"Abinsu? Is it Abinsu, the greatest Green Lantern in history, or someone with the same name?" Harley asked in surprise.

"That's Green Lantern Abin Sue. He formed the Green Lantern Corps. He is also our guardian." Qingnv said.

"Isn't Abin Sue a Green Lantern? How could he establish the Green Lantern Corps? Why?" Wonder Woman asked in confusion.

“He saw the prophecy of the Blackest Night and became suspicious of the Green Lantern Guardians. In order to deal with this crisis, he avoided his Green Lantern companions and Green Lantern Guardians, and established the Green Lantern Corps on the uninhabited edge of the universe.

He warned us not to reveal our identities. Once the Guardians know about the existence of the Green Lantern Corps, they will immediately eliminate the Green Lanterns. Whether it is for the control of the emotional spectrum energy or to avoid the color-light war.

He knew the Guardians' attitude towards the Black Night. They were very afraid of the arrival of the Black Night, but they hid the secret of the Black Night.

Abinsu even suspected that the Black Night appeared because of some mistake committed by the Guardian in the past.

At least Abinzu is sure that the Guardians avoided the prophesied battle of the Colored Light by prohibiting the appearance of other Colored Light Legions.

If they know the existence of the Green Lantern Corps, it will definitely cause a conflict between the Green Lantern and the Green Lantern, which will lead to the early outbreak of the color-light war.

So we hide our tracks until the darkest night falls.

Now the battle of color and light has broken out. In addition to Qingdeng, the six legions of red, yellow, green, blue and orange are fighting in a chaotic mess. "

The young girl proudly raised her chin and looked down at the "little" Harley next to her at a height of two meters, "The warning left by the guardian at least helped us avoid the battle of lust and light.

The other six legions were all guilty of provoking the war between sex and light, but Qing Deng was the only one who was innocent! "

Harley said: "Yes, if there are 100 sins in the Sex and Light War, you haven't accounted for any of them.

You have been hiding in the dark and refused to even send a message to the outside world.

But you clearly have the most critical information.

Not to mention that I have an obligation to tell everyone, Abinsu’s purpose of forming the Blue Lantern Corps - for the Blackest Night, was not fulfilled well. "

"You can't blame us for this. We only know that the dead return in the Blackest Night, but we don't know when the Blackest Night will come. There is no way to warn in advance.

If I issued a warning yesterday morning, and as a result, there were no black lights scattered across the universe at night, nor even a month later, guess what would happen? "

Qingnv looked at Harley and said word by word: "We will also be involved in the war of lust and light!"

Harley tapped her chest with her thumb, "Why don't you come to me? Didn't the prophecy you Qing Lan saw involve the earth?

As long as you come to me quietly, how can you be discovered?

Or do you think I'll betray you to the Green Lantern Corps? "

"Today is my first time coming to Earth, and it's also my first time seeing you. I haven't even heard of you before." Qingnv said.

"You haven't even heard of my name?" Harley observed her micro-expression suspiciously, and there seemed to be no trace of lying.

"Don't you know about so many cosmic crises? Abinsu died before Crisis on Infinite Earths, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, and Multidimensional Restart. Such big movements should be felt no matter how remote they are, right?"

"We know that the universe has changed, but we don't care. Our existence is only for today." Qingnv said.

Harley was speechless.

She had nothing to say, and the heroes still had many questions.

"Is it easy to establish the Green Lantern Corps? Why did Abinsu do it secretly? It was so difficult for Kyle to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps back then." Mr. Excellence asked puzzledly.

"I don't know the process of Abinsu forging the Qinglan lantern furnace." Qingnv shook her head.

Hal thought for a while and said: "Actually, I can also forge the lamp furnace. When Kyle rebuilt the Legion, the key was not the lamp furnace, but the dead guardians living a second life.

If Abinsu has enough authority and has the opportunity to read the forbidden chapters of the "Book of Oa", and his willpower is strong enough, it is not impossible to learn the technology of making lamps and furnaces.

The Guardians have used Abinsu as an example to warn me many times. They said that Abinsu was almost abandoned by his own Green Lantern Ring due to fear and suspicion, so he was easily harmed by Atrocitas.

Atrocitus didn't even use the power of the red light at that time.

Therefore, I guess that the weakening of Abinsu's connection with the green lantern ring is probably related to his forging the green lantern furnace and the lantern ring.

During that time, he must have taken off the green light ring. From then on, he closed his mind and no longer had complete spiritual communication with the light ring. "

"Why did Saint Walker and Qingnu see the 'Darkest Night Prophecy' differently, and it was different from the green light?" Da Chao said.

"I don't know." Hal smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Like you, I just learned that they also have their own prophecies."

Bateman said solemnly: "Is it possible that each of the Lantern Corps can glimpse part of the truth of the Blackest Night, and when combined together, it is a complete prophecy?"

