I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1369 Seven lights come together, darkness comes

Old Quinn on the opposite side was silent for a while and said in a complicated tone: "You are right to be wary of me.

This is how you should treat the unknown. Only by staying alert at all times can you ensure the safety of yourself and your family.

However, I still remember the old you, that carefree and dazed Star City lothario.

I once hoped that you would be more mature and stable, but now that you have become better than I expected, I feel a little uncomfortable. What kind of cruel experience has made you who you are today."

This sincere emotion made some of the doubts in Oliver's heart dissipate.

"Despite everything I've been through, I can assure you now that I'm fine, very fine. Dinah and I are engaged and we will get married tomorrow spring and start trying to get pregnant later this year.

In other words, I might be a father in two years.

When the time comes, you will become a grandpa. "Oliver said very easily with happiness and expectation in his tone.

"Very good, great." Old Quinn was very pleased when he heard this.

After being happy for a while, he hesitated and said: "Aoli, I'm looking for you this time, but I'm here to ask for help."

"What do you need? Is it too expensive to go to the market and not enough money? What should I do? As long as I can do it, just say it." Oliver said.

"No, it's not about money, it's about something else." Old Quinn quickly denied it, then began to hesitate again, "You have a companion named 'Kyle Rayner', right? He is a Green Lantern."

"You even know Kyle? Did you hear it from the black witch at the market?" Oliver asked in surprise.

"No, I met his father, Mr. Aaron Rayner."

Oliver suddenly realized, "Yes, Kyle's father passed away some time ago, and I attended his funeral. Harley also sent him to the Hall of Sages?"

"Originally, I did have this plan, but then Aaron got the second choice - to become a glorious Quinn Guard Qianhu." Old Quinn said with envy.

"Uh, what is Quinn Guard Senhu?"

"Sages say that a thousand households are equivalent to a thousand captains. The key is that they can be hereditary."

"This" Oliver became more and more confused. What is this?

"Miss Quinn has the title of King of Heaven, do you know?" Old Quinn saw that his son was confused and took the initiative to explain: "You think of her as a queen canonized by the Emperor 'God'. Of course the queen has her own army. .

The Queen's Guard is the 'Queen's Guard' she formed for the position of 'Guardian of Hell's Gate'. It is composed of earls, marquises, viscounts and knights under the Queen's command.

Aaron Reina's hereditary thousand households are at least equivalent to earls. No, they should be marquises. Marquises of ten thousand households above a thousand households are the kings themselves. "

Oliver frowned and said, "Who did you listen to these messy things?"

"What the sage said is definitely correct."

"Hallie is indeed the King of Heaven, and there are two angels who serve as gatekeepers, but she never told us about the 'Queen's Army'," Oliver said.

"Yes, there is currently only one Aaron Reiner in the army, but she has already shown this intention. Aaron Reiner has also essentially fulfilled the duties of the 'Quinn Guard Qianhu' and has taken over the authority of the 'Marquis' ." Old Quinn said.

Oliver heard the excitement and desire in his father's words, "What did Aaron Rayner do?"

"About half a month ago, he was canonized as a Thousand Household by Queen Quinn. The next day, Aaron captured two hundred wandering undead souls in Limbo Prison. Then guess what?" Old Quinn's voice Trembling with excitement.

"He got an award from Harley?" Oliver said.

"Her reward is not just her reward. When Kyle Rayner left, he told Aaron to stay in the Hall of Sages and not to take risks outside - by the way, I forgot to talk to you. It is said that Qianhu, the guardian of Quin, also lives in the Hall of Sages.

I have never been to the entire Nine Hells and the Demon King's residence, so I don't know the situation. Anyway, from what I have seen, the environment is far inferior to that of the Hall of Sages.

Breathing air in other places, you can feel the burning pain and suffering in your lungs. The Hall of Sages is almost the same as the human world.

In short, if the Quin Guard becomes an army in the future, they will also build a military camp next to the Sage Hall. "

"You're going too far." Oliver said helplessly.

"The flow of time in dreams is different from reality. We can talk about it slowly. And when I tell you about Quinn Guard's treatment, I'm not talking nonsense." Old Quinn comforted his son before continuing: "Aaron didn't Following his son's instructions, he insisted on fulfilling his duties.

He said that since his strength is low now, he would only catch evil spirits with low strength.

