"Move the positions of planets on a large scale throughout the universe to achieve the purpose of changing the center of the universe." Kyle Rayner said in disbelief: "What a huge project this is. Who can do it? What does he want to do?"

"Oh my god!" Dinah suddenly remembered something and exclaimed: "Harry, the photo of the 'potholes in the ground' you showed me, could it be the traces left by 'Superman'?

He pushed the planet with both hands, moving at the speed of light in space. He used too much force to leave deep fingerprints on the surface of the planet? "

Then she remembered Harley's tip just now: pay attention to the location of the potholes.

She didn't understand it before, but now she concludes the process: If a superman really pushed Lann Star to the side of Senagan Prime, then the position of the handprint must be on the back of the direction of the planet.

In other words, if a person pushes a box toward the east, his hand must be placed on the west side of the box.

Dinah quickly connected to the main brain of the Archimedes airship and called up the scene of the Rann star coming to the North Pole galaxy.

The video comes from a Senagan satellite.

Analyzing frame by frame, the location of the crater when Lan jumped out of the super-light space and entered the material world.

"Just on the back side of the direction of the planet, the error is less than one ten thousandth. This"

The figure of the murderer quickly appeared in Dinah's mind. It seemed that Chao was the most suitable person?

She shuddered, "It can't be tearing Man apart, right? He has no reason to do this."

"Kyle, ask your Lantern teammates to investigate each displaced planet and find the back side of the flight direction to see if there is a 'thrust pit'." Harley said.

Kyle said solemnly: "If you want to push a planet to fly at the speed of light or even faster than light, let alone the power, you have to ensure that the planet does not directly crack or be drilled into a hole by the huge force. His superhuman biological force field is just right. , ordinary Kryptonians cannot achieve his level. Large-scale force fields are his exclusive talent.

He has moved the planet many times”

Harley said quietly: "There is more than one Superman in the world."

"Who else? There is only one universe now, and the multiverse has long since disappeared during the Crisis on Infinite Earths." Kyle said.

"Let's investigate my problem first. If you still have doubts, wouldn't it be more convenient to go directly to Tearman?" Harley said.

The investigation process does not take long, it only takes less than ten minutes, and the results are out.

"You guessed it right, there is a cracked hole on the back of every planet." Kyle looked complicated and projected the images in front of her, playing them one by one.

Different planets have different soil textures, and the depth and depth of the pits and cracks are also different, but the same location and style have proven that the mastermind behind the scenes is indeed a "Tearman".

"We should tell Lann and the Senagon people the truth immediately." Kyle said.

"Well, you go and inform them."

"And you?"

"I returned to the battlefield and continued to break up the fight."

Kyle's expression cracked like a "thrust pit."

The battle on the Rann-Senagon battlefield is still fierce, even more intense than before.

"Why don't they stop fighting?" Kyle asked in frustration.

Harley said calmly: "So far, more than 40 million people have died on Lann's side, and two main stars and eight colonial stars have been lost; nearly one million people have died in Senagang, and the main system has been almost reduced to ruins. How can we stop? "

Not all of the 40 million people killed on Rann's side were Rann, more than 60% came from allies and colonial stars.

Just like the Indians who served the British during World War I and II.

Of course, Rann's allies must be stronger than the Indians.

You must know that one million people died in Senagan, one million "Eagle Man"!

If Hawkman is regarded as a unit of measurement and excluding some hard-to-estimate villains like Superhero and The Flash, all the superheroes on earth combined would not be enough to have one hundred "Hawks".

"This war can't be stopped?" Kyle asked anxiously.

"Now both sides are increasing their investment in conventional forces, which shows that they are also very anxious. When conventional forces are ineffective, they will come up with their own trump cards. After the collision of the trump cards of both sides, we will almost know who wins and who loses." Harley said .

Senagon shattered a continent, and its orbit was getting closer and closer to the star. Now it was almost touching the sun. Even the air was burning. The surface temperature was close to 500 degrees, but the planet was still not completely abandoned by the Senagon people.

