I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1381 The Nine Green Lanterns

In today's DC universe on Earth, almost everyone knows four ways to become a "superhero".

Well, it’s actually a way to live with superpowers. With superpowers, being a hero or a villain is just a matter of choice.

The first path is to be upright and upright, and learn from Galaxy Admiral Harley. She was originally just a mortal like them. She earned her current strength step by step by relying on inhuman will and inhuman hardship.

At least that's what ordinary people think.

Extraordinaries with some knowledge also thought so before, but now they are beginning to doubt it.

They did not deny her diligence, but her promotion speed was too fast. Many people felt that they were not lazier than her, but their promotion speed was not even a fraction of hers.

The second path relies on mutation. As for whether to become the inhuman Killer Croc, Frost Woman with a human form and a beast heart, or a pure normal person like "Dark Phoenix" Dinah, it all depends on luck, which is very unreliable.

The third way is to rely on equipment.

There’s nothing much to say about this. Zhenglian has a group of tech heroes.

The fourth path is "borrowing power". God's favored ones like Thunder Shazam and Lanterns like Hal Jordan are all borrowing the power of "others".

Losing the right to use the strange power, they immediately become mortals, and it is difficult to stand up again.

This is different from Tech Man. Although Tech Man is also an ordinary person, even if they lose their equipment, their wisdom is still there and they can still build new equipment or invent new weapons.

It is difficult for "borrowers" to control their own destiny.

But it’s easiest to borrow power.

The path of cultivation is too difficult, the path of mutation is too unreliable, and the Equipment Man is too expensive and brain-consuming, and not fun enough.

The power of the borrower comes quickly and without side effects (the price is left in the future). Mortals become superhumans in a matter of seconds, and they are full of joy.

People who lack perseverance and are greedy for power like the fourth way very much.

For example, President Abao, Lame Peng and other military and political leaders.

They don't necessarily want to be the favored one, unless the deity is God or Harley rather than an unknown evil god.

But they all want to be Lanterns.

The Lantern's power has been proven, very safe, and has almost no price. Anyway, they have not seen any "power price" in Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner.

The Key Lamp Ring represents not only strength, but a great deal of power.

When the Green Lantern inheritance fell into the hands of the cartoonist Kyle, even after receiving double warnings from Harley and Dachao, they still couldn't restrain their inner greed and arranged for Major Mighty to take action against Kyle.

Now Qingnv did not refuse A Bao, and even asked him to give it a try - even if it was just a casual joke, they were willing to give it a try. Anyway, there was no loss if they failed.

If they succeed and become a great Green Lantern, then they can roar a huge sector of the universe.

"Are you really willing to join the Green Lantern Tribe?" Green Goddess said seriously: "The selection conditions for each Color Light Legion are different. Green Lantern requires willpower, while Yellow Lantern requires the ability to control fear.

Let me tell you the truth, although the threshold for joining the Green Lantern Corps is low, currently, no one in the Green Lantern Tribe has taken the initiative to join, except for you. "

"How low are the requirements for joining the Green Lantern Corps?" Lame Peng asked with anticipation.

"As long as you have done wrong things, you can't be considered a really good person." Qingnv said.

"Isn't this condition too low?!" President Abao said in disbelief.

Qingnv glanced at Harley and said, "Generally speaking, we won't accept people who are not evil enough.

Well, our Green Lantern is different from other Lantern Corps.

They are looking for people from the Lantern Ring, and we are taking the initiative to catch people who do evil things and force them to join the tribe.

There is no upper limit to the total number of tribes.

And everyone in the tribe, including me, is guilty and has committed numerous crimes.

Harley just made a request to me to build a protective shield of emotional energy on the outer layer of the earth, which is made of the fusion of green lights and cyan lights.

The purpose is to guard against black light rings from outer space and at the same time monitor the movements of the people behind the scenes.

The earth needs a few green lantern ascetics, so I am willing to give you a chance. "

Their expressions became hesitant.

General Minos worried: "Does becoming a green lantern have serious side effects?"

Qing Nu shook her head and said: "There are only benefits to becoming a green lantern, there are no disadvantages. The power of the green lantern will make evil people repent and work hard to be good.

If possible, I would like to give every bad guy a green lantern cane."

She raised her "long-handled pipe and cane" and said, "The Qingdeng tribe uses canes instead of rings as weapons.

But emotional energy is limited and cannot bring all the villains into the tribe.

