I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1355 Black Death Emperor

There are two races in the DC universe that have almost reached the limit of evolution. One is the Kryptonian, in terms of physical strength; the other is the little blue man, in terms of spirit and soul.

Kryptonians have many bugs, and Da Chao is a typical representative. Strength, speed, and physical defense are all the limits that the DC universe can accommodate.

But compared with the little blue people, the Kryptonians can only be regarded as a race that has failed to evolve.

With their powerful spiritual power, they allowed the entire tribe to gain immortality, and their strength was strong enough to shake the earth and stars.

Rooted in the power of the mind, they have developed many powerful and useful techniques.

For example, traveling through time and space, for example, understanding the mysteries of the universe.

For example, use a wisp of antimatter origin as a specimen to search for the anti-monitoring atmosphere in the material universe.

Scarface is unwilling to expel the corrosive anti-supervision power on his face. Perhaps a small part of the reason is, as she said, to let herself remember the powerlessness and failure of the past.

The more important reason was that the corrosive power on the scar gave her a mysterious connection with the remnant body of the anti-prisoner.

She is quietly searching for the body of the Anti-Monitor.

After her skin was eroded by the anti-monitoring source, her spiritual power and the anti-monitoring source formed a wonderful combination, allowing her to sense a vague but powerful fate befalling her.

It's hard to describe in words, but Scarface is certain of one thing: the Anti-Monitor's body has undergone some kind of change, and that change is related to the future of the universe.

She did not tell her companions about her change of heart.

When she senses that change, it means that she has been infiltrated by alien energy.

She is no longer who she once was.

"Your Excellency Guardian, do you want to dispose of this incomplete piece of armor?" Ash asked, looking at the huge "helmet" before leaving his sector.

The Anti-Monitor King's body is in an energy state. In order to facilitate traveling in the universe with different rules and for safety, he built a set of metal armor that covers his whole body. In fact, it is more like his skin.

At this time, the "anti-monitoring remains" appeared in sector 650, which was a huge metal shell from the shoulders to the entire head.

The inside of the metal shell is empty, with no corpses and not much antimatter origin.

On the contrary, many small metal fragments were scattered around it, forming a long track.

It was Lantern No. 650 Ash who found them.

But the person who guided him and asked him to look in this direction was Scarface.

She's also a guardian, and Ash trusts her.

He obeyed her orders and cleaned up the small fragments, leaving the largest ones where they were, waiting for someone from the legion headquarters to arrange for them to deal with them.

Then, he continued to follow the energy trajectory of the armor fragments, leaving sector 650 and heading to sector 666 next door.

The Little Blue Man divided the universe into 3600 sectors and gave them numbers from 0 to 3599. Each sector has one Lantern (now two).

Each sector has the same system and precepts.

There are only two exceptions.

The first one is sector 38.

There is nothing special about this sector, but the projection of Apokolips in the material world is located in this sector.

The DC universe is like a three-story building, with the four-dimensional material universe on the first floor and Limbo on the second floor.

Except for the dream dimension of "Brother Morpheus", the other divine realms in Limbo are all man-made.

Heaven and hell were created by God.

The heavens and the underworld were built by the "old gods of the pantheon" with the power of faith.

The Apokolips Star and the Genesis Star are very special. They originally came from a huge planet in the material world - the home built for themselves by the "Old Gods of the Non-God System", and their status is equivalent to the heavenly realm of the "Old Gods of the God System".

The main difference between the old gods of the pantheon and the old gods of the non-pantheon lies in their enterprising spirit.

Odin and Zeus, the old gods who established the pantheon, obtained magic power by stealing, cheating, and playing rogue, developed their own unique divine power, and then integrated their own laws into the sea of ​​laws, becoming a pillar of the DC universe.

There are still some old gods who did not pursue it and chose to lie down completely. They used their huge divine power to build a huge "palace planet" in the material universe. They ate, slept, ate when they slept, fucked when they were full, and then slept when they were tired.

Countless years passed, and the "human beings" who lived on the "palace planet" and served them as slaves began to rebel.

They killed the old gods, took over their power, and called themselves the "New Gods."

Well, that's Darkseid's family.

Darkseid's father, Yuga Khan, hung himself on the wall of origin as the "source". Darkseid and his brothers Heavenly Father fell out and parted ways. One became the representative of the extremely evil god, and the other became the representative of "goodness and justice".

The "Palace Planet" also split into two, becoming a pair of twin stars, the Apokolips Star and the Creation Star.

The original physical location of the "Palace Planet" was in sector 38.

Another special sector is 666, where the Machine Hunter massacre took place.

There are only five Avengers left in the entire sector, so why do we need Lantern to manage it?

