I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1402 Everyone is crazy

Hal, who was about to teach Harry what his destiny was, was stunned and at a loss.

Gunther, who taught Hal to understand his destiny, opened his mouth wide, his eyes were dull, and he was also stunned and confused.

The White Lantern Corps, which surrounded the Black Death Emperor and was waiting for the outcome of the negotiation between Harley and him, looked confused and confused.

The Seven Lanterns on the periphery had just discussed the "ultimate secret" prophesied by the Blackest Night, and were content and full of expectations. Suddenly, when they saw such an ending, they felt as if their heads were pounding, and they were dumbfounded, as if they were in a dream.

"No, Black Death Emperor, don't run!"

Everyone fell into silence in a dazed or shocked mood. Hal Jordan's body surface surged with white light, and he shouted a sharp and loud roar: "Come back, Black Death Emperor, come back, come back! The destiny is not completed. , you can’t go anywhere!”


Everyone was not only awakened by the high-pitched screams, but also groaned lowly while covering their painful heads.

"What happened?" Wonder Woman woke up and looked at Harley in confusion.

Although the reason is unknown, there is no doubt that this sudden change must be related to her.

"Just like what you heard and saw, the Blackest Night is over, and the Black Death Emperor has returned to his hometown." Harley shrugged and said lightly.

"No, it's impossible. The Black Death Emperor must be deceiving us." Ganser shouted out of control, "That's right, he retreated temporarily, waiting for us to relax our vigilance, and then shot back."

The White Lantern Corps looked at Harley.

Harley nodded and said seriously: "It's very possible, so the White Lantern Corps must continue to be retained, and the Seven Lantern Corps must also allocate some personnel to stay on Earth permanently.

In short, the Black Death Emperor is cunning, cunning, and capricious. As long as he is not dead, we cannot let down our guard. "

Gunther was a little dumbfounded.

Shouldn't she take the opportunity to be proud and brag about her great achievements in driving away the Black Death Emperor?

Oh, by the way, the way the White Lantern Corps and the Seven Lanterns Garrison take advantage of opportunities is very like Harley Quinn.

With this thought, Ganser regained some of his senses.

But he is rational and the spirit of existence is completely unable to calm down.

"No, it's impossible. There shouldn't be a trace of death belonging to the Black Death Emperor in the main universe. He has really left. He left the main universe and returned to the dimension of death."

The white light energy on the surface of Hal Jordan's body is expanding, and the expanding white light forms a huge white light creature - the original form of the spirit of existence.

Its cry was high-pitched and rapid, and its voice was full of shock and confusion. "Not only has the Black Death Emperor completely left the main universe, he, he, he is actually actively repairing the cracks between the death dimension and the main universe!"

"Why?" Ganser, who had just returned to some sense, was confused and shocked again, "Why did He do this? What happened?

This is completely different from the prophecy. In the prophecy, the destiny to seal the crack belongs to the great spirit of existence.

Why has it changed so much now? Completely opposite. "

"Pah!" Harry slammed his palm and said angrily: "He has repaired all the passages? Is there any gap left?"

"The passage is being repaired and has not been completed yet." After answering, the spirit of existence realized that the person asking the question was Harley. It stopped again and shouted excitedly: "Witch Harley, what have you done?"

"Isn't it done yet?" Harley's eyes lit up, and she quickly looked around and said, "The crisis is over, you guys clean up the battlefield first. I have something important that I must do immediately."

After saying that, she took out the big cross in public and shouted: "Voice of the sky, send me to sector 666, the small plane of the Black Death's bridgehead."

"Buzz!" A ray of heavenly light fell on her, and she disappeared from the crowd.

"What's going on Harley?"

Things happened one after another, and they were very illogical, leaving the White Lantern Corps a little confused.

"Sector 666, the bridgehead of the Black Death Emperor," Atrocitus shouted, "Is it the small plane where we raided the Black Death Emperor before? Why did Witch Harley go there in such a hurry?"

"Witch Harley can't get up early without any benefit. There must be great benefits there." Lafleeze, the owner of the orange lantern, was eager to give it a try. "How about we go and have a look?"

"Let's go to sector 666! I want to know what shady deal the Witch Harley made with the Black Death Emperor." The Spirit of Existence glanced at the White Lantern Corps and gritted his teeth.