We can only choose the most evil people and help them repent. "

The hesitation in their eyes was gone, and they became full of anticipation again.

"Your Excellency Qingnv, I was originally a good person, but after becoming the president of the United States, I couldn't help but become a little evil. Please help me repent!" President Abao shouted excitedly.

"Your Excellency Qingnv, I have been a bastard since I was a child. Really, I won't lie to you, but I really want to change my ways. Please help me, have mercy, mercy!" Lame Peng knelt down with a "pop".

President Abao, who was standing next to him, was startled. He glared at him and conveyed his thoughts with his eyes: Fake, are you serious about playing this big? !

Lame Peng seemed to understand his eyes, and responded with a slightly sarcastic expression: Now they are competing for the position of Lantern. There is only one Lantern in each sector, and the number is limited!

"Mercy, mercy~~" Minos not only knelt down, but also howled and kowtowed several times.

This time Lame Peng was stunned: Fake, are you serious enough to play such a big role?

General Minos didn't even look at them.

He had his own plan: becoming a Green Lantern would not only give him great power without any side effects, but it would also help him repent for his wretchedness. He was about to retire, and he might be dead in a few years. It was time to think about his posthumous affairs, he thought. He went to Paradise Mountain to participate in the "Villain's Repentance Training Course" to complete his self-salvation, but he couldn't read the Bible at all. Now that he had the opportunity to use the power of Qingdeng to complete his repentance, he would be a fool not to take a chance.

Qingnv glanced at them and said: "I can give each of you a chance to accept the test of the cane. As long as you don't lie and are not good people pretending to be evil, there shouldn't be a big problem."

"I definitely didn't lie, I am the bad guy." They said in unison and confidently.

The green girl held her cane, and her body radiated bright green light.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The upper part of her own "long pipe cane", which is exactly like the mouth of a pipe, shoots out one "pipe cane" of the same style one after another.

The pipe cane is the "light ring" of Qingdeng.

Similar to the selection of lanterns by the lantern ring, when the cane comes over them, it starts to test whether they are qualified.

Maybe they can lie and insist on saying that they are villains even though they are good people who have practiced cultivation for ten lifetimes.

But the cane will not be deceived.

"Intelligent life has been locked. Apollo Tesla, an Earthling from the Milky Way, you do not have a compassionate heart full of compassion and cannot join the Green Lantern Tribe."

"Intelligent life has been locked, and the Earthlings from the Milky Way have arrived."

Almost all the canes said in unison, denying at the same time.

"Ah, why is this happening? Don't you want to choose a villain?" Abao shouted excitedly.

Qingnv nodded and said seriously: "Congratulations, you are all qualified."

"What, are we qualified?" They were both surprised and confused.

Qing Nu said: "The Qing Lantern Tribe is different from other Lantern Ring Legions. They only select those who are qualified, but we select both those who meet the conditions and those who do not meet the conditions at all.

In other words, those who have a heart of infinite compassion will be chosen by the cane.

It is up to him to decide of his own free will whether to join the Qingdeng Tribe.

The peerless villains who have no mercy at all have no choice and will be forcibly put in chains and bundled into the Qingdeng tribe. "

——Fake, so evil!

Everyone, including Harley, felt that the green lantern was weird from the bottom of their hearts.

"You have neither compassion nor evil, so you are not qualified to become a Qinglan ascetic. It is only because of the special situation that I am willing to give you a chance."

Qingnv looked at them and asked again: "Will you join the Qingdeng tribe?"

"Of course." They didn't hesitate.

Everything she said now was just an explanation of what she had said earlier.

She didn't lie to them, so they didn't have to hesitate.

The nine canes bloom with green light, corresponding to the nine most powerful people in the United States, including the president, secretary of state, secretary of defense, and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"Buzz" The "pipe mouth" of the cane shot out a beam of blue light and landed on their foreheads.

"Uh ah ah," their cheeks twisted and they roared in pain. A blue rune gradually formed on their foreheads, the green lantern rune \u003cO\u003e, and a circle in the middle of the triangular brackets.

As the runes lit up, their eyes gradually became blank, and a stream of saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Like a retard.

"What happened to them?" General Lane asked in horror.

He had enough identity and status, and he originally planned to become a Green Lantern, but Harley quietly pulled his sleeve, and he understood and quit halfway.

"Don't worry, their own evil minds are conflicting with compassion and mercy. They are in a state of forced transformation at the moment and will be fine soon." Qingnv said.

