I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 130 Deathbed Transformation

The hunchbacked old wizard said solemnly: "There is no light at the end of the road, but the most primitive and deepest darkness.

Everything in the world, including light and the Holy Light of Heaven, was born from that darkness. "

All the apprentices looked puzzled.

Harry was embarrassed for the old man. He spoke extremely solemnly, as if he was unveiling the wonderful truth of the world, but when they heard it, they only felt that it was false and empty.

"Alas, you, our ancestors, have spent countless years exploring the truth of the universe with their lives and souls."

The hunchbacked old man shook his head and said something more direct: "What was the world like before God created it?

You have all heard a saying - God said let there be light, and there was light.

Then, before God moves, there is no light in the world. "

Harley was stunned. This statement seemed to be logically correct!

The old man continued: "The Genesis Chapter of the Old Testament of the Bible records: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was empty and formless, and darkness was on the face of the abyss; the Spirit of God moved on the water.

God said, let there be light, and there was light.

God saw that the light was good, and divided the light from the darkness.

Think about it carefully, what is the ‘abys’ that existed before the creation of the world?

What lies beneath the waters where the Spirit of God walks?

It's all darkness!

So, what is the core of darkness? "

"Is it a giant ferocious beast?" Harley asked in surprise.

"What is the giant ferocious beast?" Witchfire Rebecca asked blankly.

The old man's eyes, which had been polished by the years, became brighter and sharper. He stared at Harley for a while, nodded slightly and said, "It's the giant beast.

When God created the world, it was under the ‘water’, like a reflection of God’s Spirit.

At the time of creation, light and darkness were separated. The silver city where God lived rose in the light, and the original hell of chaos and desolation sank infinitely.

The abyss of darkness before creation was a place deeper than hell. It became a sea, a sea of ​​darkness without light, a lightless sea.

The purpose of the existence of the wizard group is to awaken the giant beast sleeping in the lightless sea. "

"What do we need the giant beast for?" Rebecca asked curiously.

"The giant ferocious beast is the power of innovation that breaks the old world and creates a new era. It is also the ultimate secret that we mages are pursuing!" the old wizard said solemnly.

"Innovate the world." Berika's expression was a little distorted.

Harley knew that there were no laymen in hell, and the middle and lower-level lords had always wanted to rise to power through rebellion. However, most of the American apprentices only pursued sensory stimulation and excitement, and could not get a sense of resonance from the old man's words.

The old man in a suit knew more about the national conditions of the United States and interjected: "When the giant ferocious beast conquers heaven and takes over hell, we will have the merit to support it. Becoming a god depends on personal talent, but canonizing an immortal and powerful Duke of Hell will It's so easy."

Although the ideal is still somewhat empty, at least the power and immortality are "visible to the naked eye", and all the talented apprentices are excited.

Harley looked at the hunchbacked old man and asked: "Master Wizard, you said before that darkness is the end of our magic path. What impact does it have on our practice of magic?"

"You are about to give birth to your first drop of magic power, do you know?" the hunchbacked old man asked.

"Really?" Harry was surprised at first, then glanced at Wu Huo, who looked disapproving at the side, and quickly calmed down, asking, "How did the wizard see it?"

The old man's eyes seemed to be shrouded in a dark light, "I can see a darkness shrouding you. Have you encountered any mental problems recently?

For example, hearing sounds that others cannot hear, seeing people or things that others cannot see, and even in a trance, it seems like entering another world. "

Harley was really shocked this time.

If the messenger bird hadn't revealed that she claimed to be mentally ill, then this old man really had a lot of skills.

"I always feel like someone is staring at me. I can't sleep well at night. Sometimes I wake up in the morning with cold and black legs and feet. I asked some people and they said it's the price of using black magic."

After saying that, Harley looked at the old man expectantly.

"You are a mortal and cannot awaken magic like them." The old man raised his chicken claw-like right hand and swept it over the other four people in the first row.

"You are not supposed to have any chance of being extraordinary, but you are lucky enough to be exposed to high-level elemental power.

Magic is like nuclear radiation.

Your body will spontaneously adapt to the high-energy element environment, and the high-energy elements are also changing your body.

Let me ask you, before you had any abnormality, had you ever seen a high-level demon, a great magician, an elemental being, or entered the shadow realm? asked the old man.

Shit, this old man is right again!

Harley remembered that before she became "mentally ill", she had just met the Stranger, Old Shazam, Raven, Three Houses, Heaven, Archangel Uriel, and Hell Judge Joy, and had been pulled into the shadow realm many times.

It’s not that I don’t know. After thinking about it carefully, Harry suddenly felt horrified: If magic power was as corrosive as nuclear radiation, each of these powerful powers would be equivalent to a Chernobyl, and she

"When performing black magic, I often unconsciously pull the surrounding reality into the shadow realm, and my entire body is completely immersed." She said with an ugly face.

"Where is the Shadow Realm?" Wu Huo asked curiously.

"Grandma's bones, you go there often? How do you do it? I have been a psychic witch for thirty years. At most, a ray of consciousness entered Limbo, and I narrowly escaped death. Nine times out of ten, I was completely lost and could never come back. "

A black woman in the third row with her head wrapped in a colorful headscarf said in disbelief.

