I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1270 Cosmic Building Blocks

The meteorite belt in space 0.1 light-years away from Beichen Star.

Thousands of Tamaran battlecruisers turned off their lights and flames, floating quietly among the meteorites.

If it weren't for the smooth metallic color of the shell and the intimidating muzzle, they would be almost indistinguishable from meteorites.

"We didn't have a covenant before."

In the mothership, Speaker Senagan did not show much joy after escaping from prison.

He stared at the dark-skinned queen across from him with a serious expression, "You are deceiving the Galaxy Admiral. You Tamaranians have been dealing with the Seven Demons Cult for a long time. There are even many followers of the Seven Demon Cult on Tamaran.

The Cult of the Seven Demons advocates war and death, and you Senagan vassal civilizations are eager to gain benefits in the war of conquest, military orders, mercenary military expenses, and the trade of supplies and slaves.

Tamaran can be regarded as the most loyal hound of the Seven Demons. "

Black Fire said lightly: "First of all, all the people on Tamaran who are related to the Seven Demons Cult are either of high status and will be put into prison by me, or if their status is not high enough, they will be executed directly.

Secondly, the ‘Seven Demon Cult Hounds’ you mentioned perished decades ago.

Tamaran is now reborn under my will.

I hate the Seven Devils, and Tamaran will never cooperate with the Seven Devils.

In the end, Harley Quinn doesn't care at all about what you said.

She didn't even care about the outcome of the Rann-Senagon war.

But you and I are in this situation, and as leaders, we must do something to make the outcome best for our people. "

The speaker's expression softened, "Why don't you like the Seven Demons? They are always very generous to their believers."

"When I learned that the seven supreme masters of the Seven Demons Cult were just seven errand boys in front of Witch Harley, and she killed six of them casually, and the remaining one no longer dared to set foot on the earth, I could no longer face it. They engender any reverence.

The Seven Demons are useless, and the Patriarch who believes in them is naturally even more rubbish.

Those rubbish guys are still very arrogant, and they often point fingers and yell at Tamaran.

I can tolerate this, after all, the situation is stronger than the person.

But now the situation has changed, and the Witch Harley has come to the North Pole Galaxy in person. "

Blackfire sneered: "Tell me, how will she feel when she sees the Senagan army summoning Onyma as its final trump card?"

The speaker hesitated and said: "She is the mediator, as long as Onyima does not take the initiative to provoke her."

Blackfire snorted and said disdainfully: "You dare to bet? If she takes action against Onyma, what do you think the outcome of the Lann-Senagon battle will be? By the way, tell me, she will solve Onyma's needs How many moves?"

The speaker's expression changed, and he said in a low voice: "I agree that the Seven Demons Cult cannot represent Senagan, and now we can announce the establishment of a new Scientology government.

I will follow your instructions exactly and discuss the 'New Senagang and New Peace Agreement' with the Galactic Admiral. "

Blackfire nodded with satisfaction, "If you insist on refusing, I will use you as a pledge to truly join Lan's camp, because I don't want to be a loser."

"You think I don't want to force the commander-in-chief to step down?" The speaker smiled bitterly: "I didn't agree before because I didn't want to split Senagon at this critical moment and let Lan get a big advantage on the battlefield.

This is a battle for national destiny. Senagon has already put everything on the line and cannot afford to lose. "

"I said, I don't want to be a loser." Blackfire said.

Speaker Rosoff was shocked. She didn't want to be a loser, but now she firmly stood on the side of the "Scientific Senagon Government".

"What are your plans?" he asked expectantly.

Blackfire smiled and said: "Now the full-scale war between Lann and Senagan has begun, but there are only two main battlefields, the Arctic Galaxy and the Throne World. Do you know the reason?"

Speaker Rosoff nodded slightly, "For Zeta rays! There are only two places in the universe with Zeta rays, the Throne World and Rann Star.

There is only one Zeta Ray in the Throne World, which was a gift from the Lann people to the Omega Team.

So the commander-in-chief divided a team to attack the throne world.

