I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1368 Green Arrow’s Dream

"Kyle, that judge was flattering me just now. I am just the guardian of the Gate of Hell. I am just a guard at the gate. How can I have any 'presidential' power?"

At the gate of hell, two people stood at the post of "Guardian Harley", and next to them lay a three-headed hell dog as big as a three-story building.

Harley's expression looked extremely candid, "You also know that before, Lucifer made a naked speech, closed the gate of hell, the underworld was first released, and all the ghosts were roaming the world.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost lost control and merged with the second Lucifer - Lucifer Desire, extinguishing the fire of hell again, closing the gate of hell, and the underworld was unlocked again.

The lifting of the ban on the underworld will do great harm to the faith and reputation of heaven.

In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, Heaven gave me complete control of the Gate of Hell.

Without my permission, not even Satan in hell would be able to close the gate of hell for the third time.

But think about it, what does a gatekeeper have to do with the destination of the undead in hell? "

"But the Judge of Hell is flattering you." Kyle's heart moved, and he added: "I remembered, what Judge Minos said about going to the Hall of Sages through the back door, was talking about Oliver's father, right?"

Harley shook her head and said: "Oliver's father can go to the Hall of Sages because of Yebi, not me."

Kyle asked curiously: "I haven't seen Yebi for a long time. What is it doing in hell? Why can it help Oliver's father change places?"

"Yebi is currently responsible for the self-salvation of the undead in hell.

When it feels that the punishments in hell are useless, all the tortures in the nine hells will stop immediately.

Hell has stopped punishing people a few years ago, and all the undead have nothing to do. Some stand there in a daze, some sneak around, and some are led astray by demons and become even more depraved.

Facts have proved that although the punishment of judgment cannot immediately help evil spirits become good people, it can at least stabilize the law and order in hell, and can also appease the souls of people who were harmed by evil spirits during their lifetimes, so that people's resentment in both the world and hell can be eliminated.

Therefore, until the true path to salvation for the undead is found, the punishment in hell must continue.

And Yebi's duty is the road to salvation, and he has been meditating hard in hell these days and testing it himself. "

After a pause, Harley continued: "Just like Oliver's father, he committed suicide and was originally a big tree without consciousness and vitality in the forest of suicides, howling miserably day and night.

This is not only the sin he deserves, but also the road to self-salvation.

God allowed him to feel this pain in the hope that he would repent.

Punishment is only a means, redemption is the goal.

Since punishment is just a means, Yebi can also choose him as an experimental subject to test other methods of redemption.

For example, be sent to the Hall of Sages to be a transfer student and receive the influence of the wisdom of the sages. "

"Can you understand what I say?" Harley said meaningfully: "I am just a gatekeeper and cannot interfere in the judgment of the dead. As the Holy Son, I cannot bend the law for personal gain. Everything must be done according to the rules.

In this way, others will not be able to make irresponsible remarks, and the bosses in heaven will not blame us for violating laws and disciplines. "

Kyle nodded hurriedly and said: "I understand, my father Aaron is also willing to be a volunteer and join Yebi's 'Road to Redemption Experimental Project'."

Harley nodded slightly, at least his understanding was on the "first floor."

"Have you ever heard from Oliver what it cost his father to join the Redemption Trial?" she asked.

Kyle's anxious expression froze, and he said sarcastically: "Harry, we are good friends. I have been short of merit in heaven recently, and my mother is still in urgent need of a large sum of merit to complete her redemption."

"I said to Oliver at the time, treat your father as a special case, don't tell others, if others find out, just say that you paid me a large sum of merit as a price.

In fact, I didn’t take a penny from him.

But rules must be established.

Otherwise, he comes to me today, and you come to me tomorrow. Everyone has a father and a mother, and maybe a wife, children, relatives and friends. Do you understand what I mean? "

Kyle nodded awkwardly, "I'll pay the IOU, okay?"

Harry sighed and said: "There is no need for the IOU, but you have to remember that you owe me a big favor.

If others ask, you should tell them solemnly that you paid a huge and heavy price. "

"Harley, thank you" Kyle was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

"Yeb!" Harley shouted toward the gate of hell.

"~~" Silently, a long-haired dog as big as a lion jumped out of the void, majestic, and glanced at the two humans with eyes like lightning.

"This is Kyle. You know him. His father is trapped in hell. Please help make arrangements and get him a place as a 'Redemption Experiment Volunteer'."

——Don’t agree easily.

Just as Yebi was about to nod in agreement, Shihai suddenly heard Harley's message.

It glanced at Kyle and said seriously: "Have you ever thought about what others would think if a large group of 'experimental groups' composed of your friends' families appeared in hell?

No one is a fool, and God is all-knowing and all-powerful.

Can He allow this kind of injustice to appear in hell and interfere with the normal path of salvation for other undead? "

The joy on Kyle's face was immediately replaced by worry.

"Wait here for a moment, Yebi and I will talk alone." Harley showed a forced and embarrassed smile, said hello to him, and pulled Yebi to the hillside in the distance - he couldn't hear them. The voice was enough to see the expression on her face trying to persuade.

