rocket can only be used once and cannot even be taken out of the quantum space." Jason said.

Dick said strangely: "Why do I feel that the Atom was not hurt by love and escaping from reality, but went to join the multiverse research group formed by a certain supreme boss.

He didn't have such a thorough understanding of quantum space, different worlds, and quantum travel before.

Labeling parallel universes and accurately naming Earth-11 and Earth-51 is absolutely impossible for ordinary people.

At least the current Justice League and our Teen Titans have not developed similar technology. "

"Without emotional entanglements, it's normal to devote all your attention to scientific research." Selina sighed.

Speaking of Ray Palmer, she couldn't help but think of her former best friend Jane Rowling. Times had changed, people and things had changed, and she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Jason looked at her strangely, "Ray Palmer is not single, he is married again."

"Uh-" Selena was stunned for a moment, and the emotion in her heart immediately turned into anger, "How could he do this?

After sending Jane to Arkham, he never visited her.

Even though Jane made ten thousand mistakes, wasn't what she did because she loved him too much?

I have no right to object to him starting another relationship, but he should at least end his previous relationship first, right?

It has been almost two years since he left.

Everyone always thought that he was an affectionate and miserable man. He felt guilty for Jane Rowling in love, and felt guilty towards Sue and Ralph in friendship. He was very tormented, very painful, and very pitiable.

Then you told me that he got married and started a new life? "

Harley asked curiously: "Who is his current wife?"

Jason's expression became even weirder, "It's still Jane Rowling. Jane Rowling, a female college student who has not yet become black and depraved in Earth-51. They have been married for almost five years."

"Fake! How can you be so shameless?" Harley and Selena cursed at the same time.

Even the scumbag Dick had a distorted expression and wanted to shout: Senior, you are still the best.

Bruce, however, remained calm, "It has been less than two years since Lei disappeared, and when he disappeared, the multiverse was not restarted. How did it take more than five years?"

Jason was stunned and said uncertainly: "Probably the timelines of quantum space, 51 Earth and the main universe are different."

Harley said disapprovingly: "Long before the universe restarted, the timeline of the parallel universe existed.

The splitting of the single universe into the multiverse is the process of loading the 'illusory' timeline of the past into the egg of the universe and rapidly developing it into a physical universe.

If there are outsiders involved in the process, for example, I hold the hand of creation.

You can slightly modify the original timeline and add the plot you want.

Of course, the more changes there are, the greater the costs. "

"You mean, Ray Palmer may have traveled to the virtual timeline of Earth 51 before the multiverse was restarted?" Bruce asked with a puzzled expression.

"It's also possible that he stayed in the quantum space for a moment, but it was equivalent to more than a year in the main universe. He only found the passage to Earth 51 after the multi-dimensional restart was completed.

51 The time flow rate of the earth is different from that of the main universe. It is like that only one week has passed in the main universe and Jason has become an adult. " Harley said.

Bruce nodded slowly, then turned to Jason and asked, "How is Ray's condition? How have you been in the past few years?"

Jason said without hesitation: “He was radiant, as if he had been reborn, and he was in great spirits.

I only see happiness and peace in his eyes.

The shadows of the past have faded.

The pain of the past is also healed by the good life of the present.

He was also very warm to me, a fellow countryman, and talked to me a lot in private.

He said that his discovery of the quantum life kingdom and the crossing effect of three quantum dimensions was completely unexpected.

He was in so much pain at the time that he didn't consider the danger at all. He wanted to escape from the real world, but he accidentally traveled through time and came to the beautiful world of Earth-51.

He also said that at first he did not dare to disturb Jane Rowling at all.

Later, he really missed Jane too much - well, Jane in our main universe, so he peeped from a distance. As a result, one day Jane met two gangsters, and he couldn't help but jump out to save the beauty, and the two met like this.

In the end, he couldn't control his overwhelming love and established a formal relationship with Jane even though he knew he shouldn't. "

"Scum, that's so scum, even worse than Dick." Selina looked angrily.

Dick looked innocent.

He just faced Angela's temptation and couldn't help it. How could he become a benchmark for scumbags?

But Selina was his adoptive mother, and she wasn't specifically targeting him at the moment, so he could only endure it silently.

Bruce looked relieved and relieved, nodded and said, "I feel relieved knowing that he is well."

After a pause, he said to Selina, who looked unhappy, and Harley, who had a sarcastic look on her face: "Do you know where the Jane Rowling of our world is now?"

"Where?" Selena asked confused.

"On Apokolips, she is now Darkseid's favorite concubine (ps)." Bruce said.

"Oh my God, it's impossible." Selena shouted immediately.

Dick and Jason also looked shocked.

