I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1363 The strange power of death

Listening to their sworn analysis that she must have gone to Sector 666 to grab the red light central energy battery, Harley was annoyed that her reputation had become so bad that even the rigid heroes of justice could guess her purpose, and she was also secretly proud that she was still the best. Superior skills.

Even though her whereabouts were exposed, even though they all knew that she was greedy for "magic power", they still didn't analyze the truth.

And the truth will be buried forever - as long as Xue Tu Niu is rational and aware of his emotions and interests.

"Hmph, let me ask you, when did Atrocitus escape from prison?" Harley asked with a straight face.

"Alas, we all underestimated him. On the second day after being imprisoned in the high-tech prison, he burst out with terrifying strength and smashed the prison door from the inside.

Then, before the guardian arrives, escape into the super-light space, making it impossible for us to track.

It's also because the red light ring is so weird, it replaces the heart, and the guardians haven't yet developed the technology to remove it without injury. "Howl sighed.

"When was Sinestro kidnapped?" Harley continued to ask.

"Last night, I personally led an elite team to escort Sinestro, but halfway -" Hal's face changed slightly, and his voice trembled slightly, "Our operation was kept secret throughout the entire process, but we were intercepted halfway by the Yellow Lantern Corps and the Red Lantern Corps. Call for an ambush.

If I hadn't been surrounded by Green Lantern teammates, and I completely trust their character, I would have immediately suspected that there was a mole in the team."

"Well, we'll talk about the mole later. Now let me prove my innocence." Harley said.

She looked around the heroes and sneered: "Think about it carefully. If I take away the central battery of the Red Lantern Corps, the Red Lantern Corps' light ring will lose its energy. How can Atrocitus survive the next day?" prison Break?"

Da Chao was startled and asked in confusion: "Did you wait until Atrocitas returned before you started grabbing the energy battery and failed?"

"Harry didn't know that Atrocitus had escaped from prison before." Dinah said.

Diana looked at Harley in surprise, "We all guessed wrong. You didn't steal the power of the red light this time?"

"Alas, the world has misunderstood me too much." Harry raised his head and sighed.

"I talked to Arthur." Bateman suddenly said.

Harley stiffened slightly, "What are you talking about?"

Bateman looked at her and said meaningfully: "The Supreme Green Lantern and his team came to Earth three days ago, and they have been waiting for you.

So as soon as you got home, we rushed over.

Because of this, we already knew about the case of ‘The Death of Lantern Ash’.

Maybe you think you are powerful, look down on the Green Lantern Corps, and don't care about their reaction, but we take this matter very seriously.

This is a serious diplomatic incident for Earth.

So I left Gotham over to Robin for the next few days to investigate the case myself.

Arthur was the last person I saw before you disappeared, so I went to him, and he understood the priorities and told me all about your deal. "

When her pretense was exposed on the spot, Harley was three-quarters embarrassed and seven-quarters ashamed, "You will encounter the Red Lantern Corps sooner or later. Then you can ask Atrocitus personally. He will definitely not help me cover up my lies."

"I now believe that you didn't cause a scene at the Red Lantern Corps headquarters." Bateman nodded and asked curiously: "But what have you been doing these past few days? What is Ash's murderer planning?"

Harley did not answer his question immediately, "Hal, what exactly will happen in the Blackest Night?"

"The light of the emotional spectrum must rise! The severe pain of rage is the darkness of the red end, the insatiable desires, and the devastated creatures must also rise with the light!" Hal Jordan read in a low voice.

"I heard you say this prophecy, and I want to know what 'darkness' is." Harley said.

Hal shook his head and said, "I don't know. This is recorded in the Book of Oa."

Harley sighed, turned to Bateman, and said, "I encountered the eighth emotional spectrum energy besides the seven-color energy."

"Harry, you are probably mistaken. There are only seven colors in the emotional spectrum." Hal shook his head.

"What is the eighth emotion?" Bateman asked.

"It seems to be dominated by death, with attributes of darkness and decay. Well, I call it the 'power of black death'." Harley said.

"Is death considered an emotion?" Wonder Woman frowned.

"'Death' should be the end, a state." Old Green Lantern said, rubbing his chin.

Harley shrugged and said naturally: "I was also shocked, so I studied it for a few more days and delayed my return until now."

The fat-headed shark next to her narrowed her eyes and looked at her with admiration.

Bateman asked again: "Do you suspect that the power of black death is related to the Blackest Night?"

"Now that you've heard that the eighth kind of emotional energy exists, it's also the attribute of death and darkness. Don't you doubt it?" Harley asked.

"Harry, where did you encounter the emotional energy of death? Did you bring a sample back?" Dachao asked.

"Yes." Harley opened her mouth and spit out a stone the size of an egg.

At that time, she suspected that the Riut star was related to the Blackest Night, but Fathead, like Hal at this time, insisted that there were only seven colors in the visible spectrum and there was no emotion of death.