But Rann is the main target, so the main battlefield is in Senagan's own home system. "

Having said this, he couldn't help but sigh, "Although most of the followers of the Seven Demons Cult are brainless lunatics, there is no problem with the strategy of the Great Commander.

Zeta ray is Rann's core technology. Once it is cracked by us, no matter what the war situation is at that time, the final winner will definitely be Senagon.

If we establish a new government now, it will definitely cause internal divisions in Senagon and unstable military morale, which will ultimately affect this strategy. "

Blackfire said disdainfully: "Zeta Ray is indeed the root of the Lann people. The leader's strategy may be okay, but his tactics are simply terrible.

Directly transfer the main force to attack the planet with Zeta rays, fearing that others will not know his purpose? "

"What do you mean?" Speaker Rosov asked doubtfully.

"Senagon's main force is in the Arctic Galaxy and the Throne World. The main force of the Lann people has also followed them to those two battlefields. The rear of the Lann people is in an empty state. We can take advantage of it."

Black Fire looked at the twinkling stars outside the window and said with a smile: "We are now outside the Beichen Galaxy. It is the second main star of Lann, and its richness is no less than that of Lann Star.

If it is captured, Lann will suffer heavy losses, and the impact of the 'Senagan New Government' on the frontline war will be offset.

Take it in your name and it will be your merit.

You can call on more undecided Senagonians to join the new government.

The rich resources of the North Star can be used to bribe mercenaries, and your army will expand rapidly.

Next, we will attack Ron'en Planet, Lann's third main planet. Hahaha, let the Seven Devils help us hold down Lann's main force at the North Star. The vast Milky Way is our hunting ground. "

"A good idea, but in your plan, the biggest beneficiaries are Senagon and I. What can you and Tamaran gain?" The Speaker suppressed his excitement and asked cautiously.

Black Fire looked him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze and commented: "Although he is a bit old, he has good looks and abilities. We can get married."

"You and me?" The Speaker opened his mouth wide and looked dull.

"No, you and my sister are engaged now. You will be my sister-in-law, and I will make you the Prince of Tamaran. In this way, when you lead Senagon to win the 'Galaxy War' and become the first overlord of the galaxy, Tamaran will You can get huge benefits along the way." Black Fire said.

The Speaker completely let down his guard, "Your sister, Princess Sparkle, does she agree?"

"She has no reason or right to refuse."

Less than half an hour after sending Adam Qixia away, Harley received a video communication request from Speaker Senagan.

His rhetoric is the same as Blackfire's.

After finishing the conversation with Harley, Representative Rosoff immediately announced to the galaxy that the Seven Devils Cult is a cult that "any peace-loving good person" cannot accept, and that the new Senagon government will completely abolish this sect.

The galaxy shakes.

Senagon's army was shaken, the commander was furious, and the star of Lann was ecstatic.

Two hours later, Beichenxing fell. Speaker Rosoff formally formed the "Senagan New Government" at Beichenxing, and declared firmly: The new Senagan government will resolutely safeguard the overall interests of the Senagan people and will never surrender to the Senagan people. The Ranns compromised.

The galaxy was shaken again, the soldiers and civilians of Senagan were also shaken again, the commander was shocked, and the Lann people were angry and helpless.

Half a day later, Lann's most important resource star, Ron'en Star, became the second planet to fall.

"Dina, you continue to stay on the battlefield to 'break up the fight' while I go to Lann Planet."

A succession of unfavorable news about Lan Enxing came, and Harley couldn't sit still.

"Is it the fall of Beichen Star and Rongen Star? Alas, the Queen of Tamaran is really powerful, and the battle situation is becoming more and more confusing." Dinah sighed.

"The fall of Beichen and Rongen is not a big deal, but the significance it represents is very extraordinary."

As Harley left the battlefield and quickly flew to the Rann Star, she said on the communication channel: "I previously thought that the Rann Star's jump to the North Pole Galaxy was a conspiracy of the chief scientist Sardas.

Just as the commander accused him, he deliberately set up a trap to allow the Senagan female agent to successfully steal the omega-ray transmitter.