Kyle's heart was filled with passion, and he had the urge to offer his body to Harley to be his wife.

"What have you been busy with lately?"

On the surface, Harley was having a heated argument with Yebby, but in fact, during the spiritual communication, their conversation was very dull.

"Walking around hell barefoot, listening to the pain of each undead and understanding their deeds." Yebi's voice was filled with a sacred ethereal quality.

"As long as I experience more, one day I can find a path to salvation for the suffering and confused souls."

"Well, keep working hard." On the topic of redemption of the undead, Harley didn't have any good suggestions.

"What treasure are you eyeing on Kyle Rayner?" Yerby asked curiously.

"He is the embodiment of life, and it seems to be an emotional spectrum energy."

"Oh, you took a fancy to his life energy and planned to defraud him——"

"Nonsense!" Harley said in a serious tone: "He and I are good friends. Today I will help him save his father, and tomorrow he will grant me a small wish within his power. This is a symbol of friendship.

Moreover, sooner or later, his destiny will be exhausted, and he will definitely lose his vitality by then.

Rather than letting it go in vain, it would be better to make my friendship with him even greater. "

"Okay, you say friendship is friendship, can we start? Increase the difficulty appropriately and let him know that you paid a lot for his father, that's okay.

But he also knows that you are my master, and acting too much may arouse his suspicion. "Yabi said.

"Kyle, your father's matter is settled." Harley said to Kyle with a tired look.

"Harry, thank you!" Kyle almost went up to give her an excited hug.

Yebi always had a straight face, looking like he would avoid strangers and be difficult to get along with.

It waved its hand and summoned Aaron Rayner to it.

"Aaron Lehner, that's what it is, take care of yourself."

When he transferred old Reina, Yebi explained the matter to him through telepathy.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Son, thank you, Miss Quinn." Old Reina had been suffering in hell for many days. Once he was freed from the suffering, his heart was filled with gratitude and he almost knelt down in front of Harley.

Harley hurried forward to stop him and said with a gentle smile: "Kyle and I are good friends, and he paid a huge price for you. You can thank me, but there is no need to be so solemn."

"Father." With his old father so close in front of him, Kyle began to burst into tears again.

"Kyle." The old father was also very excited.

"Father, I'm sorry, it's all because of me." Kyle lowered his head, his voice choked with sobs.

Old Reina smiled happily, "Kyle, I'm very happy, really. Your enemies used me to threaten you, proving that my identity as your father is recognized."

Harry's mouth twitched twice, and he took Yebi away for half an hour, allowing the father and son to talk to each other.

Half an hour later, Harley saw two energetic Reinas.

Little Reina completely lost the depression and desolation he had before coming to hell. He seemed to be reborn and full of energy.

Old Reina also looked satisfied and happy.

However, when heading to the Hall of Sages, something happened.

According to Harley's own intention, of course she nodded, Yebi moved her hand, and Old Reina automatically flew to the Hall of Sages, and then she went home with peace of mind.

But little Reina was worried.

Just like an old father who is worried about his son getting a college notice and must send him to college in person.

Harley couldn't leave alone first, so she had to accompany them to the Hall of Sages.

Then, outside the stone path leading to the Hall of Sages, they saw old Quinn squatting on the ground out of boredom, holding his chin in his hands in a daze.

After a few words of greeting, Old Quinn looked embarrassed and hesitated: "They...me, they and I have nothing in common."

Harley guessed he wasn't telling the truth and everyone else could tell.

Kyle hesitated.

He recalled what Judge Minos had said casually: In addition to being discriminated against in daily life,

——Old Quinn, who entered the hall of sages through the back door, must have been ridiculed by the sages again.

He thought that his father was a CIA and was even more alienated from the sages. If he entered the hall of sages, wouldn't he be even more despised?

Do we want my father to be like old Quinn, squatting alone on a desolate and remote hillside for the rest of his life?

Thinking of this, Kyle couldn't calm down anymore.

He pulled Harley aside and expressed his worries.

"How about I gather the wise men and tell them not to engage in cultural discrimination?" Harley said.

"No, they will only look down on my father even more." Kyle said quickly.

Harley was in trouble.

Hell is a place where bad people are punished. Except for the Sage Hall on the border, which has a better environment, other places

She was moved in her heart and said: "Your father is the ace CIA, so he can join my 'Hell Guard' and become a 'Quin Guard Qianhu', which can be regarded as a good future in hell."

"What is Quinn Guard?" Kyle asked confused.

"It literally means King Quinn's guard." Harley pointed to herself, "I have the Lord of Heaven, who is also the authentic God of War, and of course I have a private army."

"What is the position of Qianhu?"

Harry shook his head and said, "I'm not sure either. You should go back and check the Imperial Guard system carefully, but the official position is definitely not small. The 'Quinian Guard Thousand Households' sounds so awesome!"

Kyle was speechless, you don’t even know what it is, so you want my father to be a Qianhu?

"What work does he need?" he asked again.