Well, after he became a Qianhu, Queen Quinn gave him an artifact - the Chain of Heaven and Earth - which was woven from three of her hairs, one of the Son's dog hair, and some heavenly silver threads.

It was forged by the Hell Demon God using the core fire in the depths of hell. It had also been tempered by the cold spring from the Sunless Sea, making it extremely powerful.

He chained two hundred confused undead souls and took them back to hell.

Then a beam of golden light fell between his eyebrows, and his ordinary T-shirt and jeans were replaced by a majestic black 'Quinn Guard jersey'.

There was also a skeletal horse "Da Da Da" that was full of fire and ran over and became his mount.

These are Queen Quinn's rewards.

Later, Aaron told me that he was also recognized by the origin of hell and had an extra magical power in his body.

It was obvious that he had become a formally established ‘demonic god’ of hell. "

Oliver said: "So, you want me to help and let Harley recruit you into the 'Quinn Guard'?"

"Is that okay?" Old Quinn asked expectantly.

Oliver frowned and said, "You only saw the benefits of Quinn guarding Qianhu, but you never thought that he might die in the process of hunting down demons."

Old Quinn hurriedly said: "Oli, I am a capitalist and a businessman, and I know best the relationship between risks and benefits.

After joining Quinn Guard, you will still live in the Hall of Sages, as I said before.

There are no mandatory tasks, and you have endless time to slowly accumulate merit.

In this case, pursuing high risks and high returns is completely unworthy and stupid.

On the contrary, zero risk and extremely low return is the wisest choice. "

After hearing this, Oliver didn't want his father to be a "Quin Guard" anymore.

He is too treacherous and unworthy.

After Aaron Kyle became a Senhu, he worked hard the next day, not afraid of risks, and most likely did not expect any reward. He only performed his duties and performed his duties as the "Quin Guard of the Town" to guard the border of hell.

But his father actually wanted to get stuck, and with endless time, he could gather the armpits into fur and the sand into hills.

Thinking of this, Oliver was basically certain that the shadow at the end of the white light was his own father, and no one else was plotting against him.

He knew his father very well, and he was nothing but a good father.

As a businessman, he is both evil and bad, a typical big capitalist; as a husband, he is unfaithful to his wife. Of course, his mother is not a good bird either. She actually let his father raise a "bastard" for decades. Not him, It's his sister.

Old Quinn felt that his son seemed unhappy, and sighed: "Of course, the devil and so on are just dreams for endless years in the future. What is more realistic now is my situation.

Two people who also escaped from the judgment of hell through the back door, the sage’s attitude toward me and Aaron was completely different.

They respectfully called him 'Master Qianhu', and he was polite, but he was disrespectful to me and often ridiculed me in person.

In fact, the reason Kyle Rayner asked for a second choice for his dad was because they saw me at the time.

I was ridiculed by the sage and squatted alone on the hillside outside feeling depressed. Kyle couldn't bear that my father would end up like this, so he went to Queen Quinn to intercede."

Oliver sighed helplessly, "I understand. I'll ask Harley tomorrow."

"I don't seek the position of a thousand households, even if I don't have a hundred households, an ordinary military position will do. I don't seek a knighthood. I mainly want to find a goal in life." Old Quinn said with joy and trepidation.

The next day Oliver got up an hour later than usual.

Looking at himself in the mirror with dark circles under his eyes, he frowned.

After making a phone call to make sure that Harley would not go out this morning, he changed into the Green Arrow uniform and came to Quinn Manor with the help of the Justice League's mother box transmission technology.

".That's just the way it is."

First, he recounted everything that happened in last night's dream in detail, and then pointed at his face, "Do you think I have been affected by black magic? Is that succubus reliable?"

“Hell does have a market, with witches who drive taxis and all kinds of low-level demons, as well as black magicians from all dimensions and planets.

But none of them are reliable.

Hell creatures are proud of being unreliable and ashamed of being honest and reliable. Their values ​​are completely opposite to those of us humans. "

Harley looked at him carefully and then said: "You do have the aura of black magic on your body, and you have lost a lot of blood.

It is very possible that the succubus has been to the nightmare dimension - a world opposite to the dream dimension, equivalent to dream hell. "

Oliver worried: "Then my father is more..."

"When he can't play anymore, he will naturally stop playing." Harley said.

