Earth, the great fortress of solitude.

Empty basement.

Harley frowned and said, "What are you doing? You're a big guy dozens of stories tall, and you didn't react at all when it was stolen?"

"Sorry, there have been too many things lately. I have been staying in Metropolis and have never been back to the Fortress of Solitude."

Da Chao's tired face was full of remorse and annoyance, "The Fortress of Solitude has the most advanced security system. Even the door key is made of white dwarf fragments. It weighs a million tons. No one can pick it up if it is placed at the door. How can a thief Did you go in quietly?"

Harry's heart moved and he said, "Do you know about the shifting of stars and the changing of the universe?"

Dachao rubbed his hair irritably, "There are too many things going on on Earth right now. I really don't have the mood or energy to pay attention to news from outside the Earth."

He seemed to have been holding it in for a long time, and finally found a chance to talk, "First the Freedom Fighters were wiped out, and then a large number of heroes from the Justice Society and the World Governance Society lost contact.

In society, there is news every day about heroes being killed or missing.

I just accepted Bateman's suggestion and asked the heroes of the wizarding world to help track down the secret society, but there was another ghost crisis - you don't know, the ghost went crazy again. "

"He is specifically targeting mages this time and is killing mages in the magic world. I tried to find several magic heroes for help but couldn't find him." Dachao said helplessly.

Harry said calmly: "Didn't I warn you before?"

"Well, you said that at that time we were all paying attention to the 'Hero's Crime'." Dachao slapped his forehead hard and sighed with a painful expression: "What happened recently? All the troubles came together and broke out, making people gasp. There is no effort in tone.”

"Complaining will never solve the problem." Harley said calmly.

"You're right, but I'm completely lost now. What do you think we should do?" Dachao looked at her expectantly.

Harley said: "The most important thing you should do is to put aside your prejudices and unite again.

No matter how powerful the secret society is, can it be stronger than you? No matter how terrifying the ghost crisis is, this is not the first time that he has gone crazy. The Star-Shifted Black Hand is definitely not as good as Darkseid

It's a pity. The Hero Conference was originally the best opportunity to adjust the state.

If you could resolve the conflicts and reform the hero organization at that time, all the problems now would no longer be a problem. "

"Don't talk about the time. Even now, your hero career reform is still not recognized by many people. The hero would rather die than give up the bottom line of justice." Dachao sighed.

"Then let them die. Anyway, what this world lacks most is people. Heroes who cannot adapt to the new era will be eliminated. Those who survive will naturally know what to do." Harley said coldly.

Dachao shook his head and said: "This is too cold. Superheroes are not adapting to the times, but changing the world and making the world a better place because of us."

"A world where secret societies are arrogant and domineering, and superheroes wither and die, would be a better world?" Harley sarcastically asked.

Dachao opened his mouth to refute, but the reality was what she said and he was unable to refute.

"You just said that the shifting of the stars is related to the theft of the cosmic tuning fork?" He could only change the subject.

"What do you know about the shifting stars?"

Da Chao frowned and said: "Someone is pushing the planet to fly at faster than light speed, distorting the starry sky like playing with building blocks. Even for me, it is difficult to achieve this level."

"If it is 'Rip Man' who is pushing the planet, then no matter how tight the defenses of the Fortress of Solitude are, he will be as natural and familiar as going home."

Dachao asked in surprise: "You mean, there is another 'I'? How is this possible? The parallel universe has disappeared."

"The parallel universe disappeared, but 'Superman' did not. Do you remember your adopted son? He took away two 'Supermen'."

Five minutes later, Gotham, Batcave.

"Harley is probably right." Bateman projected a picture on the video wall. It was a little blurry, but both Harley and Dachao could tell it was the watchtower control room.

They even recognized that the person standing in front of the console was the Martian Manhunter who had been missing for many days.

"Boom~~" The explosion came very suddenly, and burst out in the flames - Bateman pressed pause and pointed directly in front of the screen where the flames were lit, "What do you see?"

"Someone flew out of the fire and attacked Jon." Dachao said.

"He was wearing a red cloak!" Bateman stared at the bright red cloak on Dachao, "He also subdued Martian Manhunter with one move. He was very familiar with Martian Manhunter's weaknesses and used fire.

With this appearance, strength, and familiarity with Martian Manhunter, combined with the information currently available, it is highly likely that he is a 'Superman'. "

"But why would he do this? Those two Superman, Old Superman and Little Superboy, are heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for justice!" Dachao still found it difficult to accept.

"If you want to know the reason, find them and ask them personally." Harley looked at Bateman up and down and asked, "Looking at your tired look, it's obvious that you stay up late working every day.

What are the results? You can't always recover the data in the watchtower's black box, right? "

"The secret society was formed by Luther. The orders to destroy the freedom fighters, kill and kidnap heroes also came from him. What does he want to do?" Bateman stared at her and asked.

"Are you sure it's Luther?" Harley asked in surprise.

"I have spies in the secret society, more than one. They have climbed to the top and have seen Luther with their own eyes." Bateman said.

Harley frowned and said, "Theoretically, Luther shouldn't do such a thing."

"What's wrong? Lex Luthor is this kind of person. I should have thought of it a long time ago. Apart from him, no one can make a bunch of unruly, unruly villains who don't belong to each other cohere into a rope and still be so powerful. The energy has defeated all the major hero organizations." Dachao gritted his teeth.

Harley complained: "The villains are united because if they don't unite, the heroes will twist their wills, be caught by Amanda and used as cannon fodder in the suicide squad, be quietly captured by the military for experiments, and quietly die of illness by the government."

