I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1401 Destiny is Determined

Gunther regretted it.

He should have discovered the secret of the Seven Lanterns' prophecy of the Blackest Night earlier.

In other words, he should have thought that since both the green lantern and the blue lantern have prophecies related to the Blackest Night, and the contents of the prophecies are different, then the other five Colored Light Legions may also have prophecies about the Blackest Night.

If he had brought the seven lamp owners together immediately and openly discussed the prophecies related to the Blackest Night, they would not be in such a mess as they are now.

They can analyze the most correct way to save the world early.

But it's not too late now, they can still rely on the secret of prophecy to turn the tide.

Ganse cheered up and sent a message to Hal's spirit: "Hal Jordan, listen to me, I have deciphered all the prophecies of the Blackest Night, and I have found a way to save the world."

Hal quickly asked: "What method?"

At this time, Harley had been talking to the Black Death Emperor for a long time, and it seemed that the conversation had broken down. They were "looking at each other in silence", and they seemed to be having spiritual communication, but judging from the expressions of the two of them, Harley was smiling most of the time. The Black Death Emperor changed his expression one after another, not in a good mood.

——Well, it seems that there will be no good results.

With this thought in his mind, he looked forward to Ganser's method.

"Can you communicate with the spirit of existence now? You maintain a soul connection with it. I need to use your soul as a bridge to communicate directly with it. During this period, you can also participate in the whole process." Gunther said.

This request was not difficult for Hal.

The Spirit of Existence and the Black Death Emperor are both emotional energy entities similar to, but much higher than, lamp beasts.

Howl communicated with the spirits of existence as easily as Ion Man spoke with Fathead Shark.

The only difficulty lies in the spirit of existence itself, whether it is willing to pay attention to Howl.

"Your Majesty, the great light of life, I am an insignificant particle among the billions of lights of life you have sown. Being able to convey my heartfelt voice to you is the greatest honor of my life."

Gunther took the lead and handed over a rainbow fart.

He is not a flattering person.

But after seeing the relationship between the witch Harley and it, he felt that it was a bit petty and had to be treated with caution.

After all, even the witch Harley, who has no regard for the overall situation, always puts the overall situation first this time, strives to protect the spirit of existence, and fights to the death against the Black Death Emperor. But the spirit of existence took a bite of it because of her "little ground". He turned over the table, ignored the Black Death Emperor, and insisted on rebelling against him, making a mess.

Well, don't blame Ganser for tilting his butt towards Harley, thinking that her taking away part of the origin of the spirit of existence is nothing.

It is true that people who have never seen a dog will be very shocked when they see a dog eating shit for the first time. People who are very familiar with dogs will be very disapproving when they see someone shocked by a dog eating shit.

He has seen too many cases of Witch Harley stealing magic power and robbing magic power. She stole the energy of the green light, she devoured the origin of the lamp beast, she deceived Satan's magic power, she plundered the magic power of all demons, and she defrauded all the coffins of the anti-monitors. She even deceived her immediate boss (ghost). At this moment, he felt that it was too normal and reasonable to see her stealing a piece of light of life.

Given her personality, it would be abnormal not to do this.

And she was holding its "sheep" because it attacked her first.

Things happen for a reason and are justified.

Such thoughts made Ganser sit upright during the conflict between the Spirit of Existence and Harley, feeling that the Spirit of Existence was making a fuss out of a molehill and was unreasonable.

When communicating directly with it now, he, a taciturn, arrogant and dull person, suddenly changed his style and began to flatter him shamelessly.

"What do you want to say?"

His flattering attitude did please it. Its tone was very indifferent, but at least it responded to him instead of completely ignoring him.

"Your Majesty the Spirit of Existence, I saw your destiny in the prophecy of the Black Night by the Seven Lantern Corps.

You are the light that dispels darkness.

It is the light of life that saves the dead world.

Blackest Night is a cataclysm directed by Black Death, and it is also a stage for you to show the great meaning of life emotions to the multiverse.

For billions of creatures in the universe, the Blackest Night is a catastrophe.

In this catastrophe, there is only one protagonist, and that is you! "

Ganser's tone was solemn and serious.

These words were not rainbow farts, but the truth he discovered from the Seven Lanterns prophecy.

“At the beginning, I thought that the gathering of seven lights and the unity of seven lights were the key to solving the crisis.

Then I pinned my hopes on the seven Earth Lanterns.

When Hal dispersed the light of life and led to the birth of the White Lantern Corps, I changed my mind again and thought they could defeat the Black Death Emperor.

Facts have proved that I was wrong, the White Lantern Corps can only maintain a stalemate with the Black Death Emperor.

It wasn't until the prophecies of the Seven Legions of Lanterns were put together that it dawned on me.

It turns out that my train of thought had been in the wrong direction all along.

