I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1403 The Essence of the Black Death Emperor

"Are we going back like this?" Dachao asked, looking at Harley blankly.

Harley looked back at the dimensional crack. The hole that once could fit her whole body into has been completely healed an hour later. There is not even a crack left, and there is not even a ray of breath coming from the death on the other side. Dimensions flow out.

"What are you still doing here? Or do you want to find cracks in other dimensions?"

Dachao smiled bitterly and said: "There is no need for me to search. The Black Death Emperor is building the Great Wall across the way at the moment. I mean, is this Black Night crisis completely over?"

Harley raised her chin in the direction of the lamp owner, "They are the experts. They have the prophecy of the Blackest Night, and they also have a great god on the same level as the Black Death Emperor."

The spirit of existence is staying with the lamp owners at the moment.

Its state is very special. It neither uses Hal as its host nor completely separates from Hal's body.

Like a floating spirit, it was suspended behind Hal, but its lower body was connected to Hal's back.

Harley and the Black Death Emperor battled in the cave for more than an hour. During this period, the lantern masters first approached Ganser, then were introduced by Ganser, and finally got involved with the spirit of existence.

At this time, in the space-time storm outside the dimensional rift, a group of people were roughly divided into three factions. One was the lamp owner, and the other was the White Lantern Corps composed of earth's superheroes.

The last group is the Archimedes airship that has just arrived at the scene, containing a large group of earthlings who have nothing to do with emotional energy.

Harley now climbed onto the Archimedes airship, and Superboy left the White Lantern Corps and came over alone.

"They have been discussing the destiny there." Dachao said with a strange expression: "According to the prophecy of the Blackest Night, the destiny belongs to the white lamp. It is supposed that the spirit of existence should resurrect the black hand and kill the projection of the Black Death Emperor in the universe."

Damian curled his lips and said disapprovingly: "Who determined the destiny?"

Bateman gently and quietly poked his back with his finger: So many big guys here have not spoken. You, a hero trainee who has been training for less than two and a half years, must have the consciousness of being a trainee. Also, don’t use a sinister tone when speaking.

Perhaps father and son are connected in spirit, or perhaps this is not the first time Damian has been fingered. He lowered his eyes, pursed his lips tightly, and looked much more honest.

Da Chao said: "Destiny is God. Well, it should be the fate arranged by God. In the established destiny trajectory, only the person chosen by God can complete the final rescue mission.

Gunther said that Harley broke fate and created a new destiny. He was very shocked because the destiny that Harley broke belonged to the supreme light of life. "

"What does 'Heaven' mean?" Mr. Zhuo Zhi asked.

Dachao said uncertainly: "Should it be fate itself, or the origin of the universe? Anyway, the sky is huge, one level higher than God."

"Bah, bah, bah, who did you listen to such rebellious words?" Louise said eagerly: "No matter what others say, you can't follow them. Remember, God is the highest!"

Her tone was urgent, but there was a smile on her face and eyes. After returning from Dachao's resurrection, her heart was always filled with joy and joy, and the joy in her heart also spread to her face.

There was so much despair and sorrow before, but now there is the same amount of happiness.

However, these words were not meant to be flirting with her husband. After finding out from Selena the reason why she had done "good" things in her life but was guilty of hundreds of thousands of sins, she began to accumulate virtue verbally and stopped saying anything that slandered God. If so, don't let your family talk about it.

Especially in public places, the greater the influence, the more sin.

"Let's go back to Earth first. They believe in destiny, so let them do their own research." After being interrupted by Louise, Harley lost interest in continuing the conversation.

"Aren't you going to meet them?" Dachao said hesitantly: "I heard them say that the spirit of existence can easily resurrect the person it wants to resurrect."

As he spoke, he glanced at the stretcher at the back of the cabin.

Dinah was standing guard there, with Blackhand and Supergirl lying on two stretchers.

"If you have any ideas, tell the Spirit of Existence first, and then ask Hal to help. If I get involved, it will only be counterproductive." Harley said.

"Well, I understand. The White Lantern Corps will go back with the lamp owners."

Da Chao exited the blimp thoughtfully.

"Ivy, start the boat."

Harley didn't give others a chance to come looking for her.

When the airship entered the super-light channel, Bateman pursed his lips and asked: "Harley, you have absorbed a lot of white light sources, why don't you use those sources to resurrect the dead?"

"I can't do it." Harley explained: "To cast a kind of magic, you need at least two things, one is magic power, and the other is a spell involving relevant laws.

It can be simply understood as magic and law.

Magic power is equivalent to electrical energy, and the rules are various types of electrical appliances. Electric energy drives different electrical appliances and produces different effects.

For ordinary mages, magic and law are separate.

When mages reach the realm of masters, they begin to understand their own laws. Their magic power and laws perfectly fit and are exclusive to each other, and even blend into each other.

The product of the fusion of law and magic is the ‘origin’.

