"Ouch, ouch."

Hal flew around anxiously, and finally found a living person, an acquaintance, Harley!

She was on a rugged mountain of giant meteorites.

He first discovered a 100-meter-high meteorite mountain appearing on the original site of the earth. He thought it was very strange, so he flew over to check it out.

Then as soon as he landed on the mountain, he saw Harley squatting in a hollow on the mountainside.

He immediately felt relieved. Since Harley was here and there was no sadness on her face, the earth must not have been exploded by some cosmic villain.

"Harry, are you taking a dump here?" he asked weirdly.

As long as he is in his right mind, he shouldn't think this way.

How can anyone poop in outer space? At this temperature, even if you don’t worry about freezing your butt, you won’t be able to poop out even if your butt is frozen into ice!

But the way she squatted in the pit holding her stomach and her constant moaning looked very much like constipation.

Especially when he caught a glimpse of her belly bulging out to the size of a seven-inch loaf of bread, and there was a gurgling sound coming from inside.

"You see me squatting here, and you still come so close?"

Harry had already noticed his arrival, and was not surprised when he heard his voice. He only replied angrily.

"I'm just kidding, I know you didn't poop and didn't smell it." Hal sneered, looked around again, and said in surprise: "There is still air around this meteorite, so it can speak directly. It's really strange. "

He originally planned to mentally transmit his voice, but after landing on the meteorite, he discovered that although the temperature on the meteorite mountain was low, it was surrounded by a layer of air. The temperature was actually not too low, otherwise the nitrogen would have liquefied into water.

A beam of green light fell next to Hal and said: "There is a very strong gravity field around this meteorite, and the center of gravity comes from her."

Hal is not alone, he also brings a female companion.

"Hey, don't tell me that I haven't discovered it yet. The gravity here is almost as strong as the surface of the earth, and there is also the moon."

Hal looked up at the Earth's satellite. It did not escape from the star field because the Earth disappeared. Its movement trajectory was the same as usual.

Hal's pupils contracted and he looked at Harley's belly in disbelief, "Is the earth in your belly?"

A look of pride appeared on Harley's pale face, "Response very quickly and very smart. Please introduce your female companion. Is she the Green Lantern?"

Hal's female companion is slender, with a slender waist and narrow shoulders. She is more than two meters tall and looks like a "space telegraph pole."

Of course, regardless of her height and body shape, just her lavender skin could tell that she was an alien.

Except for her skin color and overly slender figure, there is no difference between her and the women on earth.

Even the hairstyle is the dreadlocks that are very popular among black girls.

On her body surface, there is a uniform made of a cyan energy light film, and on her chest is the "light mouth symbol" of the Color Light Legion - whether it is a green light, a yellow light or a red light, there is a circle in the composition of the legion symbol, which represents Lamp socket.

However, Harry noticed that she did not have a ring on her finger, but instead held a long, thin cane.

The cane is very strange, like a long pipe.

The notches of stuffed tobacco leaves emit a faint green light.

Transform the light ring into a "pipe cane"?

"She is Qingnv, the leader of the Blue Lantern Corps." Hal gave a brief introduction and then said in surprise: "The dimension of your stomach bag can even fit the earth?

Does the gravity that pulls the moon also come from the earth in your belly? "

"Let's talk after we come in." Harley opened her mouth slightly.

"Come in?" Hal was confused, "Where?"

"Ah~~" Harley opened her mouth wider.

The corner of Hal's mouth twitched a few times, and he turned to the stunned young girl and said: "Harley simulated the dimension of the lamp ring and transformed the stomach bag into a huge space, like a small universe.

Don't struggle, I will take you to the earth.

She would use yellow or green light energy to shrink us and pull us into her stomach pouch. "

As he said that, he used the green light to pull Qingnv, and hit Harley's mouth with a "swish".

As they continued to get closer, their figures quickly shrank, and when they reached her mouth, they were only the size of a fly.

Passing through a golden passage that looked like super-light space, Qingnv and Hal saw the huge blue planet below.

"The stars are above, this..." Qingshen looked shocked, "It's unbelievable."

Hal was also shocked, but when he heard her exclamation, he just whistled once and said cheerfully: "I understand, Hallie is using this method to lead the earth to avoid the Darkest Night."

"Stop talking nonsense here, everyone is waiting for you."

A Harley appeared next to them like teleporting and said.

"Even though she looks almost the same as a real person, it's actually her spiritual projection."

Hal smiled at the green girl who was startled again.

Then the two quickly passed through the atmosphere and came to a "twilight world".

The earth is still spinning itself, but without the sun.

Relying only on the yellow light source in Harley's stomach as the light source, the entire earth was a dull yellow, as if time had stood still at the last moment of dusk.

"Heroes are cleaning up the black light corpses all over the world, and they can only hold video conferences. Please wait for a moment while I set up the network.