Others are just support, and you are the only one who can defeat the Black Death Emperor. "

"What is the destiny you see in the prophecy?" asked the Spirit of Being.

Ganse said: "The gathering of the seven lanterns is indeed a key step in resolving the crisis, but it does not rely on the unity of the seven lanterns to deal with the Black Death Emperor.

The gathering of the Seven Lanterns has three purposes. First, the seven legions must cooperate to fight against the Black Lantern Corps.

The single colored light army was helpless in front of the black light.

Secondly, the Lord of the Seven Lamps should be your spokesperson.

The Lord of the Seven Lamps is to you what the Black Hand is to the Black Death Emperor.

The Lord of the Seven Lamps should not think about possessing your power and becoming a white lamp.

Their mission is to awaken you from your slumber with the white light of the seven lamps.

Finally, the unity of the seven lamps is not only the unity of power, but also the unity of seven prophecies, pointing out the way forward for us. "

Ganser's tone gradually became excited, "Seven Earth Lanterns are also necessary.

There must be a reason why you, who brought the light of life to the entire multiverse, have been staying on the earth and sleeping in the earth for countless billions of years.

I guess that the human body on earth contains a special radiance of life.

Those lights are your nourishment, and the White Lantern Corps are your weapons, your medium to intervene in this war.

All of us, whether the lamp master, the Seven Lantern Corps or the heroes of the earth, should do our best to serve you. You are the protagonist in resolving this crisis. "

"As expected of the Guardian clan! Ganser, you have completely understood the truth of the Blackest Night." The spirit of existence praised.

When Hal heard this, he finally couldn't help it and said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Spirit of existence, please take action quickly, or whatever you want to do, our White Lantern Corps is willing to be your weapon and medium."

"Hal, don't be anxious." Ganser comforted him: "Things have developed to this point. Although the process has been somewhat tortuous, destiny has not been distorted.

Now all it takes is a thought from His Majesty, and the crisis can be ended immediately. "

"What is destiny? Please explain it clearly." Hal said.

"Your Majesty the Spirit of Existence, can I reveal your destiny to Hal?"

Ganser did not answer immediately, but first respectfully asked the spirit of existence for instructions.

"Yes." The spirit of existence said calmly.

"Hal, you must promise me not to tell anyone else what I will say next, especially the witch Harley." Gunther said solemnly.

Hal was about to ask why, but the Spirit of Existence disagreed and said: "It doesn't matter whether Witch Harley knows it or not. Destiny cannot be changed. It is my destiny and only I can fulfill it!"

Ganser hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know something. Witch Harley is a very evil person. The destiny shown in the Book of Oa has been changed several times because of her."

"Humph, "The Book of Oa"."

The Spirit of Existence didn't finish his words, but his contempt was obvious.

Ganser thought for a while: The seven lanterns were all born from white light. The white light split into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. It can be said that the chief boss of the seven-color army is the spirit of existence. Its personality and cognition must be far beyond "The Book of Oa".

Witch Harley can change the destiny predicted in the "Book of Oa", but it will definitely not affect the spirit of existence,

With this thought, he became calm and said to Hal: "Your Majesty, the Spirit of Existence, can resurrect Black Hand with just one thought.

Black Hand is the key link between Black Death Emperor and the main universe.

Without Black Hand, the current Black Death Emperor can still exist in the main universe, and his strength will not change much for the time being, but his ability to rise from the dead will be greatly reduced.

The current Black Death Emperor is the soul projection of the Black Death Emperor's body in the main universe.

The Black Death Emperor's true body is the dimension of death where he was born.

He is the dimension of death, and the dimension of death is Him.

He is that part of the awakened self within the collective consciousness of the death dimension.

Projecting the self-awareness of the death dimension onto a corpse is the Black Death Emperor we see.

The Black Hand is the anchor that locks our universe.

Even if we seal the rift between the Death Dimension and the Main Universe, Black Death can use the anchor to cast his gaze on our world.

Wherever he looked, as long as there was death or corpses, his consciousness could be easily 'projected' onto it, transforming into the Black Death Emperor.

Without the Black Hand, his consciousness left in the main universe becomes rootless water. Even if it is 'refracted' to another living corpse, there will be some loss in the process of 'refraction'.

Continuously breaking down, sooner or later it will be exhausted.

Well, you can think of the Black Death Emperor's main consciousness as a beam of light, and the black hand as a small hole. The light passes through the small hole and can shine on any corpse in the main universe without attenuation.

This is the reason why the Black Death Emperor continues to resurrect and his strength has not weakened.

Without the black hand and the small hole, the light that has been projected will not disappear. It can be 'refracted' on different corpses, but refraction will cause losses. "

"So, before the Black Death Emperor invades the main universe, he must first find the Black Hand. He is his spokesperson. With him, he can activate the Blackest Night that cannot be cracked by others except the spirit of existence.