"Please take me with you." Gunther said immediately.

"We are going too. There may be a war waiting for us there." The lamp owners also said.

"Buzz~~~" A bright white light burst out from the spirit of existence, covering everyone around it.

As a supreme-level existence, even if His transmission speed is not as good as the "Light of Heaven", it is not much different.

Less than two minutes after being separated from Harley, they saw her again.

Not only her, but also the Black Death Emperor.

Sure enough, as the spirit of existence thought, the two were communicating.

But it wasn't a secret deal, but they were scolding each other, and the scolding was loud.

"Witch Harley, you beast, I already listened to you and left the main universe, but you still chase me." The Black Death Emperor's sad and angry roar came from another dimension, and his voice was slightly distorted.

"We didn't make any agreement, we didn't swear, we didn't sign a contract, and I didn't make any promises to you." Harley said hurriedly.

The "bridgehead" of the Black Death Emperor is the junction point between the dimensional channel and the main universe when he crosses over.

The Black Death Emperor originally used the power of death to create a small world here. Later, the Seven Lights Army united and relied on the power of the seven lights to locate the "disharmonious death singularity" in the universe, which is this small place. noodle.

After a brief battle, the plane was shattered and finally swallowed by Harley.

At this time, only the violent space-time storm is left here.

But in the gray-white storm, there is a hole with "black smoke" coming out.

Harley's limbs were spread wide, and her palms and soles were firmly pressed against the inner wall of the cave. There was a black tornado column in front of her mouth, sucking out thick "black smoke" from the inside of the cave - the pure power of death.

Although it is difficult to detect with the naked eye, some people with strong mental powers can clearly feel that the hole is slowly healing.

But looking at Harley's appearance, it was obvious that she didn't want the hole to heal quickly.

She even used herself as a scaffold to get stuck in the hole.

There were only two people at the scene, her and the Black Death Emperor. She was stuck in a hole in the main universe, so the only one who could heal the hole was the Black Death Emperor on the other side.

"It's the Black Death Emperor. He actually took the initiative to close the channel connecting the main universe????"

Their outlook on life was strongly impacted, and they felt like their brains were running out of energy.

"No, Black Death Emperor, stop it!" The spirit of existence possessed by Hal was even more excited than them.

It lost its composure and howled toward the cave entrance: "Sealing the cracks in the dimension is my destiny, your destiny is the Blackest Night! Don't do it the other way around."

The crowd was in a mess, what the hell, what is this? !

The big BOSS Black Death Emperor who launched the Black Night actually took the initiative to block the dimensional passage; the Spirit of Existence, as his biggest trump card, told him to stop. Witch Harley was also stuck, unwilling to let the Black Death Emperor get what he wanted.

How could there be such a ridiculous thing in the world?

"Black Death Emperor, come out here. The battle between us is not over yet. The destiny is fixed and cannot be changed." The spirit of existence roared angrily.

Hal was speechless: I asked you to take action before, but your old god was here and said that the time has not come yet. Now that the crisis is over, the Black Death Emperor took the initiative to run away, but you called others to come back and fight for 300 rounds. What nonsense. .

Others didn't know about the Spirit of Existence's cold rejection of Hal, but they had all seen the Spirit of Existence behave before: not saying anything, standing there practicing the sickle technique with the Black Death Emperor, and opening its mouth to howl in pain when it was injured. .

Harley shouted: "Yes, Old Hei, you come out first. Anyway, we are returning to the dimension of death. Going home by yourself is too comfortable, too dull, and not exciting enough."

After all, it was such a catastrophe, and the Blackest Night was off to a good start, so it couldn’t end in a big way.

Why don't you satisfy the wish of the spirit of existence and let it release the killer move that it has been holding back for a long time? It will kill you with one move and shock the whole universe and ordinary living people like us. "

The corner of Gunther's mouth twitched. It seemed that Hal was right. Witch Harley had indeed guessed something, but she refused to follow the "established destiny" routine. The key is that she succeeded.

"That's right, Black Death Emperor, listen to Witch Harley and come out to fight me. The Blackest Night cannot end in such an anticlimactic manner." As soon as Harley finished speaking, the spirit of existence said impatiently.

