St. Jacob's Cathedral.

The kind-faced bald priest opened the side door and complained: "You are too high-profile."

"There's something wrong with your mind. If I'm a high-profile person, who is that idiot who came by taxi?" Harley pointed at the yellow-skinned soldier at the intersection behind her.

The priest's cheek twitched, "You can drive."

Harley released the clutch, and the motorcycle slowly drove into the compound, saying, "It's midnight now. Whether it's Gotham or Jersey City, the streets have become the domain of motorcycle gangs. Driving a motorcycle attracts the least attention."

Entering the courtyard, Harry found that many cars had been parked at the door of the church.

A variety of license plates indicate that they come from various states in the United States.

The priest was guarding the gate and did not follow him. There was no one in the yard. Harry looked around and pushed the motorcycle to the flower bed.

After delaying for a while, the dark wizard sitting in the taxi behind had already walked through the door.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca, are you also here to participate in the magic training of the wizard group?"

It was a reserved woman wearing black-rimmed glasses and a medium-sized Adidas classic white T-shirt, with expectation and anxiety written all over her face.

She looks like she is in her early twenties, has orange-red hair shawl, and looks like a typical American girl. Her face is big and square, and her skin without makeup is slightly rough, but she is healthy and young, and her red face exudes vitality.

As soon as she finished speaking, she asked nervously: "You are so cool. Do all mages dress like you?"

Harley looked down at herself.

A shiny black tight-fitting leather jacket, leather pants, long leather boots, a black eye mask, and a thin mid-length dark brown windbreaker outside the leather jacket.

There is also a black backpack on the back.

Not sure if it's cool or not, but definitely safe.

A windbreaker is really a windbreaker. The leather jacket looks like leather, but is actually a layer of specially treated bulletproof fiber fabric.

Far less powerful than her bulletproof armor, but better in stealth and convenience.

"Aren't we learning magic just to be free and do whatever we want? You can wear whatever you like." Harley took off her motorcycle helmet and immediately hid her head deep in the hood.

"You're right, mastering extraordinary power is just to do whatever you want!"

Harry's words somehow touched her excitement point, and the witch's cheek muscles trembled slightly with excitement.

Then, "Bang!"

Harley sensed a strange but powerful invisible force, which exploded from the red-haired girl's body, and then two orange-red flames as big as footballs shot up on her shoulders.

For the first time, Harley felt the magic in ordinary people.

For the first time, she knew that the magic power could be so powerful, so unbridled, like a tsunami coming towards her face.

She was stunned on the spot.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't learned the meditation method yet. When I get excited, my magic overflows." Rebecca smiled awkwardly, and quickly held her arms and jumped lightly on the spot like she was shivering in winter.

After moving his body, the flame shrank back, and the hot but active magic power also disappeared.

Look at the clothes, they don’t even appear charred.

"How long have you been exposed to magic?" Harry asked dryly.

"It's been three or four years," Rebecca said.

"Oh" Harley's face looked better, "Have you not mastered a meditation method in three or four years?"

Rebecca sighed and said: "I am an orphan and grew up in a church orphanage.

When I was 17 years old, I saw "The Exorcism Rite" for the first time when I was helping my nun organize the library books.

I was attracted by the strange content inside, treating it as a storybook, and was fascinated by it at once.

I didn't even know it at that time, but the magic power was awakening in my body, and bundles of flames were rising from my body. The nun screamed in fright, and I came back to my senses.

Then the nuns locked me in the basement, poured holy water on me, chained me with a cross, and chanted the Bible to exorcise demons.

After struggling for more than a year, the nuns finally determined that I was not possessed by the devil, and then persuaded me to completely convert to Christ and ask God to suppress the evil power in my body.

I was raised by nuns, and they treated me well. I was also quite scared at the time, so I lived in the monastery until a crow found me, and I came here to participate in wizard training. "

Harry said solemnly: "The "Exorcism Ceremony" you saw is different from the "Exorcism Ceremony" that the church sells for 20 cents a book, right?"

Rebecca shook her head, "It's exactly the same, except that the book I saw had a lot of annotations, briefly recording Father Kandar's four exorcism experiences."

Harley felt a little better.

"Real names have power. Even ordinary people's names can affect mysterious powers. So, Rebecca, don't say your name casually in the future."

"So that's it?" Rebecca looked at Harley's eyepatch and cloak and said thoughtfully, "The magic world is dangerous?"

"Definitely more threatening than ordinary people. My codename is 'Diana the Magic Witch'." Harley felt that this American girl had strong magic power and was worth making friends with, so she said frankly: "Actually, my real name is Harley. Quinn."

"Ah, you are the witch Harley! The magical world is indeed very dangerous." Rebecca's face turned pale and she took two steps back in fear.

Harry said with a dull face: "You don't even know what the wizarding group does?"

"Isn't it Hogwarts like Harry Potter?" Rebecca asked.

"The wizarding group is full of dark magicians, similar to the followers of the Dark Lord in Azkaban. The highest purpose of the wizarding group is to awaken the most terrifying demon king in the depths of hell." Harley whispered.

