I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1356 The second power trade with Neptune

Time goes back half a day.

The starry sky at the doorstep of the solar system.

"Witch Harley, you don't keep your word!" Atrocitus struggled and roared in the bubble, but golden thorns as thick as his wrist grew out of the bubble wall.

The yellow light energy manifests as thorns.

The thorns are golden yellow, as if cast from gold, but they are not all manifestations of the energy of the yellow lantern. There is also a light golden gastric acid mist hidden within them.

When the sharp thorns on the thorns pierced his flesh and penetrated deep into his meridians and blood vessels, they frantically extracted scarlet energy like blood plasma. The mist of stomach acid digested Atrocitas' violent energy into pure ownerless energy.

Even if Atrocitus is in the "Rage Incarnate" state, he can't withstand this package combination of "11 major defensive feats + 112-level bubbles + 8-level digestive swallowing + tearing man + Wonder Woman".

Well, Atrocitus is not struggling in the bubble alone, there are several superheroes in the bubble.

He picked N.

He is not only wrapped with thorn chains, but also strangled by Chao. Diana's new mantra lasso - the lasso was reforged by her master craftsman brother (Vulcan Hephaestus).

If he could withstand this combination of punches, he would be a ghost.

Moreover, the incarnation of his anger was intermittently effective and could not last long.

When he challenged the heroes of Zhenglian before, he had gradually escaped from the "anger incarnation state" due to repeated victories.

Well, he was really fierce just now. He punched Hal and Dachao first, and then like a tiger among sheep, he crushed most of the surrounding heroes.

The fight is too smooth and the anger weakens.

When he is separated from the incarnation of anger, he loses the courage to fight one against ten.

"Why don't I keep my word?" Harley said seriously: "I did stand there and let you hit me."

"You promised that you would not attack me even if I lost. Now you are attacking me. You are indeed as rumored, you have no credibility and you like to break your promises and get fat!" Atrocitus shouted angrily.

"But our agreement is over." Harley said helplessly: "We were fighting well, but you suddenly rushed out to fight Green Lantern and left me aside.

I called you back, but you ignored me and continued to fight Superman and beat up Heroine, sweeping the Zhenglian, being heroic and roaring into the starry sky. "

"Harley, I think there is something wrong with your expression." Wonder Woman's face looked a little ugly, "We have not been swept away, and we can take him down without you."

"Without me, you may be able to beat him, but if he can't beat you, why can't he run away?" Harley scolded her, and then said seriously to Atrocitas: "From that moment on, our agreement has been It's over, you couldn't make me move a step, you lost.

In the competition, if you lose, you only need to answer my questions and you can leave at any time.

But if you challenge the Justice League, beat and cripple my friends, and even seriously threaten the security of the earth, that's another matter. "

Da Chao frowned and said, "We were not disabled."

"Hal has multiple fractures in his arms and ribs, is he still disabled?"

"I" Hal looked down, feeling very embarrassed.

His arms were hung under his neck in a sling made of green light energy. The evidence was conclusive and could not be refuted.

"You -" Atrocitas was also unable to refute her words and could only curse: "Witch Harley, you are despicable and a thief. You are stealing my power. Don't think I don't know.

You are a traitor who is hard to change, and you are attracted to the power of the red light. No matter what the outcome of my bet with you is, you will always find an excuse to attack me. Most likely, Hal Jordan was the one you called to lure me into a fight with the Justice League. Conflict, Witch Harley, you are so treacherous. "

Harley said angrily: "You should take a piss and look in the mirror. With the energy in your body, how is it worthy of my plan?"

She was disappointed and a little angry.

She thought Atrocitus could help her upgrade her expertise to level eight, or even higher. After all, he was the embodiment of anger.

As a result, after the thorns were drawn for less than three minutes, the sticky red power in his blood vessels was almost exhausted.

Her red light defense expertise barely managed to rise from early level five to level six.

His total amount of energy is not much different from that of a red light blue cat.