They beat you to the ground. It's not that they are too strong, it's that you have lost your faith, your cohesion, and your performance is too low. "

Bateman coughed slightly and said, "The Brother Eye satellite is out of control, and it seems to be related to Luther, because I found that the Brother Eye is cooperating with the secret society."

"I'm going to arrest Luther now."

Da Chao turned around to leave, but was held back by Bateman, "He's missing."

"Missing? I saw him at the Pentagon a few days ago. He was serving as a technical consultant for the military on the Rann-Senagon War.

By the way, Louise’s ‘Star Wars’ series of special programs has become a global hit these days, and Luther has also received an invitation.

As an interstellar weapons expert, he gives the audience the warships and weapons of Copelane and Senagon. " Dachao said in surprise.

"He seems to realize that I have discovered his secret. I suspect that we are all under his surveillance." Bateman hesitated.

"Boom~~~" A dull "thunder" suddenly sounded outside. Even in the Batcave, they could hear its sound and feel the slight vibration of the earth.

Da Chao turned on his super hearing and super vision and immediately said: "It's not an explosion, there is a meteorite falling from the sky, and it is falling to the outskirts of Gotham - hey, that is not an ordinary meteorite, Harley, we have to go out and have a look."

A golden meteor shower falls over Gotham.

Thousands of "meteorites", the smallest is as big as an egg, and the largest is almost as big as a house.

But when people look up, they can't find their source. They don't fly from outer space.

They appear randomly in the Gotham sky, ranging from a few hundred meters to dozens of kilometers above the ground.

Like from another dimension.

"Shit, this is the Fortress of Eternity!" Harley picked up a meteorite and immediately felt a familiar aura. "Old Shazam's Fortress of Eternity fell? Who did it?"

"Witch Harley?"

"Harry, you are finally back!"

Before she and Chao arrived, there were already many heroes on the scene for rescue and disaster relief, including Starfire and Raven from the Teen Titans, as well as magical heroes whose looks and costumes were unusually unconventional.

Several of them are still acquaintances of Harley, including Bobo, the orangutan detective (bartender) of the Forgotten Bar, the "former" owner of the bar, the Night Master, and the Blue Devil holding a trident, a ragged man dressed like a scarecrow.

"What's going on with you?" Harley opened her mouth while mentally transmitting, preparing to swallow all the meteorites in the sky.

"Harry, don't destroy them, they are still useful!" Master Dark Night quickly dissuaded him, "These stones are the cornerstones of the Eternal Castle and must be recycled."

Harley asked strangely: "Isn't it the stone of heaven and hell? You can find it everywhere in heaven and hell. How can you be so economical?"

"Alas, the ghost attacked the Eternal Castle, and the stranger was sealed by it. Only by piecing these rubbles together can the magic on him be lifted." The Dark Night Master explained.

"That Stranger guy." Harley wanted to say that the Stranger was paddling again, but then she remembered that the ghost was not really crazy, he was crazy for a purpose: to collect debts for the old God.

A crazy debt collector asks you if you are afraid.

Since he was fulfilling God's will, it was normal for Stranger to be unable to defeat a ghost that had lost its host and most of its origin.

"Harry, help us, the ghost is crazy!" The orangutan detective Bobo shouted excitedly: "He is now hunting magicians everywhere. Many great masters have been burned into a puddle of tar by the ghost's 'fire of anger'. Okay. miserable."

"So far, more than 700 mages have been killed by ghosts. Just now, even the wizard Shazam was killed." Master Dark Night said seriously.

"More than 700 mages." Harley was a little surprised. "Are there so many mages on earth? Is it possible that all the mages are dead?"

Master An Ye shook his head and said: "Most of them are veteran mages over fifty years old. There are also many who are hundreds of years old and over a thousand years old. They are all old masters.

It's just that they rarely showed up before and have been living in seclusion. Most of them I don't even know. "

"How can you be sure there are more than 700 people if you can't identify them all?" Harley asked strangely.

"Alas, after the ghost went crazy, he was looking for mages everywhere. Everyone in the magic world was in danger, and mages fled to my Forgotten Bar for refuge every day.

Before the disaster struck, the bar had more than a thousand guests.

Then the ghosts came over, and there was a massacre. More than five hundred archmages and old masters were burned into charred remains without any resistance in front of us, and not even the bones were left.

The remaining people could only continue to flee, and finally we escaped to the Eternal Castle.

Hundreds of mages worked together to build the Fortress of Eternity into a super defensive fortress. Even Stranger and Shazam were with us. As you saw, even the Fortress of Eternity was destroyed.

There must be more than 700 mages dead, 700 is just the number I saw personally. "Master Anye said sadly.

"Harley, now we can only rely on you. You are the only one in the entire universe who has defeated the ghost, more than once.

Let's go to your Quinn Manor to build the last 'fortress of hope'. "The orangutan detective looked at Harry eagerly.

Harley was about to decline when her cell phone suddenly rang.

It's Dinah, the Dark Phoenix who stayed in the Arctic Galaxy.

"Harry, something happened, come here quickly." Dinah said urgently.

"What's up?"

"Onima appeared with the immortal holy warriors of the Seven Demons Cult. They are almost immune to attacks from ordinary energy weapons, but have the strange ability to swallow the souls of living people.

The Lann coalition suffered heavy casualties, with 100,000 people dying every minute.

This is not a normal interstellar war, this is a cruel massacre of living people by demons. I think - no, Adam Strange is in danger, ahhhhh~~~~"

"Click~~Stick~~~" The receiver of Harley's cell phone exploded, and a string of small sparks erupted.

She understood that Dinah gave up her neutral status and took action against the Senagon people.

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