I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1357 The power of the new emotional spectrum

At this moment, Harley had to admit that even though her strength was considered "multiverse level", her understanding of the four-dimensional material universe was still not deep enough.

"I'm sorry, this, this." Standing at the edge of sector 666, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

"How can this be?!"

"What's wrong?" Fatty asked confused.

In order to disguise herself as Green Lantern and find the red lantern beast through the induction between lantern beasts, Harley brought the Ion Shark with her.

"This starry sky has separated from the material world. It is getting infinitely closer to hell, almost sinking into Limbo in space." Harley said with a shocked expression.

There is a shadow realm between the earth and hell. The earth is in the four-dimensional material universe, and hell is the five-dimensional divine realm.

Due to human beings' belief in God and the special identity of God's Garden of Eden, the earth has a miraculous connection with hell and heaven.

The earth has a layer of projection outside hell, the shadow realm.

The Shadow Realm and Limbo are not unrelated concepts.

The "place name" of the border of hell is called the Shadow Realm, and both the Shadow Realm and Hell are located in Limbo.

If you go to hell from the earth, you will cross different dimensions, from the four-dimensional material world to the shadow world, and then pass through the gate of hell and enter the interior of hell.

But there is no shadow world in sector 666, or in other words, the shadow world in sector 666 merges with the material world.

As part of the main universe, Sector 666 is actually directly connected to Hell. Sector 666 is at the gate of Hell. If it continues to "fall", it is likely to become a part of Hell.

"This is not the only case where the material world and Limbo are connected to each other. Remember sector 38? You can directly enter Apokolips and Creation Star from sector 38." Fathead Shark said.

Harley shook her head and said: "Sector 38 only has one starry sky passage to Apokolips, and not the entire sector is approaching Apokolips.

Apokolips is stuck between Sector 38 and Limbo, instead of rising from Sector 38, it is close to Apokolips.

Sector 666 is declining as a whole, approaching hell. There is a big difference between the two. "

If the four-dimensional material world is the first floor, the eight divine realms of Limbo are the second floor, sector 666 "drops" half a floor and climbs to the 1.5th floor; sector 38 is still on the first floor, and Apokolips is on the 1.5th floor.

"Isn't this worth making a fuss about? The dimensions are still blurred near the Origin Wall. Both the material world and Limbo can reach the Origin Wall." Fathead Shark said.

"The origin wall comes from the Creator, but the mutation in sector 666 is caused by humans."

Harry glanced at the silent stars and said in a faint voice.

"You mean the Machine Hunter Massacre?" Fatty said.

Harley nodded lightly, "The massacre created too much death and sin, and resentment boiled over. All the dead souls turned into resentful spirits, unwilling to reincarnate. The material starry sky turned into ghosts and finally, the entire sector fell into the shadow realm."

"I was still confused before. Even if Sector 666 is plowed by machine hunters and all civilizations die, it will all be from the old almanac of billions of years ago.

Not to mention billions, it is possible for millions of years to re-evolve 'human' civilization from scratch.

After all, the robot hunter only kills all living life, not all organic matter.

If it were the current environment of 'hell on earth', it would be reasonable. "

After sighing for a while at the edge of sector 666, Harley turned into green light and continued on her way.

"Harley, the Red Lantern Demon was taken away by Hal Jordan. How did you locate the headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps?" After flying hundreds of light years, the fat man suddenly asked.

"You think I'm flying around?" Harley asked.

"I'm just worried that you asked me to shoulder the heavy responsibility of searching for the location. Let me declare first that I can't find it." Fatty said honestly.

"You don't need to look for it. The headquarters of the Red Lantern Corps is probably on the planet Ismot." Harley said with certainty.

Now she already knows the identity of Atrocitas and knows that he is a member of the 'Vengeance Five', who once established the 'Teardrop Empire' with the capital of Ismot.

After talking to Hal, she also learned that Abinsu and Sinestro had imprisoned Atrocitus twice in the "Blood Sea Prison" on Ismot, a scorched island in the middle of the blood sea.

Hearing that the harsh environment of Ismot was like a sea of ​​​​blood hell, Harley almost dared to conclude that it was the headquarters of Red Lantern.

"Oh, Harley, be careful, I can sense the aura of the green light ring." Fatty suddenly shouted nervously.