This shows that at least after leaving the "Incarnation of Anger" state, he, like the blue cat, can only use the energy in the light ring.

Why doesn't this disappoint Harley?

She removed the thorns entangled around him and continued: "I did use the power of the yellow light to dissolve the red light energy in your body just now, but that was to prevent you from breaking free.

I don’t have time to hold on to my bubbles all the time, and Superman and Wonder Woman can’t follow you all the time.

If you go to find the light ring, you will lose your power, but the light ring replaces your heart. If you take it away, you will die immediately.

Do you want to die? "

Superman nodded slightly, "Harley has thought carefully. Now that his strength has been reduced by 90%, we can let go."

"Harley, I want to escort Atrocitus back to Oa. He is an old rival of the Green Lantern Corps. What do you think?" Hal said.

"What is his origin and why did he become a Red Lantern?" Harley asked.

Hal quickly told about the "Revenge Five" in sector 666.

"It turns out it's him." When Harry looked at Atrocitus again, there was more sympathy and emotion in his eyes.

Hal continued: "He is still the murderer of Abinsu. Ten years ago, Sinestro and I helped Abinsu take revenge and arrested Atrocitas who fled to the earth-"

"Wait, he has been to Earth? Why?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Sinestro and I chased him, and he fled to Earth." Hal looked at the red-skinned man hesitantly, "Why did you come to Earth at that time?

Is it a coincidence that you told Abinsu the secret of the Blackest Night and that Abinsu died on Earth, or did he also want to do something on Earth?

Is there any person or thing on earth related to the Blackest Night? "

Atrocitus glanced at him and Harley with a sarcastic look, "Guess."

"Jon, read his memory." Harley looked at Martian Manhunter.

"Let me try."

Martian Manhunter stared at Atrocitus for three seconds, then screamed and a layer of flames appeared on his body.

"Hehe." Atrocitus smiled proudly, "If you dare to peek into the mind of the 'Lord of Wrath', you are looking for death."

Harley quickly held up a bubble and put it on Martian Manhunter.

"Sorry, I saw nothing but rage in his mind," Jon said weakly.

"You were on fire just now." Wonder Woman said worriedly.

"The rage in his heart is hotter than real fire." Jon said helplessly.

"I'll try."

Harley's eyes flashed with fluorescent light, and her powerful mental power was like a tentacle, piercing into Atrocitas' mind.

He groaned, his nose bleeding, his teeth clenched, and his expression was ferocious.

"Boom~~" Harley seemed to suddenly teleport to the sun. Atrocitas' sea of ​​consciousness was a burning scarlet fireball, huge and hot.

"Witch Harley, you can't find anything, hahaha!"

He could sense her consciousness, and he gave her a thunderous laugh.

After all, Harley is not a professional psychic mage, so she cannot be as devoid of fireworks as Martian Manhunter.

She turned into a meteor and penetrated the huge fireball, but found no information.

Pierce the fireball again

Not only was the fireball not riddled with holes, but it continued to expand, and Atrocitas roared louder.

"Shit, this guy was angered by me and his strength started to skyrocket again."

Harley exited the sea of ​​​​consciousness with a look of boredom on her face, "Hal, we must bring Oa back and execute him on the spot, right? If we kill him, he will lose the lamp ring, and we can concoct his soul at will."

Make sure you can clearly ask him how many times he wet the bed as a child. "

Atrocitus glared angrily, feeling a hint of fear that he had never felt before in his heart: Witch Harley acted unscrupulously.

"The Guardian may know a way to remove the Red Lantern Ring without harming their lives." Hal said tactfully.

Harley glanced around, and the heroes also looked disapproving.

She waved her hand, "OK, they are yours."

Atrocitus was not alone, he had about two hundred younger brothers.

In the big melee just now, Harley's bubble net captured more than eighty people, and almost all the rest escaped. The main heroes only caught eight in total.

"Arthur, come here, I have something to discuss with you."