"Ah!" Rebecca's face changed several times, but finally she laughed excitedly, "It's so cool, it turns out we are Lesterlin!"

Harry sighed and walked silently to the church door.

"Hey, sister Harley, wait for me!" Rebecca was no longer afraid of her, and came over happily.

"Don't call me Sister Harley, I am Diana the Magic Witch now." Harley said solemnly.

"OK, I understand, I also have to choose a code name." Rebecca thought for a moment, waved her hand fiercely, and said with a smile: "The magic power in my body is biased towards the fire attribute, so I'll call it Witch Fire!"

After saying that, there was another "bang", and two bonfires rose on his shoulders.

"A magician should do whatever he wants. I don't want to hide my true self anymore!" Witchfire Rebecca seemed to suddenly realize.

Harley glanced at the fire on her shoulder, feeling envious, but didn't say anything.

As soon as I opened the church door, forty or fifty pairs of eyes looked over curiously.

Well, mainly staring at the witch fire coming out of his body.

The lights were not turned on in the auditorium, and clusters of candlelight could not fill the huge space. The interior seemed dark and quiet.

Dozens of people were scattered among the thousands of seats, most of them sitting alone.

"Just so many people?"

Wuhuo was a little disappointed not to see a grand ceremony like the first day of Hogwarts.

Harley's face was gloomy, "I still think there are too many people."

A wizard apprentice represents an Avanti, and an Avanti represents a six-month-old baby.

Harley and Wu Huo found a seat in the front row and sat down, and immediately an apprentice came over curiously.

The older ones were over fifty, and their hair was all white; the younger ones were fifteen or sixteen years old, and most of them, like Harry, covered their faces with hoods, masks, or wizard hats.

"Wow, you're so cool!"

"Are you the Archmage?"

"Is it too tiring to continue consuming magic power?"

Rebecca, who had previously envied Harley as the cool sister, now became the object of everyone's admiration.

With two balls of fire on the shoulders, it seems that even the most ordinary white shirt has become a fashion-leading brand.

Rebecca was also smiling, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded.

After a while, even Sister Harley was forgotten by her.

After listening to their chatter for half an hour, Harley suddenly discovered with embarrassment that except for herself, they all had magical powers.

Not to mention those old guys who have obviously been practicing magic for decades, there are actually more than a dozen novices like Rebecca who are new to magic.

"Apprentices, please come closer to me!"

At close to two o'clock in the morning, two old men with sinister faces walked to the center of the front stage of the auditorium.

The tall old man is in his early fifties, has a clean face, neat beard and hair, and wears a normal suit and leather boots.

Another hunchbacked old man in his eighties or nineties, with dark green runes painted on his face and a linen robe on his body.

The old man in a suit said solemnly: "Some of you have been exposed to magic for a short time, but you are gifted with the ability to awaken the magic.

Some people have been in the magical world for many years without achieving much.

There are also some people who have served the wizarding group for many years as peripheral members.

Many of you don't even know the purpose of this meeting, but you all need a chance, right?

Now, the wizarding group gives you this opportunity. "

Ten priests entered from the side door and came among the disciples. After asking in low voices, they began to arrange seats.

They sat cross-legged directly in the open space in front of the statue of Jesus in the auditorium.

It's a bit like the way Patriarch Hongjun preached.

Those with the best talents and deep blessings sat in the front row, the May Day row, a total of 68 people.

Harley thought she was going to sit at the bottom of the table, but who would have thought that she would actually be placed first in the first row.

This is the seat of the senior sister!

"Ha-it seems that the magical witch doesn't even have magic power." Rebecca said slightly angrily.

She was the most talented and sat in the second seat in the first row, right next to Harley.

She may have been a bit of a novice before, but magic itself is a miracle that breaks the rules.

Through simple conversations and common sense she heard from other wizards, she easily understood the technique of sensing the depth of other people's magic power.

So, she knew that "cool, scary Sister Harley" was just a Muggle for now.

"Stupid!" The hunchbacked old wizard glared at her and said loudly: "You trash and idiots can't even understand the true meaning of magic.

Magic is everything to a mage, but your magic is nothing.

Because although they flow within your body, they do not belong to you at all.

You look down on Witch Harley, thinking that she has no magic power and no talent, but you don't know that on the road to magic, she has already started her terminal transformation, and she has left you dozens of blocks away. "

All the apprentices looked confused at first.

Then, someone came back to their senses and was shocked by Harley's identity: "Witch Harley? Is she the big devil in Gotham who kills people and summons demons to kill the church, Harley Quinn?"

Harley was embarrassed and confused, and was a little touched by the old man's words.

The old wizard sighed and said slowly: "The fact that you are here means that the wizard group has decided to accept you as official members.

If you can successfully complete the ceremony later, you will basically be considered to have entered the inner circle.

The Order worships a great dark god, but the Order is not a sect.

That demon is essentially a truth, a totem, and a symbol.

Like scientists in the mortal world, we are all on the road to exploring the true meaning of the world.

The only difference is that scientists are still confused, but we see the end of the road.

Now, let me describe to you the end scene.”

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