Harley quickly calmed down, and the green lantern energy disappeared from her body, and her form would remain the same - she had transformed into Ash, the Green Lantern from sector 650 next door.

"Where is it? It's flying towards me?" she asked.

Fatty let out a long sigh of relief, "Luckily, it didn't notice you."

Harley asked again: "How far away is it from me?"

"do what?"

Harley said quickly: "I want to see who he is and what his purpose is. In theory, there is no Lantern in Sector 666.

If he receives the order from the guardian and comes to the Ismot planet, I will have to use the yellow lantern demon's vest.

Well, the Yellow Lantern Demon accidentally escaped here, overthrew the Green Lantern, and monopolized the legacy of the Red Lantern Headquarters.

Just use the identity of Amon Su, I have seen images of that guy before. "

The fat head pointed out the direction for her and led her quickly around it.

"Whoosh~" A bit of crystal green light shot out, only a lantern ring and no lantern.

"The Lantern is dead." Harley's heart moved, and she activated the source of will in her body - she had eaten Fat Head's "shark meat", and there were green tentacles of the source of will in her stomach pouch, which were used to simulate the central energy battery of the green light. To suppress the strong.

The Parallax monster had been suppressed in the stomach space by the tentacles of the source of will for several years.


The light ring flew down to a natural wormhole at the speed of light, vibrated a few times, drew an arc, and flew towards Harley at high speed.

There are two ways to find an heir for the Green Lantern Ring. One is to look for a life with up to the willpower at the location where the Lantern died in battle; the other is to find an heir nearby after the Lantern dies, and the Lantern Ring will fly to the numbered fan. area, scanning the civilized planets one by one.

Harley fits the first scenario at this time.

She also activates the source of will, which is equivalent to the "incarnation of will" of Shanzhai.

The only criterion for Green Lantern selection is willpower.

So, it flew towards her.

"Intelligent life has been locked, and Harley Quinn from sector 2814 is assassinated. The hidden clause is activated - the light ring cannot choose Harley Quinn as the successor. If the light ring loses its owner and encounters Harley Quinn, You should run away immediately to avoid her stealing the green light energy. Whoosh~~"

The light ring moved away from Harley faster.

"Bang!" It hit a layer of transparent bubbles and flew around like a headless fly in the bubbles.

Harley sneered and grabbed it, "Fat Head, can you read its green light log?"

"I'll try." The fat head stretched out a tentacle and wrapped the light ring.

"Lamp ring status report. It is determined to be the energy of the lantern beast Ion Shark, and the hidden clause is activated. The third Ion Shark is Witch Harley's lackey, and refuses any of its permission requests. Alert, alert, stay away from Witch Harley and her henchmen immediately. "The light ring made a quick sound, and the green light on its surface flashed rapidly.

"The Green Lantern Corps is guarding us, what should we do?" Fatty asked sarcastically.

"The lamp ring diary has already recorded our information, so we definitely can't put it back."

Harley wrapped the lantern ring with a layer of bubbles and put it on her finger. "Now it looks more like Green Lantern."

"But it has to go back sooner or later." Fatty said.

"The fragments of the light ring left at the crime scene will only be discovered by others and then taken back." Harley chuckled.

"Harry, you are so cunning!" Fatty shouted.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Just as Harry made a gesture of flying into the sky, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes flickered and said: "Fat Head, can you find the direction from which the light ring is flying?"

"It's okay to determine its flight path just now, but it may have passed through several natural wormholes along the way. As long as it passes through a wormhole, we won't be able to trace its origin." Fat Tou said.

"Follow him as far as you can. I'm curious as to why the Lantern came here and who killed him," Harley said.

"You come with me."

Unfortunately, Fat Head was right. After flying along the path of the light ring for ten minutes, Harley encountered a wormhole with a teleportation distance of two thousand light years.

She has already deviated from her destination now, and she will only deviate further if she continues walking.

Harley was a little hesitant. It was just a Lantern who died as soon as he died. There may not be any secrets, but this wormhole is a one-way passage and there is no complicated "crossroads" inside. It won't take much time to go back and forth.

She gritted her teeth and dove in.

"Hey, this kind of breath." There is no battlefield at the other end of the cosmic wormhole, and there is no Green Lantern corpse visible to the naked eye, but Harley has other gains.

First, there was a faint sense of crisis in her spiritual sense.