No matter how harsh the planetary environment is, it is not as good as the universe.

The Senagon's spaceships can fly freely in the universe, and some of their buildings can naturally be preserved in fire.

In fact, the powerful Yingmen warriors don't care about the high temperature.

"My Lord Onyma, the torch bearer of the Green Lantern Corps just sent a message that the Rann Star jumped to the North Pole Galaxy. It was not all out of control omega rays."

The commander knelt in front of the altar engraved with runes and told the story of "Superman" pushing the planet.

"There are third-party forces eyeing the battlefield. We must either win quickly or have a truce with the Lann people. But even if we are willing to truce, the rebellious Scientologists may not agree."

Onyima understood the meaning of his followers and asked him to take action and sweep away all dissenters.

"I will not fully descend into the human world before I obtain the Zeta light wave technology." He said directly.

As the Demon King of Hell, of course he is currently huddled in a secret lair deep in hell.

The commander-in-chief also understood the meaning of his "god" and was afraid that Witch Harley would take action.

"My lord, I have tested Harley Quinn before, and she will remain 100% neutral."

"Hmph, she is the Witch Harley. Even fools will not believe her promises now." Onyma said.

"She swore."

"Her oath has a price. My body of tens of thousands of tons of N metal alone is worth far more than the price of her oath."

"Then what should we do now? How to deal with third-party forces?" the commander asked worriedly.

"Wait, wait for the Lann people to reveal their flaws, and then find the opportunity to grab at least one set of Zeta light wave transmitters. With it, I can face the Witch Harley directly."

As a demon king, Onyma can certainly open ultra-long-distance space gates in the universe, but space teleportation is a magical power and can be interrupted and blocked by magic.

Especially when facing the Witch Harley, space teleportation seems too slow and the casting time is too long.

Zeta light waves are technological creations that can be teleported instantaneously and over infinite distances, and are almost uninterruptible - Adam Strange has tried countless times on Earth, and neither superheroes nor super villains have been able to intercept him.

Therefore, having mastered the Zeta Light Wave and being unable to defeat Witch Harley, Onyma was confident that she could escape easily.

Lann Star, secret headquarters, military conference room.

Sadas said calmly: "You don't have to worry. Although the third-party force is full of malice towards us, its goal should not be galactic hegemony."

"What do you say?" Darwin, commander of Rann's first fleet, asked.

Sardas smiled and said: "In order to get us to cease the war with Senagon, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner only said that the jump from Rann Star to the North Star System was the result of manipulation by the mastermind behind the scenes.

In fact, we are just one of the targets of the black hand. Across the universe, at least 20,000 planets have been moved. "

"Is the news confirmed? Twenty thousand planets, what are you going to do?" the speaker said in shock.

"The news comes from Adam. He is also a hero of the Alliance. Green Lantern will not hide it from him, and he will not hide it from me. As for what the Black Hand wants to do, we don't have the energy to care. The war in front of us is the most important!" Sadas road.

The Speaker sighed: "Our planet is being captured by the Tamaran and New Senagan coalition forces one after another. Even if there is no third party force, we can hardly survive it."

Sadasi's eyes flashed slightly, "Then let's dispatch the Zeta team."

Everyone was shocked, "Onyma has never concealed its desire for Zeta light waves. If we dispatch the Zeta team, it will definitely——"

At this point, several generals stopped again, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"Are you sure the Galaxy will take action?"

"If she stays on the sidelines, we will probably not be a match for the Seven Demons Cult."

The Speaker also said seriously: "The history of Onyma in the galaxy is almost as long as the history of Senagan's civilization.

It even helped the Senagon people end their ignorance and barbarism and move towards civilization and enlightenment.

In this long history, there were many powerful civilizations that coveted Senagang's N metal. At that time, Senagang's N metal technology was not yet developed, and they relied solely on the power of the Seven Demons Cult to protect their homeland. "

Sadas sighed: "I'm definitely not 100% sure. No one can guess the thoughts of Witch Harley. But now, we can only take a gamble."