Make sure they finish the task at hand and network in a safe environment. "

Following Harley into the hall of Quinn Manor, Harley didn't see many heroes.

In other words, Bateman and several members of the Teen Titans were standing in front of a master brain, doing information gathering and task assignment.

Oh, and there's Guy Gardner and a dozen patients.

The living room is large, but it seems very crowded at this time, because there are many single beds in it, almost becoming half a makeshift hospital.

Not all the people lying on the hospital beds were heroes. There were many people Hal didn't even know.


Holding the old man's hand, Hal had thousands of words in his heart, but they were stuck in his throat and it was difficult to say them out.

"Do you know everything?" Gaimuran asked.

Hal nodded slightly, looked at him with pity and said, "Don't be depressed, we are Green Lanterns and can search for famous doctors throughout the universe.

Before returning to Earth, I told my colleagues in the legion about you, and they all promised to help you find a civilization that can perfectly treat amputated limbs. "

"You-" Gai stopped dumbly and stared at him with wide eyes.

"This is what I should do." Hal said "You don't need to thank me too much" on his face.

Gagardner suddenly turned his head and shouted to the nightmare nurse who was suturing a patient's chest: "Asa, I accept your treatment plan."

"Aren't you afraid of being infiltrated by the magic of hell now?" Asa asked without raising his head.

"Can we change to another divine beast?" The determination on Gardner's face disappeared, and he began to hesitate again.

"Maybe, but the divine beast is hard to find and the price is too high."

"No need for mythical beasts, no monsters from hell, just ordinary strange beasts from other worlds?" Gardner asked again.

"No! You have to understand that the reason why you want to change the hell magic whip is to use the hell magic to expel the power of death that remains in your lower body and withers your male virility.

Only by using magical power to fight against evil power can your injuries be cured. "

"Replace the magic whip?" Hal's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Is this the kind of limb transplant surgery that I understand?"

Gagardner said quickly: "It's not a complete transplant, just graft a few cells and complete the demonic transformation at the wound.

Then it will grow back slowly, still dominated by my genes. "

"But this is still too sensational." Hal swallowed and advised tactfully: "It's just limb regeneration, there is no need to resort to magic.

All magic has a price.

If you are infiltrated by the magic of hell, you will not be able to go to heaven after death. "

"Do you think I have any other options?"

Guy Gardner closed his eyes and suddenly lifted the thin sheet covering his body.

"Oh my God!" Hal only glanced at that place and exclaimed.

The rest of Guy Gardner's body was wrapped in a layer of gauze, but the real vital parts were empty.

Because gauze is used to stop bleeding and promote wound healing. Guy Gardner's vitals did not need to be stopped from bleeding, and there was no way to heal. It was like the bottom of a lake that had been drained of water and exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

Dry, cracked, sunken, gray and inactive.

Hal said in horror: "How could this happen? It's not just..."

Asa explained casually: "This is the result of being invaded by the power of death, and the patients sent here all have similar symptoms.

They were injured by living corpses, and their wounds were infected with evil forces.

It’s just that the others are not as serious as him. Others are only contaminated with the evil power of death, but his wounds were deliberately injected with a large amount of evil power.”

"Hey, Guy, take good care of yourself, Harley is calling me."

Hal patted the old man on the shoulder and left with a heavy heart.

Hal first faced the big screen and introduced the identity of Qingnv to superheroes, government representatives, galactic celebrities and others, and then said: "Not only did the earth encounter the Black Lantern Corpse Demon, but even Oa was also possessed by the Black Lantern Ring. Destroyed by torrents.

The Justice League specially built Valahar to bury the bones of fallen heroes. There is a similar place in Oa, where the remains of nearly 30% of the Lanterns who died in the past few thousand years are placed. "

"Shit." Harley cursed under her breath.

"I'm sorry!" The heroes looked worried and exclaimed.

"Why put the body in Oua?" Bateman frowned.

“Normally, we will escort the body of our teammate to his home civilization and bury him honorably in front of everyone according to the customs of his hometown.

However, some Green Lanterns left a last wish during their lifetime and wanted to continue to stay in Oa after death, or they were not suitable to return to their homeland. "

Hal thought of his old lover Lyra. After her grave was dug open by her people, he turned back and brought her back to Oa, and now she joined the Black Lantern Corps.

"Now Oa has completely fallen?" Harley asked.

Hal nodded bitterly, "We have moved our headquarters to the planet Mogo in sector 2261. It is a planet and a Green Lantern with autonomous consciousness."

Mogo, the Planet Lantern, whom Harley knows.

When she kicked over the central energy battery of the green light and caused a scene on the planet Oa, Mogo hit her a few times like a mountain.

She was only level 60 at that time. She couldn't withstand the impact of a planetary level and her body was almost torn apart. She could only end the battle between Europe and Asia hastily.

"Oua is the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps. Are there not many people stationed at the headquarters?" Dachao asked confused.

