I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1367 Kyle Rayner’s Journey to Hell

There are two types of judges in hell, they exist for the undead and demons respectively.

The joy and pain of the judge mainly governs the demons in hell for Satan.

The judge Minos at the entrance to the second level of hell is somewhat similar to the hell Yama in Eastern mythology, judging the sins of the undead and throwing them into the corresponding level of hell.

Kyle Rayner wants to know the sins of his father, and Harley now finds the snake-tailed Minos.

"Aaron Reiner." Minos muttered: "He is indeed in hell. He is currently in the eighth trench of the eighth layer of hell."

Harley explained to Kyle: "There are nine major layers in the Nine Hells, and the major layers may be divided into multiple smaller layers.

The deeper the hell, the heavier the sins and the greater the punishment.

There are so many extremely evil sins in the world that the nine levels of hell are not enough.

For example, the eighth level of hell has ten ditches, corresponding to the ten deadly sins.

Your father is in the Eighth Ditch, which is a very serious crime. "

"But my father is patriotic and a good man!" Kyle shouted again.

Harry sighed: "Those who encourage others to do evil will fall into the eighth trench on the eighth level, and their souls will be tortured by fire.

It is also the ‘Sea of ​​Fire’ in the legendary ‘Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire’. "

"He is a good person and will definitely not encourage others to do evil." Kyle shook his head repeatedly.

Harley looked at Minos.

Minos didn't say anything, just waved his hand, and a picture as big as an IMAX movie screen appeared in front of him.

"." In the picture, Aaron Reina, who is decades younger, is chattering and talking to an Arab man wearing a headscarf. The expression of the bearded man opposite him gradually changes from hesitant to determined and greedy.

"Can you understand? This is Pashto." Harley said.

She asked nonsense, how could Green Lantern not understand Earth's "foreign language".

Kyle closed his eyes with a painful expression and murmured: "He is persuading the Pashtun chief to become an internal agent of the American army and betray his motherland."

"Do you still want to read it? He has done similar things no less than a hundred times. Those who persuade people to betray their country and nation are guilty of a crime second only to treason itself." Judge Minos rumbled.

The sin of treason is as serious as Judas's betrayal of Jesus, and both are in the nine hells.

Kyle shook his head slightly.

He did not doubt the authenticity of the scenes shown by the judge. Similar scenes often appeared in Hollywood movies and news reports. As his father was a CIA officer, it was normal for him to have done similar things.

"In addition to persuading people to do evil, there are also many crimes such as theft, forgery, murder, alienation, etc." Judge Minos said while selecting typical scenes and playing them for them to watch, which made Kyle close his eyes in the end.

"Well, after all, your father is not doing it for himself, he is patriotic." Harley comforted him.

"Yes, he served the country and he should not be allowed to bear these responsibilities." Kyle was shocked and looked at the judge.

Judge Minos shook his head and said: "If it was to protect the family and the country, even if your father did these things, there would be no sin.

On the contrary, if he can distinguish between public and private affairs and have good personal moral character, he can still gain great merit.

But you can also see that he is not defending his country or his people.

He is subverting other people's countries and creating war, death and sorrow. "

"But the wars he participated in were all just. They were to overthrow the brutal and corrupt dictator and bring freedom, democracy, equality and happiness to the local people." Kyle said loudly, waving his hands.

"Who said this?" asked the judge Minos.

Kyle was stunned for a moment, "Why do you need to listen to other people's opinions? I have my own judgment."

Judge Minos said: "Then why did you come to hell and are you still aggrieved by what happened to your father? He is enjoying happiness in hell. This is what I said and it is also my judgment."

Kyle shouted with unbearable excitement: "You are confusing right and wrong. He is clearly suffering. He is suffering in the sea of ​​fire, his soul is bitten by poisonous snakes, and his soul is covered with malignant sores. What you showed me, I saw with my own eyes." "

Judge Minos also wanted to shout excitedly, but after glancing at the calm-looking Harley next to him, he still suppressed the violent emotions in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Everything he experienced in hell was what he experienced in the human world. Make retribution for everything.

