I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1361 Wall of Origin

"Ion Shark, you are a will located in the middle of the emotional spectrum. The middle of the spectrum represents the most righteous and peaceful. How can you talk like farting and break an oath like breathing?

You are the embodiment of will and emotion, not a lie! "Xue Tu Niu shouted angrily.

"I didn't lie. I promised you that I would never harm your life. I will keep my word." Fatty said seriously.

"Then what is she doing?!" Xue Tu Niu cried out in grief and anger.

If it could move, it would point with its hooves.

But now it was pinned to death by Fat Head's tendrils of will. Not to mention stretching its hooves, it could think and speak, all because Harley had taken away the defense expertise, and Fat Head allowed it a few free thoughts.

"Her" fat head turned to Harley, his chubby emerald green shark face wrinkled, "Harry, can you be more particular?

Chewing it directly or eating it alive is too invasive and uncivilized. I can't even fool the bloody slaughter cow. "

The Ion Shark is a shark head, a shark drive, and a phoenix tail.

The Parallax Monster has the head and body of a grasshopper and the tail of a dragon.

The Blood Slaughtered Ox basically looks like a cow. It is a lump of muscle that is a mixture of rhinoceros, buffalo, and ox. It looks particularly fat.

At this moment, Harley had a green napkin tied under her neck - the green light energy appeared, and her left and right hands were golden knives and forks - the stomach acid mist made the knife, and the yellow light energy made the fork.

She sat cross-legged next to the left hind leg of the blood-slaughtered cow. She moved gracefully but quickly, cutting off a piece of meat with a blade, and then put it into her mouth with a fork.

As soon as she took a bite, the meat immediately turned into rich and rich juice, which made her mouth full of bright red.

"Fool me?" Xue Tu Niu became even angrier and mooed: "Ion Shark, you are not worthy to be the representative of the will of the universe. You are now a combination of shameless, treacherous, greedy and vicious. You -"

Fatty interrupted it and said: "You are right, Witch Harley is a combination of shameless, cunning, greedy and vicious.

If you don't want to be murdered by her shameless and vicious methods, just shut up and listen to what I have to say. "

Although the Blood Slaughter Cow is the embodiment of extreme emotions and anger, it also has emotions. Now that it is tied to the dining table and eaten by others, it will also feel frightened and panicked.

It stopped talking and just stared at the fat-headed shark with wide eyes.

"Have you ever heard of Witch Harley's 'great achievements'?" The fat head asked, and without waiting for an answer, he recounted in detail Harley's "magic thief" deeds.

"You can think of her as the embodiment of gluttony, a more exciting emotion than red lights and purple lights. Just like you can't control your anger, she can't control her greed for magic.

Don't talk about you, look -" the fat head pointed to the emerald green tentacles on the stomach wall in the distance, "it's all my origin. I have such a good relationship with her, she even ate half of my tail.

Now that you are in her hands, you should be aware of being chewed up.

This is just like the sun dispelling darkness when it comes out, and the river flowing from upstream to downstream. This is natural and natural.

However, between you and me, I can never see you being eaten like a parallax monster, leaving only your head.

It's too awful. "

Xue Tu Niu was shocked and said: "You mean, it is natural law for Witch Harley to eat people. If I don't eat her when I meet her, it will be like violating natural law?"

"Well, what you said is definitely not accurate. She is essentially robbing the magic power. What she wants is the source of your fear. Chewing it is just a form.

However, you have almost got what I want to express, so you have almost no resentment now, right? "

He said such shameless words directly, what else could he do if he slaughtered a cow with blood?

"How much of your origin will you leave for me?" It asked in a muffled voice, suppressing the urge to roar.

The fat man looked at Harley.

Harley's mouth was full of meat, and her voice was a little slurred, "It depends on how well you perform. My belly is so big, and the energy I can hold is limited.

Either fill it with your source.

Either you work harder and pour more red light energy into my belly, and the need for your origin will be much less. "

This is the reason why she plays the white face and the fat head plays the red face.

Harley didn't get the central energy battery of the Red Lantern, and she didn't plan to go to Ismot and compete with the Red Lantern Corps again. She didn't want to perform "Green Lantern Ash vs. the Red Lantern Corps, one against a hundred, and angrily seize the Red Lantern Furnace." drama.

She had previously planned to disguise herself as Green Lantern, partly to use acting as an excuse to convince Aquaman to give her some more life connections.

When facing Superboy, the level 5 life defense expertise seemed a little stretched.

First of all, the shape change speed is not fast enough to complete the deformation in an instant. For example, when Superboy grabs her ankle, the process of thinning the ankle is too slow, and Superboy reacts and tightens his palm.

To put it simply, she couldn't "get out" instantly before he reacted.

Secondly, the range of changes in the limbs is not large enough. For example, she inserted her thumb into Superboy's eye socket because she could not turn her foot into a fist in a moment of thought.