General Lane swallowed, "What does forced transformation mean?"

“Let the literal meaning, let the hearts of those who have no compassion and mercy be filled with mercy and compassion.”

As soon as Qingnu finished speaking, President Abao's dull eyes regained their vitality.

"Ouch, I'm guilty, I'm a bastard, how could I do that to her, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo items. , beast, I shouldn’t be with Aibos——”

"Mr. President!" His staff was anxious.

He yelled hastily, interrupting his confession.

Lame Peng burst into tears, "I'm not a human being. When I was 12 years old, I peeped at my mother taking a shower. When I was 12 and a half years old, I went to the street to buy sex. When I was 13 years old, I smoked hemp leaves. When I was 13 and a half years old, I built infrastructure with my classmates——"

"My dear, Mr. Secretary of State, don't talk nonsense!" His assistant immediately rushed over and covered his mouth.

The Secretary of Defense howled: "I am a beast. Our country, the United States, is a country of beasts. We wage war in the name of freedom and democracy, but in fact it is just for the arms business of the military-industrial complex and for other people's oil. We -"

His mouth was covered by General Lane, who was sweating profusely and looking frightened.

"Buzz~~~" Unexpectedly, the Minister of Defense struggled slightly, and a bright green light emitted from his body, sending Ryan flying several meters away.

"Buzz buzz~~"

The nine pipes and canes had a bright green light. After a few gentle vibrations, they fell into the hands of the nine people with a "whoosh whoosh".

Under the green light, they all transformed into lanterns.

Mortal assistants or staff can no longer restrain them.

Chairman Minos screamed: "I committed a heinous crime. Forty years ago, I adulterated the public vaccine with 'fman gene agent' just to test the activation test of the super gene.

Thirty-nine years ago.”

The four-star general cried: "I am a murderer, and the infectious diseases in XXX City are strains of the disease that I personally ordered to be released in the military laboratory.


Abao hit himself on the head with a cane, "I am a bastard, I used Hollywood acting skills to fool the people, and I diverted public health funds to the 'city wall' in the south.

I also asked American soldiers to drive Hummers to steal xxx’s oil.”

Each of the nine bosses became more unrestrained and unscrupulously revealed all kinds of violent news. Harley listened with great interest, the government staff looked pale, the famous reporter Louise was dumbfounded, and the heroes gritted their teeth.

However, they did not go crazy for long. They cried and confessed for about half an hour, only told a small part of their crimes, and then gradually returned to "reason".

"Oh, my crime is so heinous that I am not qualified to be the president of the United States. I want to surrender to the prosecutor's office, or should I hold a press conference first?" President Abao sighed.

"Mr. President, why do you say that? Is Qingdeng distorting your thinking?" General Lane asked worriedly.

President Abao shook his head and said: "It did not distort my thoughts. I used to be a shameless and immoral villain with no mercy or kindness. I did evil things without any psychological burden.

Now I was filled with pity and began to hate my old self with all my heart.

You don’t have to doubt that not only was my head not dizzy, but my thinking was as clear as ever. I clearly understood what I was doing, what I was saying, and the consequences of what I said and did.

No matter what the consequences are, I will accept them calmly. "

Not only were General Lane and the others not relieved, but their hair stood on end and their scalps were numb. Their eyes looking at Qingnv were full of wariness and fear.

No wonder the Qingdeng Tribe only recruits villains.

No wonder Qingnv proudly claimed that their method of "educating" the villains of the universe is far more efficient than the love brainwashing of the Purple Lantern Corps.

General Lane turned around and looked around, and found that he had become the "normal person" with the highest status at the scene.

"Harry, look." He gritted his teeth and looked at her for help.

Harley said: "Mr. President, Your Excellency the Secretary of Defense, since you have become the Green Lantern, you should fulfill your duty to protect the earth.

The nine of you are divided into nine directions and try to see if you can cover the entire earth with blue lantern energy. "

General Lane sighed secretly and had nothing to say.

We have to wait until the end of the Dark Night crisis.

Now they need Green Lantern.

It's a pity that all the newbies Qing Deng Jiu are very noobs.

Not to mention covering the entire earth, even Gotham, the nine of them couldn't do it together.

Not talented enough.

"Qing Nu, why don't you call the Qing Lantern tribe here." Harley said.

But Qingnv smiled faintly and said: "Harry, you don't understand the characteristics of the emotional energy of compassion. It is not used to build an energy shield.