You said that the local people have gained freedom and happiness, but your father's experience in hell is the local people's life on earth - a hell-like life, but it has become what you call 'happiness'.

Since you said that the local people are very 'happy', why can't I say that your father is also enjoying happiness in hell? Anyway, they all have similar experiences. "

Harry secretly gave this big hell demon a thumbs up. Although his strength was a bit weak, at least his eloquence and logic were very good.

Kyle was stunned for a moment by the rebuttal, and murmured: "The news and the government keep saying that."

Minos was very discerning, and even though Harley hid it deeply, he still saw a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

So He followed with vigor.

“Whether the local people are free and happy can only be said by themselves, and your government and media have no power to represent them.

They are the ones who suffer, and you are the ones who commit violence.

How can any perpetrator express his happiness on behalf of his victim?

Just like a strong criminal saying that his victim is happy, should the judge praise the strong criminal and ignore the screams of the victim?

In the past, there were armies that went to fight in other countries. They also claimed to bring happiness and freedom to the local people. Then those soldiers went to heaven after they died.

Because the local people have indeed gained happiness and freedom, they sincerely bless the soldiers who helped them.

But all your father received from the locals was resentment and curses.

Curses and resentments cannot help him go to heaven, they can only drag him down to hell. "

Kyle was greatly shocked, his eyes were dazed, his face was blank, and his figure was shaky.

Harry couldn't bear it and comforted him: "Your father is just a screw in the state machine.

He is executing the will of the country, working diligently and hard. Even if he does not bring happiness to foreigners, he at least protects the hegemony of the United States and ensures that the American people can live a happy and free life in which they dominate.

He is a well-deserved patriot and a great hero of the American people. "

Kyle's eyes lit up and he quickly repeated her words.

Judge Minos looked at Harry. She didn't wink at him. Did she allow him to refute his fallacy?

But his words were completely repeated by her

Minos hesitated.

His hesitation gave Kyle the confidence to get excited and question Him, "That's right. My father is a patriot and a hero of the United States. He does not deserve to suffer such a crime. Mr. Judge, you have judged the wrong case."

When his professionalism was questioned, Minos couldn't bear it and said angrily: "Absurd! If you people of the United States rely solely on hegemony based on sin, blood and curses to maintain a happy life.

Not only is your father guilty, but all Americans are guilty. The United States is a country of hell. "

"Kick, kick, kick!" Kyle's face turned pale, and he weakly took several steps back amidst His roar.

Harley looked at it and comforted him: "Even if the United States is guilty, the sin should be shared by all the people.

As a patriot, your father has made outstanding contributions to the American people and should be exempted from this apportioned sin. "

Kyle managed to calm down, looked at the judge helplessly, and begged: "Yes, patriots should not suffer extra pain."

"Hmph, the American people did not get any 'happiness' from your father's criminal behavior at all.

Unless they have been buying stocks in military companies.

Or they themselves are Wall Street financial giants or American capitalists.

Including your father, almost all soldiers who responded to the call of the U.S. government were only serving a small group of people under the guise of defending the United States.

You yourself are an ordinary civilian in the United States. Has your living standard continued to improve as the United States' foreign wars continue? "Minos said coldly.

Harley glanced at Him in surprise, "You guy, you must often desert during working hours and go to the hall of sages to listen to the corner! Which wise man did you listen to these words?"

Judge Minos cried out aggrievedly: "Master Guardian, if I don't have enough experience and wisdom, how could I be selected as the judge of hell?

Just like you, if you don't have the power to overwhelm the Nine Hells, why would you become the guardian envoy guarding the gates of hell? "

Harley's eyes became even weirder, "That makes sense. I always thought you were a stupid guy with a cruel personality, an empty mind, and nothing good."

Minos was even more aggrieved, "In terms of body size, with the power of your bloodline, sir, if I manifested my true form of power, I wouldn't be able to reach the top of your feet.

