Harley is a very realistic person.

When she was weak, she was cautious in her words and actions, trying to consider the other person's feelings when speaking, and trying not to offend others.

When she became stronger, she began to do as she pleased, speaking and doing things unscrupulously, and using words to hurt others almost became her favorite thing to do.

To her friends, when she sees something or someone she doesn't like, she will use harsh words; to her enemies, she will try her best to ridicule them, and she will feel uneasy unless they make the other party furious but unable to do anything about it.

And the other party's helpless rage under the teasing of her words is the most pleasurable thing for her, and it is more satisfying than defeating the other party directly.

Before today, even when faced with the supreme leader such as the Anti-Supervisor King, Harley's "bitchy mouth" was always unfavorable. Not only was it extremely destructive, it often had very beneficial effects on her.

For example, in the last battle between the Yellow and Green Corps, she almost annihilated the fear in the hearts of the Yellow Lantern Corps with just one mouth.

Today she finally got her comeuppance.

Her bitchy words were still as usual, and they quickly took effect, making the other party extremely angry.

But the enemy is the Red Lantern. They will never be incompetent and furious. The angrier they are, the stronger they become.

"Ahhhh~~" Atrocitus entered a familiar state that he had not seen for a long time. There was only anger in his mind, there was endless power in his body, and his fists were almost indestructible.

He used to be a psychologist, and his physical fitness is the same as that of most office workers.

If my wife is a little fatter, she can't even carry her to the bedroom.

But when the mechanical hunter lost control and caused massacre in sector 666 and on his home planet, he suddenly gained endless power and was able to punch through the chest of the mechanical hunter and twist off their heads.

To describe it with numerical attributes, it means changing from an ordinary man with 1.5 points of strength to a little superman with 60 points of physique.

Well, the strength of the Machine Hunter is not strength and defense, but energy attack and energy sucking - it can absorb most of the energy in the universe, and can even suck the Lantern into an ordinary person.

Billions of years passed, and Atrocitus felt a surge in power for the second time.

"Damn it, his power is still growing. Now it has exceeded 70+ and entered the 80+ realm." Harley looked calm and cursed in her heart.

She suddenly had an unknown premonition. Could this Atrocitus possess a destiny, similar to Hal and Kyle? He was also the incarnation of emotional elements, the incarnation of anger?

"Who's there, come out!" Harley suddenly turned her head and shouted angrily towards an empty starry sky.

She used the highest intensity of her mental power to scream in all directions.

Atrocitus, who was right next to her and said "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the bubbles, making a big hole out of them, was the hardest hit.

The impact of the mental sound transmission is of high intensity, not to attack him, but to wake him up and remind him.

"What are you sneaking up on?" Harley continued to shout.

The effect was good, Atrocitas was stunned for a moment.

Then, the state of extreme anger and rage turned into substance paused for a moment.

"Uh, Harley, it's us, don't get me wrong."

The Archimedes airship jumped out of the shadow world with a pop, and Dachao's embarrassed and confused voice came over.

——It’s not surprising that Harley can detect the airship hiding in the dark, but since she’s aware that it’s them, why would she say “sneaky”? They will definitely not plot anything against her!

Atrocitus was completely stunned.

The state of "power increases infinitely in anger" disappeared. He felt inexplicably disappointed and stopped beating bubbles.

"Oh, it turns out they are my companions. They came here because they were worried about my safety, and they didn't want to disturb our duel, so they hid themselves aside." Harry spoke softly and smiled at the red light. First said.

Atrocitus was a little confused and didn't know what to do next.

Harley smiled secretly in her heart, with a gentle and approachable face, "You continue, they are all superheroes, they will never attack you sneakily, I promise."

"Bang bang bang!" Atrocitas glared at her and waved his fists again.

Harley quietly breathed a sigh of relief. His strength was slightly stronger than when he first attacked her, but it was much worse than the angry state just now.

Although his strength had declined, she no longer said naughty words or teased him this time.

She just stood there quietly and politely, even her hands were no longer behind her back, and her signature sarcastic smile disappeared from her face.