"He wants to be a Quinn Guard. This identity may not necessarily allow him to gain respect in front of the sages, but at least it can give him a goal in his boring and endless undead life, so as to avoid being confused, doing nothing, and eventually degenerating." Oliver said .

"How many achievements in heaven do you have now?" Harley asked.

"Four hundred and sixty thousand."

"The fixed price is 400,000, and I can buy your father the status of 'Quinwei Baihu', okay?"

Oliver gave her a sigh of relief first, at least she didn't refuse, at least daddy's business was done.

Then he started to feel pain again.

Back then, it was so easy to get millions of merits, so I didn’t know how to cherish them. But in recent years, I no longer have the opportunity to get rich. I can only earn merits by exorcising demons, and then I realize how rare merits are.

Most of the time, we only encounter a supernatural incident once every month or two. The Green Arrow family all goes out and works hard for several days. In the end, we only catch a little devil without a title and a dozen meritorious deeds.

This is under the premise that Harley is generous and confiscates 50% of the handling fee.

"How much did Kyle pay? It's not that I'm reluctant to part with it, it's just that merit is rare, and this merit was originally reserved for my mother." He said with a sneer.

Harley shook her head and said: "Kyle's price is definitely greater than the 400,000 meritorious service, dozens of times or more.

You must understand that this 400,000 does not mean much to me.

Just say that later I will give your father a 'Chain of Heaven and Earth' specially designed for capturing ghosts. The forging cost alone is more than 400,000.

400,000 is the rule.

This rule is the threshold and the conclusion of cause and effect.

All miracles have a price.

Today this meritorious service is the price. "

"Thank you, I understand."

Oliver could feel her sincerity, and although it hurt, he was also truly grateful.

"Harry, do you have any tasks to make quick money here?"

"Don't you have 60,000 left?" Harley said.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I once used two thousand merit points to check the sin value for my mother." He stretched out a hand, spread his fingers, and said bitterly: "More than 500,000!"

"Hey, you're worse off than Chao, and Louise only has over 400,000 yuan." Harley laughed unsympathetically.

"Isn't it 300,000? It's increased again?" The expression on Oliver's face became more relaxed.

Even a righteous female reporter like Louise is so sinful. His mother, a decadent capitalist with an immoral private life, has lived a lifetime and is about the same as her, which is pretty good.

"Does your mother know how many sins she has committed, and does she understand what those sins mean?" Harley asked.

Oliver shook his head slightly, then nodded slightly, "She knew she was guilty, but I didn't tell her the specific value.

She also knew that if she did not complete redemption during her lifetime, she would go to hell after death.

However, I comforted her that I had prepared redemption feats for her and told her not to worry. "

Harley asked again: "What is she doing every day now? Has she changed her thoughts and living habits?"

"This" Oliver hesitated.

He wanted to say that his mother had completely become a good person, but he couldn't say anything against his will.

She still lived the same luxurious and luxurious life as before, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

It's just that she changed lovers more slowly, was kinder to the housekeepers and servants who worked for her, and never grudged charity donations.

"She often participated in charity events," he said.

Harley sighed: "Have you ever thought about why your father is not used to life in the Hall of Sages?"

"The wise men despised him."

Harry shook his head and said: "Your father is a human being, and the Hall of Sages is the environment.

The Hall of Sages is right there, and it has always been the same appearance and environment.

Heaven is also there, and it has always been the same.

In reality, no matter what kind of life you want to live, the best way is to work hard to improve yourself and let your level and abilities reach the level required for that kind of life. "

Oliver was stunned.

Harley continued: "Luther's mother's sin is greater than your mother. Her choice is to say goodbye to the past completely and live a life of poverty and regularity as a monk.

She's not even used to the Luthor family's wealth now.

Last time Luther was tricked by little Luther, she came back and stayed for a few days. Before Luther woke up, she ran back to Heaven Mountain and continued to chant scriptures in the morning and evening, work in the fields in the morning, and face the silver with the church members in the afternoon. Singing carols in the city, studying literature related to God's teachings at night, trying to understand the true meaning of every sentence and story in the Bible.

Now let her return to Earth and join any church, and she can easily handle the Archbishop's business. "

"I am not saying this to ask your mother to abandon the mortal world and escape into Buddhism. I want to tell you that salvation is a very personal and self-centered path, and you mainly have to walk it yourself.