Moreover, body size and intelligence are not directly related.

Just like this friend of yours, he is much smaller than me, but his brain is full of paste. "

Harley glanced at Kyle, who looked dull, and wanted to nod in agreement.

Minos continued to shout: "As for cruelty, that is a huge misunderstanding of me by you and the world.

This is hell, not heaven. How can there be a good person among the undead who can come to hell to wait for judgment?

I certainly don't have a good temper when faced with villains.

If one day God takes pity on me and lets me go to heaven to see the gate, I promise to be full of spring breeze and welcome everyone with a smile. "

——What a beautiful thought! With your ugly and terrifying appearance, anyone who uses you as a front is completely out of their minds.

Harley looked at Kyle. His face was pale from the blow, his eyes were messy, and he seemed to be about to collapse.

She could only comfort her again: "Even though the U.S. military is essentially serving the plutocrats and politicians, your father is a patriot. He is full of passion and wholeheartedly serves the country and the people. He was just deceived by the government."

After hearing this, Kyle cheered up again, looked up at the 40- to 50-meter-tall demon god, and begged: "My father's original intentions were good, he was just blinded by the government's lies."

Minos shook his head and said: "No, your father is far smarter than you. Being in the situation, he has seen through the truth a long time ago. Not only did he want to give up his current job, he even thought of exposing the truth to the media."

Kyle's eyes were as bright as stars, and his voice trembled: "I knew he was a good person, and good people should not go to hell."

Minos continued to shake his head and said: "But your father did not give up his job, nor did he reveal the truth to the media. He pretended not to know anything and continued his past criminal behavior."

"No, he is a good man, he, he" Kyle's body softened and he collapsed on the cold and bloody black iron execution platform, his expression almost desperate.

Minos did not ridicule him this time, nor did he scold him loudly. He only looked at him deeply and said: "He did it all for you, because your mother was pregnant at the time.

He holds too many secrets at the top levels of the government that no one can see, and he is personally involved in many of them.

He understands very well that even if he chooses to withdraw, let alone disclosing the truth to the media, his family's safety will be threatened.

During his career at the CIA, he had seen and done similar things many times.

Therefore, he endured until you were born and until you started walking and talking, then he relaxed and faked his death during the mission to escape.

You know what happened next.

Until you became Green Lantern, he didn't take the initiative to disturb your life, but he was always paying attention to you.

He was happy, proud and extremely satisfied when he saw the news in the newspaper about you wearing a green light mask and performing heroic acts of justice. "

Power returned to Kyle and he stood up, fists clenched, eyes filled with tears, lips trembling.

Harley sighed: "Mr. Aaron is not only a patriot, but also a man of conscience.

In today's America, having a conscience and knowing how to repent is considered a good person.

Not to mention he is a good father! "

"My father doesn't deserve to go to hell," Kyle shouted again.

Minos looked at Harley strangely, then turned to Kyle and said, "Yes, according to the trajectory of fate, your father may go to heaven."

"What?" Kyle yelled in disbelief.

Harley said thoughtfully: "Crime is not terrible. What is terrible is not knowing repentance and not knowing redemption."

Minos nodded and said: "After he faked his death and escaped, in addition to hiding in the dark to observe your growth, he has also been repenting for his past crimes.

He also used anonymous mail to expose the crimes committed by the US government to the media.

Of course, all that information was taken away by American agents and was not released.

Unfortunately, although he has been repenting, there is something wrong with his method.

He did not go to church and repent sincerely to God.

Instead, he was alone in the room in a daze, suffering, feeling annoyed, pulling his hair and wiping his tears.

If he had found a respected priest from the beginning, confessed his pain to the "Human Spokesman of God", and participated in more public welfare social activities in the rest of his life, he would have completed his redemption long ago.

However, he had plenty of time.

He has been repenting since you were born. Even if the efficiency is low in thirty years, he can almost complete the redemption after waiting another ten or twenty years.