"Who did you listen to?" Harley was equally shocked.

Bruce said: "You haven't been to the Genesis Star recently, have you? This is not a secret among the New Gods.

Of course, it didn't make a big fuss, probably similar to the gossip about the president of a certain country on Earth.

After the multi-restart crisis ended, I never relaxed my search for news about the eclipse.

Many heroes in Zhenglian, including Orion, know my concerns.

After the spies from the Genesis Star reported this information to Heavenly Father, Orion told me immediately.

It’s just that I always thought that Lei was hiding somewhere on the earth. I was worried that he would know about it after the news spread, which would make him even more sad and even impulsively do stupid things, so I asked Orion to help keep it secret. "

Dick smiled and said, "It's better now. Ray doesn't have to feel guilty, and Jane can freely pursue new love."

"Jane must have been controlled by the eclipse." Harry frowned.

"Celestial eclipse can only amplify her desires and cannot make her do things she absolutely doesn't want to do." Bruce said.

Harley said: "She and Darkseid got together, not because of desire. The ghost has been chasing her, probably to avoid disaster, she found Darkseid as a backer."

Bruce said: "If she just wants to find support, she can join Darkseid's dark elite just like Brother Eye.

Regardless, her actions were a huge disservice to Ray.

Now that we know Ray is starting a new life, we should all be happy for him. "

Harley shook her head and said, "I really can't be happy, but I don't mind sending my blessings."

Bruce asked Jason again: "Did Ray ask you to help pass the message to us?"

Jason nodded, "He said that he has given up his career as a superhero and will spend the rest of his life together to make up for his debt to Jane Rowling.

In other words, he will settle on Earth-51, so don't worry about him or look for him. "

Harley covered her forehead and groaned: "I don't mind what he did, but can you stop being such a bitch?

The two Jane Rowlings are not the same person, what a waste of compensation!

He is using the youth and purity of another Jane Rowling to compensate for himself. "

Bruce hesitated to defend his old teammate: "You have to take into account his special experience.

He loved Jane, but Jane killed Su.

Caught between love and friendship, he felt like he was in an endless hell every moment.

To be honest, I had been worried about his mental state before, in case he went to the same extreme as Jane. Alas, this is good now. "

Selina suddenly remembered something and asked: "Jason, since there is Jane Rowling on Earth-51, there should also be Ray Palmer. Won't the two Rays conflict with each other?"

Jason glanced at his adoptive mother in surprise, not expecting her to consider this.

"There is indeed a Ray Palmer, but that Palmer had an accident when Ray traveled through the past and died in the laboratory. Then Ray in our universe happened to replace him."

"What a coincidence, isn't it?"

If she hadn't known who the Atom was, Harley would have immediately started thinking about conspiracy theories.

"Lei said that the Atom on Earth 51 is studying a very dangerous virus. The virus is not a living organism or a pheromone. It is not any entity and almost non-existent, but it is more terrifying than any virus.

Ray not only inherited the identity of the Atomic Man of Earth 51, but also continued his research.

He said it was a cosmic virus and an antidote must be found, otherwise countless people will die when the virus breaks out in the future (ps). "

Jason said very serious words, but his expression was a little weird, as if he didn't even believe what he said.

"Have you seen a sample of that virus?" Harley asked.

"No, Lei said it is neither visible nor perceptible. If you see it or feel it, you will be infected. I felt that what he said was too mysterious, so I didn't ask in detail." Jason said.

"Does that kind of virus really exist?" Selina looked doubtful.

Bruce pondered for a moment and asked, "Has the Justice League discovered that he replaced the Atom of Earth 51?"

"No, because Earth-51 has no Justice League for a long time."

The look in Jason's eyes made Bruce feel uncomfortable.

"What do you mean gone?"

Jason said: "To put it simply, the era of superheroes is over. Ray Palmer of Earth-51 has no chance to become a superhero, and he has no chance to become friends with the main heroes."

"Where are the heroes from before?"

"The Zhenglian was disbanded and the heroes retired." Jason said.

"Uh" everyone looked confused, "Are they already very old? That's not right, aren't there any new heroes rising?"

Jason said: "The cunning rabbit dies and the lackeys are cooked. The villains die and the heroes retreat.

They retired simply because Earth-51 hasn't had a supervillain in many years.

The heroes had nothing to do, so they disbanded the Zhenglian and went home to live a normal life.

So Earth-51 is very peaceful and peaceful, it is simply a hero's dream country.

Lei specifically emphasized that he likes the current world very much, as if he has arrived in heaven. "

"Who are the heroes on Earth-51?" Harley asked.