"It's possible, but it's difficult to become a reality before the arrival of the Blackest Night." Hal sighed: "We, the Green Lantern Corps, first saw the part of the 'Battle of Color and Light', so the Guardians resolutely prohibit color light other than Green Lantern. Legion appears.

When encountering lanterns of other colors, the Guardians will not consider whether they can see different prophecies, but will immediately disband them to avoid the emergence of the color-light war, thereby preventing the arrival of the Blackest Night. "

"This simply forms a perfect closed loop that completely invalidates the prophecy." Neptune complained.

"The prophecy is not completely useless. At least we now know that using green light to fuse other colors of light can destroy the black light ring. We know that the earth has a special position in this crisis and must strengthen protection." Hal said.

Mr. President said hurriedly: "Yes, the earth needs more protection. It is best for each legion to send a troop to help us clean up the black lights."

Hal shook his head and said: "The war between lust and light has not stopped yet. The top priority is to form an alliance."

"The War of Color and Light is divided into several camps. What is the format?" Dachao asked.

Hal scratched the back of his head and said in a dull voice: "Blue Lantern and Green Lantern are barely allies, but the only one who supports us is Saint Walker. Blue Lantern is fighting against Orange Lantern, and the owner of Orange Lantern wants to steal Blue Lantern's energy.

We have no spare energy to support blue lights because we are facing huge challenges from red lights and yellow lights.

The Yellow Lantern and the Red Lantern also went to war with the Purple Lantern at the same time, because the Purple Lantern robbed Sinestro and some members of the Yellow Lantern and Red Lantern. "

"It sounds so confusing." Diana frowned.

"It's true that except for the Green Lantern, the other legions are at war. But why? Why did the Lord of the Orange Lantern steal the energy of the Blue Lantern, and why did the Purple Lantern steal Sinestro, the Yellow Lantern, and the Red Lantern members?" Da Chao frowned. Face said.

"The orange lantern represents greed. The owner of the orange lantern is tortured by the greed in his heart all the time, and the energy of the blue lantern of hope can give him the long-lost peace and satisfaction.

For the Lord of the Orange Lantern, satisfaction is the most precious and unattainable 'treasure'.

As for the purple light"

Hal sighed and said helplessly: "Over the years, purple lights and green lights have coexisted, and both sides have a mature concept.

Purple Lantern also insists on justice and peace, and resolutely fights against evil and injustice. Well, the evil in their eyes may be more focused on love.

Heartless people are not necessarily evil people, but from Zi Deng's point of view, they are the most evil. "

Speaking of this, his expression became a little uncomfortable. He had been tortured a lot by Purple Lantern Carol in the past few years. The reason.

In fact, Selena and Louise, the wives of heroes who live a happy life, don’t need to be wary of Carol. Unless they betray their heroic husbands and become American Pan Jinlian, Purple Lantern Carol will not cause trouble for them. .

"But generally speaking, the Purple Lanterns are on the side of justice. In recent months, the remnants of the Yellow Lanterns have gone crazy, bloodbathed the planet, and robbed women and children - they specifically targeted the Green Lanterns and took away the Green Lanterns' children.

They even kidnapped Blitz, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy.

These behaviors completely crossed the line that the Purple Lantern Corps could tolerate.

So, they began to capture the yellow lantern demons and brainwash them with the Dream Crystal of Love.

As a result, there was an unexpected conflict with the red light.

Well, didn’t the Red Lantern Demon kidnap Sinestro some time ago?

Now Sinestro has fallen into the hands of the Purple Lantern Corps again and been stuffed into the Dream Crystal of Love, using love to cleanse his dirty and cruel soul. "

Speaking of Sinestro's unfortunate deeds, Hal became happy and couldn't help but smile.

"What is the Dream Crystal of Love?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

Hal said: "It is similar to the high-tech prison of our Green Lantern Corps, but it is made of huge amethysts, made of the power of love.

Sealing a person inside is equivalent to continuously flooding his brain and soul with the emotional energy of love.

Many cosmic villains have been sealed in crystals for a few years and turned into good people full of love in their hearts. They may not be very good, but people who know how to love are definitely better than cruel and loveless people. "

"It seems pretty good." Harley nodded.

"It's evil to twist people's character and soul, isn't it!" Dachao frowned.

——If this is not evil, then the "Seven People" brainwashing the villain's memory is nothing.

Harley said: "Maybe it's not absolute justice, but it's not easy for a purple light at one end of the emotional spectrum to achieve this.

Moreover, to say that the character is twisted, I don’t think so.

Comparing the character to a big tree, the character of a cruel person without 'love' is like a tree with a crooked neck, very twisted.

Now straighten the crooked neck, just so that it doesn't twist.