Others whispered, eyeing Harley suspiciously, thinking she was bragging.

They have reason to be suspicious.

Just like when the magic group was chatting, the quantum mage Rich advised her not to listen to Constantine's nonsense and go to play psychic.

In order to travel through Limbo Prison, Constantine specially practiced "Soul Fighting Technique".

Harley is indeed special. Almost every time she uses black magic, she unconsciously moves closer to the shadow world.

It was as if she had a magnet for the powers of hell.

But what’s special is not her talent, but the inconspicuous raven mark between her eyebrows.

The hunchbacked old wizard waved his hands to calm everyone down, and then said: "You don't have to doubt that she is going through her first terminal transformation. This is the most obvious evidence."

"What is deathbed transformation?" Harley asked.

"Transformation is a kind of evolution. Success leads to life, failure leads to death. The first transformation can at least give birth to a drop of magic power in your body."

"There is so much magic power in my body that I can't use it all up. It seems that I have never experienced a single transformation." Wu Huo said with a smile.

"Your bloodline talent is better than hers, but magic power is not the only measure of talent. If we say who can achieve higher achievements in the future, to be honest, I am more optimistic about her."

"Why? Isn't transformation also to gain magic power?" Wu Huo asked puzzledly.

"Because she was too relaxed when she went through the first transformation. There is a lot of hope for her second transformation in the future. As for the third transformation."

The old man looked dazed for a while and sighed: "If she is lucky enough to complete her third transformation, she will become a completely inhuman existence.

At that time, you couldn't bear even a look from her. "

Wu Huo's face was full of doubts, but he didn't say anything to refute.

Knowing nothing about deathbed transformation, she didn't know how to refute it.

Feeling the unexplained glances from many people, Harry twisted his butt and butt a few times and said with a smile: "Master Wizard, you are so complimentary. I am not relaxed now. I go to see a psychiatrist every week."

"Don't let anyone else going through their first terminal transformation hear this, too."

Too Versailles.

If the old man knew the word, he would say so.

"Wizard Didier, it's getting late." The tall old man in a suit whispered: "I don't know how many apprentices I can leave later. No matter how many apprentices I know now, it will be of no use if I can't survive. "

He couldn't speak any more, and the hunchbacked old man glared at him sharply.

"The essence of magic is to use will to create miracles. The more they know, the more determined they are about their future path, and the higher their success rate will naturally be."

Harley had some feelings for the old hunchback.

It's a pity that I took the wrong path.

If everyone in the wizarding group shouts and fights, there will be no room in heaven or hell, so there will definitely be no good results.

Just as he was thinking this, the old man spoke again.

"You may think that the wizarding group is a cult, and that we black mages who cause supernatural tragedies everywhere are unreasonable lunatics and monsters.

But I want to tell you, the truth is in our hands.

Human beings are born weak and have been slaves of heaven, hell and many gods since their birth.

We never really control our own destiny!

Why do the wizarding group preach darkness to the world?

We want the world to believe in the existence of darkness. The more they believe, the stronger our power will be, and the sooner the supreme dark master, the giant beast, will awaken.

Believe is the ladder of faith!

Belief is a kind of power and the foundation that maintains the high-dimensional divine realm, demonic realm, and many magical dimensions.

It is us who allow God to exist!

It is we who allow the gods to sit high in the palace, overlooking the world, and drink, sing and dance.

Limbo is a space of imagination and thinking above time.

Heaven, hell, the abode of the gods, are all hatched in Limbo.

All extraordinary things exist only because of human faith.

Faith allows the existence of Limbo, a dimension higher than reality. "

Except for Harry who looked shocked, all the apprentices looked confused and even a little impatient.

"They are not even apprentices, how can they understand this truth." The tall old man in a suit sighed.

The hunchbacked old man said firmly: "The Wizarding Group does not rely on deception and fear to bring its members together. We are a group of dreamers and like-minded partners.

Only by telling children the truth can they truly accept our ideas. Only with a firm belief can they be considered a qualified black mage of the wizard group. "

"But they don't understand!"

"If you don't understand, just keep it in mind. One day they will recall today and the truth about the world they heard today."

The old man faced the many apprentices and said loudly: "I don't understand some words myself because I have never experienced them.

My ancestors told me, and I will tell you again.

Don't be afraid of the dark, and don't feel inferior to the light because you are in the dark.

We must firmly believe that we are on the right path.

The foundation of the black magic theory of the wizarding group is also very simple.

No matter which great being the magic power in your body comes from, we are all ants in front of them, with no power to resist.

But those great beings are just like ants in front of the giant ferocious beasts.

Therefore, we open our minds, embrace the darkness, and let the supreme power of the giant ferocious beast infect your magic, transform your body, and distort those low-level greatness with greater greatness.

You gave everything to the darkness, and the darkness will give you everything in return. "

Harley was stunned, is this okay?

"Master Wizard, you'd better teach me the meditation method directly! My legs are numb." Wu Huo bent down and beat his legs, saying impatiently.

"Yes, don't say these useless things. We are willing to do anything for the wizard group. Please teach us our true power!" Other apprentices also whispered in agreement.

"Alas!" The hunchbacked old wizard nodded helplessly, "Let's get to the point."

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