Sardas' son-in-law from Earth did not attend the highest military meeting of the Lann people and was not qualified enough.

But he also plans to make his superhero son-in-law the captain of "Team Zeta".

As soon as the meeting ended, the old father-in-law called his son-in-law to the combat headquarters to prepare for a face-to-face meeting.

"Sadas, Harley asked me to tell you that she has returned to Earth in advance, and the work of persuading peace is temporarily left to Black Gold. Ahem, it's Dark Phoenix." Adam Qixia reported a bad news to him first. information.

"What? Why is she gone?" Sadas was dumbfounded. If she left, who would deal with Onyma?

No, after hearing that she was leaving, Onyma couldn't immediately jump out and sweep across the battlefield?

"What happened to the earth?" he asked with an ugly face.

"After discovering that there was someone behind the scenes distorting the structure of the universe, Harley immediately planned to activate the cosmic tuning fork - do you know it? It can stabilize the energy and structure of the universe."

"Of course I know." Sadas was very impressed by the tuning fork, and he even applied to the Earth to form a "Lann-Earth Joint Scientific Research Team" to conduct reverse research on the Creator's highest technological crystallization.

The U.S. government was flattered and agreed, but the Justice League sternly refused.

"The tuning fork was stolen." Adam Qixia said.

"The mastermind behind the scenes actually stole the cosmic tuning fork. That thing either stabilizes the state of the universe or changes it. Is it going to restart again? How long has it been? What happened to the universe in recent years? It keeps restarting."

Sadas was startled at first, then relaxed, "This is barely good news for us.

At least it shows that we don’t need to worry too much about third-party forces. Their eyes are on the entire universe, not just this small area of ​​​​the Milky Way. "

He is very self-aware that galactic hegemony is very important to advanced civilizations like them, but he will not be looked down upon by the bosses who "change" the universe.

Adam Qixia disagreed with his father-in-law's optimism. "We are also in the universe. If a big crisis of cosmic level occurs, we will not be able to escape."

"I understand, I'm just enjoying the pain." Sardas frowned, "If the news gets out, let the Senagon people know about the stolen tuning fork."

"Will they cease war with us for the sake of the overall situation?" Adam Qixia expected.

Sadas looked at him strangely for a while and said, "Are you familiar with that Dark Phoenix?"

The topic changed a bit abruptly. Adam Qixia was stunned for a moment before saying, "She joined the Justice League very early."

He briefly told Dinah's situation, not even hiding the fact that the Seven had twisted the villain's will.

Sadasi's eyes lit up and he said: "This is a righteous hero who hates evil, dares to act, and is full of courage. Adam, I will give you a task."

He leaned into Adam Qixia's ear and whispered a few words.

After his son-in-law was ordered to leave, he called the Speaker of the Lann Council and several generals to tell him about the theft of the tuning fork and Harley's departure.

"What should we do? When the Senagon people are sure that the Galaxy Admiral will not be able to return to the North Star System in a short time, they will most likely dispatch Onyma." The Speaker worried.

"Hehe, I thought this was bad news before, but if I think about it differently, this is simply a good opportunity given to us by God." Sadas said with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

"Let me ask you, if the representative of Zhenglian, Dark Phoenix, was killed by Onyma, and even had his soul taken away, what would be Harley Quinn's reaction?" Sadas said with a sinister smile.

"Why did Onyma kill Dark Phoenix? It's not stupid."

"Because Dark Phoenix blocked his way!" A calculating look flashed in Sadas's eyes, "Secretly releasing the news to let Onyma know that the stars have shifted, the tuning fork has been stolen, and the universe has undergone drastic changes. Witch Harley has been restrained from all her energy.

Then adjust the frontline military deployment, evacuate Rann's army in the star field at the straight-line distance between Senagan Star and Rann Star, and arrange for our allies to go up.

When Onyma uses evil soul magic to harvest souls from the ordinary army, the righteous Miss Dark Phoenix will not be able to help but stop it. "

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