How can this be considered evil? "

Dachao was stunned for a moment. Her "Crooked Neck Tree" theory seemed to make sense. No, as long as it violated "absolute justice", it didn't matter if it sounded reasonable.

"Sinestro is now a 'good guy with love'?" Barry asked curiously.

Hal shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's difficult. Purple Lantern's Dream Crystal of Love is not effective for everyone, especially those with strong will. Moreover, the transformation process is very long. It can take as short as three to five months and as long as it lasts for dozens of years." Years, how long is it now?”

"It's not bad. It takes three to five months to make a villain fall in love. The efficiency is even higher than my 'game-based therapy'.

Maybe we should establish friendly diplomatic relations with Zi Leng.

In the future, if you encounter unruly villains, you can send them to the planet Zamaron and let the purple lantern beauties help train them. " Harley laughed.

Qingnv glanced at her and couldn't help but said: "Compared with our green lanterns, the efficiency of purple lanterns is so low that it is almost zero."

"Oh, I wonder if you have any good ways to transform villains?" Harley asked curiously.

"It's very simple, put a green lantern ring on him."

"Is this considered punishment?" President Abao shouted, "How about you punish me?"

Qingnv glanced at him and said, "You can come to me and try."

Hal coughed a few times and said: "In addition to the battle between blue lanterns and orange lanterns, and the war between purple lanterns and red and yellow lanterns, there is also a civil war within the yellow lanterns.

Sinestro was first arrested by our green lantern, then kidnapped by the red lantern, and now he is in the hands of the purple lantern. Villains like the yellow lantern demon have no credibility and loyalty at all. They believe that the strong are respected, whoever is stronger Just listen to whoever it is.

As a result, Sinestro was gradually abandoned by them from the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, another red lantern demon, Mongo II, emerged at the speed of light. He was more cruel and domineering than Sinisto, and seemed to be more powerful.

The Yellow Lantern Corps split into two factions. "

"Meng Ge II, is Meng Ge's son?" Bateman asked.

Hal said "hmm" with a complicated expression.

"It's so chaotic." After hearing this, even Harry started scratching his head, "The six legions don't even have a faction. You beat me, I beat him, he beats you. It's a mess, crazy and disorderly.

It is indeed the prophesied ‘War of Color and Light’, the calamity qi confuses people’s minds. "

"The chaos must end." Hal said seriously: "Only the combined efforts of the seven lights can end the Darkest Night.

I will leave the earth immediately and strive to end the war as soon as possible and allow the seven legions to unite. "

"What can we do for you?" Da Chao glanced at Harley, "How about letting Harley be the intermediary and calling all the legion leaders together for a meeting in her name?"

Hal wanted to say loudly: Superman, please wake up. Don't you know what Harley's reputation is? How dare the lanterns and lantern demons carrying the energy of the lantern rings come?

"No need, I already have a complete plan. Blue Lantern and Green Lantern have already formed an alliance with us. Next, I will convince Carol. She now has a high status in the Purple Lantern Corps, almost equivalent to the deputy commander.

After convincing Carol to join the Alliance, let her release Sinestro and convince Sinestro to cooperate with us on behalf of the Yellow Light.

The next step is simple. Once the five parties unite, we can at least protect ourselves in the Blackest Night.

But black lights don’t look at orange and red lights differently.

The Orange Lantern only attracted Fritz, but he murdered countless people who were suitable for the Orange Lantern's energy.

Now that those people are resurrected as black lights, who will they cause trouble for? "

Hal sneered again and again, "There is also the Red Lantern Corps. Sector 666 where they are located is the hardest hit area by the Black Lantern disaster. I don't believe Atrocitus can survive it.

When they can no longer bear the pressure, they will naturally make the right choice. "

"It's a good idea, but why is Sinestro willing to listen to you?" Harley said.

Hal gave her a complicated look, "Thanks to you."

"what did I do?"

"You showed me what Sinestro's crux was."

Harry's heart moved, "Did something happen to Koruga?"

"Mongo chose to humiliate and torture the Koruga people to eliminate Sinestro's influence on the Yellow Lantern Corps, and is now leading people to station on Sinestro's home planet.

I heard that hundreds of millions of Koruga people died, with rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. Sinestro was a smart man and knew how to choose. "Howl sighed.

Hal hurriedly left after the meeting.

He is going to complete the difficult task of uniting the seven legions.

But Qingnv stayed.

“The final battle of the Blackest Night took place on Earth. I didn’t want to participate in the battle of color and light, so I stayed on Earth to wait for the final battle.

I will take advantage of the time when the seven legions are gathering to examine the earth carefully, hoping to find out what is special about the earth. " she said.

"You can stay on Earth, but if you want to look for something special," Harley pointed at herself and said proudly, "Earth is the most special planet, and the person who makes Earth special is me!"

Qingnv frowned and said: "You mean, the leader of the Blackest Night will regard you as the ultimate target? Are you the 'Holy Soul' in the prophecy?"