"There are not many people, but there are not many, about two to three hundred. Alas, recently we have been fighting red lights and yellow lights at the same time, so we are somewhat short of manpower." Hal sighed.

Harley asked doubtfully: "Even two to three hundred people, plus the Guardians, can't stop the light ring without a host. How about letting the ring break into the most strict and sacred secret of the Green Lantern Corps?"

Hal said solemnly: "The guardian is missing."

"They ran away again?" Dinah shouted angrily.

"As you said, have they ever run away before?" Hal frowned.

Dinah said disdainfully: "When you degenerated into a demon, none of the little blue men showed up. During the Sun-Eating Beast crisis, Ganser did appear, but he was sneaky, afraid to see people, and didn't do anything.

In the crisis of the multiple reboot, Harley posted hero posts across the universe, but they still didn't come. "

"When I fell, there were no Guardians left. Well, there was only Gunther. What could he do? When the multidimensional reboot and the Hand of Creation appeared, Senagon and Lann did not allow the Green Lantern Corps to enter the Arctic galaxy."

Hal reluctantly explained a few words, and then said seriously: "The guardians really didn't escape this time. They probably had an accident."

He turned to Harley, "Remember? You guessed that there was a traitor among the Guardians, and you were probably right. It was probably the traitor who trapped or murdered the Guardians."

"When did you find out that the little blue man was missing?" Harley asked.

"When the torrent of black light rings rushed into Oa." Hal said with an ugly face: "I was also in Oa at the time, and I led thirty teammates to rush out of Oa immediately, intending to stop the black light ring in the middle.

But we never expected that the power of the black light could restrain our will and emotions.

The green light energy barrier we built is more fragile than paper and cannot be stopped at all. "

"You mean, during this Black Night crisis, your Green Lantern Corps was completely destroyed? We still expect you to take responsibility for this incident." Mr. President shouted desperately.

"No, the Green Lantern Corps is not abolished. On the contrary, the Green Lantern Corps is the best hope to solve this crisis." Hal said excitedly: "The Holy Walker has brought us a way to crack the power of the Black Lantern - any emotional energy of the Seven Color Corps All will be restrained by the black light, but once the green light merges with any other kind of emotional energy, the black light ring can be easily destroyed."

"Have you tried it?" Bateman asked.

Hal nodded his head vigorously a few times, "Now there are black light rings everywhere in the universe. Qingnu and I encountered many on the way here, and they were all smashed by us."

"If two energies need to be fused, Harley, you seem to be able to master both energies by yourself." Dachao said.

"I can only use one emotional spectrum energy at a time. But I can combine with Fat Head. It uses green light and I use yellow light." Harley said.

"How did the Holy Walker know this secret?" she asked doubtfully.

"He said he saw the prophecy in the "Book of Hope". Their "Book of Hope" is equivalent to our Green Lantern's "Book of Oa", and what the Holy Walker saw in the book is also the "Blackest Book of Hope". Night prophecy'." Hal said.

After saying that, he looked at the silent Qingnv next to him and said: "I brought Qingnv to the earth for the prophecy of the Blackest Night. It comes from the "Book of Mercy" of the Blue Lantern Corps. The prophecy is related to the earth."

Everyone looked at Qingnv.

Qingnv always had a touch of pity on her face, but her tone was very calm, and she said: "The darkest night is when the dead return. Use the fuel of emotion to ignite the holy soul at the center of the universe.

The center of the universe is the earth, but I don't understand what the Holy Soul is, so I followed Hal Jordan to the earth. "

"Your green lantern's prophecy is obviously describing the process of the Blackest Night." Harley felt very uncomfortable and her face was not so pretty, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? And Saint Walker.

If you all had spoken out the contents of the prophecy earlier and let us prepare earlier, so many people would not have died on the earth at all. "

Dinah nodded and said: "Yes, the prophecy should be spoken before the crisis occurs to be useful. It is a bit late now."

Da Chao also complained, "Even if we had known just one day earlier that the dead would be resurrected on the Blackest Night, many people would not have died unjustly."

Had they known the "details" of the Blackest Night one day earlier, they would have burned all the corpses in advance.

"I can't say." Qingnu said helplessly amidst the complaints.

"Why can't you tell me?"

"The Guardian of the Green Lantern once left two orders: first, the Green Lantern Legion must wait until the dark night falls before the Green Lantern Corps can appear in the public eye; second, once the dark night falls, the leader of the Green Lantern must immediately Go to Oa and send a warning to the Green Lantern Corps." Qingnv said.

"You guardians must have a trick in your head. The prophecy has come true. Who else can you warn?" Harley said rudely.

The green girl said sternly: "Harley Quinn, you mocking our guardians is tantamount to insulting the Green Lantern Corps."

"Harley." Hal hurriedly gave Harley a pleading and comforting look, "The status of the guardians of the green lantern is a bit special, and they have no choice but to do so."

"Who is the guardian of the green lantern?"

"Abin Su!"

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