Witch Harley has weird methods and superb martial arts skills, but Black Death's actual combat experience is not as good as hers. Her God coming down to earth seems to be completely immune to his death power.

If there was no black hand, she would just kill Him a few more times and the Blackest Night would be over.

There are black hands.

She also seems to have discovered that Black Hand is the key, and has now kidnapped him.

It's a pity it's useless.

Even if she guessed that the Black Hand was the key, or even judged that resurrecting the Black Hand would cut off the Black Death Emperor's connection with the dimension of death, there was nothing she could do.

Because she was unable to verify her conjecture, she could not resurrect the Black Hand, and perhaps not even God could, or rather, God was not willing, because the price was too high, and Heaven could not afford it.

But for His Majesty, the Spirit of Existence, resurrecting the Black Hand is just a thought.

‘The resurrection of the dead’ belongs to His Majesty’s authority. "

Ganser looked at Hal and sighed; "Now you understand why I said that His Majesty is the protagonist and destiny? The so-called destiny is the mission destined by God to be completed only by it.

The Seven Lanterns can't do it, the White Lantern Corps can't do it, and the Witch Harley can't do it. Only His Majesty, the Spirit of Existence, can do it. "

"Gunther, you are a wise man worthy of respect." After listening to his long speech, the spirit of existence was very moved, and even his tone became much gentler, "You have almost completely figured out the secret of the universe.

It’s as clear and clear as looking at the lines in the palm of your hand, amazing! "

"Your Majesty, thank you. It was only after seeing your great power and combining it with the complete prophecy of the Black Night that I barely came into contact with some of the truth of the universe." Ganser said modestly, but he was inevitably a little proud in his heart.

Even if the Lords of the Seven Lanterns all praise him, his mood will not fluctuate at all.

But it is the spirit of existence!

White light is the collection of all colors of light, and it is the perfect existence that the Maltus people dream of.

The meaning of its praise to him is unparalleled. Well, wrong, second only to the Witch Harley.

Hal couldn't feel Gunther's excitement, nor could he understand it, but he completely understood Gunther's words.

After hearing this, Hal had more doubts in his heart.

"Gunther, what do you mean, as long as His Majesty the Spirit of Existence resurrects Black Hand, half of the crisis will be resolved? And then if we slowly grind to death the will of the Black Death Emperor projected in the main universe, the Blackest Night will be over? "

"Perhaps it's simpler than what you said." Ganser said in a respectful tone: "If Your Majesty is willing to take action, it is not impossible to send the Black Death Emperor back to his hometown with one move without waiting for time.

At least that's what the prophecy says. "

"Well, your prophecy is a description of my destiny. As long as I am willing, it is not too difficult to deal with the Black Death Emperor." The spirit of existence said lightly.

Hal was puzzled: "Then why have you never taken action, Your Majesty? Even if you were struck by the Black Death Emperor with a scythe."

It screamed when it was chopped.

"You won't die?" he asked curiously.

"Life is endless, I will never die." The spirit of existence said.

Hal's heart moved, and he thought of Harley's conjecture about the spirit of existence: it is a collection of life emotions of all living beings. It did not create all living beings, but the emotions of everyone made it. Killing it cannot eliminate all living things. On the contrary, killing all living things will definitely cause it to perish.

Thinking of this, and then carefully thinking about the words of the spirit of existence, Hal suddenly felt horrified.

When the spirit of existence howled after being chopped, the living people also howled in pain, and they also vaguely felt that their lives were weakening as the spirit of existence was wounded.

Is it possible that their weak life is not directly caused by the Black Death Emperor's attack, but that the Black Death Emperor's attack injured the spirit of existence, and then the spirit of existence extracted life emotions from all living beings to restore itself?

Even if they howl in pain, is it sharing the pain among everyone?

Therefore, it doesn't care about the Black Death Emperor's attack at all.

It's not weak or hurt at all.

As long as there are living people in this universe, it will continue to extract life emotions from the creatures in the universe.

The thought filled him with fear.

He used his strong will to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart and asked: "Even if you won't die, there is no need to be patient all the time. Why don't you deal with the Black Death Emperor as soon as possible?"

The spirit of existence said calmly: "The time has not yet come."

Ganser explained for it: "The destiny had not yet arrived, and the White Lantern Corps had not yet appeared."

Hal wondered: "Didn't it mean that His Majesty the Spirit of Existence resurrected the Black Hand in one thought and eliminated the Black Death Emperor in one move? What is the use of the White Lantern Corps?"

The spirit of existence is the protagonist, and everyone else is a supporting role. Does the protagonist need to wait for the supporting role?