Harley thought about the Green Lantern Corps and the Little Blue Man again, and deliberately left a black stone, preparing to bring it back with all the responsibilities it represented and throw it to the Green Lantern.

"Let me see, ah~~~" Da Chao just reached out his hand to the black stone out of curiosity, but didn't even hold it. He only touched it once, and then his whole body became stiff, his skin quickly lost vitality and color, and his soul made a sound like it was broken. Screaming in agony.

"I'm sorry!" The other heroes, who also had curious faces and stretched their heads over, were so frightened that they backed away.

"What is this?" Hal asked in panic.

"Why is there such a big reaction?"

Harley was also startled, and quickly rushed to Da Chao's side, trapped him with bubbles, stood on tiptoes, and pressed her palms between his eyebrows.

Since the stone filled with the power of black death is the cause of the disaster, of course one must use the power of black death defense expertise.

Unfortunately, the expertise is only at level eight and cannot form a force field.

Only when the feat reaches level nine or above can a force field with an area effect be formed.

Without a force field, Harley could only pour the power of her blood into Dachao's body, circulating through his body's meridians, and bringing the defensive effects of her expertise to all parts of his body.

Diana also rushed over and held down Dachao's struggling body.

"Um, just now." It took a full two hours for Dachao's eyes to fade away and turn into a blue color of rationality and vitality again.

"You just touched the stone once, and your skin turned gray. You lost your mind and looked like a bloodthirsty zombie. You struggled hard, roared loudly, and wanted to bite us. Fortunately, Harley's magical power worked." Wonder Woman said fearfully.

"What just happened? How do you feel?" Bateman said in a deep voice.

"Just now." A look of fear appeared on Da Chao's face, "Just now I seemed to have entered the kingdom of death. The feeling of emptiness, coldness, and darkness was exactly the same as after I died on the Day of Destruction."

"Didn't I collect your soul that time? How could it feel like entering the kingdom of death?" Harley asked strangely.

Dachao was stunned and said: "It was my soul that you took away, but my corpse is still decaying. When I return to my body, I will receive the memory of death and decay from my brain."

"Your body did become rotten in an instant." Old Green Lantern turned to the black stone on the table and sighed: "What a domineering power of death, even Tearman was eroded in an instant.

This is just a stone, if it were the master of power."

He looked at Harley with a worried expression, "It seems that we can only rely on Harley for the future. It is difficult for us to even face Him directly."

"Chao, how do you feel now?" Harley asked.

"Except for being a little tired, everything else is fine, thank you."

Dachao's voice was full of energy and his complexion was very good. He looked completely different from when he first woke up.

"It's strange, the stone shouldn't have such a strong effect." Seeing that he was recovering well, Harley once again turned her attention to the black stone on the table, "Diana, you can try touching it."

"Even Superman can't bear it, I-" Diana screamed, and suddenly said: "If I am also corrupted, I will enter the Hallelujah state, right?"


Diana walked to the table, carelessly stretched out her hand, and grabbed the black stone.

"Ahh~~" She screamed, her skin instantly turned ashen, like a corpse that had been buried in the soil for two or three months. At the same time, emotion and reason disappeared from her eyes, her mouth opened wide, and her throat made a loud sound.

"Shit!" Harley reacted quickly, and rushed to Diana, wrapped her body with bubbles, and pressed her right hand on her forehead.

It was a little better than Dachao. After about half an hour, she regained consciousness, shouted "Hallelujah" and immediately came to life.

"The power of death was so terrifying that I didn't even have time to activate 'Hallelujah'."

Diana looked at Blackstone solemnly, with a hint of fear hidden in her eyes.

The other heroes also looked solemn.

"I just hope that this power of black death is purely natural and has no master, otherwise it will be too terrifying." Dachao murmured.

"How is that possible?" Diana shook her head and said, "If this energy didn't have an owner, Harry would have occupied it long ago and become its new owner."

"It's better to pray that its owner will live in peace with the world and have no thoughts about the earth." Old Green Lantern said with a bitter smile.

Harley frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Dina, go and try."

"Still trying? Isn't the result obvious?" Dinah asked confused.

"She asked you to enter the Hallelujah state before trying again." Diana said.

"No, just touch it like this and don't shout 'Hallelujah'." Harley said.

"What did you find?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "Both Fat Head and I have been exposed to the purer black death power. Although there are signs of erosion, it is far less exaggerated than Diana and Superman.

I want to know, am I special, or are Diana and Superman special cases? "

"Obviously, you are the special one." Several people said in unison.

Even the fat man was shouting.

"Dina, try it. The worst result is the same as Diana." Harley insisted.

"Okay, I'll try."

Dinah couldn't resist, so she could only stretch out her right hand tremblingly, and lightly touched the stone with her middle finger.

Between the electric light and flint, it can be divided at a touch.

Nothing happened.

"How can you be the chairman of Zhenglian if you are so timid?" Harley said with a dark face: "Hold it and carefully feel the process of power eroding the body. I need to understand its characteristics."