The corner of Gunther's mouth twitched again, and his cheek muscles twitched as well. The spirit of existence seemed to be driven crazy by the Witch Harley?

"Fuck you, am I stupid?" the Black Death Emperor cursed at the other end.

Originally, Witch Harley "treacherously" said that the war would end while sucking his essence through the hole. He actually had the urge to rush back and kill him randomly.

Seeing the impatient spirit of existence and the White Lantern Corps around it, the Black Death Emperor knew that as long as he went out, a humiliating defeat would be inevitable.

After all, the Spirit of Being is merely taciturn, not stupid.

It is eager to fight with Him to the end of the universe, and it is still calling for destiny, so it must have something to rely on.

This is what Witch Harley calls "the ultimate move that she has been holding back for a long time."

If it was just a killer move, Black Death Emperor wouldn't be afraid.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on the spirits of existence at the same level as himself.

The key is that the witch Harley has arrived at the door of his house, and he has seen with his own eyes how terrifyingly fast she is devouring the power of death.

Seeing his own power being robbed with his own eyes, and the magic mark still having no effect on the plunderer, in addition to being heartbroken, he was also frightened and terrified.

If someone else came to steal his power of death, the Black Death Emperor would only laugh or laugh happily, because the power of death has his magic mark, which can impregnate and distort the thief's soul, and eventually his soul will be stolen from him. The magic power will still return to Him.

What a terrifying monster it is to swallow other people's magic power but not be affected by the magic mark!

The Black Death Emperor even had a little fear of Harley that he didn't even notice.

If He cannot deal with the Spirit of Existence in a short time, the Death Dimension may be sucked dry by her.

But with the White Lantern Corps on his side, he would never be able to instantly kill the spirit of existence.

Therefore, even if you beat Him to death, He would not even leave.

Not only will he not go out, he will also speed up and close the dimensional channel as soon as possible.

Although withdrawn to the death dimension, the Black Hand and part of the Black Lantern Ring still remain in the main universe.

They are all anchor points.

Especially Black Hand, the light ring can be destroyed, Black Hand is already dead and cannot "die" anymore.

As long as Black Hand is dead, He can use him to interfere with the main universe at any time, and even work with Black Hand to instantly open up a new dimensional passage.

Then it invaded the main universe again and set off a new round of the Blackest Night.

In other words, the dimensional channel is now of no use to him.

Instead, because of Witch Harley's greed, it became a huge burden and hidden danger in the death dimension.

"Witch Harley, it was you who suggested that both sides stop fighting and go back to their homes. Now that the ink on the treaty has not dried, you come to invade my world of death. You are unfaithful and shameless!" He cursed loudly.

Hearing this, some of the doubts in everyone's mind were answered: Black Death Emperor's sudden escape was indeed related to the Witch Harley.

But they also had new questions in their minds: How did Witch Harley convince the Black Death Emperor?

Harry clung to the hole sucking the power of death like a leech clinging to human skin, while saying: "First of all, we didn't sign a contract, and we didn't even have time to make a verbal agreement, so you just cursed and ran away.

Secondly, even if there is a peace contract, I have not breached it.

You go back to your death dimension, and I will stay in my main universe.

I am still in the main universe and have not crossed the boundary even half a step, but there is a crack right here, and free energy flows out. If I don't take a few breaths, wouldn't I be a fool? "

The Black Death Emperor was speechless for a moment.

He was threatened by her and was so angry that he didn't even want to say another word to her.

When his hometown is stable, he will invade the main universe again.

Next time, the target may not necessarily be the spirit of existence, but it must be revenge on Witch Harley.

Even if she wanted to sign a peace contract, He would flatly refuse at that time.

"How about we sign a formal non-aggression treaty now?" Harley suggested: "I won't harass your death dimension, and you don't mess with my earth, it's that simple."

The Black Death Emperor is silent and won't go to Earth. How can he seek revenge from you?

"Black Death Emperor, don't be such a shrinking bastard, come out and fight me. This is your destiny. It's a destiny that's fixed and cannot be changed." The spirit of existence was still calling from the side.

It upset Him.

"Witch Harley, if you return all the magic power you stole from me, I will sign a peace contract with you." He said.