The program of the transmitter was secretly adjusted by him. No matter where the female agent planned to teleport to Rann Star, the final destination would be the North Pole Galaxy, and the Senagan home planet would be torn into pieces. "

"Are you sure it's not a conspiracy or Sadas's trap?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

"The omega-ray emitter must have been manipulated by him, but Lann fell into the Arctic Galaxy. Now it seems that it was probably not his purpose.

If the current situation comes from his plan, then the war should be absolutely beneficial to Lan.

The reality is that Lann was completely stunned by Tamaran's tricks and did not come up with any backup plan.

This is not normal.

Either Sardas hadn't thought it through well, or he hadn't planned it at all.

Combined with the explosion of Rann's main system some time ago, when Rann-Senagon had signed a peace agreement under the auspices of Hal Jordan, I estimate that there is really a third-party force secretly interfering in the war between the two major civilizations of Rann-Senagon.

It hopes that Rann and Senagan will fight. It is the destroyer of Rann's main galaxy, and it is also its handiwork that Rann star falls into the North Pole Galaxy. "

Dinah exclaimed in horror, "It's the Queen of Tamaran! She fished in troubled waters and reaped the maximum benefits."

Harley pouted, "She doesn't have that ability yet. If she can quietly blow up the sun in Lann's main galaxy and interfere with the operation of omega rays, with her character, she can dominate the universe with a lot of shouts."

"Are you going to discuss this matter with the Lann people now? Why not hold a video conference and bring the Senagan people in to discuss it?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

"I have no evidence at all, how can I talk about it? Moreover, they have already speculated about the third-party forces, but they still chose to go to full-scale war.

The root cause of the Lann-Senagon battle was never hatred, but the interests of the 'first civilization in the galaxy' - Eh! "

As he was talking, Harley had arrived at Lann Planet and immediately made a new discovery.

"Shit, I didn't expect the answer to be so obvious and clear. I was really careless before."

"So fast? What did you find?" Dinaqi asked.

"The answer lies in a piece of land"

Harley took a photo and sent it over, asking, "Do you see it?"

It was really just a piece of land, with a pit as the center and spiderweb-like cracks splitting in all directions.

The pit is not big, at most about ten meters deep, and the deepest diameter is less than two meters.

On the other hand, the ground cracks around the pit were somewhat wide-ranging, spreading to several kilometers away, and even the hard roads were cracked.

"Isn't this just a pit?" Dinah didn't know why.

"It's not ordinary, pay attention to its location"

Harley dialed Kyle Rayner's "cell" and asked, "Kyle, what are you doing?"

"Captain Comet and I are rescuing people on the planet Senagon. Harley, come here quickly. Onyma has awakened. It is frantically devouring the souls of prisoners of war. There are Rann people and Senagon people from the Chancellor's faction." Kyle said urgently. .

"I asked you to ask the little blue man before, have you asked?" Harley said.

"What are you asking? Oh, you mean about the center of the universe? Hey, the most urgent thing now is——"

"Send a message to the Green Lantern Corps immediately." Harley interrupted him in a serious tone, "Have the Book of Oa notify all Green Lanterns and ask them to check their sectors to see if there is any large-scale planetary displacement."

"What planet shift?" Kyle asked blankly.

"It's like Rann, suddenly jumping from one galaxy to another."

"How is that possible?" Kyle laughed, "There is only one omega-ray emitter in the entire universe."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not discussing problems with you." Harley shouted.

Kyle was silent for a few seconds and then said: "The message has been sent out, I guess I have to wait - eh, a lantern responded to me, so fast - Oops, Harley, you, you guessed it right!

There is abnormal planetary displacement in sector 1239. The lanterns in sector 1239 are calling for friends to move it back - shit, there is also one in sector 289, and there is also 489."

"Harry, why are there so many abnormal planet jumps?" he said in horror.

"Because a certain 'superman' is purposefully changing the center of the universe, using the planet as a building block to create chaos. It's like an empty room. Originally, there were 100 people standing there. They were evenly distributed in the room, and the center of gravity of the room was at the center.

Now, have more people stand on the left side of the room, and the center of gravity will begin to shift to the left. "

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