This time she almost squeezed Neptune dry before she could barely upgrade her life defense expertise from level five to level six and a half, and her control over body cells reached an advanced level.

Next time she faces "Superman", she will be more comfortable, but she is still far away from her dream of "Quinn's 72-like transformation".

The feat must be upgraded to at least level eight.

Well, relying on Neptune alone to provide life connection power, he would have to be squeezed dozens or even hundreds of times.

In addition to being an excuse, she originally planned to disguise herself as a Lantern because she thought there was going to be a big battle at Red Lantern headquarters.

Once she fights, it's impossible for her not to be exposed.

The whereabouts can be exposed, but it is best not to disclose the identity directly.

Otherwise, the people of the universe will mutter again, "Witch Harley is so greedy. No, even the cruel Red Lantern Demon was robbed by her."

Although her reputation is not very good, she cherishes her reputation very much.

Obviously, compared to pretending to be Green Lantern Ash and raiding the Red Lantern Headquarters to snatch the central energy battery, not going to Ismot at all would be a better way to hide her operation and protect her reputation better, right? In fact, reputation is not important. The key is that there are seven color and light legions, and there are four others waiting for her. If they know that she is collecting color energy, can they not be more vigilant?

As long as the Blood Slaughter Cow is taken care of, her stealing of red light energy can be kept secret forever.

While making it bow down and be a coward, honestly extract the red light energy from the "Pond of Anger" and help her upgrade her expertise to level nine, at the same time persuade it to keep today's matter a secret or simply not let it go?

So far, Harley's plan has been successful. The Angry Red Bull certainly doesn't want to be a rooster, but it also doesn't want to become a live steak.

In order to satisfy the witch's desire and prevent her from thinking about her true nature, it could only work hard to pump out energy. It took three days and four nights to help her upgrade her red light defense expertise to level nine.

“Why are you able to absorb so much fear emotional energy?”

Red Bull has almost become an old "yellow" bull now.

It turned yellow, not that Harley locked it with yellow light energy.

In order to facilitate its work, Fat Tou has long removed the "Nail of Will" nailed to its body.

It's not like Harley is burning bridges and digesting it with a golden mist of stomach acid.

After it showed compliance, Harley stopped "eating steak."

The blood-slaughtered cow was in the space of her stomach. If she really wanted to eat it, why would she need to cut the meat with a knife and fork? Moreover, the person holding the knife and fork is only her projection, not her true body.

Making the appearance of cutting meat with a knife and fork is just to cooperate with the fat head and scare it.

At this moment, the red bull turned into a yellow bull because it was afraid of Harley, and waves of golden fear energy came out of its body.

When Harley ate its flesh before, it wasn't afraid; when Harley threatened to drain it of its essence, it was a little afraid.

Now Harley has done nothing or said anything, but has raised the defense feat to level nine. The fearful emotional energy it transmits to her is actually thousands of times its total volume.

In other words, its small body seems not big enough for her to fit between her teeth.

It was scared, trembling all over, scared to death.

Fatty calmly comforted it and said, "I told you before that during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Demon Prison devoured countless universes of energy, and half of it was still stolen by Harley.

Compared to the energy of half the multiverse, this is drizzle! "

It is really calm because it has seen this kind of thing many times.

"I feel that so much fearful emotional energy has been taken away at once, and the emotional energy pool is showing signs of drying up. Will the Origin Wall be severely damaged?" Xue Tu Niu whispered.

"If the energy pool dries up and the Origin Wall is damaged, the Lanterns will be 99% responsible.

The Green Lantern Corps has existed for more than 3 billion years, and 3,600 Lanterns keep pumping. How much energy should they have?

In front of them, my little energy is not as good as a drop of rain. "Harry said seriously.

"They have a steady flow of water, and their emotional energy pool goes in and out, which is different from you."

Under Harley's serious gaze, Xue Tu Niu's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally shut up completely.

"Aniu, actually people misunderstand me a lot." Harley's tone slowed down and she said with a sigh: "I am not a bandit who steals magic power. Everything I do is for the good of the multiverse and for the sake of all people in the world."

Not to mention the disbelief on Xue Tu Niu's face, the fat man next to him also had a twisted expression of "Stop talking, it's disgusting."

Harry pointed to the stomach wall in the endless distance and said solemnly: "Look carefully at it. Do you think it looks familiar?"

"What are you familiar with?" The two beasts were confused.

"At this point, I can only tell you my grand plan. In fact, it is also an origin wall."

"What?" Fatty looked confused, and Xue Tu Niu looked confused.

"My stomach bag is the 'New Blackboard', and the wall of my stomach bag is the 'New Origin Wall'." Harley said.

"What do you mean by blackboard?" Fatty asked.

“The multiverse is like a painting, it’s drawn on a blank blackboard.”