Others can help, but you can never walk on other people’s backs.

If you haven’t walked there yourself, you have no experience, no insights, no spiritual and cognitive transformation. Even if you reach the other shore, you will feel that the ‘paradise on the other shore’ does not meet your imagination and it is difficult to adapt, or you may think that ‘paradise’ is always aimed at you. "

"I understand what you mean, but she is my mother." Oliver said distressedly.

Harry thought for a while and said, "You can join forces with your father. Doesn't he often go to the market and hang out with a group of demons from different religions?

Let him inquire about which demon is going to which city in the human world and what it is doing, and then you will ambush them on the earth.

Or simply let your father be a smuggler and open a company to 'smuggle demons into the world'. On the one hand, he will receive benefits from the demons and promise to escort them to the world as a 'Quinn Guard', and on the other hand, he will pass the news to you. You Work with your wife Dinah to catch them all.

The whole family is full of food and makes twenty or thirty W every year, easily. "

Oliver was stunned, "Isn't this a breach of trust? It's so shameless."

"Wrong! The morality of hell is opposite to that of the human world. If your father does what I say, he will be honorable and virtuous, and will be respected and appreciated by demons and black magicians.

As for humans, he traps and kills demons who want to sneak across the earth to cause destruction, which also has immeasurable merit and benefits the world.

All the benefits will come to your family. "

Although he genuinely thought her words were ridiculous, Oliver just couldn't refute it.

It makes perfect sense logically.

Oliver and Kyle still knew the importance and did not publicize their father's promotion to "Quin Guard". In the following days, no third person approached Harley to use the back door to benefit their family members far away in hell.

Within a few days, a piece of good news spread all over the world: Omac, who was kidnapped by his brother's eyes, was finally rescued by Lex Luthor and Baxterman.

Well, those two teamed up.

The backdoor that little Luther set up on his brother's body is in Luther's hands. Zhenglian cannot do without him and can only cooperate with him.

Of the millions of missing people, only 730,000 came back this time, and more than 200,000 people lost their lives forever. Their bodies were not even thrown on the battlefield of Apokolips.

But being able to save people from Apokolips is already considered a great victory, at least that's what Luther thinks. In the following days, you can see his high-spirited and eloquent figure in the media.

Bateman became even more silent and desolate.

"I'm afraid that he will never recover from this and will never dare to make any responsible decisions again." Selina worried.

"This is a good thing! To be honest, I am not even afraid of Darkseid, but I am afraid of his 'big plan'." Harley said.

"You have the responsibility for the world in your heart, but you dare not take responsibility for one person. How painful and sad it is!" Selena said excitedly.

Harry said calmly: "You don't have the power to tie a chicken, but you dare to take the responsibility of the world. How arrogant and terrifying this is!"

"How can you say that about Bruce? Isn't he your good friend?" Selina said dissatisfied.

"If he hadn't been a good friend of mine, I would have ridiculed him so much that he ran away, burst into tears, and committed suicide due to guilt." Harley said angrily: "Look at what he did, hundreds of thousands People died directly and millions of families were affected. Shouldn't I say a few words to him?"

"That's little Luther causing trouble." Selina defended.

Harry shook his head and said: "These words can be used to comfort him when he is in pain, and they can be used to divert the public's anger when public opinion is fermenting, but they can never be used as a reason for him to excuse himself.

He knew that there were crocodiles in the pond, but he still took his daughter to play in the pond, confident that he could protect her safety. As a result, his daughter was eaten by a crocodile. Can you forgive him? "

"Your metaphor is very inappropriate." Selena frowned.

"Why is it inappropriate? Just because the 'daughter' is also yours, do you feel the pain?

But it wasn’t the son or daughter who died?

He is not ignorant, he has seen gods and supreme powers.

He has experienced a lot and knows that there are many powerful people in the world. He also knows that his own strength and wisdom are not worth mentioning in front of gods and demons, but he still fantasizes about taking the whole world into his own hands. "

"He didn't want to control anyone, he just wanted to build a set of surveillance satellites. Who would have thought that satellites would also become big killers." Selina sighed.

"I thought about it and warned him, but he didn't listen."

"Whoosh!" A beam of green light suddenly landed in the yard, and then Hal's worried cry was heard: "Harry, something big has happened, the seven-color army is complete!"

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