Harley said: "He is responsible for patrolling the border of hell and checking the demons and evil spirits that escape from hell to the human world. It is almost the same as the work he did in the CIA, but this time he is doing good things.

When demons and evil spirits come to the world, they will definitely cause destruction. He is enforcing justice. "

"Is it dangerous? The devil is very fierce." Kyle worried.

"There is definitely a risk. If you are afraid of the risk, just shrink down and work as a foreigner. The town government has no KPI, nor will it eliminate the 20% of the bottom, or graduate at the age of 35. There is no pressure at all." Harley said.

Kyle can't say he's excited, but multiple choices are always good.

He pulled his father aside again and whispered his second choice.

Old Reina was very interested in the position of "Quinn Guard Qianhu".

"Prevent demons and evil spirits from causing disasters in the world. This is my path to atonement!"

Kyle saw the light in his face.

He understood that his father might have been waiting for this opportunity.

A few days later.

Star City, Quinn's upscale apartment in the city center.

late at night.

"Dina, it's almost two o'clock in the morning, aren't you back yet?" Oliver was sitting on the kingsize bed, wearing only a pair of black underwear, with his legs spread widely, leaning on the bedside to dial his fiancée's phone number.

"You go to sleep first, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back tonight."

Oliver put his hand into his crotch and dug it, complaining: "There haven't been any crisis incidents recently, what are you busy with?"

"You can say there are no big crises, but there are a lot of big things."

On the other end of the phone, Dinah's voice was full of energy and passion, without the fatigue and impatience of staying up until early morning.

"What's the matter?" Oliver asked curiously.

“During the Multiverse Restart Crisis, our watchtower satellite was destroyed by Superboy, and now two new ‘space headquarters’ are about to be built.

According to Bateman, one is placed in its original position, that is, in geosynchronous orbit, and the other is placed on the moon, mainly responsible for the collection and processing of space information, such as the solar system radar system.

There are also the Teen Titans, who are also planning to form a formal organization and plan to build the Titans Tower in Jersey City, which requires technical support from Zhenglian.

in addition"

Dinah Barabara, talked a lot, although there is no big crisis, but if you think about it carefully, the things are not small.

"Where are the others in Zhenglian? Who is the rotating supervisor of the Hall of Justice this month?" Oliver frowned.

"It's Jon, but I am the chairman of Zhenglian, and it is my responsibility to handle daily affairs." Dinah said proudly.

Oliver opened his mouth, and finally sighed, "Pay attention to your health and don't tire yourself."

Hearing this, Dinah became even more excited, "I haven't known what it feels like to be 'tired' for a long time. 'Hallelujah' is very powerful."

Oliver rubbed his eyes tiredly, said "good night" helplessly, turned off the light, and fell asleep with his crotch between his legs.

"Olly, Ollie"

In the haze, Oliver heard a familiar but vague voice.

"Who?" He "opened his eyes" and was surprised to find that he was in a dim world. Except for himself, everything around him was gray.

"Olly, Ollie" the voice became clearer.

Oliver was surprised: "Father, is that you?"

"It's me!" The voice was very happy, "You finally heard my voice, come here, come here."


A dazzling white light came from the direction of the sound. Oliver put his hand in front of his forehead and walked forward in confusion.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and asked alertly: "Who are you, and what do you want to do by pretending to be my father?"

"Oli, it's me." The voice said in shock.

"Humph, my father has been dead for many years, don't try to lie to me. Also, where is this?" Oliver looked around. The sky was gray, the earth was gray, and everything was empty and gray in all directions, except for the beam of light in front of him.

Obviously, this is not his home, and it may not even be on Earth.

"This is your dream. I'm entrusting you with a dream in hell." The voice explained.

Oliver's suspicion was still lingering, and he said in a deep voice: "I never knew that people from hell can still entrust dreams to living people. My father has never done this before."

"Oh, I never had the chance before. Now that I live in the Sage Hall, I have money and leisure, and I can make friends everywhere. The situation is very different."

Then without waiting for Oliver to ask again, it took the initiative to explain, "Not only did you enshrine my tablet at home, you even hung my portrait in the company lobby.

By the way, there is also a statue of me in Lawrence Cathedral in the West End of Star City.

The thoughts and memories of mortals are the currency of the deceased in the world of death.

So, I have saved a lot of money recently.

Today, I found a succubus who is good at psychic skills in the market by the River Styx. I spent a full 30,000 silver coins to enter your dream. "

"There is a market by the River Styx? And there are succubi who help dead people channel spirits?" Oliver felt like he was listening to a fairy tale, and his heart became more alert.

"Not to mention psychic succubi, there are even witches who drive taxis. As long as you have money here, you can buy anything." The voice smacked its lips, as if aftertasteing something.

Oliver's heart moved, "The succubus is beautiful, right?"

The voice said excitedly: "Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a good figure, appearance and that job. Oli, I have something serious to discuss with you this time, Ollie.

You are a living person and there is no need to care about the bazaars and black magic of hell. "

Most of the doubts in Oliver's mind were eliminated. The person opposite him was probably his old man.

However, he still did not step into the light, and only asked from a distance: "What are you talking to me about?"

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