"This" Gunther hesitated and turned to the Spirit of Existence, "Do you need the 'Light of the Earth's Creatures' from the White Lantern Corps?"

The Spirit of Existence was silent for a while, and then admitted euphemistically: "Gancer, you are constantly refreshing my understanding of you. You are by no means an insignificant particle among the billions of lights of life.

With your wisdom and knowledge of the universe, you should be a shining star. "

It kind of wants him to be the guardian of the white light.

"Your Majesty is so complimentary." Ganser's mental fluctuations revealed a trace of joy and pride.

Hal asked in a dry voice: "What is the light of the earth's creatures?"

His previous conjecture is becoming more and more true, and the spirit of existence can extract life emotions from living people.

"You have seen the White Lantern Corps I selected. What do they have in common?" the spirit of existence asked.

"They are all righteous superheroes."

"What I need is the light of life fused with the power of justice." The Spirit of Existence said.

"After integrating the power of justice, can the light of life produce special effects on the Black Death Emperor?" Hal asked.

The spirit of existence asked: "Can you understand what I say? Do you know what the power of justice is?"

Hal said honestly: "There is speculation that during the previous multi-restart crisis, we rebuilt the Heroes' Paradise under the leadership of Harley.

Old Superman and old Lois are in heaven.

Nowadays, lost people who have love in their hearts have the opportunity to see it.

It is the morning star of love.

And it was built by Harley extracting our 'power of justice'. "

The spirit of existence was surprised, "It seems that you are also a wise man who understands the truth of the universe very well."

——Harley never hesitates to share her discoveries, so that our heroes on Earth are all "smarts" and will not be easily fooled by you.

Hal complained in his heart and said respectfully: "What is the use of the power of justice?"

"The light of life combined with the power of justice can make the Black Death Emperor inaccessible to the multiverse of light. Being rejected by this world is equivalent to a seal."

"I don't quite understand." Hal said,

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just need to know that I have prepared enough Light of Justice Life to easily defeat the Black Death Emperor.

Destiny is established and is in my hands. "The spirit of existence said proudly.

"Then seal him quickly!" Hal urged.

"The time has not come yet." The tone of the spirit of existence became indifferent again.

"How long will it take?" Hal already had a suspicion in his mind and asked with anxiety.

The Spirit of Being does not speak.

Ganser said: "Your Majesty, leave the rest of the work to me. I will talk to Hal."

"Yes." The spirit of existence cut off the spiritual connection with them.

"Alas, the key lies with Witch Harley." Gunther said.

"you mean?"

Ganse pondered and said: "The first step is to make her relent, apologize sincerely, and then return the source of the white light; the second step -"

Hal shouted, "You don't need the second step, you can't even take the first step."

Ganser sighed: "Don't I understand the character of Witch Harley? But this is destiny, and destiny cannot be violated! I have said so much before, but I am actually explaining to you to let you understand the 'protagonist' of the spirit of existence status.

You should repeat my words to Witch Harley, in a gentler tone, so that she understands the current form, and she should be able to understand. "

"You think she's stupid? She can't think of things that you can figure out?" Hal said with a bitter smile.

"She doesn't know the entire set of prophecies of the Seven Lantern Corps. No matter how smart she is, it's useless." Gunther frowned.

Hal shook his head and said: "You think you have more information, but have you forgotten that Harley directly absorbed the origins of black lights and white lights?

There is a secret in the power.

Her knowledge of the Spirit of Existence and the Black Death Emperor is definitely far greater than yours. "

"I'm not trying to compete with her in wisdom. If she really has a rough understanding of the situation as you guessed, it will be easier for you to explain." Gunther said.

"If she really understands but acts like she doesn't understand at all, then her attitude is very clear." Hal sighed.

Ganse said: "With such a destiny, what can she do? Can she consume the spirit of existence?

I hope you understand, and I hope you can make her understand that we have no choice, and she has no choice. There is only one way to end the Blackest Night, and that is to rely on the Spirit of Existence. "

"Oh, I understand."

Halmo had no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh, preparing to send a message to Harley.

He really didn't want to do this, but Gunther made it clear. At least he now understood that fate was inevitable, and Harley——

"Witch Harley, you are so cruel!"

He just turned his head, and the Black Death Emperor, who had been silent, suddenly shouted angrily: "But I swear, although this Blackest Night is over, the grudge between you and me has just begun.

There is also the spirit of existence, I will not let it go, you just wait for me."

The lingering sound lingered, but before it dissipated, the Black Death Emperor disappeared without a trace.

"Crash!" All the living corpses within the field of vision withered into a pile of rotten bones.

The dark aura that enveloped the sky was like the dark sky before dawn, torn apart and melted by the golden sunlight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What did the Black Death Emperor just say? The Blackest Night is over? What about the destiny of the spirit of existence?" Hal was both surprised and confused.

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