"Your Excellency Guardian, I have gone deep into sector 666 and I feel very bad. The closer I get to the location you specified, the more uneasy I feel."

This star field only lost living people on the planet, and the stars were still bright, but Lantern Ash felt uncomfortable from the moment he stepped into this sector.

Especially after following the guardian's guidance and gradually approaching the "anti-monitoring remains", he vaguely felt that there was a deep and unknown darkness waiting for him ahead.

"Your feeling may be right. The Anti-Monitor's corpse contains a very dangerous dark force, which is eroding the universe every moment. This is also the purpose of the Green Lantern Corps to find it - to eliminate hidden dangers in the universe. .”

After a pause, Scarface said again: "Ash, you are better than other Green Lanterns in overcoming the fear of the dark.

You once went to the darkest area of ​​Sector 650 alone to eliminate the villain who took away your wife.

Therefore, I choose you to carry out this mission.

If it's hard for you, it's only going to make it worse for everyone else, you know what I mean? "

These words of encouragement and approval made Ash's hesitation and fear disappear.

"I understand, I will resolutely carry out my mission, no one else but me!" he swore with great fighting spirit.

"Remember, I am with you." Scarface said.

Ash felt more at ease and faster.

Soon, he came to a planet shrouded in rich darkness.

"Guardian, I think I have arrived at my destination. The coordinates show that this is the planet Riut."

"Buzz~~" His light ring trembled a few times and shot out a beam of green light. The green light dissipated and a little blue man walked out.

"Guardian, are you a projection or your true body?" Ash asked in surprise.

Scarface looked at the dark planet below, his voice a little erratic, "For guardians, there is no difference between the real body and the projection. Our core strength lies in the power of the soul, and the body is just the projection of the power of the soul in the material world. Therefore we are immortal.”

Ash couldn't quite understand it, but he understood that the Guardian had almost arrived in his true form.

"What to do now? Summon the Legion members?" he asked.

"Let's go down and take a look. We're not afraid of a living counter-monitor, let alone a corpse." Scarface said.

After hearing this, Ash forced down the uneasiness coming from his spiritual sense and silently followed the guardian.

Passing through the atmosphere, the rotten and decayed air hit his face, making Ash almost vomit.

"The environment here is so bad - ah, Guardian, your face!"

Before she could finish her words of complaint, Lantern Ash was horrified to see the blue, smooth face of the Little Blue Man, with the bulging black meridians climbing up, and her aura becoming ghastly and corrupt.

He shuddered suddenly, her breath was exactly the same as this place.

Scarface turned to look at him, his face expressionless, his eyes cold and emotionless.

The crisis hit me like a drumbeat.

Ash instinctively rose up from the ground, turned into green light, and was about to escape from the planet and the strange guardian.

"Buzz~~" His ring refused his command, and the green light on his body began to flicker.

"Fear is the number one taboo of Green Lantern!" Scarface hooked his fingers, and the lantern ring broke free from Ash's finger and fell into her hand.


Ash didn't even have time to ask the questions in his mind before he screamed and fell freely from an altitude of 30,000 meters.

Scarface didn't even look at him. He just held the light ring tightly. The green light flashed quickly and a mechanical sound came from the light ring: "Permissions are not confirmed as guardians. Permissions are deleted by calling up the green light log. The green light log is deleted and modified. The green light log is modified." complete."

Even cars on Earth have driving recorders, and a more powerful light ring can of course completely record Green Lantern's battles, attendance, patrols, etc.

Even if the lantern died outside, Oa could know the cause and time of his death through the lantern ring log.

Now Scarface has tampered with the Green Light log.

The light ring made a mechanical sound again: "Light ring status report, after Ash in sector 650 discovered the shell of the Anti-Monitor, he came into contact with the origin of the Anti-Monitor. His brain was eroded by dark energy. After losing his mind, he rushed into the star in madness. , burn to ashes and scan star sector 650, looking for sentient life forms to succeed."

She let go and said, "Whoosh!"

The light ring disappeared on the Riut star and disappeared in sector 666.

After doing all this, Scarface quickly fell to the ground.

Soon, she saw a lonely peak.

It was like a god's arm severed at the elbow, drained of blood, dried and withered, its skin turned black, and stuck into the earth with its palm facing up.

A huge lamp furnace two meters high was held in the palm of his hand.

The surface of the lamp furnace is black, and the light emitted is also black.

"My lord, here I come."

Scarface murmured softly, her beautiful blue skin completely turned into a dead gray, and her face was covered with black meridians.