I snatched the origin of the Parallax Monster from the Parallax Monster, and also extracted the yellow light energy from the Yellow Light Ring. On the surface, they are both fear and emotional energy, but the former is the source and the latter is the magic power. "

"What you got is the white light source, not the white light magic power. The white light source contains magic power and rules. It lacks nothing. Isn't it just right that it can resurrect people?" Old Flash asked.

Barry first became a blue light and then a white light, but the old Flash Jay didn't even get a seven-color light ring, and now he is staying with the heroes of Earth.

"The key is that I can only use magic power and cannot drive the source." Harley sighed helplessly: "The source is the law and the 'compound' of the magic power corresponding to the law. To use it, you must be proficient in the laws of the source."

So far, she has stolen the five sources of emotional energy: yellow light, red light, green light, black light, and white light, but only the fear of yellow light is innately compatible with her.

She can use her fear source to intimidate others and absorb other people's fears to replenish her yellow light energy.

The remaining four sources can only exert the most basic abilities of emotional energy.

The biggest use for Harley is actually to be integrated into the stomach wall to create a copycat origin wall.

For example, when she used the power of death to deal with Sinestro in the White Lamp Lord state, she was unable to resurrect the dead like the Black Hand, nor could she control the Black Lamp living corpse, just to keep up with her energy level.

Coupled with the special effect of the defensive force field reducing the energy level of the White Lantern Lord, she actually has the upper hand in energy level, so she can spit out black smoke and suck Sinestro's white light sword into her belly.

If she had used the power of the yellow lantern to deal with the white lantern, and exerted a lot of strength, she could only exert one point of effect, and the effect would not be very good.

After all, monochromatic spectrum energy can't even affect ordinary black light zombies.

Harley continued: "Let's use electricity and household appliances as examples. The origin can be simply understood as appliances with their own electric energy.

Jay, I randomly brought a complex set of scientific research electronic equipment from an alien planet. Can you play with it? "

"Give me the instructions and I will be able to operate it skillfully in two days at most." Jay said confidently.

Uncle Sam shook his head and said: "Understanding the laws is much more difficult than using electrical appliances.

Or you throw a complex set of medical electronics at primitive people and let them use it.

What Harley means is that to fully activate the power of the source, you must be able to control the laws of the source.

If Harley can freely control the laws of the origin, it means that she has understood this law.

Obviously, Harley is just a defensive warrior god. She doesn't understand the laws of life at all, and she can't use it even if she gets the source of white light. "

Harley nodded, it was easier to understand whether it was professional knowledge or professionals.

"Since you can't use it, why are you so active in robbing others of their origins?" Louise asked strangely.

Uncle Sam glanced at Harley and sighed: "The origin contains laws, the fundamental laws of a god and demon.

She can't use it and doesn't understand those laws, but she can steal the wisdom in other people's laws.

Just like our latest F-series fighter jets, even if a screw falls outside, it must be found immediately.

To avoid being picked up by spies from hostile countries, stealing our technology, or even developing targeted weapons.

The hidden danger of source being stolen is much more serious than the leakage of science and technology.

Technology is learned secretly, and at most two people know the technology.

The law has a very strong uniqueness, and it also contains the secret of a god's lifelong practice.

Therefore, the origin is the foundation of gods and demons.

This is also the reason why every being whose origin was stolen by Harley hates her to the core.

Stealing the source is a matter of sworn hatred. "

"Oh, that's it." After hearing these words, everyone felt a sudden realization.

When they looked at Harry again, their eyes became a little strange.

——Having stolen so many origins from others, and stolen so many origins from supreme beings, Harley should be the number one villain in the supernatural world, right?

"You have stolen so much, can you learn from it?" Louise couldn't help but ask.

Harley shook her head and said: "I have never stolen anyone's secret of origin, and I have no plans to do so in the future."

Her level of magic is still that of a great mage. She has not even condensed her own laws. She is half-hearted and takes another path that is not suitable for her. She does twice the result with half the result. Isn't she a fool?

When one day in the future, she encounters a bottleneck and her own path is gone, Harley will take the initiative to study other people's paths.

Even if you do research, you will first study the origin of the defensive type, then check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and selectively steal according to your needs at the time.

However, Halle feels she will never hit a wall.

Because her bottleneck is experience points.

As long as she has enough experience, she can level up infinitely.

"If you don't have the idea of ​​stealing the secret of the origin, why would you steal someone else's origin?" Louise looked suspicious, as did the heroes around her.

It was Uncle Sam who explained: "A large amount of magic power is concentrated in the source. You can accumulate huge magic power without studying other people's laws.

Do you think Harry has only been practicing for a few years? She is not yet 30 years old.

But she already has three divine favors, Dinah, Neptune, and Wonder Woman, and all three of them have received massive amounts of divine power from her.

Where did those divine powers come from? "


Harley didn't want to talk to them about stealing magic anymore, so she stood up and walked to the back of the cabin to look at Supergirl carefully. Her body began to emit a slight corpse odor.

"Where's her black light ring?"

"It probably broke. Many living corpses lost their light rings at that time. However, I also noticed that some of the light rings did not break. They flew away." Dinah said seriously.