"Uh, you mean, your stomach has to carry the entire multiverse?" Fatty reminded with a strange expression: "You only swallowed one planet before, and your stomach was bloated and almost burst. One planet is not enough for a single universe." What? Compared with the multiverse, the size of the single universe is minuscule."

"That's why I have to practice hard and devour as much energy as possible." Harley said seriously: "I will first extract the source of Fat Head and Parallax Monster, then find A Niu, and then I will definitely find several other lights. beast.

I'm not doing this because I'm greedy.

Just because I predicted that the wall of origin would collapse.

At that time, the multiverse will be exposed to the violent energy storm of the Omniverse. Like a chick just out of its eggshell in a snowstorm.

As a savior, I can only gather the power of seven lamp beasts to forge the stomach wall into a new origin wall. "

Fat Tou was startled, then shook his head and said: "The Origin Wall has more than seven kinds of emotional spectrum energy."

"That's why I don't let go of energy when I see it." Harley nodded.

——Harley, you must be fooling the Blood Slaughter Cow, right?

Fat Tou asked quietly via voice transmission.

——You ask this, you must believe what I said, right?

Harley said.

Fat Tou was speechless for a while.

"Aniu, now that you understand my ideal, are you willing to save the world with me?" Harley looked at the Blood Slaughtered Ox tenderly and asked.

"How can I help?" Xue Tu Niu's voice was trembling.

It has actually guessed it.

"For the sake of all people in the world, dedicate a little bit of your origin." Harley pointed to her stomach wall, "Or, just like the wall of return to origin, you get into my stomach wall and become a parasite, maybe you can build a small emotional spectrum energy Pool.”

Xue Tu Niu immediately said: "I am willing to dedicate a source of energy to your great cause of saving the universe."

He said this through gritted teeth, holding back his anger and reluctance.

Human beings have nothing to do with it. It can't be sealed in the stomach wall as a "parasite" for the rest of its life, right?

"10%." Harley's expression turned cold.

"One and a half percent." Xue Tu Niu's heart was dripping with blood, but he still quickly increased his bet.

"One and a half" Harley said expressionlessly.

"Twenty percent?" Xue Tu Niu's voice was trembling.

It is the incarnation of anger. At this moment, faced with such unfair demands, it dare not get angry. It can only hold its anger in its heart and carefully betray its body. It is too angry and aggrieved.

"Hey, it's a fixed price of 30%!" Fatty stepped in, speaking boldly, and said loudly: "Harley, give me some face, Aniu is my friend.

Ah Niu, it's Harley's habit to "take half when we meet", now it's 35%, you've got a big advantage! "

"Thirty and a half percent" Xue Tu Niu almost couldn't help but yell and curse.

"But, I tried my best to help you extract countless red light energy." It said sadly and angrily.

Harley looked blank.

The fat man was still talking.

It leaned over, hugged the fat cow with its tentacles like streamers on its cheeks, and said affectionately and seriously: "Have you heard about the last battle between the yellow and green legions?

The Parallax monster fell into Harley's hands. It had just recovered 70% of its origin, but had another 60% taken away. Counting the previous 90%, it had already been squeezed out of 150% of its origin.

It is equivalent to becoming a fat cow in Harley's fence. After fattening, the meat is cut off. It's so miserable.

You are different from Parallax Monster. Parallax Monster is disobedient and always wants to be her enemy. You are my friend and you are willing to be Harley's friend, right? "

What else can I say about the bloody slaughter of cattle?

If you are disobedient, you will be raising meat. If you are honest and obedient, you will only lose 35% of your origin.

"Harley, I want to be your good friend." Xue Tu Niu lowered his head.

Since they became good friends, Blood Slaughterer finally agreed to keep Harley's secret. In fact, it itself didn't want others to know what happened today.

Tangtang's blood-slaughtered cow became Witch Harley's "blood cow". How embarrassing it would be to tell it!

After becoming friends, Harley also showed her sincerity to her friends. She pulled the Blood Slaughter Cow to the edge of the stomach bag dimension, and openly displayed the origin of the fearful emotion she had just absorbed from it.

"Look, the red 'bloodshot' in the stomach wall is your origin. And the tentacles on the stomach wall are the origin of Fat Head. They all become part of the stomach wall. In the future, when the origin wall collapses and the emotional spectrum energy pool collapses, you can rely on This Source came to make its home here.”

Ninety percent of Harley's words were deceiving people, but the remaining 10% came from her serious predictions.

She really felt that Pappetua would come out to cause trouble sooner or later and cause a big crisis.

The Origin Wall exists to suppress Papetua. If he escapes, can it still collapse?

At this moment, she already had an idea. When the origin wall collapsed, she would run to the edge of the universe, eat all the origin fragments, and integrate them into her stomach wall.

To what extent can the dimensions of the stomach wall be improved by then?

Eighty percent is enough for a lamp beast to make a home in it.

Therefore, she is not a liar now.

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