But he died, before he attained enlightenment and eliminated his sins. "

Having said this, Minos glanced at Harry again and couldn't help but said: "Master Guardian, haven't you seen Aaron Reiner's file? What I mentioned is recorded in the Silver City Archives. "

"You can still go to Silver City to look up information?" Harley asked in surprise.

"No, I can't. I can only stay in hell, but when I am judging the undead, I will write their documents and finally submit them to the top."

"Oh, part of the files I found in Silver City came from you." Harley was stunned at first, and then asked doubtfully: "What's so special about Aaron Reiner?"

"His fate has been changed, from a holy spirit in heaven to a sinful soul in hell. This is no small matter, so I have highlighted his documents." Minos said seriously.

"Why did it change?" Kyle asked excitedly.

Minos looked at Harley, hesitant.

"But it doesn't matter." Harley said.

Minos said: "It was you, the guardian envoy, who changed his fate."

Harley made a serious face and scolded: "Nonsense, I didn't even know Kyle's father was still alive before."

Minos shrank his neck and whispered: "The original fate was that Kyle Rayner's mother was assassinated by the Yellow Lantern Corps and her soul returned to the underworld.

His father, after attaining great enlightenment, had many children and grandchildren, and lived a long and prosperous life until he was 95 years old.

Well, I can live for more than thirty years. "

"This" Harley was deep in thought. If she hadn't brought Kyle's mother to Paradise Mountain, she would be dead. After her death, the Yellow Lantern Corps' goal of breaking Kyle's defense was achieved, and naturally they would not attack old Reina again. .

Old Reina was only in his early sixties, so there was no telling that he would really live to complete his redemption.

"I am in the destiny. When I meet, it is Mrs. Reina's destiny. How can you say that I changed her destiny?" She said lightly.

"With all due respect, you are not in the destiny at all. Almost all the people affected by you form a new destiny line."

Minos gushed: "Kyle Rayner's mother should have gone to hell, but now she lives in Heaven Mountain; Aaron Rayner should have gone to the bottom of heaven, but ended up in hell.

One in and one out to achieve balance.

Although Aaron had difficulties in leaving Kyle's mother and son in his early years, he ultimately abandoned Kyle's mother. He owed her a lot, and now he has completed a round of karma. "

Harley's eyes turned cold, "You, a little judge, dare to talk about your fate?"

Judge Minos lowered his head, closed his mouth, and stopped talking.

In fact, the judge already has the authority to observe the fate line and causal line of the dead. This authority comes from God.

If he cannot sort out the cause and effect, he will not be able to sentence each undead quickly and accurately.

But He also woke up now. Forget about talking about the fate of the mortal Kyle, he dared to make irresponsible remarks on the fate of the witch Harley. Being alive now is the greatest luck.

"I have meritorious service in heaven, can I let my father go?" Kyle knelt in front of the judge and begged bitterly.

Minos shook his head and said: "If he is alive, you can still help him complete his redemption with the 'Heaven Mercenary Contract', but now it's a done deal."

"Aww~~" Kyle collapsed and cried.

Minos said strangely: "And it's useless for you to beg me, I'm just a judge, equivalent to the prosecutor of the earth.

The president has the power to decide whether to pardon criminals. "

Kyle quickly asked: "Who is the president?"

Minos pursed his lips at Harry, who looked calm beside him, "The Guardian is the one with the most power in the hell bureaucracy.

There was no need for you to argue with me just now about whether your father was guilty.

No matter how guilty he is, no matter whether he has repented or not, as long as the guardian is willing, he can change your father's ending. "

"Harley?!" Kyle was stunned, his eyes became hot, "Can you save my father from hell?"

Harley shook her head, "No one can release the souls who have fallen into hell except God."

"Why do you have to get out of hell? Find the guardian envoy to go through the back door and send your father to the Hall of Sages to be a 'fake sage'. Apart from being discriminated against, it's not much worse than going to the bottom of heaven." Minos said .

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