"Besides myself, I really can't think of anything else on Earth that deserves to be missed." Harley lamented, "If you know a little bit about our superhero culture in the United States, you can understand what I mean.

Every superhero is a superstar and they have their own super villain fan base.

The biggest obsession of a super villain is to defeat his hero or make his hero pay more attention to him.

Although I am not a superhero, within the scope of the multiverse, there are countless god kings, demon kings, and supreme beings who regard me as their lifelong obsession.

To put it bluntly, they have become my fans after experiencing numerous failures, ridicules, and traumas at my place.

I thought that the Blackest Night was the responsibility of the Legion of Color and Light and had nothing to do with me. Unexpectedly, maybe this was the helplessness of celebrities. "

Qingnv was stunned by what she said. She always felt that there was something wrong with her words, but she couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"Then tell me, who is the leader of the Blackest Night?" she asked.

Harley shrugged, "Only fans have always chased celebrities. Which celebrity do you think can recognize all his fans? If you don't believe it, we can make a bet."

When the big boss behind the scenes comes, he will definitely shout "Witch Harley, your retribution has come", or something similar.

Do you believe it or not? "

Qingnv didn't believe it, but she didn't say what was in her heart.

Bateman looked away from the host screen, turned to Harley, and said: "There has been no black light zombie alert worldwide for half an hour.

They're probably hiding, at least the Flash's most terrifying enemy, the Reverse-Flash, hasn't been found yet.

How long can you hold on? "

"I can still hold on, but since the living corpses have disappeared, I'd better spit out the earth."

The Harley who spoke to them at Quinn Manor was just a projection.

Her body is still squatting in the crater and crying "sorrowfully".

The earth is not an ordinary material planet.

Its natural laws, life laws, and elemental laws are all unique systems, but they are closely connected with the sea of ​​laws.

Like countless invisible threads, it is rooted in the core of the earth, extends to the surface of the earth, outer space, spreads throughout the universe, and penetrates deep into the sea of ​​laws of the multiverse.

These laws all come from the "God of Order" headed by the God King Naboo.

Just as the laws comprehended by the gods sublimate into the Sea of ​​Laws, the "law system" cultivated by the God of Order also penetrates deep into the Sea of ​​Laws.

But the "law system" specifically serves the earth.

So they are like invisible ropes, with one end on the earth and the other end in the sea of ​​laws.

What Harry swallowed was not only the earth, but also this system of laws.

As long as the Order God System doesn't agree, she can't let them enter the dimension of her stomach bag.

If she swallowed hard, Nabu could turn her stomach upside down and easily pierce her intestines.

Now Naboo is convinced by her. In order to save all people from the hands of the black lantern demon, he agrees to cooperate with her actions, but she must rely on her own strength to bear the gravity of the earth and the soul oppression of the legal system at the same time.

She was even more tired than Atlas at the moment.

The Titan Atlas could only lift a piece of the sky, but she had to bear the responsibility of a complete world, including laws.

She can persist, but she really doesn't want to suffer this anymore.

"What to do with Qingnu's prophecy?" Bruce asked: "She said that the mastermind behind the scenes will come to the earth and search for the 'holy soul' on the earth."

"Do you think if I hold the earth in my mouth, he won't be able to come and the final battle won't break out?"

Harley, the projection in the living room, rolled her eyes at him and said: "With the earth in my belly, it's hard for me to even move, and I'm almost in a scrapped state.

When the time comes, the mastermind behind the scenes will just laugh out loud, pick up my body without any effort, and then crush my belly and the earth inside.

Although I died in a cowardly manner, you also died in a cowardly manner. "

At the original location of the Earth, Harley's true form on the meteorite opened her mouth and sprayed out a bright green light - the ion shark was responsible for absorbing and spitting out the energy of the Earth for her.

"Wow, it's dawn!" Barbara exclaimed at the door of the manor hall looking at the suddenly brightening sky.

"Qing Nu, can I ask you a little favor?" True Harley fell from the sky, returned to the living room, and said to the "Telephone Pole Alien Girl" with a smile: "Please come over with a few people from your legion, and use a layer of green lanterns. The energy shield enveloped the earth, and then I used the Ion Shark to add a layer of green light energy.

The combination of green and green can prevent the black light ring from entering, and billions of people on the earth don't have to worry about it. "

While Qingnv was hesitating, President Abao's voice came from the door.

"Your Excellency Qingnu, I'm here. Please help me see if I am qualified to become a Green Lantern."

"Your Majesty Qingnv, please take a look at me." Lame Peng, the Secretary of State, was also shouting.

"Your Excellency Qingnu." Seven or eight important military and political officials crowded in.

Harry's heart moved and he said, "Why don't we let them try it. If it works, let them build the blue lantern energy shield."

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