Her expression was serious, her hands hanging by her sides, as if she was always ready for battle.

"The leader of the Red Lantern Corps looks fierce, but his performance is so arrogant. Harley only opened a layer of defense bubbles and did nothing. He was unable to break through the defense."

On the airship, Louise held her mobile phone and took pictures on the screen while saying scornfully.

"Maybe Harley is too strong." Selina said.

"We all know Harley's strength. Superman can break her bubble with one punch." Louise said proudly.

After the battle between the Yellow and Green Legions, Superman and Diana tried it. Superman punched seriously and broke Diana's defensive ball.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Several more figures and two spaceships appeared next to Archimedes.

It’s heroes like Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern.

"What's going on?" Old Green Lantern asked.

"Harley was fighting with the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps. Harley stood and let him fight."

Superman Balabala recounted the agreement between the two on the battlefield.

Then, a group of heroes gathered together and pointed at the battlefield.

"Hey, why is this yellow lantern leader so weak? He was beaten even halfway and the bubbles didn't even shake a few times?" Wonder Woman shook her head.

"You are indeed weak. Sinestro can face the source of Harley's fear." Uncle Sam said with a relaxed expression.

"You don't even think about it. How could Harry offer to bet with him if he wasn't sure?"

"Hey, look carefully, have Harley's bubbles weakened?" Five minutes later, Da Chao suddenly said.

"It's true. The bubble wall was motionless before, but now it's rippling like water." Wonder Woman said in surprise.

"What's going on? Could it be that Harry is exhausted and can't hold on anymore?" Louise asked worriedly.

"Harry is exhausted? What a big joke." Diana laughed.

Dinah also laughed, and Neptune, who was sitting in the Zhenglian spaceship, laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Louise also felt that she was speechless and laughed with everyone.

Harry was about to curse out loud. You guys are laughing your ass off. Didn’t you see that Atrocitas’s eyes were melted with anger?

In the outer space environment, if they did not actively communicate, Atrocitus would not be able to hear their conversation.

But they pointed at him, their contemptuous expressions, their eyes became more and more wanton, and they even began to laugh loudly together, and it was impossible for him not to notice it.

Then he became angry, so furious that his whole body seemed to have endless energy, and his strength seemed to have no limit.

Well, he's in "anger incarnate" mode again.

"Who, who is hiding there?" Just when the soul impact was about to reach its limit and the bubble was about to burst, Harley repeated her old trick and turned to one direction again and shouted angrily.

But this time Atrocitus was so "possessed" that he couldn't extricate himself. He ignored her at all and continued to shout "Ahhhhh" and pump his fists.

"Harley, you are so awesome. You can still detect my traces during the battle." A green light flashed in the distance, and Hal Jordan's traces were revealed.

He did not exchange greetings with Harley, but turned around and shouted to the Red Lantern leader: "Atrocitus, I didn't expect it to be you. Not only did you escape from prison, but you also secretly established the Red Lantern Corps without the permission of the Guardians. You were arrested. Be honest." surrender."

"Green Lantern." At this time, Atrocitus "awakened", gave up the bubble, roared, and rushed towards Hal, "All Green Lanterns must die!"


Red and green collided, Hal's shackles were easily torn apart by Atrocitus, and he himself was punched to shatter the green light shield, spinning and flying into the deep space of the universe.

During the flight, the person also let out a long series of screams.

The heroes who were chatting and laughing on the sidelines and ridiculing the red light for their incompetence changed their expressions.

"Stop!" Dachao reacted the fastest and turned into red light with a "swish", stopping in front of Atrocitas who was about to hit him.

"Seeking death!" Atrocitas ignored it and punched out.

Da Chao reacted very quickly, arriving first and reaching out his palm casually, ready to easily squeeze the fist that "can't even burst bubbles".


"Ouch!" Da Chao also whirled and was shot dozens of kilometers away.

"Uh, this" Louise on the Archimedes airship was dumbfounded.


Guardian Cliff.

There are only little blue men here and there, no other lanterns are present.

"The Red Lantern Corps appears on Earth, there is more than one, it is a legion, Atrocitas is the leader of the legion.