This sense of crisis rarely occurs anymore, especially when it comes from the environment.

Then, she noticed the source of the crisis. The starry sky seemed to be filled with a dark atmosphere of corruption and decay.

"Strange." Harley was confused. Sector 666 was close to Hell, and it was not surprising that there was a dark aura, but it was obvious that this aura did not come from Hell.

There is also a black hair as thick as a chopstick and one meter long on the back of her head, the vellus hair of a small black bean.

If it is the breath from hell, it will sense it.

"Fat Head, how do you feel?" Harley asked.

"It's very uncomfortable. The atmosphere here disgusts me, but I'm also a little scared. I don't know why." Fatty said.

"It seems that this star field does hide secrets."

Harley no longer hesitated, turned into a beam of green light, and rushed towards the direction with the strongest darkness.

Two hours later, she arrived at a planet wrapped in darkness.

"That's right here. The aura that disgusts me and scares me comes from the planet below." Fatty said nervously.

Harley frowned, "Something's wrong."

"What is the problem?"

"The aura of darkness and depravity has weakened, and the reaction of the crisis sense seems to have stopped." At this point, Harley seemed to have thought of something, and her expression changed slightly, "This is indeed the source, but the other party noticed that we Approached, avoided.”

"Huh." Fatty let out a long sigh of relief and said in a relaxed tone, "It's okay to leave. When I flew over, I was always worried that there would be a big battle."

"With me here, what else do you need to worry about?"

"If there were you and Superman, I wouldn't worry, it's just you. Harley, think about it carefully, which strong person have you defeated by yourself? In almost every battle, you have teammates around you." Fathead said.

"Then think about it, how could they have accomplished anything without me?"

Harley said something and quickly fell into the dark planet below.

When she came to the surface, she smelled a strange rotten smell like the Lantern Ash before her.

"Fat head, do you smell it? It feels like a grave that has been buried for many years was dug up on a cloudy day!"

Harry, who was wrinkling his nose and holding his breath, suddenly changed his expression, first shocked, then overjoyed.

"What's wrong?" Fatty asked quickly.

"Hehehe, we really came to the right place this time."

Harley's eyes showed a strange look, and she laughed happily as she stared at the earth below surrounded by black miasma.

"What did you find? Tell me quickly." The fat head became more and more curious.

Harry raised his head, opened his mouth, faced the dark clouds in the sky, and took a deep breath, "Huhuhu~~~"

A huge tornado formed above her head, and a large amount of rotten air, like a newly dug grave on a cloudy day, poured into the dimension of her stomach, entering the loophole formed by the gastric acid mist, and wisps of pure black energy gathered below the loophole.

The evolutionary treasure deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness sent a message at the right time: "The discovery of high-level emotional spectrum energy, the energy attribute is suspected of darkness and death, will it open a new branch of the sixth emotional spectrum defense expertise?"

The cognition of the Evolutionary Treasure is Harley's own cognition. At this moment, Harley does not know which emotion the dark energy belongs to, so the Evolutionary Treasure cannot put a name label on it.

"Turn on."

As soon as Harry had an idea, an illusory expertise experience jar appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and pure black experience points slowly flowed into it.

"Fat Tou, besides red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet, are there any other emotional spectrums?"

"As far as I know, there are only these seven types of visible spectrum. Although human emotions are rich, they can basically be expressed by seven emotional elements: anger, greed, fear, pity, love, hope and will." Fatty said.

"What about death? Does death count as an emotion?" Harley asked.

"What do you think?" Fatty asked.

Harley hesitated and said: "I think 'death' is just a process and a result, not an emotion."

"That's it."

"But I found emotional energy here that seems to have the attribute of death." Harley said.

The fat head glanced at the huge tornado gathering above her head, and realized, "You extracted new emotional energy from the decaying air. Does it represent death?"

"I'm not 100% sure that its attribute is death. I'm only sure that it is an emotional power." Harley said.

If it is not the power of emotion, it cannot become a branch of the defense expertise of the sixth emotional spectrum.

"I can also assure you that the emotional spectrum energy pool in the Origin Wall only has seven visible spectrums. There is no death. Death is not an emotion." Fat Tou said seriously.

"Forget it, no matter what properties it has, as long as it can be used."

Harry put aside his distracting thoughts, opened his mouth, and swallowed the heaven and earth.

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