"Impossible." Harley's tone was firm, with a hint of helplessness in her firmness. "There are some things I can't decide. Don't even think about why I am immune to your magic attacks. All miracles have a price!"

Harry dared to say it with his conscience. There was not a single lie in his words and he was 100% sincere.

She is immune to his magical attacks and is not affected by the magic mark of death, all thanks to the ninth-level black light defense expertise.

The price of turning on the black light defense is a massive amount of death power.

Naturally, these consumed magic powers cannot be returned to the Black Death Emperor.

"Dog God!!" The Black Death Emperor gritted his teeth. The power of death belonged to him after all. Even after Harley turned his hand, he could vaguely sense where it was going.

It goes to heaven and then it disappears.

"Witch Harley, you and the paradise behind you are waiting for me! I want you to die, and I want to destroy God's Garden of Eden!

I want you from now on to be in the same sorrow that I will come to earth the next moment.

I want you to have no peace and pain every second. "

The Black Death Emperor's voice revealed a resentment that could not be washed away even by the whole world.

"Alas, when will retribution happen? If you threaten me like this, I have no choice but to keep staring at you. Well, staring at your death dimension.

From this moment on, I will look for every crack that connects to the dimension of death, and then suck on it.

When the energy of the death dimension is exhausted, you will be unable to activate the 'Blackest Night' externally. " Harley sighed.

"Go find it, and I will re-strengthen the dimensional barrier so that you won't be able to find a hair." The Black Death Emperor sneered.

Harley pondered for a moment and said: "Although I can't use your law of death, there are a lot of your origins in my body, and they are weakly connected to your death dimension.

If you must go to war, I will accompany you to the end.

You have to be careful every minute and every second in the remaining years. I may take the initiative to break through the dimensional barrier and steal into your dark dimension. "

The Black Death Emperor was shocked, what she said could really happen.

"Then let's give it a try." He gritted his teeth and said resolutely: "From today on, I will start to forge a 'Great Wall of Laws' to completely seal off the communication between the main universe and the dimension of death.

I swear, don’t even think about invading the dimension of death. Every corner of the dimension of death will have my attentive gaze.

I promise, you will smash your head against the solid wall of the plane and be bloody. "

"Diana, please take a look for me." Dachao covered his forehead and murmured: "See if I have been plotted by a spiritual illusion."

"What are you thinking about? Where are the enemies now?" Wonder Woman said inexplicably.

"But I just heard it." Da Chao said blankly: "The Black Death Emperor said that he wanted to build the Great Wall to stop Harley's invasion? Isn't this an auditory hallucination?"

"I heard it too, clearly. It was not an illusion." Oliver said.

"But isn't the intruder the Black Death Emperor? Isn't it because he wants to break the dimensional barrier? Shouldn't it be that we are worried about him coming back again, and then work hard to seal this crack and strengthen the barrier between the main universe and the death dimension? Why all of a sudden? On the other hand, the Black Death Emperor switched from offense to defense?" Da Chao said.

"It's indeed incredible." Oliver smiled bitterly, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, I would have thought that everything that happened before me was a ridiculous satire."

Wonder Woman wondered: "Isn't it normal for Black Death to be afraid that Harley will steal his magic power and try his best to protect his death dimension?"

"It's logically correct, but" Oliver pouted at his surroundings, "look at them, they all look like they're in shock."

Wonder Woman saw Lafleeze muttering to herself in confusion: "How could this happen? Why did this happen?"

Carol said blankly: "What is the meaning of the gathering of seven lanterns? What are the White Lantern Corps here for? The spirit of existence."

"The red light is on, what are we doing? What have we done? What are we going to do? Ahhhh."

Atrocitus pulled his hair violently.

"Destiny has been shattered. This ending is completely beyond the prediction." Gunther looked like he was losing his mind.

There seems to be something wrong with the spirit of existence. The white light on its body is flickering. "Destiny, my destiny, should be for me to resurrect the Black Hand, defeat the Black Death Emperor, and seal the dimensional passage."

Oliver looked at Harley, who was still breathing heavily, and sighed: "I can only say that Harley is a magical person. No matter how dangerous or serious things are, she can pull them in a strange direction."

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