Each of the seven colors has its own strengths and weaknesses, and not all colors of light energy are suitable for concrete matter.

Green Lantern represents willpower, and the physical material they manifest is very strong, so they often manifest swords or shields as weapons.

The shield is just a large shield.

The green lantern represents compassion, and compassion needs to be exerted on the object. In other words, the emotion of compassion needs something to attach to. "

"What attachment?" Harley asked confused.

Qingnv said: "Simply speaking, the green lantern can absorb and transfer other colors of light, and add the green lantern energy to it to form a more powerful attack.

For example, Green Lantern manifested a green lantern energy sword, and slashed at me with the sword. I attached my green light compassion to the energy sword, and it became my weapon. I hacked the opponent to death with my backhand.

If it is a yellow lantern demon, they use the fire of fear to burn me, and I attach cyan energy to their flames, immediately taking away the control of the fire of fear, and in turn letting them burn up in fear.

Now you or your Ion Shark only need to build an energy shield first, and the nine of them will add green lantern energy into the energy shield to form a stronger green-green fusion energy shield. "

Harley called the Fathead Shark to build a green light energy shield in outer space covering the entire earth.

The other nine people did as Qingnv said. They only needed to hold the "pipe stick" and continuously shoot cyan light beams at the green energy shield. The cyan light quickly spread on the surface of the green shield, and soon formed a new energy shield in a "fusion state" .

"Harley, I can feel that they have taken away part of the control of the energy barrier." Ion Shark said.

"Oh my god, Qingdeng is so powerful!" Barbara exclaimed.

"So, Qing Deng can completely restrain the other six kinds of emotional energy?" Bateman asked in surprise.

Qingnv said proudly: "Of course."

Harley shook her head and said, "Come and try."

A ball of golden flame appeared in front of her out of thin air. Just seeing it, a faint fear arose in everyone's heart.

This is the most basic and simplest move of Yellow Lantern, similar to the magician's fireball technique.

It's just that this golden flame uses fear as fuel, and will also ignite fear in the hearts of the enemy.

The strength of the object is determined by will, and the main attack method of the yellow light of fear is to inflict fear. Fire can evoke the most primitive fear in the hearts of most "animals", so the yellow lantern demon often performs "fear spells" in the form of flames.

The green girl raised her cane and shot a beam of blue light towards the flames.

The golden flame is covered with a layer of cyan.

Harley smiled slightly.

"Whoosh~" The flame shot straight towards Qingnv's face without any delay.

"Buzzing~~~" The green light of the green girl's cane became brighter, and a few drops of sweat oozed from her forehead. The speed of the golden flame fireball remained unchanged, and it landed on her face with a "bang".

It didn't explode, but was completely absorbed by her face like water droplets on a sponge.

"Ah~~~" Qingshen screamed in horror, and her body kicked back.

"How?" Harley said proudly: "The seven lanterns each have their own characteristics and are not mutually reinforcing. Who is stronger and who is weaker only depends on the ability of the user.

This ability is not the total amount of emotional energy, but the degree of compatibility with emotional energy.

If I control fear more than the compassion in your heart, I win.

If your mercy exceeds my fear, you can take away the fire of my fear. "

"I understand. Thank you." Qingshen said with a complex expression.

"You've just been living in seclusion and have too little combat experience." Harley waved her hand indifferently, "The battle of lust and light is cruel and stupid, but it is not completely meaningless.

This battle will make you more aware of your own power. "

"We are not warriors, we are ascetics. Qing Deng does not have legions, only tribes." Qing Nu said.

Harry's heart moved, and he left the living room with Qingnv, and the two of them walked on the trail in the back mountain.

"Does the Qingdeng Tribe have a guardian now?" she asked.

Qingnv shook her head.

Harley suppressed the excitement in her heart and said solemnly: "You need guardians, the green light has a guardian, and the yellow light also had a guardian.

The Guardian system has been proven by the Green Lantern Corps for billions of years and is very important. "

Qingnu said strangely: "I heard Hal Jordan say that you hate the Guardians."

There was no strange color on Harley's face, and she immediately said: "Yes, I hate them very much.

But I still tolerate their existence.

When Kyle re-established the Green Lantern Corps, he didn't let him depose them either.

Because no matter how much I dislike them, I can't deny what the Guardians mean to the Legion. "

Qingnv was silent for a while, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I am probably the destiny guardian of your Qingdeng tribe."

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