For billions of years, he has targeted us for revenge.

Therefore, it is now certain that the prediction of the battle of color and light has taken a big step forward. Ganser said in a low voice.

"How is the battle going? Can you see it?" the little blue man with the short hair asked.

"Hal Jordan has reached the starry sky, and I'm now projecting starry sky onto his light ring."

Dots of white light flashed in Ganser's eyes, and the scene on the battlefield outside the solar system appeared in front of him very clearly. He could see it more clearly than Hal Jordan at the scene.

"Harley Quinn held up a bubble with a radius of ten meters, and Atrocitus was beating her hard. He discovered that Hal, Hal, Jordan and Rip Man were caught off guard, and were knocked away by Atrocitus one after another. Justice League's The heroes gathered around. The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were defeated one after another. Atrocitus was a little weird, his strength was unreasonable."

"Is he the embodiment of anger? If not, the lamp furnace will not respond to his call." A little blue man guessed.

"I haven't seen the lamp stove yet, so I don't know the specific situation."

"Should we take action? Now is the best time to take down the Red Lantern Corps. If Atrocitas is allowed to escape, a war between the Red and Green Corps will inevitably occur." asked the little blue man with long braids.

"No, Harley Quinn only spit out a bubble and trapped Atrocitus. She is simply the nemesis of all Lanterns." Gunther said with a complicated expression.

"It's because God's power is too strong." Said, the little blue woman, said.

All the little blue people were silent.

After a while, Gunther said in a relaxed tone: "Harley Quinn promised to hand over Atrocitas to Hal Jordan."

"The hidden danger of the red light has been eliminated." The little blue people breathed a sigh of relief.

But Gunther noticed that not all of his companions were happy about the Red Lantern Corps' quick end.

"Are you using astral projection too? Who are you talking to?"

He looked doubtfully at the little blue man with a corrosive scar on his face.

She seemed to be in a daze and showed little reaction to their conversation.

"I'm meditating." She lowered her eyes and said.

She originally had a very beautiful face, a rare beauty among the little blue people.

In the previous battle with the Anti-Monitor, a handful of Anti-Monitor Source was splashed on her face, and her skin felt like it had been poured with concentrated sulfuric acid, with a large corrosive scar appearing.

Ganser did not suspect that she was lying, "You are not in a good condition. The wound on your face is still hurting?"

Said said with concern: "We can form a circle and use the power of our minds to help you expel the corrosive power in the scar and restore you to health."

She refused: "I don't want to cure it. It can always remind me of my past failures and weaknesses. In addition, starting from today, I have a new name. You can call me 'Scarface'."

There are more than twenty guardians here, none of them have names except Ganser and Said.

They had names in their previous lives, names from the Marthus civilization.

After becoming guardians, they abandoned their human emotions and even gave up their names.

Before Kyle rebuilt the Green Lantern Corps and used his life force to bring the little blue men back from death, those little blue men who had been living would still call their companions by their past names.

Now, they have all completed a rebirth and all have no names.

"Scarface." Gunther fell into deep thought. Before Zero Hour Crisis, there was also a fellow Guardian named "Scarface". At that time, everyone still had names. Now...

"As long as you like it."

Soon, he stopped paying attention to his companion who had become somewhat withdrawn, and began to discuss with a group of people the trial of Sinestro and Atrocitas, the two leaders of the Colored Light Legion.

During their discussion, Scarface still looked like he was in a daze.

She is indeed in a state of wandering.

She deceived Gunther, and she had been detaching a part of her consciousness to perform astral projection. Like Gunther, she placed her consciousness on a lantern.

"Ashe of Sector 650, you did a great job. But finding a fragment of the Anti-Monitor is not enough."

In sector 650, in front of the ten-meter-high anti-monitor helmet, Green Lantern Ash hesitated and said: "Based on the energy trajectory, the remains of the anti-monitor may have entered sector 666, which is the restricted area of ​​the Green Lantern Corps.

I want to return to Oa to report this matter to the legion commander, and then with the consent of the guardian—"

"I am the guardian, and I am with you." Scarface interrupted.

"I see."

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