Harley said: "This is normal. There were too many black light rings before, which was not the norm. Now it has probably been reduced to the same level as the Seven Color Legion, with thousands or hundreds of rings.

If the black lamp loses its central energy battery, it will not be able to support too many lamp rings, but not all of them will be useless. "

"Will they become a hidden danger and lead to the second Blackest Night?" Bateman asked with a frown.

"Didn't you see the change in the black light furnace? If you want to trigger the second Black Night, you must first create another 'ultimate' lamp furnace. But how can there be so many unlucky Supremes in the world?" Harley road.

"I was just about to ask you, what happened in the Black Lantern Furnace? Who is Mobius? From the tone of the Black Death Emperor, it seems that he is rebelling against supervision?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, it is indeed an anti-supervision." Harley said with a smile: "At the beginning of the war between the Yellow and Green Legions, wasn't it me who tricked the anti-supervision and let the angry young Superboy beat him to death?

At that time, its body happened to fall in sector 666 and was picked up by the Black Death Emperor.

The Black Death used his body to forge a lamp furnace and used his soul as the wick to create the most powerful lamp furnace in history.

The Black Lantern can have so many Lantern Rings and maintain such a huge Black Lantern zombie army, all because of the counter-monitoring lamp furnace.

The energy for forging the lamp ring comes from the source of anti-supervision.

The computing power to maintain the orderly operation of the legion comes from the anti-monitoring soul.

The anti-monitoring brain is the most powerful computer mastermind.

By the way, the anti-supervision body also provides extremely powerful defense for the lamp furnace.

The white light of seven lights in one is actually not weak, but using white light to attack anti-monitor armor is unprofessional!

At that time, Dachao was asked to go up and punch a few times, but he couldn't believe that the lamp stove had cracked.

Those who resisted supervision were almost "eat three fishes out of one". From the inside out, they were cramped, skinned, bones removed and flesh cut, and they were squeezed to the limit. It was so miserable, hahaha."

"You said that 'Mobius' is your good friend, and you are smiling so happily now. Is it really okay?" Louise said strangely.

"What I'm laughing at is the Demon Prisoner. What does it have to do with my good friend Mobius?" Harley said seriously.

"I thought you would laugh and taunt loudly like you do now when you see the anti-monitor's soul inside the lamp furnace," Louise said.

"Alas, who told me to be the guardian of the blue light of mercy and have a soft and kind heart?" Harry sighed: "Seeing His miserable appearance, I only have sentimentality and sympathy in my heart, how can I still laugh? Gotta come out.

Now that he is no longer here, and has long since escaped the ordeal, he no longer needs my sympathy. Of course, I can laugh heartily at the enemy's misfortune. "

Although they all thought she was talking nonsense, following her train of thought, her fallacies seemed to hold water?

"In the future, when the Demon Prisoner is resurrected, will he come to you to settle old grievances?" Uncle Sam asked.

"That depends on whether he has a conscience."

Bateman said thoughtfully: "Is this your purpose? To be kind to others and make them feel guilty the next time they plot against you and the earth. After all, anti-monitoring will only lead to trouble and will never die."

Harley shrugged and said nothing.

"The Demon Superintendent is so unlucky, isn't he? The universe is so big, how come it happens to be right next to the Black Death Emperor?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"Destiny is like this, what can I do? Speaking of which, he is also a miserable person." Harley sighed.

"Are you saying that the Demon Prisoner's encounter with the Black Death Emperor was an arrangement of fate? A destiny similar to the spirit of existence?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's just a coincidence. To us, that's too far away and it's not important."

Harley frowned and looked at Supergirl's body, "At this moment, while the spirit of existence's 'destiny' is still there, the top priority is to let it resurrect our companions."

"Dick and Jason were killed before. You went to heaven to look for their souls and found that their souls were missing. Now that the Blackest Night is over, are their souls freed from the shackles of the black light ring?" Bateman asked in a low voice. road.

Harley shook her head and said, "According to my observation, at least Supergirl's soul is still connected to this corpse."

"Kara is trapped in a body now?"

Seeing her sister-in-law in such a miserable state, Louise's face was also full of worry.

"No, her soul is suspected to have entered the 'dimension of death'. The corpse is the passage between the death dimension and the real world. It seems that the passage has not been closed yet, so there is still a possibility of resurrection."

"Is it the 'Death Dimension' of the Black Death Emperor?" Bateman asked.

"I'm not sure." Harley frowned. If the Black Death Emperor was, as he said, "the incarnation of death," then Kara's soul must be in that death dimension.

But the Black Death Emperor cannot be the incarnation of death, because the embodiment of DC's death rules is the "Second Sister".

Based on the performance of the Black Death Emperor, his authority over the law of death is so great that he has every reason to call himself "the incarnation of death."

"Now I have to confirm the death authority of the Black Death Emperor and figure out what kind of existence he is."

Harley turned her gaze to Black Hand, "I hope Old Black can talk to me calmly."

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