"I'm not timid. What I'm afraid of is not death, but zombies. Even watching zombie movies makes me nervous. Now that I'm going to become a zombie, can I not be worried?"

Dinah defended aggrievedly, closed her eyes, and simply grabbed it.

"Eh~~" She opened her eyes and looked at her right hand that was slowly losing vitality and turning gray. She said in surprise: "It's numb, not painful or itchy."

Everyone was surprised and confused, "Dina, have you turned on 'Hallelujah'?"


"Why are you okay? Why didn't you turn into a corpse instantly like Rip Man and Diana?"

"I don't know." Dinah looked at Harley, "What's going on?"

Harley said: "Put the stone down and let Hal try again."

"Ah~~" With a scream, Hal, like Chao and Diana, turned into a dead body in the blink of an eye.

"This" everyone was even more confused.

Harley insisted: "Keep trying. As long as there is enough experimental data, you can always find the pattern. In fact, I already have a guess."

The power of black death is suspected to be related to the Blackest Night and the big crisis in the future. The heroes are also willing to take some risks to understand the question.

After that, Old Green Lantern, Bateman, Ivy, Selina, Barbara, Harley's female apprentice Cassandra, and Rachel, from afternoon to ten o'clock in the evening, nearly two hundred people, all tried it.

It turned out that those who instantly turned into corpses were just special cases. Most of them were like Dinah, eroded by the power of black death, but it took a long time.

"What's the pattern? What's so special about Tearman, Diana, Hal, and Rachel?" The heroes gathered together were puzzled.

"They all died once," Harley said.

"What?" Everyone was surprised.

Harley looked at Black Stone and said with a complicated expression: "Dachao died in the Doomsday crisis, he died completely.

Diana died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, was killed by the anti-supervisor, and was laid to rest.

Hal died in the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis, depleting his energy and life. I thought I carried out an extreme rescue on him at that time, but he was not completely dead. Now it seems that the process of me spending a lot of heavenly merit to save him is equivalent to resurrecting him from the dead. .

And Rachel, her soul ascended to heaven from hell that day, and she also died completely. "

"Is that so?" Diana felt that she was not completely dead, and the mud was just another form of her.

"Why is Blackstone specifically targeting us?" Dachao frowned.

"No reason, this is its characteristics." Harley guessed.

"What does this power attribute have to do with the Blackest Night?" Bateman asked puzzled.

No one could answer his question, not even Harley.

Finally Hal said: "Give me the stone, and I will go to Oa to ask the guardian."

"Cut it in two and leave half to the Justice League laboratory for research." Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said.

After that, everyone did not leave the meeting and continued to listen to Harley's story about how she discovered the Black Stone.

“At that time, I found a light ring in the deserted sector 666. Of course I was curious about who killed him and why.

Then I chased it in the direction it came from. Fortunately, I passed through a space wormhole and felt a strange dark atmosphere. Obviously, the Riut star is the base camp of the mysterious man, but I destroyed it using special means. I would be surprised if the mysterious man doesn't hate me to death. "

Except for the part about eating the planet raw to extract energy, Harley did not hide her experience on the Riut planet, as well as her speculation that the "mysterious man" noticed her arrival and hid her whereabouts in advance.

"Do you suspect that the mysterious man is a guardian? If he can avoid you in advance, he will definitely be able to monitor the light ring in your hand without your perception. Then" Da Chao turned to Hal with a solemn expression, "You have to be careful, ha Li's guess may be right, Guardian."

After a pause, he continued: "They may not have betrayed their compatriots, they may have just maliciously targeted Harley because she ruined their good deeds.

Or Blackest Night is just them screwing up and messing up. "

Hal still insisted: "I can assure you that the Guardians do not want the 'Blackest Night' to become a reality even more than we do.

They may secretly engage in some shady tricks to prevent the prophecy from coming true, but they will not collude with the mysterious man who possesses the "power of black death". "

"Hey, having said that, you still have to be careful." Dachao sighed.

Harley suddenly asked: "Hal, who among the Guardians do you trust the most?"

Hal was startled and said: "Ganther."

"You don't need to go to Guardian's Cliff. You can use the light ring to communicate with Ganser, quietly call him out, and tell him these things openly and honestly," Harley said.

"What a great idea!" Dachao clapped his hands excitedly, seemingly even more excited than Ha'er.

"I see."

After talking about the changes in the Riut star and the speculation about the little blue man, it was already two o'clock in the morning. All the heroes left one after another. Harley was the only one who stopped Hal.

"What's going on with the Green Lantern Supreme? The power structure of the Green Lantern Corps seems to have changed a lot."

(ps: The Black Death Emperor can make the resurrected dead die instantly, but the pure power of the Black Death Emperor cannot do this.

The black stone left in Harley's hand is part of the Black Death Emperor's right arm. It is a bone, so it has such a strong effect.

Because of the rule of 'Death shall not see Harley', the Black Death Emperor spread his power across the earth, but Harley didn't realize it was an arm.

She simply felt that its energy concentration was the highest and most pure, so she kept it as a test sample. )

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