I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1362 Sudden crime

"You mean, I am now a suspect in the murder of Green Lantern Ash of Sector 650?" Harley raised her eyebrows and asked calmly while looking at the people in front of her.

With the newly released eighth-level black death power defense expertise, the ninth-level red light defense expertise, and a very happy mood, Harley did not waste any time. After letting her "new friend" Blood Slaughter Ox go, she immediately chose to return to Earth.

As soon as she landed at the manor, without even having time to exchange a few words with the "disciples" of the Teen Titans, Hal Jordan came to her house with four Green Lanterns and several regular heroes.

"Harry, it has been five or six days, almost a week, since Atrocitus was arrested. Where have you been?" Hal asked.

His condition was not good, he looked tired, his eyes were bloodshot, there was crusted eye mucus at the corners of his eyes, his beard was unkempt, and his voice was hoarse.

As long as the lantern ring's energy can be continuously supplied, Green Lantern will theoretically not be tired, either mentally or physically.

He looks like this, probably because he has encountered too many bad things.

"Are you judging me?" Harley didn't treat him with a good temper just because he was in a bad state.

An armored green lantern wearing a bucket-shaped helmet said in an almost mechanical voice: "Ashe, the Green Lantern in sector 650, was brutally killed while searching for the remains of the Demon Prison.

His last location was sector 666.

And we have conclusive evidence that you were also active in sector 666 at the same time."

"Buzz~~" He raised his right hand and projected a blurry 3D picture of the starry sky into the air.

The image is really blurry, with just a faint green dot in the middle.

"This is the star map near the light ring numbered 650 that we detected. It should have been on you at the time, and the center position is where you are."

The bucket-helmet Lantern looked at Harley. There was no emotion in the eyes behind the green glass mask, which made her frown slightly.

"You once met Lantern No. 650 Ash and got his lantern ring. Considering Ash's goal - the essence of the remains of the Demon Prison, and your greed for all 'magic', we have reason to suspect , in order to monopolize the energy essence of the remains of the Demon Prison, you killed the Lantern Ash who was blocking you.

Of course, you can also take out Lantern Ring No. 650 and give it to us. Through the Green Lantern Log, you can accurately find out the time and reason of Lantern Ash's death. "

Da Chao persuaded: "Harry, we all believe that you did not kill anyone. Give the lamp ring to Hal, and he can prove your innocence."

Harley raised her eyebrows, glanced at him and several Zhenglian heroes, and asked, "Do you really believe that I didn't kill anyone?"

Dachao hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly and said: "I have been observing your expression just now. You were confused and surprised, but you were not guilty or ashamed, so I believe you."

Diana glanced at Harley, "I'm just here to wait for an answer - have you killed anyone, so don't ask me."

The old Green Lantern touched his nose, "The 'Galaxy Admiral's Murder of the Lantern Case' has a wide range of implications and a great influence. I am a representative of the Justice Society and a Green Lantern, so... alas, I am in the same position as Diana. "

Dinah turned her head and looked around, but she and Bateman were the only ones who didn't express their opinions.

She stared at Bateman, waiting for him to speak first. Although she became the chairman of Zhenglian, she still subconsciously put the "Big Seven" before herself.

Bateman seemed to be covered in a shadow, standing there quietly, and if he wasn't paying attention, he would have thought he had disappeared. So much so that no one spoke for a while, and when the atmosphere became awkward, everyone looked at her.

"I don't have the meticulous detective ability of Superman, but I believe in Harley. If you deny it, Harley, I will believe that you didn't kill anyone." She said sarcastically.

"Battman?" Finally, Harley called his name.

"Huh?" He seemed to have just woken up.

"Do you think I killed anyone?" Harley asked.

"Did you kill Lantern Ash?" he asked seriously.

Harley shook her head.

Bateman nodded and said nothing.

Harley shrugged and asked, "Where are Arthur and Jon? Are they not qualified to attend my trial, or are they busy?"

"This is not a big deal -" Da Chao just said this, then he saw the green light beside him change his expression slightly.

He was embarrassed at first, and then explained to them apologetically: "I mean, this is not a formal trial. A few of us represent the heroes of the earth, which is enough."

There are five Green Lanterns in total, Hal, Guy Gardner, Pig-headed Green Lantern Kilowog, Chicken-headed Green Lantern Tomatu, and Bucket-headed Green Lantern.

The chicken-headed green light frowned deeply, showing a bit of dissatisfaction.

Buckethead was expressionless, and the other three smiled kindly at Dachao.

Harley turned to the Green Lanterns and said, "What needs to be said has been said. Let's go."

"Are you done?" Buckethead Green Lantern's tone remained as calm as water, but his eyes radiated a sharp green light, "Harley Quinn, the conversation you just had has almost nothing to do with this case.

In other words, you have not proven your innocence in the face of our evidence. "

Harley smiled contemptuously, "Don't get me wrong, I never wanted to prove anything to you.

I asked a few of them because I care about what my friends think.

Since they believe I didn't kill anyone, I don't need to waste any more words.

As for the Green Lantern Corps, I don’t care what you think or do. "

Hal frowned and said, "At least make a statement. Even if you make a statement and explain it a little, it won't waste much of your time."

Harley shook her head and said: "If you old friends weren't here, or if it were a stranger Green Lantern who said 'trial', 'evidence', and 'explanation' to me, I would kick him away today." out of the earth.