After Hal summoned three hundred Lanterns to escort the red-lantern prisoners away, Harley stopped Neptune alone, took him to a meteorite, and said, "How is your life connection training going?"

Arthur thought she wanted him to use his life connection to control the red lantern demon, so he shook his head and said: "When you invaded Atrocitus' sea of ​​consciousness just now, I quietly tried it on the side and gave him an order not to resist. It’s completely useless to give in to you.”

"No." Harley glanced around and found Da Chao peeking out from a distance.

She turned around, with her back to Dachao, and held up a bubble to wrap herself and Neptune in it, and said directly: "I need your life connection power now, let's make another deal, you give me life connection power, I will give you the 'Power of the Invincible God King of the Universe'."

"What is the power of the Invincible God King of the Universe?" Arthur was stunned.

"I have been promoted to God King now, and of course I have the power of God King."

Arthur was speechless, "The thick-skinned power in my body is enough."

"It's enough. When you got my power, I barely became a thick-skinned Martial God. Over the past few years, my realm has improved several levels. It's time for your power to be upgraded as well." Harley said earnestly.

Arthur said: "But after you are promoted, my divine power will also be automatically upgraded."

Harley's face was straight, "That's the past, it's the benefit I gave you, and the benefit will end tomorrow."

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitched, "What do you want with my life force? Didn't I give you half of it before?"

"Have you heard about my performance in the battle between the Yellow and Green Legions?" Harley asked.

"Are they the little bumps on your body? It's amazing. Diana and I have been discussing it a lot these days and want to develop this trick."

Harley shook her head and said, "That's the new skill of the thick-skinned Martial God - the skin is as thick as a bell. I mean when Superboy grabbed my arm, my body deformed and stretched, and I broke free from his pull."

"Oh, changing body shape, is that the effect of life connection force?" Arthur suddenly realized.

"Well, I need to improve this skill." Harley said.

Arthur wondered: "Why this time?"

Harley hesitated for a moment and said truthfully: "Atrocitas is the leader of the Red Lantern. Now that he is being taken to Oa, the Red Lantern headquarters must be empty.

I plan to use my form-changing skills to become a Green Lantern and go to Sector 666 to steal the Red Lantern Corps' central energy battery. It's best to catch the Red Lantern Beast. "

Arthur opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

"I'm very pressed for time. I have to grab the loot before the little blue man." Harley urged.

"Why steal the red light energy?" Arthur frowned.

Harley looked at him strangely, "Do you need a reason to steal power?"

"You already have the Yellow Light origin, and the Red Light Wrath doesn't seem to suit you."

"Hey, I don't have to use it, but I can't live without it. If everything I take is what I need, wouldn't it be called greed?"

Arthur was speechless again.

"How much do you want?"

——Of course, the more, the better.

Harley said seriously: "Arthur, do you believe me?"

"That depends on what you say."

"In martial arts practice, there is a method of extreme squeezing that stimulates potential. If you encounter a bottleneck in your vitality practice, you can try it." Harley said seriously.

Neptune was shocked and said: "You want to drain me dry?!"

"That's not necessary. You have to leave a trace of strength as a seed."

"Arthur, you guys said - Hey, what's wrong with you, your face is so pale, are you sick?"

Half an hour later, as soon as Neptune returned to the Zhenglian spacecraft, he attracted concerned inquiries from his companions.

"Oh, Harry." After a pause, Arthur smiled bitterly and said, "She taught me the 'skin as thick as a bell' technique, but it was a bit difficult to practice."

"What's as thick as a bell?" Diana asked curiously.

"After being beaten, there are big bumps all over the body. Those big bumps can spread the damage to all parts of the body."

Dinah and Diana immediately showed envy, "Why did she teach you such a trick? We begged her for a long time in Oa last time, but she didn't agree."

"Ask her." Arthur closed his eyes tiredly.

"She's not on the Archimedes airship. Where did she go?" Martian Manhunter asked.

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