"Ahem, vomit!" The moment she stepped onto the top of "Palm Mountain" and was shrouded in the black light of the lamp, she bent over and vomited, as if she wanted to vomit out all the organs and blood in her belly, but what she vomited out was not It's bright red, but dark and smelly juice.

And there was black fluid coming out of her ears, eyes and nose.

"Ah, ah, who are you? How dare you imprison my soul, do you know who I am?"

Angry roars came from the lamp stove in front of Scarface.

Listening to the voice, it turned out to be the anti-supervision king.

As expected, he was not completely dead. He was now locked in a black furnace.

Through the window of the lamp furnace, you can still see a twisted and struggling shadow.

"I am the Black Death Emperor, the incarnation of death. Even you, the anti-monitor, cannot escape the fate of death. In the kingdom of death, I am the master and the master of all undead spirits.

Don't struggle, just be my energy source.

Only a supreme soul like you is qualified to light the lamp furnace and turn it into a wick."

A black shadow climbed up from behind the black light. It was just a twisted shadow, and its face could not be seen clearly. It could only be seen that it seemed to be holding a death scythe in its hand.

"How dare you ask me to be a wick." At this moment, the anti-supervision king almost forgot about Harley. His anger and hatred for the dark shadow in front of him reached the extreme.

"Black Death Emperor, I didn't know who you were before, but I am the creator and the manager of the universe.

When I hear your voice and see your shadow, your information automatically appears in my mind.

You come from the 'Lifeless Land', a dark dimension hanging outside the multiverse.

You should be like the Lord of Magic (The Hanged Man) who is also in the 'Pendant Dimension', forever isolated from the multiverse by the wall of rules. How did you get in? Who served as the conduit to help you complete the smuggling?

You have violated the rules of the universe. In the name of the Creator, you will be punished and will be sealed in the dark dimension again! "

The Black Death Emperor sneered, "Idiot, you still can't see the situation clearly? You are the one who is sealed in the lamp furnace now! No matter what your identity was during your lifetime, once you step over the threshold of death, you will immediately become a slave at my mercy. "

"No, I'm not dead. I was just severely injured. I will never be beaten to death by a mere white-eyed superman. It was you, you attacked me." The anti-surveillance king recalled what happened before and couldn't help but become more excited. .

He was indeed not dead at that time, at least not completely dead.

The shell fell off, and the body in the energy state was 90% mutilated, but the main consciousness was still there, and the soul was not annihilated.

He could have slowly recuperated by devouring the physical universe.

Just like what he did during Crisis on Infinite Earths: converting the planets of the material universe into antimatter energy, which became the nourishment for him to regain his strength.

Fortunately, he happened to land on the Riut planet, on the "Withered Hand Peak", where the lamp furnace was placed.

A not-so-high solitary peak stuck into the ground like a pencil, and the platform above was like an open palm. The anti-prison soul fell on the palm, and after two wailings, a deep voice was heard.


He didn't know why, but then the palms under his body began to close and form into a fist. The fist was clenched and twisted into a pitch-black lamp furnace.

In this way, he unknowingly became a wick.

He wasn't even sure how he died.

"You may have certain authority over death, but you can't control me. I am the king of the multiverse, and no one can control me, not even Death (the second sister of the Endless Family)!" the anti-monitoring king shouted while struggling. .

"But you are already dead, and your soul has turned into a wick." The Black Death Emperor said calmly.

As His voice fell, the lamp in the lamp furnace was lit, and the black light bloomed brightly. The anti-supervisory king was like the monkey at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, his voice gradually weakened,

"You will suffer retribution. If I fall here, Witch Harley will definitely come to check. Meeting her will be the beginning of your retribution."

Leaving behind this last curse, the anti-monitoring king completely lost his voice and his figure faded and disappeared.

The black light in the black lamp furnace is more stable and darker.

"Hmph, Witch Harley." The Black Death Emperor snarled coldly and said disdainfully: "You are so high and mighty that you expect your enemies to help you get justice. You are shameless - Eh!"

The black shadow suddenly raised his head and his tone became solemn, "Someone has come here and is about to arrive at the planet Riut."

Scarface also looked up at the sky as dark as the bottom of a pot, and used his spiritual power to sense it carefully.

"Is it the green lantern energy or a certain lantern from the nearby sector?"

"It's her." The black shadow waved the sickle forward, and a ball of black light spread out to form a mirror. In the mirror, there was a figure wrapped in green light, quickly approaching the Riut galaxy.

"It's Witch Harley!" Scarface exclaimed, "How did she find this place?"

"Is she the Witch Harley?" The shadow sneered: "It's just the right time - not good!"

Before he finished his sentence, He suddenly changed his tone and said urgently: "We have to avoid her and leave quickly!"

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