If it were tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when I was not in a good mood, he would have kicked me to death. "

"It's the 'trial' you mentioned. We just asked you about the situation this time, and we didn't want to put you on trial." The chicken-headed man Tomatu said with an ugly expression.

Hal thought for a while, then turned to his companions and said: "There are still many doubts about this case, which cannot be solved in a short time. You guys will return to Oa first. The top priority now is Sinestro and Atrocitas."

"What happened to them? Did they escape? Isn't this too fast? It's only been a few days? By the way, wasn't Sinestro sentenced to death? How could he still escape from prison?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Atrocitus escaped from prison first, and then kidnapped Sinestro, who was about to be executed. Dozens of brothers were killed. We want to avenge them. We shouldn't waste our time here." Gagardner was filled with indignation. road.

Buckethead Lantern said in an indifferent tone: "One code is one code, we are currently discussing Lantern Ash's case, and Harley Quinn has not yet given any explanation for the Lantern Ring No. 650."

"Varix, you go back first, I'll talk to Harley." Hal persuaded in a low voice.

"No, according to the new Green Light Law, when questioning important suspects, the Supreme Green Lantern must be present." Shuitou Tou said indifferently.

"Supreme Green Lantern? What is this?" Harley asked in surprise.

Guy Gardner whispered: "The military police equivalent of the Green Lantern Corps, with great power."

Harley said thoughtfully: "It's only been a few days since we last met, and it seems like a lot has happened to you Green Lantern Corps."

Hal smiled bitterly at her, then turned around and said sternly: "Varix, even if you are the Supreme Green Lantern, you must obey the orders of the Legion Commander."

"According to the law, the Supreme Green Lantern only listens to the reasonable suggestions of the legion commander. Now I judge that your order is unreasonable." Shuitou said.

Hal said impatiently: "Believe it or not, with just a few more words, the witch Harley will break your iron bones? Or, do you think you can capture her with the 'Supreme Light Ring' on your finger?" Already?"

"As the legion commander, you have the responsibility to cooperate with my actions - this is the guardian's order." Buckethead said.

Harry glanced around the two people's faces and couldn't help but smile weirdly.

"Varix, I will not cooperate with any of your actions." Hal said coldly.

Buckethead stared at him for a while, without saying a word, and then flew into the sky.

The pig-headed man smiled awkwardly at Harley and left.

"Varix will most likely sue you in front of the little blue man. I'll go back to Oa to defend you for a while." The red-haired Gardner patted Hal on the shoulder and flew into the sky.

"Harry, why is Ash's Lantern Ring in your hand?" Hal asked again after the other Lanterns left.

"I picked it up." Harley didn't sneer at him this time.

"Where is the light ring? Give it to me. If there is a green light log, things will become very simple." Hal advised.

Harley shook her head and said: "I destroyed the light ring. I know it has a recording function, but I don't want others to know that I have been to sector 666."

Since there is no need to play Green Lantern to snatch the central battery of the red light, the Green Lantern ring is naturally useless.

After catching the bloody slaughtered cow, she threw it into her stomach bag and digested it until no residue was left.

"What are you doing in sector 666 these days?" Dachao asked confused.

"Of course I'm doing something shady, otherwise why wouldn't I want others to know?" Harley said confidently.

Dachao choked for a moment, and then said: "Now that the Green Lantern Corps knows that you have been to Sector 666, is there any need to hide it?"

"Which Lantern discovered me, and who did the photo come from?" Harley looked at Hal and asked in confusion.

Hal shook his head and said: "The Guardian didn't say, I guess it's probably the Lantern near Sector 666."

“I have an Ion Shark on me, what Green Lantern can detect me but not me detect him?

Moreover, the Green Lantern ring does have a log recording the cause of the Lantern's death.

If I did take out the light ring, it would be easy to prove my innocence, and then today's drama would seem to be bland. "

Harley's eyes flashed and she sneered: "What's the point of directing a drama that's as bland as water?"

"What do you want to say?" Hal frowned and said, "The photo is a fact. You also admitted that you have been to sector 666 and held the No. 650 light ring."

"Yes, Green Lantern theoretically couldn't find me, but you were able to take a photo. Not only did you take a photo, you also confirmed that I had destroyed the lantern ring.

The question is, who took the photo?

Who was the person who appeared with me in sector 666?

Who killed Ash in sector 650? "

Hal rubbed his temples tiredly and sighed hoarsely: "Harry, if you have any ideas, please tell me directly, okay?"

"There may be a mole in the Guardian team." Bateman beside him suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Impossible." Hal's expression changed and he immediately denied it loudly.

Bateman said: "It's a very simple logical reasoning. Harley did not kill Ash, and the crime scene was very special. Sector 666 was rarely visited by people. It seemed that there was no one else except her and the murderer at the time.

Then the person who identifies her as the murderer is probably the murderer himself.

And as Harry said, only the Guardians can detect the situation of the light ring without being discovered by the ion shark. "

"That makes sense." Da Chao nodded lightly, "But why? Why did the Guardian want to kill Ash and frame Harley?"

Bateman stared at Harry with stern eyes, "Then I have to ask Harry, apart from the red light central energy battery, what else is there in sector 666?"

"Red Light Central Energy Battery." Dachao suddenly realized, "It turns out that Harley went to Red Light Headquarters to steal the 'magic power'."

Several other heroes also suddenly understood, "At that time, Atrocitus had just been arrested and the Red Lantern headquarters was empty of power. It was indeed the best time to take action."

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