If there are only a few heroes in the world, such as the universe of "The Dark Knight Trilogy", there is only one hero, Gotham Batman, and no official alliance. Once Batman takes care of Gotham, the world will usher in complete peace.

"Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman. There are all the Big Seven, and there is no shortage of famous heroes such as Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Green Arrow and Black Canary.

I stayed on Earth 51 for nearly two years before I met Ray Palmer. The first person I met was the retired Zhenglian hero.

Well, I didn't hide my identity.

Lei didn't know where he heard that I came from the main universe, and he understood that we were fellow villagers, so he took the initiative to find me.

Before meeting Lei, I went to a gathering of Zhenglian heroes.

Hundreds of retired heroes gather together every year to have family parties, and their lives are really leisurely. "Jason sighed.

"With so many heroes, how can there be no villains? Where are their lifelong enemies?" Harley asked strangely.

"They are all dead, killed by Batman. Because of Batman's unbridled killing, all the retired heroes of Earth-51 ostracized him. They didn't call him at every gathering of retired heroes." Jason looked at Bruce road.

"Shit!" Harley screamed in shock.

This answer was beyond her expectation.

Jason looked complicated and said: "I had a hard time accepting it just like you at first.

Then I went to Wayne Manor and met Bruce. No, Batman.

All the other heroes have retired, and he is the only one who persists in secret.

It's not that villains don't appear, it's that every time a new villain appears, Batman will quietly get rid of him before he becomes famous. "

"Oh my god, is that Batman too crazy?" Dick shouted in shock.

Jason's face shone with happiness, "He did that only because my death also happened on Earth-51.

The Jason Todd of that world was tortured to death by the Joker.

Batman on Earth 51 has experienced everything Bruce has experienced in the main universe.

He hates, hurts, and feels deep regret - if he had killed the Joker earlier, his Jason wouldn't have died.

In order to avenge Jason, he killed the Joker.

Since then, he has changed his past principle of not killing, first getting rid of all the villains in Gotham, and then going one city after another, cleaning up all the damned people. "

"In the end, he created a beautiful world." Jason looked excited and his voice rose twice.

He looked at Bruce with eyes full of admiration, respect, admiration and understanding.

It seems that the Bruce in front of him has also hacked to death the Joker, changed his no-kill principle, killed all the villains in the world, and created a perfect earth.

Bruce only frowned and did not respond to his gaze.

Selina wondered: "Is the Batman of Earth 51 a superpower? How did he deal with villains such as Leopard Girl, Metal Man, and Energy Absorber?"

"Everyone except God has flaws and weaknesses. As long as there is a weakness, Batman will definitely find it and formulate targeted killing tactics.

This is what Bruce from Earth 51 said to me.

He has proven this with hard facts.

Other heroes, such as Superman and Wonder Woman, do not agree with Batman's actions and want to stop him. Therefore, Bruce's enemies are not only super villains, but also the entire Justice League.

But he still won, triumphantly. "

When Jason said this, his tone was full of enthusiasm and admiration.

Harley said coolly: "Jason, I'm afraid you don't know, but the Joker was sent to Arkham Asylum again early yesterday morning."

Jason's expression froze, he looked at Bruce, and said slowly: "You didn't kill him?"

Bruce was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly.

Jason's eyes were confused and a little hurt.

Dick could see his dissatisfaction and quickly explained: "After you died, Bruce didn't sleep for six days and six nights until the clown was arrested.

Although he was not killed, the Joker was beaten to the point where he could not even recognize his mother. Seven of his ribs were broken. He had not yet left the ICU ward of Arkham Asylum. "

Selena glanced at her husband, with some resentment in her tone, "So what if he's in the ICU? How many times has the clown been in the ICU? When has he ever reflected?"

The Joker can kill Jason today, but next time, will he take action against her or her baby daughter?

Selina sincerely felt that if the clown touched his adopted son, he should kill the chicken and scare the monkey as a warning to others.

"The Batman on Earth 51," Bruce said slowly, with a hesitant look on his face, "I think he has gone crazy, at least he failed."

Jason looked at him with difficulty. Even if you couldn't love me like Bruce from Earth 51, you wouldn't slander the wonderful adoptive father who slaughtered the entire world for his adopted son!

(ps: After becoming Eclipse, Jane Rowling did have an affair with Darkseid, but it is not certain whether she had an affair, but Jane Rowling has a dark history of seducing female superheroes and becoming Darkseid's mistress.

Darkseid has not refused yet, he is very satisfied with the new favorite concubine introduced by Jane Rowling.

In addition, Jane Rowling has deliberately put a hat on the Atom.

ps2: The virus discovered by Ray Palmer is actually Darkseid's Anti-Life Equation virus in its primary form. )

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